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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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you see them standing in the cold & flue aisle at the drug store. who, by the look of it, is clearly shopping for themselves. they're wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, even though it's the beginning of summer, which indicates they have the chills. their hair is sticking to their forehead a bit which also indicates a potential fever. their nose, big with wide up turned nostrils, is so red it could probably be seen from a mile away. they must be scrubbing and blowing it relentlessly. poor thing. they have dark circles forming under their tired glossy eyes and are constantly sniffling. "Hiih’Nkxshh! Heh-eshooo! E-eh-heh-HEP-STCHIEW! Hh'ITSShhh'ih!" 4 messy sneezes echo from down the aisle. snot spraying into the air due to their poor job at covering. their sneezes are loud, audibly wet and sound a bit painful to be quite honest. their whole body has lurched forward with each explosive sneeze. it was beautiful to watch but you also felt sorry for them. they must feel awful! they fish their hand around in their pocket, pulling out a travel pack of tissues, which is nearly empty. they pluck one from the pack and then shove it back into their pocket, before folding the thin tissue over their large red nose, letting out a long gurgly blow. they sound deliciously, i mean, terribly, bunged up, you thought to yourself. they lower the tissue from their nose, which is even more red now and still has reminisce of snot dangling from their left nostril. they sniffle a few times, their nostrils flaring wide as they do so. once they've collected themselves a bit, they quickly grab some supplies, trying to get out of the store before the next inevitable sneezing fit creeps up on them. a bottle of dayquil/nyquil, a bag of cough drops, a tub of vaporub and 2 boxes of puffs tissues, the lotion infused kind. their poor nose must be so irritated and sensitive. you wonder if they have anyone to go home to, anyone to take care of them and whine about how awful this cold has them feeling. or are they alone? suffering from this sneezy cold all by their lonesome with no one to nurse them back to health. you hope that's not the case, even if it's not you taking care of them, though you wish it was, you hope at least someone is looking after that drippy nose of theirs. with their basket full of cold goodies, they slowly make their way to the checkout. sniffling almost nonstop as they do so. your heart SWOONS.

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@snottysnz Although I must admit I'm a bit squeamish about snot, I really like your description of the cold-stricken person's big, red, sniffly nose with the widely flaring nostrils... the forceful, barely stifled sneezes... Mmmmmm, so lovely! 💕  Keep up the great work! 👍

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23 hours ago, snottysnz said:

you see them standing in the cold & flue aisle at the drug store. who, by the look of it, is clearly shopping for themselves. they're wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, even though it's the beginning of summer, which indicates they have the chills. their hair is sticking to their forehead a bit which also indicates a potential fever. their nose, big with wide up turned nostrils, is so red it could probably be seen from a mile away. they must be scrubbing and blowing it relentlessly. poor thing. they have dark circles forming under their tired glossy eyes and are constantly sniffling. "Hiih’Nkxshh! Heh-eshooo! E-eh-heh-HEP-STCHIEW! Hh'ITSShhh'ih!" 4 messy sneezes echo from down the aisle. snot spraying into the air due to their poor job at covering. their sneezes are loud, audibly wet and sound a bit painful to be quite honest. their whole body has lurched forward with each explosive sneeze. it was beautiful to watch but you also felt sorry for them. they must feel awful! they fish their hand around in their pocket, pulling out a travel pack of tissues, which is nearly empty. they pluck one from the pack and then shove it back into their pocket, before folding the thin tissue over their large red nose, letting out a long gurgly blow. they sound deliciously, i mean, terribly, bunged up, you thought to yourself. they lower the tissue from their nose, which is even more red now and still has reminisce of snot dangling from their left nostril. they sniffle a few times, their nostrils flaring wide as they do so. once they've collected themselves a bit, they quickly grab some supplies, trying to get out of the store before the next inevitable sneezing fit creeps up on them. a bottle of dayquil/nyquil, a bag of cough drops, a tub of vaporub and 2 boxes of puffs tissues, the lotion infused kind. their poor nose must be so irritated and sensitive. you wonder if they have anyone to go home to, anyone to take care of them and whine about how awful this cold has them feeling. or are they alone? suffering from this sneezy cold all by their lonesome with no one to nurse them back to health. you hope that's not the case, even if it's not you taking care of them, though you wish it was, you hope at least someone is looking after that drippy nose of theirs. with their basket full of cold goodies, they slowly make their way to the checkout. sniffling almost nonstop as they do so. your heart SWOONS.

Amazing description, and I can totally relate!  I remember being that person in the cold aisle of a CVS that used to be near my house a few years ago.  I think I had those exact items in my cart.  Coincidentally, while in the aisle to pick up the two big boxes of Puffs Plus tissues, I let out a loud double-sneeze, that echoed through the whole store.....which of course.....led to the most embarrassing thing that could happen....snot started dripping out of my nose (Ewww).  To make matters worse, a very attractive woman came walking down the aisle as this happened (eye roll).  For some reason, she did not react, except to say, "bless you".  I rummaged through my pocket and grabbed a couple of Puffs Plus tissues from home (which I have big boxes of in all of my bathrooms, because I blow my nose a lot, even if it's not cold season), folded them over and put them up to my nose as I replied to her, "thank you", then blew out of my right nostril first, then my left nostril, while bending my head over.  And to further my embarrassment, as I was blowing out of my right nostril (which was super gurgly and gross), she bended down right in front of me to grab a small box of Puffs Ultra tissues and her ear passed right in front of me blowing my nose.  Can you say....mortified?!?

After I was done blowing my nose, she just looked at me and said, "Are you ok, got a cold, that sounded productive?!?"  Well, as my face was completely red, all I could muster was, "yeah....I am so sorry for blowing my nose in your ear!"  She said, "No worries, hope you feel better soon!"

Have you ever been SO embarrassed that there was ZERO chance of being aroused by something?

@kiku  Why are you squeamish about snot?  Is it just the sight of snot in a tissue after someone blows their nose or just the sound of the snot going into a tissue as someone is blowing their nose?

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@Jeff It's the sight of snot I can't handle well. The sound of snot during noseblowing is totally OK for me, I don't mind it at all. I'm a very loud noseblower myself, LOL! 😅 I actually like the thought of the snot being cleared out of the nose into the tissue / hanky, because (I think) that's where it belongs. Not inside the nose. So I really don't like the sound of sniffling. And I don't like to sniffle myself - as soon as I get a runny nose, I have to blow it immediately. 🤧

OK, it's almost midnight here - time for bed. Talk to you again tomorrow. Good night! 🌛

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Aw, poor them. This is so lovely. :wub: Thank you for sharing! 

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