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A Troubled Nose


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Can I be a possible guest at the dinner as well if not then don’t worry about it I absolutely love the story so far 

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@NickG1998 Thank you! 🌷 Of course you are invited to the sneezy dinner too. 😊

By the way, if anybody here has some suggestions as to what exactly is going to happen during the dinner date, please feel free to let me know! I've got some ideas, but the chapter isn't clearly mapped out yet, so I'm open to anything. 😀

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Thank you so much for replying to me I have a suggestion what if Flora came down with a sneezy cold and there were all of the flowers that she’s allergic to on top and her boyfriend does caretaking for her throughout the dinner and the rest of the evening that’s just my suggestion 

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Wow, looks like we have a lot of interesting things coming soon, hehe. I look forward to continuing.
This is a great story, thanks for sharing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 8

“HeckkKKSSHHHOOOagh!... Ahh, shit!” Flora muttered to herself, sniffled, pinched her tickly nose, and picked up her mascara brush again. This was the fifth time she was interrupted in her applying of make-up due to sudden outbursts of sneezing from her allergic nose.

Whistling cheerfully, Nick came into the bedroom, fixing his necktie. “Hmmmm, you look terrific, honey!”

“HunnnTTCCCHHHHHguh!” Flora sneezed half-stifled into her fingers, turning around to face him. “You think so? *sniff* I’m still halfway through my make-up… My nose is so red… aaaghhhh…” Her eyes squinted as she fiercely scrubbed at her widely flaring nostrils. “Hyyyaaagghhh---haaaaEEESSSHHHGGHuh!”

“Oooohh, that sounds so tickly. – Bless you!” He walked up to her as she sneezed again.

“HaaaIIISSSHHH---nnnggghhh!” She was still desperately trying to rub the tickle away.

“Come here, sweetie.” He picked up a handful of Choonex from the box on her dressing table. “Let me take care of that beautiful red nose of yours.”

Cautiously, Flora let go of her nose, and felt the well-familiar mixture of pleasure and a twinge of embarrassment as she felt her lover’s gentle touch on her sniffly, sneezy nose. He wiped it carefully with the Choonex, then let his fingers glide soothingly along the very sensitive sides of her nose. “I can see it’s tickling badly inside there,” he whispered, and his soft deep voice sent tingles all throughout Flora’s body and soul.

And her nose was tingling too. “Haahhh…”

“I’ve got you.” He cupped a fresh handful of Choonex to her nose, and caught the next sneezy explosion. “Bless you, hon. – Bless you!... Oooohh, bless you!” Sneeze after sneeze burst into the tissues, and he kept massaging her big sensitive nose until the fierce tickle subsided a bit.

“Aghh… *sniff*… Thanks, honey, that felt good…” She wiggled her nose that was red and swollen from all the sneezing she had already done today. She had taken an allergy pill in the morning – it was Saturday today – and had enjoyed a nice sneezefree time during breakfast and all the way till one p.m., but from then on, the pollen from all the flowers and freshly cut grass in the neighbourhood had filled her allergic nose to the brim, and even another pill couldn’t help her anymore.

“How about a good blow?” Nick said gently, cupping another handful of Choonex to his love’s reddened, sniffly nose. Gratefully, Flora emptied her nose into the soft, but strong tissues that could easily take the big flood of nasal liquid that streamed out of her allergic nostrils.

Feeling better for a moment, Flora thanked her lover who disposed of the used tissues.

Nick gently gave her nose a little pinch – he really felt like kissing it, but he knew that would tickle her nose, and he didn’t want to make her sneeze again – and smiled as he said, “Are you ready to go, baby? You don’t need any more make-up – you look so wonderful!” He softly kissed her on the lips.

With a light sniffle, she wiggled her nose again, and returned his smile. “You’re so sweet. Actually, I think that sweet-smelling make-up stuff tickles my nose even more.” Scrunching up her nose, she scrubbed at her flaring nostrils. Then she fondly ruffled Nick’s thick black hair. “Let’s go then! I can’t wait to see Lucilla and Jeff again.” She kept rubbing her nose as they got into the car.

