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A Troubled Nose


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  • kiku


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  • AntheaHolmes


  • Hankyrick


You write so well. The depiction of the sneezes, the characterization, everything. Masterful. I can't wait to read more.

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Part 3

Whistling cheerfully, Nick jumped into the train back to the city, looking forward to the weekend. He had just successfully signed a new deal for a lucrative job. This day was perfect! Smiling happily, he strolled through the train looking for an empty seat. Many windows were open, so the warm spring breeze filled the whole train with an air of…


Nick’s attention made a giant leap as the sound pulled him out of his thoughts.

A sneeze from a woman – a very audible, forceful sneeze!

Listening closely, he kept walking, careful not to lose his balance in the rumbling, rocking train.


Ooooh… two more! He was getting closer, increasing his speed. His lean, muscular body, and his lithesome movements had caused somebody to call him “panther”, which he liked. His piercing green eyes, along with his jet black hair, accentuated his panther-like appearance.

The woman sneezed again, and again – and yet again. Harsh, snorting sneezes, probably caused by the huge amount of pollen in the air on this warm, sunny spring day.

“HaaaYYEEESSHHHEEW!... HeeeIIIISSSHHHOOH!” A sniffle, a false start, and then another wet, tickly nasal explosion.

Nick swallowed dryly as he had finally reached the sneezy lady. He turned his head – and saw her. She was sitting alone; the seat next to her as well as the two seats opposite her were empty. She seemed to be in her thirties, just like Nick, a tall and curvy woman with long, red, wavy hair.

And… what a nose!...

It was rather large, prominent and well-shaped, now reddened from the sneezy irritation; her wide nostrils were flaring as she geared up for the next sneeze which burst into a handful of tissues she held to her nose.

“Bless you! Is this seat taken?” Nick asked with a beaming smile, pointing to the seat opposite her.

“Oh *sniff*!... No, please, have a seat…. Ehh… excuse mehIISSHHEEW!... I’m not contagious, it’s just allergiieeehh… heghhh… haaaEEESSSHHOOH!”

“Oh, bless you again. The pollen count is high these days, hmmm?”

She nodded, pressing the tissue wad to her very sensitive looking nostrils. “Yes, indeed,” she sighed in a congested voice. “My hayfever is terrible today... Ihhh... I’m so allergic to all the blooming trees, and grass...“ Sniffling embarrassedly, the woman pressed her fingers to her nose, obviously trying hard to fight her urge to sneeze. “I cahhh... can’t stop sneezing all day longhh... hehhh…hennnNNIIISSHHugh!... HennnNNIIIIIISSHHoooaaagh!... HegggGHISSHHHuh!... HeeehhhhhIIIGGSSHH!... Oh Gohhhh… HunnNGGIISSHH!”

“Bless you!” Mesmerized, he watched her sneeze into the tissues.

Gosh, her sneezes were so amazing! Strong, sniffly-tickly, nasal, snorting... The sound fitted marvelously with her big, impressive nose and those large, wide nostrils.

“Thank youuhhhh… hehhhIIIGGGXXSSHguh!... HeehhhhhIIIGGSSHH!  Oh *sniff*... HaaaIIISSHHguh!... HennnNNIIISSHHugh!... HunnNGGIISSHH!“

“Wow, wow, wow! Bless you!! Those trees and the grass are bothering your nose badly!“

“Sorry, it’s so embarrassing GGIISSHH!... HunnNEEEESSHHHagh!“ she sneezed into her tissues that looked completely soaked by now. Sighing and shaking her head, Flora stuffed them into her handbag, pressing her finger under her reddened nose that was scrunching up with irritation.

“No need to be embarrassed. May I offer you this for your nose?“ He handed her a fresh white hanky from his pocket. Oh, how he had longed for a chance like this! It was like a dream coming true!

“Uhhh… can I really accept this from you?... HehhGGSSHHXXXKKuh!” she stifled the next sneeze by pinching her nostrils shut.

“Of course you can. By the way, I’m Nick.”

