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A bad, super contagious summer cold


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@Italiangirl It was lovely to read the sequels! 😊 Awwww, the poor girls all ended up catching Hannah's cold... Very nice and powerful sneezes. 👍 Keep up the great work!

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Hello there!

Sorry for the late update, I've been busy.

Here's part 6, which will be about Hannah's 2nd and 3rd "victims".





When Susan got home from Hannah's house, her runny nose was getting worse and she was starting to sneeze more frequently...

She needed to blow her nose pretty much constantly now, plus her sore throat and headache were still very much there and she felt tired and rundown.

"This is gonna be a bad one", she thought as she sniffled wetly and rubbed her itchy, runny nose with the back of her hand.

"Iittsshoo!!" She sneezed into a tissue she had just plucked from the tissue box in her living room.

"Gesundheit, dear!"

Susan was startled by a familiar male voice coming from behind her: it was her father Albert, who apparently had come home earlier than expected.

She had forgotten about the fact that her father was coming to visit her that day.

"Thank you, dad!" She said, her voice muffled from the tissue she was holding up to her face.

She gave her nose a quick, wet blow and then sighed and started rubbing her temples.

"Susan, are you coming down with a cold? You don't look too good!"

Her father was a doctor and you couldn't fool him, although it wasn't too hard to tell that Susan wasn't feeling well...

"Yeah, I think so... SSSSNNFF... ugh, I've had a sore throat and a headache all day! 

And now my nose is runny and I'm sneezing every 10 minutes... heeh... heee... iiiitttsshoo!! Ugh, see?"

"Gesundheit! It definitely sounds like a cold...

I told you to be careful! 

Does anyone you know have a cold at the moment?"

"Yeah, Hannah has a terrible cold now and I think I caught it from her, we went to the pool the other day and... heeeh... heeh... iiitssshoo!! Heeehh... iiiitttssshoo!! Ugh...

And she sneezed on me but..."

"Oh no! Hannah is a sweet girl, how rude of her to be this inconsiderate and spread her germs like that!" 

"No, dad! She didn't do that on purpose!

She had a fever and was probably dizzy.

I don't blame her at all!

She would never spread her germs on purpose!"

"Oh ok, I'm sorry to hear that she's that sick! 

On that note...

Do you have a fever, dear?"

Her father looked worried and he placed his hand on her forehead

"Stop it, dad! I'm not a child anymore! And no, I don't feel like I have a fever!"

"You don't feel hot, but you should take your temperature later, just to be sure..."

"I'm fine, dad! It's just a... iiitsshoo!!

It's just a cold!"

"Gesundheit! Fair enough, I'll leave you alone but you should go to bed early tonight and take it easy, ok?

This summer cold that's going around is... not to be sneezed at!

You see what I did there?"

He asked rhetorically, laughing a bit.

"There you go again, with your dad jokes! Sssnnff..." 

She looked at him smiling sarcastically, then she announced: "Now I'm gonna make some soup and then I'll go straight to bed, I'm tired..."

"Good girl! Sleeping is the best thing you can do when you're sick! Your body needs all the rest it can get to win the battle against the pathogens that cause..."


His lecture was interrupted by a loud sneeze that had made Susan bend at the waist!

"Ugh, sorry for interrupting your... ssssnff... speech but you told me that 100 times already so I know that by now..."

"Sorry, you know I get carried away sometimes..."

He said, looking a bit embarrassed.

Susan felt guilty, she had made her father feel ashamed, so she said: "I'm sorry, dad... sssssnff... I know sometimes I look like I'm annoyed by your jokes and your long speeches about medicine and stuff but... hhhheeeh... hiiitssshoo!! Ugh, sorry...

But I love you, dad..."

Albert looked at his daughter and said: "Oh no, dear! Don't ever think that! 

I know you love me, dear!"

He blew her a kiss and she smiled in response, wiping her runny nose with a tissue.

About an hour later, Albert left for a minute as her daughter was making some soup.

At one point, Susan wanted to season her soup, but unfortunately as she opened the container some pepper got up her slightly swollen and irritated nasal passages...

"Oh, it burns! Hhheeehh... hiitttssshoo!! Hhheeeh... hiitttssshoo!! Hhhhitttssshooo!! Hhheeh... hittttssshoo!! Hhheeeh... hiiiitsssshoo!! Ugh... Oh by God!!"

She exclaimed after that overwhelming fit, wincing at her congested voice.

In that moment, her father had just walked in and witnessed the whole sneezing fit.

"Oh wow! Gesundheit, dear!"

"Uuugh... thadg you, dad... ssssnnff!!"

"It sounds like your cold is getting worse!"

Susan blew her nose wetly into a fresh tissue while shaking her head:

"No, that wasn't from my cold... I opened this and some pepper went up my nose, that's what made me sneeze! Hhheeeh... hittsshoo!! Ugh, my nose is burning!"

She exclaimed in an annoyed voice.