“I’m really curious about that special restaurant they suggested!” Nick said with a light grin.

At the parking lot in front of the “Exotic Paradise”, a multi-ethnic restaurant they had agreed on to have their first double date dinner, they arrived at exactly the same time as Lucilla and Jeff. The two couples enthusiastically greeted each other, then headed for the entrance.

“We haven’t been here before either,” Jeff explained as they were walking. “But it’s got so many good reviews on the internet!”

The broad, fancy entrance door was surrounded by thick bushes of lilac, sending off a sweet scent.

“Aghhh!... HeEGGGSSHH!... NneeEEIIISSHHuh!... HeyyYYIISSHHugh!” Lucilla sneezed abruptly and fiercely into her hand she had quickly cupped to her nose, hearing the others’ Bless Yous through a haze. “Agh, excuse me *sniff*… That scent… huhhh…” She pinched her nose as her face contorted.

Flora, burying her nose in a big hanky, gave her an understanding nod. She had covered her nose just in time, so the stinging scent couldn’t enter her sensitive nostrils.

“HiiTTCCHHKKNnegh!” Lucilla stifled another sneeze into her fingers while Jeff, gently smiling, gave her a fresh white hanky. “There you go, honey.”

Sneezing with muffled force into the hanky, Lucilla kept her nose strictly covered as they entered and were shown to their table.

Along with the aperitif, they were served deliciously looking nuts and crackers. “Ah, wasabi nuts!” Nick beamed. “I first tried them when I was in Japan last year, on a business trip! – Mmmmm, so yummy and spicy!” Closing his eyes with relish, he chewed the savoury treat.

Lucilla felt the spiciness creeping up her nose immediately, burning and stinging her nose. Hardly had she swallowed the spicy nut, she had a violent sneezing fit she tried to muffle by pressing her napkin to her nose.

“Bless you, ma’am!” With a smile, a young Oriental waitress was with them, placing a fresh napkin and a box of tissues in front of the sneezing woman.

“HaaaEEESSSHHHEExcuse meehhhh—HHEEESSSHHaagh!... EEESSHHHOOOHH—Oh my goohhhSSSHHHEEWW!” Lucilla’s sensitive nose seemed to desperately try to hurl the stingy irritant out, no matter the cost.

“Oh, please don’t worry! We’ve got quite a few customers with reactions like that,” the waitress said with a gentle smile, then left the table after taking their orders.

“Gosh, Lucilla, bless you! Poor dear!” Flora said sympathetically. “I definitely won’t try those nuts.” She hastily shoved the bowl with the wasabi nuts away from herself, in Nick’s direction. She was glad her second allergy pill had kicked in after all, so she didn't want to take a risk to get sneezy all over again...

Picking up a nut, Nick said thoughtfully, “Actually, in Japan, they say when you sneeze, somebody’s talking about you.”

“Oh gosh *sniff*… then half the world has to be talking about meehhh… hIISSSHHEEWW!... EeeYYAASSHH!... HaaaEEEESSSHHHOO!... HuuyISSSHHH!... HiiiiIIISSHHEW!... HuhyiIISSHHah!“ Lucilla sneezed and sneezed.

“Bless you, Lucilla! Bless you! Gosh, bless you!...”

Embarrassed, Lucilla kept scrubbing at her nose with the napkins, but the irritation of her nasal membranes was too strong. She kept sneezing violently and snortingly into the napkins.

Many customers were gaping at her, some slightly disgusted, others with sympathy. From some of the other customers, Lucilla picked up things like, “Bless you!... Gesundheit!... Whew, did you hear that? The poor woman!...  Whoaahh, have you ever heard someone sneeze that many times in a row?... Gosh, I wonder what’s making her sneeze like that!... It’s the wasabi, of course! I’ve had a similar reaction once, but not THAT bad!...”

Flora rummaged in her handbag. “Here you go, dear! I’ve got some Nosey Relief with me. Feel free to use it!”