“Thank you, Nick!” She gratefully accepted the hanky from him. “I’m Flora… haaahhh…. haaaaAAASSHHOOH!” Her nose hurled out another tickly sneeze, now being caught in the hanky.

“Bless you, Flora. What a beautiful name – it means flower!”

“I know *sniff*… and it’s so ironic because I’m allergic to most kinds of flowers too… heghhh…HaaaaEEESSSHHHEEWW!”

“Ooohhh… a beautiful, sneezy flower!” Nick breathed dreamily.

Pressing the hanky to her twitching nostrils, Flora eyed him warily. It was easy to guess what she was thinking…

“No, no, I’m not making fun of you!” Nick hurried to say. “I mean it. You are stunningly beautiful. Especially… with your nose being the way it is.”

Staring at him, Flora shook her head, dabbing the hanky at her widened nostrils. “With my nose being the way it is? But… *sniff*… it must be all red and swollen now.”

Nick forced himself to stay calm. Don’t do anything to scare her, stupid! he admonished himself. Women are not used to getting compliments for their noses, especially if they are so big and sneezy! I must be careful!! He took a deep breath. Easy, Nick… easy… talk to her… “Uhhmm… well… I still think you’ve got a beautiful nose, if I may say so!” He smiled, hoping he was not looking too lecherous.

“Thank you.” Giving another light sniff while pressing the hanky to her reddened nose, Flora looked at him, obviously wondering if she could trust him.

Still trying to breathe deeply, Nick said, “So… uhm… do you enjoy traveling by train?” Gosh, I suck at small talk!

Sneezing again, Flora shook her head. “Not really,” she sniffled. “But it’s the only way for me to get to work. I don’t have a car.”

“Oh, you don’t?... Bless you!” he said as she sneezed again. “I would be lost without my car – it’s broken right now and I have to wait for another couple of days till it’s fixed, so I had to take the train today.” Luckily! he added in his mind.

“I dohh… NNEEEESSSSHHHOOGH!... I don’t even have a driver’s license. The idea of driving scares me! Especially with my allergiiieehhh… haaaaEEESSSHHHEEWW!... I know it’s dangerous to drive when you’re sneezing all the tiiihhh… haaaaEEEESSSHHHHOOOH!”

“Bless you!” Nick breathed. “Yeah… you’ve got a point there.”

Flora blew her nose, then looked at him with a shy smile as her sensitive nostrils kept twitching. “It was so nice of you to lend me your hanky, Nick. I was stupid enough not to bring enough Choonex with me.”


“Yes. It’s a new kind of tissues, especially designed by my doctor. She’s a specialist for rhinitis, and all her patients – including me – suffer from violent sneeze attacks, so she designed that kind of tissue that is… well… sneeze-proof.”

“Wow!!... That must be a great doctor! What’s her name?”

“Dr. Lily Nosepeace. 123 Honky Street. Do you have nose issues too?”

“Uhh-no! I’m just interested. Ah, Honky Street… I had a job there last year. I’m an architect, and I was hired to build a mansion there.”

“Oh, you’re an architect?! I’m an interior designer!”

Nick’s heart leapt as he discovered they had something important in common – a passion to create buildings and give them a unique touch. From this moment on, their conversation kept flowing smoothly and naturally, interspersed by bouts of sneezing out of Flora’s allergic nose. Suddenly, Flora jumped up from her seat. “Gosh, I’m getting off at the next stop!…”

“Oh… Flora… Will I see you again? Please?” His heart throbbed as he handed her his calling card. “It was so wonderful to meet you!”

“Oh, Nick…” Smiling while trying to hold back another sneeze, she looked at him. “I would love to see you again! I’ll call you! Byehh… haaaaIIISSSHHOOH!” A final massive sneeze seemed to propel her out of the train, and Nick sank against the backreat of his seat, sighing dreamily. He was so enraptured he lost himself in wild dreams about the beautiful sneezy redhead and only came back to his senses when the train conductor roughly shook his shoulder to let him know they had reached the terminal stop.