"Blow your nose, dear! You need to get the irritant out!"

Susan nodded her head and blew her nose productively once again.

"Ok, I feel better now...

Well, I'll finish making the soup now then..."

Susan had the soup and now her nose was running even more so she was a sniffly mess.

She blew her nose, wished her father good night and went to bed: she was so exhausted that she drifted off almost immediately.




It had been 3 days since the day he'd gone to the pool with his friends and Rob was convinced he'd dodged Hannah's cold.

"Wow, my immune system surprises me sometimes! Hannah sneezed on me the other day and I didn't get sick from that!"

He thought.

But then, on the 4th day, Rob woke up to a powerful, wet sneeze... "HAAAACCCHOOO!!!"

Rob never sneezed: he hadn't been sick in years and he didn't have any allergies, so sneezing was such a rare occurence for him!

"I'm sure it was just a random sneeze", he thought to himself as he got up.

He went to the kitchen to have breakfast, when he noticed his throat felt a little scratchy...

He drank some freshly squeezed orange juice, had eggs on toast and a protein bar and went to the gym as usual.

At the gym, he kept having to clear his throat and he sneezed twice while changing.

"Am I getting sick?" He thought, but then he established that there was just something in the air that was bothering his nose.

"Naah, I don't get sick" he kept saying to himself.

He went about his day as if nothing ever happened, despite the frequent sneezes and his increasingly scratchy throat.

"AAAACCHOOO!!" He sneezed again before bed and sniffled, but he thought nothing of it.

However, at 03:00 AM he suddenly woke up: his nose was so stuffed up that he couldn't even sniffle and his throat was sore.

He desperately needed to blow his nose but since he never got sick and didn't have allergies, he didn't have any tissues!

So he shuffled to the bathroom, he grabbed a wad of toilet paper, he held it up to his nose and blew as hard as he could.

Very little came out and his nose was still as clogged as it was before!

The blow seemed to have loosened the congestion a bit so at least now he could sniffle...

"SSSSNNNFFF... Oh God, this is sooo uncomfortable!" He said under his breath, wiping at his nose with some more toilet paper.

"I can't be sick! I never get sick!" Thought Rob.

He didn't have any cold meds or anything like that to relieve the congestion, so he decided to let the shower run and breathe in the steam it created to try and clear his sinuses.

As soon as he could breathe through his nose again, he went back to bed.

"I'm not sick, I'm not sick..." was the mantra stuck in his head before he finally managed to drift off.


That's all for today, folks!

I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next update!






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On 8/6/2023 at 1:01 AM, Italiangirl said:

Hello there!

Sorry for the late update, I've been busy.

Here's part 6, which will be about Hannah's 2nd and 3rd "victims".





When Susan got home from Hannah's house, her runny nose was getting worse and she was starting to sneeze more frequently...

She needed to blow her nose pretty much constantly now, plus her sore throat and headache were still very much there and she felt tired and rundown.

"This is gonna be a bad one", she thought as she sniffled wetly and rubbed her itchy, runny nose with the back of her hand.

"Iittsshoo!!" She sneezed into a tissue she had just plucked from the tissue box in her living room.

"Gesundheit, dear!"

Susan was startled by a familiar male voice coming from behind her: it was her father Albert, who apparently had come home earlier than expected.

She had forgotten about the fact that her father was coming to visit her that day.

"Thank you, dad!" She said, her voice muffled from the tissue she was holding up to her face.

She gave her nose a quick, wet blow and then sighed and started rubbing her temples.

"Susan, are you coming down with a cold? You don't look too good!"

Her father was a doctor and you couldn't fool him, although it wasn't too hard to tell that Susan wasn't feeling well...

"Yeah, I think so... SSSSNNFF... ugh, I've had a sore throat and a headache all day! 

And now my nose is runny and I'm sneezing every 10 minutes... heeh... heee... iiiitttsshoo!! Ugh, see?"

"Gesundheit! It definitely sounds like a cold...

I told you to be careful! 

Does anyone you know have a cold at the moment?"

"Yeah, Hannah has a terrible cold now and I think I caught it from her, we went to the pool the other day and... heeeh... heeh... iiitssshoo!! Heeehh... iiiitttssshoo!! Ugh...

And she sneezed on me but..."

"Oh no! Hannah is a sweet girl, how rude of her to be this inconsiderate and spread her germs like that!" 

"No, dad! She didn't do that on purpose!

She had a fever and was probably dizzy.

I don't blame her at all!

She would never spread her germs on purpose!"

"Oh ok, I'm sorry to hear that she's that sick! 

On that note...

Do you have a fever, dear?"

Her father looked worried and he placed his hand on her forehead

"Stop it, dad! I'm not a child anymore! And no, I don't feel like I have a fever!"

"You don't feel hot, but you should take your temperature later, just to be sure..."

"I'm fine, dad! It's just a... iiitsshoo!!

It's just a cold!"