Pressing a handful of tissues to her nose, Lucilla nodded her thanks to her friend, sneezing too much to speak. She took the small spray bottle, reluctantly looking at it.

“Why don’t you let me help you, honey,” Lucilla heard Jeff’s soft voice next to her ear. “I’ll make sure you won’t sneeze it out.”

Giving him a grateful look, Lucilla cautiously let go of her nose that had turned bright red from the violent bout of sneezing, and Jeff sprayed the nasal lotion into her widely flaring, high-arched nostrils, immediately pinching them shut right afterwards.

“HhhGGGGnnnkkhhh!” Lucilla sneezed stifled into her boyfriend’s fingers, then gasped desperately. The strong essence of the nasal spray made the tickle in her nose unbearable.

“All right! All right!” Jeff murmured gently, rubbing her nose soothingly. “Hang on just a little longer! You’ll feel the relief soon.”

“You’re doing that very well, Jeff!” Flora said admiringly while Nick stared at the couple with a dreamy expression.

After Lucilla’s nose had finally calmed down, they continued their conversation, and soon their food arrived, which was delicious. Lucilla still had to sneeze every couple of minutes.

When they had finished eating and were just enjoying their coffee, a group of noisily chatting guests left the table next to them, bumping against the big velvet curtains just behind Flora’s seat. Immediately, a thick cloud of dust engulfed the four of them.

Lucilla quickly managed to cover her nose in one of Jeff’s big hankies, but Flora got the full blast. “Hyyaaaghhh!” she gasped as her face contorted and her nostrils flared widely. “The duhh… dust!” She hectically waved her hands in front of her face.

“Here you go, darling!” Nick produced a white hanky that was even bigger than Jeff’s.

“HaaaEESSHHHOOah!... HeeeIIISSHHHOOH!... HaaYYEESSHHOOH!” Flora sneezed heavily into the hanky she had snatched from Nick’s hand. “Haagh… agh, my nosehhhh… HaaIIISSHOOH!... HEEEIIISSHHOOH!”

“Bless you, Flora!” three voices called out in unison.

“EEEEEYYEESSHHOOH!... My nosehh… HeeyyEESSHHEEWW!... My nose is full of dust--hhhh… HaaaaaEEESSSHHHEEW!... It’s tickling so muchhhhSSSHHHOOOAAGH!”

“Awww, poor dear… I know that feeling!” Lucilla said sympathetically, watching her friend’s contorted face, squinting eyes, and twitching nose, knowing she looked the same when she was shaken by an allergic sneezing fit.

“Do you need help, my love?” Nick said softly, putting his arm around his sneezing girlfriend.

“HaaaaEEESSHHOOH!” Flora shook her head. “Thanks, honey,” she sniffled. “But I need to go freshen up a bit.” Sneezing again, she got up.

“I’m coming with you!” Lucilla said, joining her friend.

“Poor Flora! She’s really allergic to dust, huh?” Jeff said softly while his eyes were shining.

“Oh, yeah! I’ll never forget our first date… After dinner, I took her to the construction site of the building I was working on – you know, she’s an interior designer, so we’ve got a lot in common – and wow, did all that dust in the air tickle her nose! I felt bad about having taken her there, but she told me she was fascinated to see it all!”

Jeff nodded understandingly. “Lucilla is like that too – she’s really brave and tough about her sneezy allergies. She won’t let them stop her from doing anything she likes.” With a dreamy smile, he stared at the tiny dust particles that were still dancing in the air around them. “Ah, dust… So difficult to handle for a sensitive nose, huh! My Lucilla gets sneeze attacks from dust too. But not as badly as Flora, I think. Lucilla’s nose is more senstive to fragrances and spices of all kinds.”

“Oh yeah, I’ve heard about how your after shave made her sneeze when you two first met!” Nick gave him a light nudge with his elbow, winking at him.“Flora’s nose reacts to fragrances and spices too, but dust makes her sneeze even more.”

“Yeah… It’s interesting to see how our ladies’ sensitive noses react to different triggers.”