The following Saturday at noon, Nick was nervously waiting outside the “SFF Chef”, a new French restaurant that was already very popular. Flora had agreed to have lunch with him, but she had preferred to meet at the restaurant’s entrance instead having him pick her up at her place. Don’t push her! Don’t push her!! Nick repeated like a mantra to himself.

“HiiGGHHIISSHHKuh!” A half-stifled sneeze made him turn his head. Smiling while pressing a hanky to her nose, Flora waved at him. She was wearing a stunning blue and red dress that revealed a lot of her luscious decollete. “Hi, Nick! Sorry I made you waiihh… HHEEESSHHGGHHuh!”

“Hi Flora, and bless you! No problem at all, I just arrived!” he lied, not wanting to tell her he had been bouncing around nervously for the past half hour. “You look gorgeous!”

“Thank you… hhuuckKKKSSSHHHah!”

After ordering their meals, Flora muffled another forceful sneeze in her hanky, then blew her nose as discreetly as possible. “I made sure to take my new meds this morning,” she sniffled, dabbing the hanky at her slightly pink nostrils. “But my nose is still tickling a bit.”

“I see. Don’t be embarrassed, Flora! If you need to sneeze, just let it out. If anybody stares or makes a silly remark, they’ll have me to deal with.”

“Awww, Nick… You’re so kind and sweet! Nobody has ever been so nice to me when I was a sneezing mess!”

Enjoying their delicious lunch and their conversation, they didn’t notice the time fly by. From time to time, Flora had to sneeze, but her nose seemed to have calmed down somewhat – obviously, her meds worked well today. She told Nick more about Dr. Nosepeace and the treatment of her nose she was getting from her. “She’s got this incredible lotion for sneezy noses like mine,” she smiled. “It’s not for sale yet, as she’s still developing it. She calls it dragon nose wonder. And it certainly works wonders on my nose! When I can’t stop sneezing, she dabs some of this stuff around my nostrils to soothe the tickle – but when my sneezing is stuck and won’t come out, she trickles some of it into my nostrils, and I start sneezing like you won’t believe!”

“Wow!...” Nick was almost dizzy with excitement from hearing this attractive woman with such an impressive nose talk so openly about her allergic sneezing.

“Oh… Maybe this was too much information?” Flora said a bit insecurely, rubbing her slightly twitchy nose.

“No! No! Not at all! I’m… fascinated. I…” Realizing they had finished their lunch and their coffee cups were empty, and seeing the waiter standing nearby fixing his eyes on them expectantly, he cleared his throat. “Flora, would you like to see the building I’m working on right now? The construction site is just around the corner…”

“Oh, the art museum you told me about? I’d love to!” Flora beamed, and he was happy to see she was just as eager to stay together a little longer as he was.

Nobody was working on the half-finished building as it was Saturday, so they could walk around undisturbed. Flora listened to Nick’s explanations with great interest, asking many questions, but after a couple of minutes, she started rubbing her nose fiercely, and her free hand dug a wad of Choonex out of her handbag.

It was only then Nick noticed the air was dry and very dusty, which undoubtedly had a strong effect on Flora’s nose. He saw her face contort, her wide nostrils flaring to an enormous size, heard her shaky breath, and braced himself for what was coming – a forceful, snorting sneeze! She caught it in her handful of Choonex, turning aside.

“Bless you!“ he whispered, though knowing it was too early. From what he had experienced with her so far, he guessed she never sneezed only once. And he had guessed right. Holding the sneeze-proof tissues in front of her twitching nose, her nostrils flaring widely, her breath hitching, she sneezed again, and again, and again. And yet again. “Ugh, excuse mbe!“ she said in a sniffly voice, dabbing the hanky to her twitchy nose. “I think it’s the dust in heehhh...“ Another forceful sneeze burst into her hanky, then she blew her nose.

“Ohhhh... that dust in the air is bothering your nose, hmmm?“ he breathed, gently putting his arm around her. “Come on, Flora, we’d better get out of here.”