"Gesundheit! Fair enough, I'll leave you alone but you should go to bed early tonight and take it easy, ok?

This summer cold that's going around is... not to be sneezed at!

You see what I did there?"

He asked rhetorically, laughing a bit.

"There you go again, with your dad jokes! Sssnnff..." 

She looked at him smiling sarcastically, then she announced: "Now I'm gonna make some soup and then I'll go straight to bed, I'm tired..."

"Good girl! Sleeping is the best thing you can do when you're sick! Your body needs all the rest it can get to win the battle against the pathogens that cause..."


His lecture was interrupted by a loud sneeze that had made Susan bend at the waist!

"Ugh, sorry for interrupting your... ssssnff... speech but you told me that 100 times already so I know that by now..."

"Sorry, you know I get carried away sometimes..."

He said, looking a bit embarrassed.

Susan felt guilty, she had made her father feel ashamed, so she said: "I'm sorry, dad... sssssnff... I know sometimes I look like I'm annoyed by your jokes and your long speeches about medicine and stuff but... hhhheeeh... hiiitssshoo!! Ugh, sorry...

But I love you, dad..."

Albert looked at his daughter and said: "Oh no, dear! Don't ever think that! 

I know you love me, dear!"

He blew her a kiss and she smiled in response, wiping her runny nose with a tissue.

About an hour later, Albert left for a minute as her daughter was making some soup.

At one point, Susan wanted to season her soup, but unfortunately as she opened the container some pepper got up her slightly swollen and irritated nasal passages...

"Oh, it burns! Hhheeehh... hiitttssshoo!! Hhheeeh... hiitttssshoo!! Hhhhitttssshooo!! Hhheeh... hittttssshoo!! Hhheeeh... hiiiitsssshoo!! Ugh... Oh by God!!"

She exclaimed after that overwhelming fit, wincing at her congested voice.

In that moment, her father had just walked in and witnessed the whole sneezing fit.

"Oh wow! Gesundheit, dear!"

"Uuugh... thadg you, dad... ssssnnff!!"

"It sounds like your cold is getting worse!"

Susan blew her nose wetly into a fresh tissue while shaking her head:

"No, that wasn't from my cold... I opened this and some pepper went up my nose, that's what made me sneeze! Hhheeeh... hittsshoo!! Ugh, my nose is burning!"

She exclaimed in an annoyed voice.

"Blow your nose, dear! You need to get the irritant out!"

Susan nodded her head and blew her nose productively once again.

"Ok, I feel better now...

Well, I'll finish making the soup now then..."

Susan had the soup and now her nose was running even more so she was a sniffly mess.

She blew her nose, wished her father good night and went to bed: she was so exhausted that she drifted off almost immediately.




It had been 3 days since the day he'd gone to the pool with his friends and Rob was convinced he'd dodged Hannah's cold.

"Wow, my immune system surprises me sometimes! Hannah sneezed on me the other day and I didn't get sick from that!"

He thought.

But then, on the 4th day, Rob woke up to a powerful, wet sneeze... "HAAAACCCHOOO!!!"

Rob never sneezed: he hadn't been sick in years and he didn't have any allergies, so sneezing was such a rare occurence for him!

"I'm sure it was just a random sneeze", he thought to himself as he got up.

He went to the kitchen to have breakfast, when he noticed his throat felt a little scratchy...

He drank some freshly squeezed orange juice, had eggs on toast and a protein bar and went to the gym as usual.

At the gym, he kept having to clear his throat and he sneezed twice while changing.

"Am I getting sick?" He thought, but then he established that there was just something in the air that was bothering his nose.

"Naah, I don't get sick" he kept saying to himself.

He went about his day as if nothing ever happened, despite the frequent sneezes and his increasingly scratchy throat.

"AAAACCHOOO!!" He sneezed again before bed and sniffled, but he thought nothing of it.

However, at 03:00 AM he suddenly woke up: his nose was so stuffed up that he couldn't even sniffle and his throat was sore.

He desperately needed to blow his nose but since he never got sick and didn't have allergies, he didn't have any tissues!

So he shuffled to the bathroom, he grabbed a wad of toilet paper, he held it up to his nose and blew as hard as he could.

Very little came out and his nose was still as clogged as it was before!

The blow seemed to have loosened the congestion a bit so at least now he could sniffle...

"SSSSNNNFFF... Oh God, this is sooo uncomfortable!" He said under his breath, wiping at his nose with some more toilet paper.

"I can't be sick! I never get sick!" Thought Rob.

He didn't have any cold meds or anything like that to relieve the congestion, so he decided to let the shower run and breathe in the steam it created to try and clear his sinuses.

As soon as he could breathe through his nose again, he went back to bed.

"I'm not sick, I'm not sick..." was the mantra stuck in his head before he finally managed to drift off.


That's all for today, folks!

I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next update!






Wow please more of the sick girls! I love the story!😍 

Edited by Sneezyboy
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