“Indeed! They both have bad hayfever, but their noses react to many other things too…”

“And there are always new sneeze triggers discovered every day!” Jeff sighed with delight, leaning back in his char.

“Right! Laundry detergent…”

“Scented candles…”

“Dishwashing liquid…”

“Hair spray…”

“Nail polish…”

“Make-up powder…”

“Hand soap…”


“Lint from the dryer…”

“Even a slight touch on her nose…”

“Ooooohh, yeah!!”

They both sighed in unison.



“We’re two lucky bastards, aren’t we!”

“You’re damn right.”

“Here’s to the two sexiest sneezy ladies on the planet!”



Clinking their glasses, they exchanged a smile of agreement and understanding.

Meanwhile, in the ladies’ room, Flora was washing her nose with cold water to get rid of all the dust in her nasal passages. Lucilla handed her paper towel after paper towel as Flora kept sneezing harshly and snortingly.

“Bless you, Flora!... Bless you!” she said softly. “Gosh, there was so much dust in those curtains!... Bless you! How about using some Nosey Relief?”

“HeeeeYYYIIISSSHHHAH!... Maybe later,” Flora sniffled, splashing some more cold water to her nose, rubbing it. “Ugh… *sniff*… I first need to get rid of all that dust…HaaaAARRSSHHHuugh!.. Eghh…” She blew her nose, then sighed as she watched herself in the mirror. “My nose is so red from all the sneezing…”
“Just like mine!” Lucilla sighed too. Indeed, her nose showed a similar tinge of red.

For a moment, the two women silently stared at their images in the mirror.

Then, Flora sighed agan, turned away from the mirror, and looked at her friend with sadness in her eyes.“Oh, Lucilla… I wish I had a body like yours!”

“Oh, Flora! Don’t say that! You’re beautiful!”

“Thanks, but you’re just being kind.”

“No, I mean it! I… I wish I had breasts like yours! Mine are much too small.”

“What?! No! They’re just perfect! You are such a stunning woman.”

Unhappily, Lucilla shook her head. “Thanks, but I think I look boring. Just another stereotype woman. You look much more fascinating! So… sensual.”

They were both silent again for a moment, then Fora shyly reached for her friend’s hand. “You know what… I just remembered something Dr. Nosepeace – Lily – said to me when I first visited her. She told me my nose was beautiful, and that I should just love myself the way I am. It’s… not so easy, but I think she’s right. We both should just love and accept our bodies as they are!”
Lucilla smiled, squeezing her friend’s hand. “Lily is right indeed! Thank you for reminding me.”


The door of one of the toilet cubicle’s opened, and a young woman with highly teased blonde hair and heavy make up scuttled out on high-heeled pumps. Quickly nodding at Lucilla and Flora, she stepped in front of the mirror, took a small perfume bottle out of her clutch, and sprayed a huge cloud of a sweet-spicy, flowery scent all over herself.

Flora and Lucilla gasped sharply in unison, waving their hands hectically in front of themselves. Hardly noticing the blonde woman leaving the ladies’ room, they both burst out into a massive sneezing fit.

“HeeeeYYYEEESSHHHOOOH!... WeehhHEEEESSHHOOH!... We must get out of here!” Lucilla said in a shaky voice, pressing a handful of paper towels to her quivering nose.

“BuuuAASSHHOOH!... We caahhh… can’t go back in there like thiiiiIIIEEESSHHoogh!... HeeeYYYAARRSSHHOOH!” Flora sneezed snortingly into a wad of paper towels too, bending double with the force of the sneezes.

Sneezing just as violently, Lucilla grabbed her friend’s arm. “IiiiiHHHEEESSHHOOH!—it’s no use! *sniff* That perfume burns our noses awayyYEESSHHHOOH!”

“HaaaaaAAASSHHHOOH!... You’re riiiiAASSHHOOH!... *sniff* Oh gosh, this is so embarrassinghhhUUSSHHOOH!”

Embarrassing or not, the two friends were forced to leave the heavily smelling place to breathe some uncontaminated air.