Sneezing, she hurried along next to him. Soon they had reached his car, and he opened the door for her. “Have a seat, my lady!” he smiled, his green eyes shining. “Get comfortable, and then we can think about where to go next.”

“Thank youuuuHHOOOSSSHHHOOH!... HaaaaaAAASSSHHHOOOH!” Sneezing forcefully into her Choonex, she settled into her car seat.

Taking his own seat, Nick couldn’t take his eyes off the continuously sneezing woman by his side. “Bless you… bless you!” he whispered, then he remembered he still had an extra hanky with him – he had put it into his pocket looking forward to offer it to Flora when he had a chance. “Bless you!... Here, take this… In case you run out of Choonex.”

“HeeeYYYAAASSSHHHOOH!... Agh, thanks… *sniffle*” With a grateful smile, she accepted the hanky. Stuffing the crumpled Choonex into her handbag, she raised the hanky just in time to catch her next strong, snorting sneeze, which was followed by another one, and another one, and another one.

“Ooohhh, bless you! Your poor nose is still full of that dust, hmm? I’m sorry, I should have thought about it…”

Sneezing again, she shook her head. “It’s not your fault, Nick!” she sniffled. “I should have brought more meds with me… HeeYYEERRSSSHHEWW!” She blew her nose, trying to get rid of the powdery dust tickling her sensitive nasal membranes, but the tiny grains seemed to stick persistently in place. Nick watched her nose scrunch up for sneeze after sneeze after sneeze, and all he could do was breathe one “Bless you!” after another.

Pressing the tissues to her quivering nose, she looked up at him. “Oh... Nick... Sorry I’m sneezing like that... huhhhh...“ Her face contorted again, and her nostrils flared widely. Impulsively, he reached out and laid his finger under her nose, pressing gently up against her flaring, quivering nostrils. “There... Does that feel good?“ he asked gently.

“Aghhhh...“ she exhaled as the sneeze was stopped by his touch, wiggling her nose against his finger. “Thangks... eghhhh...“

“I can see your nose is still tickling!“ He carefully let his fingers glide across her nose, rubbing it gently.

“Ohhh Nick... this feels so good...“ Slightly embarrassed, but gratefully, she pressed her itchy nose against his fingers, nostrils twitching and flaring widely. “Youhh… you’re just as good as Dr. Nosepeacehhh… hehhh… I gottaahhhhAAAASSSHHHOOH!... Oh no, sorry…”

“Don’t worry! And bless you!” Smiling happily, Nick picked up the hanky from her lap and gently wiped her red, sniffly nose. “Oh, Flora, honey… Your nose is so gorgeous!”

“You...“ She sneezed fiercely into the hanky he was holding. “You must be kidding *sniff*!“

“No, I’m serious.” He wiped her nose again. “I’m crazy about big, expressive noses. And... I actually am very attracted to women who sneeze.“ He softly stroked a strand of hair from her eyes. “Your itchy, tickly nose is so charming. And your sneezing… excites me… like crazy.“ He softly laid his finger on the tip of her red, twitchy nose. “Will you let me take care of that sexy, sneezy nose?“ He softly caressed her sensitive nose, running his finger around her flaring, tickly nostrils. “HiiiIIISSSHHHEW!“ she sneezed abruptly on his finger.

“Oh, sorry!“ he mumbled contritely, although it was exactly what he had longed to do – tickle her nose and make her sneeze... To make up for it, he gently took her nose between his fingers again, rubbing it, just like he had done before. “Does that feel better?“

Wiggling and scrunching her nose, Flora nodded, obviously torn between embarrassment and happiness. “Ohhh yes, it... ahhh... feels wohhh… HehhhIISSHHGGuh... .. wonderful!“

“Okay!” Seeing her nose was still tickling badly, he gently pinched the bridge of her nose rhythmically while his other hand kept massaging and pressing her widened, quivering nostrils.

“Aghhhh... this is incredible... please, go on... feels so good *sniff*... So you really like my nosehhh?“

“Yes, I do. And I like all the rest of you, too, my wonderful lady. Will you let me prove it?“

“Oh, Nick! *sniff* I can’t believe I’ve met a man like you! Let’s gohhh… haaaaEEESSSHHHHOOH!”

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This is a really good story. The descriptions of everything are wonderful. 

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Wow very very wounderful job. I love how descriptive it all is and done very well. Keep it up. 

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12 hours ago, kiku said:

@SneezeloveronGirls and @Darkjolteon : Thank you very much! ❤️ I hugely enjoy writing, and Flora is the character that has grown closest to my heart. 😊 I'm so happy when I see other people like her too, and her sneezy life. 👃 😀

@kiki you’ve done an amazing job on this story!  Please keep writing more!  We’d all love to read it! 

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Part 4

Polly, a slim dark haired woman in her thirties, smiled to herself while getting ready to meet her longtime friend Flora.

They had met in college, and had been best friends ever since. Humming to herself as she drove along the highway, she let her thoughts drift off to that day in spring twelve years ago…

The seminar room was crowded with chatting students, and the lecturer, Professor Nogood, was late as usual. All the windows were open, and the spring breeze brought the scent of freshly cut grass with it.

Behind Polly, the entrance door opened, and she saw a tall, curvy girl with a mane of long red curls walking in carrying a big pile of books in her arms. She was sniffling, and her face was slightly contorted. Her nose – quite large, slightly red, with widely flaring nostrils – was twitching with irritation. Obviously, her nose was itching badly, but both her hands were busy, so she couldn’t rub or wipe her nose. “Hehhhh…” she gasped, her breath started hitching. Polly noticed some other students sitting nearby sniggering: “Oh, look! She’s gonna blow! Take cover, everyone!”

The girl quickly turned away as a forceful sneeze burst out of her nose, followed by another one immediately: “HaaaaAASSHHOO!... HehESSSHHHOOOH!“

Sniffling, looking embarrassed, she continued her way through the row of chairs, desperately wiggling her nose.

Impulsively, Polly called out,“You can sit here if you like!” She waved to the sniffly girl.

“Oh, thangks!” With a shaky smile of relief, the sniffly girl sat down next to her, dropping the pile of books on the table in front of her. “Hegh—hehhEEESSHHHOOH!” she sneezed explosively into her left hand while her right hand rummaged in her bag, probably for tissues.

“Bless you!” Polly said.

“Thaggks!” the girl said again, sounding even snifflier, pressing her hand to her nose. She sneezed again and again while searching her bag, then finally found a package of tissues. “HaaaaIIIISSSHHHEEW!” she sneezed, blew her nose, and sneezed three more times.

“B… bless you!” Polly was mesmerized.

The girl gave her a grateful look, then lowered the tissue lump she had sneezed into. For the first time, Polly had a full, close-up view of her nose. It was indeed large, reddened, and her wide nostrils were flaring and twitching. “You’re very nice,” the girl said, breathing shallowly. “But you don’t have to bless me every time I sneeze. *sniff* Maybe you noticed nobody else is doing it. With my hayfever, I just sneeze so much you could never stop saying iihhh… hiiiYYYEEESSSHHHEEW!” she sneezed into her tissue lump. “Byhhh… by the way, I’b Florahhh… haaaEEESSSHHHOOH!”

“Bless you, Flora! I’m Polly.”

“Ndice to beet you, Pohhh… haaaaIIISSHHHOO!... Polly.” She blew her nose again, then stuffed the used tissue lump into her bag.

During the lecture, Polly caught herself paying more attention to Flora’s desperate attempts to keep the sneezy tickle in her nose under control than to the professor’s monotonous monologue. Flora kept her nose buried in a fistful of tissues, breathing irregularly, and stifling sneeze after sneeze. Even stifled, her sneezes were still quite audible, sounding like HuGGGSSHHHNNKH!... NNNNTTCCCHHHagh!... HeggGMMMKKSSHHah!... and so on.