Nick and Jeff looked up in amazement as they saw their ladies approach them, their reddened noses buried in a heap of paper towels, sneezing incessantly.

“Pehhhh… perfume---heehhhEEEGGGSSHHH!” Lucilla sneezed, pressing the paper towels to her nose.

“All over the ladies’ rooooOOOGGGSSHHHagh!” Flora sneezed into her paper towels, finishing her friend’s sentence.

“How about dessert, anyone?” A high, cheerful voice sounded nearby. The young Oriental waitress was back, smiling at the four of them.

Another bout of sneezes from the two women was the answer.

“Well…” Nick said, glancing at Flora and Lucilla, then at Jeff. “I suppose we’ll… uhmm… have the dessert at home, right?”

“Y… you got it!” Jeff said hoarsely, fanning himself with his napkin.

The night had only just begun. The two couples returned home, each of them enjoying their dessert… a night full of romantic passion.



Edited by kiku
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Oh, the sneezy beauties who use their boyfriends' handkerchiefs to help their noses with their almost endless sneezing. I melted. I look forward to the next parts of the adventures of our ladies)

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  • 3 weeks later...

👃 Part 9 👃

Dr. Lily Nosepeace went to the waiting area to welcome her next patient – a woman she had come to know so well she had almost become a friend to her: Flora Higbert.

Opening the door, Lily saw Flora was accompanied by her boyfriend, Nick. Flora had introduced him to Lily some time before, and the doctor had been glad to see her patient had such a nice, caring man by her side. Today, Nick appeared especially protective, keeping his arm wrapped around Flora’s shoulder, watching her with slight concern. Flora’s nose was very red and swollen so it appeared even larger than usual.

Nick gently dabbed a big white hanky to his lady’s sniffly, twitchy nose. The two of them were so focused on each other they didn’t seem to notice the doctor enter the room.

“Hello, Flora! Hello, Nick!” Lily said softly, smiling at the couple.

“Eghhh… hehhhh… heehhhhEESSSHHHHOOahhh… hi, Lily!” Flora croaked in a nasal voice after sneezing fiercely into the hanky Nick had quickly cupped around her nose. “My allergies are horrible todaahh… haayyYYEEESSSHHHHHagh!... HaaaAAARRRSSHHHH!...  Haghhh… HaaaaEEESSSHHHOOH!”

“Bless you!” Leading Flora and Nick into her office, she asked them to sit down on the two chairs opposite her desk.

“So – let’s see what I can do for you today, Flora.” Lily gave her patient an encouraging smile.

Scrunching up her nose, Flora tried to say something, but her breath hitched. “Agh! I need a haaghhh…”

Lily passed her the box of Choonex she kept on her desk, but Nick was quicker. He pulled out a fresh white hanky and cupped it around his girlfriend’s nose again as she burst into another bout of sneezes: “HaaaIIISSSHHOO!... HaaaaeeeSSSHHuu!... AaaIIISSHHooh!… Heghh… hehhh… EERRSSHHHew!”

“Bless you!” both Nick and Lily said sympathetically.

Dabbing the hanky to Flora’s red, twitchy nose again, Nick turned to Lily. “Dr. Nosepeace, she’s been sneezing nonstop since waking up… The air is so full of pollen! – Bless you, honey,” he quickly added, catching another violent sneeze of hers in his hanky.

“Oh yes, that’s true.” Lily nodded. “And it’s a bit windy too.”

Sneezing again into Nick’s hanky, Flora nodded with a soft groan. “The spring breeze feels nice,” she sniffled, wiggling her nose. “But it also blows all that pollen into my nosehhhh… heghhh… hennNNEEESSHHHUUH!”

“Bless you, baby.” He softly wiped her nose again. Flora tried to say some more, but her hitchy breath made it difficult for her to get a word out. Seeing she was on the verge of another sneezy explosion, Nick gently pressed the hanky against her widely flaring nostrils to give her a moment of relief.

“You know, doc, this time, even my nose massage doesn’t seem to help much. See how red her nose is? It’s itching so badly!”

Touched by the loving concern in the man’s eyes, Lily looked closely at her patient’s red, chapped nose. “You’ve been rubbing your nose too hard, Flora dear. Let me take care of your poor sneezy nose, will you?”

Trying to smile, Flora looked gratefully at the doctor. “I’m so glad you’ve got time for me this morningg-----GGHHEESSHHOOH!”

“And I am glad that I’m off work today, so I can take care of Flora and her sneezy nose!” Nick beamed, tenderly wiping his sweetheart’s nose with the hanky she had just sneezed into. “So, if you don’t mind, Dr. Nosepeace, I’d like to join the treatment session to learn something from you.”

“Oh, of course you’re welcome to stay!” Lily smiled at him, wishing more women with nasal allergies had supportive partners like Nick.

“My nose has been tickling like crazy all morning,” Flora explained, sniffling wetly. “Niihhh… Nick helped me spray my nose with Nosey Relief, but… haaaIIIISSHHHHEEW!… I sneezed it all out! *sniffle* It won’t stay up my nosehhh… heeeeEEESSSHHHOOOGGHHah!”

“That’s true, doc!” Nick confirmed, putting his arm around Flora again. “I’ve really tried to help her hold her sneezes back so the lotion could have a chance to work inside her nose, but – no way.”

Nosey Relief, just like Dragon Nose Wonder, was a herbal lotion created by Lily. Both lotions had a calming effect on itchy noses, and Lily kept using them in her treatment of Flora’s allergies.

“That’s very nice of you to help Flora like that, Nick!” Lily said with a nod of appreciation. Then she got up to walk over to her patient. “Let me just have a quick look at your nose, then we’ll decide what to do today.”

Gently, she probed Flora’s nose with her subtle fingertips, softly pulling at her wide, twitchy nostrils to look inside them. “Nick, did you spray the lotion, or did you trickle it into her nostrils?”

“I sprayed it, just like you told us to do!” Nick said proudly.

“Very good!” Lily gave him another appreciative nod. “Now, Flora, please get comfortable on the couch.”

“HaaaaEEESSSHHHuh!” Flora sneezed as soon as the doctor’s fingers left her nose alone. “Ugh… *sniff*… Sorry, Lily, I sdneezed on your haddh… *sniff*.”

“No problem.” Giving her patient’s sensitive nose a gentle tap which made it twitch, almost leading to another sneeze, the doctor smiled. “I’m used to getting sneezed on all the time. Remember, I’m an expert for sneezy noses.”

Flora tried to relax on the couch, laying her head against the comfortable backrest. Lily saw her large reddened nose, her widely flaring nostrils with its inside shining with moisture… “Okay, Flora, I’ve got some Choonex for you here. Why don’t you let me help you blow your nose!” she smiled.

Gratefully burying her sniffly, tickly nose in the special tissues that were soft as well as strong, Flora blew wetly many times, sneezing heavily in between as Lily encouraged her, carefully wiping her nose. “Oooohhh, bless you. – Bless you, Flora! – Bless you again!... Yes, that’s it. Blow hard. Blow all that sneezing powder out of your nose!”

Flora sneezed and blew, blew and sneezed.

“Bless you a million times!... Let me clean those beautiful nostrils for you.”

Wiggling her nose, Flora tried to hold her breath as she felt the doctor’s skillful fingers wiping the very sensitive inside of her nostrils. It felt nice and comforting to have her sniffly nose cleaned, but at the same time, feeling the soft fabric of the Choonex-tissues brush against her delicate nasal membranes, she felt the tickly irritation get stronger and stronger. “Haaahhhh… hyyyaaaghhh!!” she gasped.

“Ooohh, that tickles, hmmm?... That’s only natural. If you need to sneeze, just let it out!” She continued wiping and dabbing at Flora’s twitching nose.

“Aghhhh… it tiiihhh… tickles… hehhhh---EEEYYSSHHUUH!... AaaEESSSHHuu!... HaaaIIISSHHHaagh!…Sorry, Lily,” she sniffled, scrunching up her reddened nose. “You did such a great job cleaning my nose, and now I sneeh… sneezed so messily agaihh… NnEESSHHOOH!... AEISSHHooo!... EERSSHHew!”

“God bless you, Flora! Don’t worry! You’re not messy at all. It’s just normal allergic sneeze spray. I’m used to it.” She wiped her patient’s nose with the tissues, asking her to blow again. “Your poor nose is a bit sore from all the rubbing, Flora,” she said gently, dabbing the Choonex at the woman’s nose. “Does it hurt?”

“No…” Snuggling her irritated nose into the soft tissues the doctor was holding for her, Flora replied, “I mean, maybe a little, but I can hardly feel it. The tickle is so much strongerhhh… hehhh… hehhEEESSSHHHEEW!”

“I see.” Lily wiped her nose again. “Now, let me try to soothe your sore nose a bit, Flora. Here we go.” Lily produced a small box containing a herbal ointment.

“Nose protector,” Nick read aloud, looking at the label.

“Yes!” Lily smiled proudly. “My latest creation!”

Sniffling and wiggling her nose, Flora looked at the ointment. “Do you think it will hehh… hehh—hehhEEESSHHEEWW!?” she sneezed into the hanky Lily had quickly cupped to her nose again.

“Bless you! – Yes, I think it will help.” The doctor gently wiped Flora’s tickly nose, then put the hanky away. Opening the little box, she dipped her finger into the creamy ointment and softly rubbed it around Flora’s wide sensitive nostrils. She felt the allergic woman’s irritated nose twitch lightly at her soft, feathery touch. A light scent of lavender filled the air.

“Aaghhh…” Flora’s breath got a bit uneven, her nose wrinkled, and her face contorted slightly.

“What is it, dear? Do you need to sneeze again?”

Flora nodded, sniffling as her nostrils flared up.

Quickly, Lily stuck her finger under Flora’s nose, gently pressing up against her widened nostrils. “Wait a moment, please! I want to rub a bit of this ointment on the inside of your nostrils.

“Wait… You’re going to rub the ointment inside my nose?” Flora asked a bit anxiously as her nostrils flared with irritation.

“Yes! The ointment will cover your nasal lining with a protecting film that keeps the pollen from invading your nose.” Lily took a fine brush and dipped it into the lavender-scented ointment. “Now, this will tickle a bit. But you’ll feel better afterwards, I promise!”

Moaning softly, Flora lay still as the doctor inserted the long fine brush into her widely flaring nostrils. She knew Lily’s treatment – no matter what she used – well enough to know it made her sneeze terribly at first, but made her nose feel fresh and relieved later.

“Hyaaaggh!” Flora gasped when she felt the fine hairs of the brush touch the sensitive inside of her nose, applying the sweet-smelling ointment all around her nasal cavities. “Aghhhhh… it tickles… aaahhhh…” Wrinkling her nose, sniffling, her breath hitching, she desperately fought against the overwhelming tickle.

“Easy, Flora!” she heard Lily’s gentle voice. “I know it tickles. But please don’t sneeze right now. Hold it back for just a little longer. I’m finished in a moment.” Her one hand was holding the brush spreading the ointment inside Flora’s nostrils while her other hand was massaging the woman’s nose, softly pressing and pinching it from bridge to tip.

“Hahhhh…” Flora’s sensitive nose was squirming under Lily’s subtle fingers. The flowery scent of the ointment, along with the soft feather-like touch of the fine brush intensified the tickle in her allergic nose to a crazy degree. The doctor’s skillful massage did keep her from blasting out sneeze after sneeze, but ohhh, she was right on the verge… Her flaring nostrils quivered, expanding to their utmost…

“We’re almost done, dear. Hold on just one more second… Here we go.” Slowly pulling out the fine brush, she quickly pinched her patient’s nostrils with a firm grip. “Nick, would you pass me a fresh handful of tissues, please?”

“Right away, doc.” Nick swiftly pulled out a bunch from the Choonex-box on Lily’s desk, and handed it to her.

“Thanks.” Turning back to her patient, she said, “All right, Flora, I’ll let your nose go now. If you need to sneeze, let it out. I’ve got you.” Letting the woman’s nose go, she wrapped the bunch of tissues around her reddened, flaring nostrils.

“Hyaaaaghhh… haaaaEEESSHHOOOHH!... EESSHHOO!... NNYYYEEESSHHHOOah!” Flora sneezed violently and snortingly into the tissues Lily was holding. “Hiihhh…EEAASSHHHAAAGH!... YYYAAARRRSSHHHOOOH!... Nnyehhh… *sniffle*… aaaghhhh… haaaAASSSHHHOOOH!... HaaaAAARRRSSSHOOOOH!” Flora sneezed violently and snortingly into the tissues Lily was holding.

“Gosh… bless you, honey!” Nick stammered. “That must have been… so hard to hold back!”

“HaaaIIISSSHHHaagh!... It was!” Flora sniffled, raising her nose from the tissues to look at her boyfriend. Her nose was red, quivering with irritation, and she wrinkled it, sniffling again. “It’s still tickling so much… hehhhh… hehhEEESSSHHHOOH!... HaaaIIIRRRSSSHHHuugh!”

“Bless you, Flora.” Catching the woman’s sneezes again in her Choonex wad, Lily wiped and rubbed her nose soothingly with the soft tissues. “I know the fine brush and the scent of the ointment tickled your nose which was already so itchy from all the pollen. But give it some time to work on your nasal membranes. I promise you it will feel better in a few minutes. Until then – bless you!” she smiled as another violent, snorting sneeze burst into her tissues. “Until then, let me try to comfort your sneezy nose by my special massage. – Nick, if you like, watch me how I do it…”

“HaaaIIISSSHHHOOOH!” Flora’s itchy nose hurled out another sneeze, and as Lily took the tissues away, Nick saw her nostrils widen to prepare the next tickly explosion. At just that moment, the doctor’s fingers enfolded Flora’s nose, scrubbing the sensitive nostrils while using her other hand to slowly rub the sides of her nose up and down, up and down, pressing it, pinching it in rhythmic movements. Moaning softly, Flora shivered as pre-sneeze-gasps kept escaping her, but she didn’t sneeze as long as her tickly, allergic nose was being massaged by the special doctor.

Nick watched Dr. Nosepeace’s treatment full of awe and fascination. After a few minutes, the doctor cautiously let go of Flora’s nose. “How does your nose feel now, Flora?” she asked.

Exhaling deeply, Flora wiggled her reddened nose, and smiled. “Wonderful, Lily.” She sniffled lightly, nostrils flaring. “It still tickles a bit, but that’s normal for me. The overwhelming urge to sneeze has definitely eased off.”

“That’s great! So you can enjoy your evening now – together!” Lily smiled at the couple.

“Right! And if you start feeling sneezy again… just leave your beautiful nose up to me.” Gently caressing his sweetheart’s nose and watching it twitch slightly at the touch, Nick gave her a tender kiss full of affection.


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On 8/14/2023 at 10:16 PM, kiku said:

Lily encouraged her, carefully wiping her nose. “Oooohhh, bless you. – Bless you, Flora! – Bless you again!... Yes, that’s it. Blow hard. Blow all that sneezing powder out of your nose!”

Very cute piece of coaching! I wonder if Nick will pick up on that - it seemed like Flora, despite all her allergic urges to clear her nose already, needed the extra push and a helping hand holding the strong tissues in just the right spot...

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On 8/16/2023 at 6:19 PM, kiku said:

Thank you, @Rick! 🌻 Oh yes, Nick is an eager "student" of Dr. Nosepeace. Taking care of his beloved's nose is his dream job! 😊

@kiku I can imagine that being the kind of question Dr Nosepeace would get,  "Doc, you know my girlfriend's sneezes can get huge when she really gets going, but her nose-blows are actually quite small? Do you think it would help her if we could get her to do a really massive nose-blow into her hanky?" 😊

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