When finally the lecture was over, the professor shuffled off, and the other students started chatting again and left their seats one after another. “Haaahhh… haaaaAAASSSHHHOOOH!” Flora sneezed heavily into a fresh handful of tissues. “HeeeEEESSSHHHHHAAAAHH!... EeeeeeYYYIIISSSHHAAGHH!... AaaaaEESSSHHHHOOGH!... Hehh—hehhh--HEEEAAARRSSSSHHHooagh!”

“Oh, wow… that needed to get out, huh!?”

“HaaaaIIISSHHHgguuhh! Ugh…” Sniffling, Flora rubbed her nose with the tissue lump. “I had to try so hard not to sneeze all the time… but I couuuhhh…. HOOOAASSSHHHuugh!... I couldn’t hold back! *sniff* All I could do was pinch my nose… but… hehhh… HaaaIIISSHHHEEWW!”

“Bless you! You stifled your sneezes, I know! But actually… that’s not healthy, I’m afraid!” Polly said with slight concern, looking at her new friend’s twitchy nose that had turned red and swollen from all the sneezing.

“That’s true, and it also makes the tiihhh… tickle worsehhh… HehEESSSHHHEEW!” She sneezed wetly into her tissue lump, then searched her bag. “Oh no!” she sniffled. “I don’t have any more tissues…” She pinched her nose, looking embarrassed.

“I’ve got plenty of them. Here you go!” Polly offered her a package of fresh tissues.

“Oh… thanks-hhhh…” Gasping, Flora gratefully grabbed a tissue as her nostrils flared widely, breath hitching, and a violent, wet sneeze burst out of her nose into the tissue. She sneezed and sneezed and sneezed.

“Bless you!” Polly breathed.

“Thangkk youhh.. aghhh…” Flora blew her nose, wiping and rubbing it, then finally disposed of the well-used tissue. Her nose was very red and twitchy.

“You can keep the whole package if you like. You look like you’ll need more! I’m OK, I’ve got lots more.”

“You’re really nice… *sniff*… It was dumb of me not to take more of them with mehhhh… HeehhhhhIIISSSHHHagh!... HaaahhIIISSSHHHooh!” Flora sneezed into a fresh handful of tissues.

“Bless you! You’re… you’re really sneezing badly, Flora. It’s all that grass around here, right?”

Nodding, Flora pressed her knuckles to her twitchy, flaring nostrils. “It’s especially bad today *sniff*.” Her face contorted, and she groped for another tissue, obviously realizing she couldn’t fight down the urge to sneeze. Polly watched her fellow student who kept sneezing fiercely into a wad of tissues while getting ready to leave the room.

“Bless you, bless you!... Hey, are you hungry? Why don’t we have lunch together?”

“HehIISSSHHHugh… Are you sure *sniff*? Not grossed out by my codstadt sndeezingghh?”

“Yep, I’m sure.”

In the cafeteria, Flora could not take a tray because she had to cover her itchy nose, pinching it hard to stifle her sneezes, so she put her things on Polly’s tray. “Usually I don’t go to the cafeteria because of that, and also because people are grossed out by my constant sneezing,” she said in a nasally stuffy voice.

At the table, Polly noticed the young woman was constantly scrubbing at her nose. When they had finished eating, Flora sighed, her knuckles pressing hard against her flaring, twitching nostrils, her face was very tense.

“Nose is tickling?”

Flora nodded as her breath hitched and her face contorted more and more.

“Oh, you’ve got to sneeze again – I can see it! Don’t worry, I’ll take care of your tray. You just relax.” She raced to the counter, and was back at the table in a few seconds.

“You… you’re so nihhh… hahhhh…HehhhhIIISSSHHOO!... HeIIIISSSHugh!“ This time, Flora didn’t try to stifle her sneezes any more – the urge to sneeze was obviously too violent. She sneezed forcefully and massively into her wad of tissues: “HaaaaIIISSSHHHHgh!... HaaaIIISSSHHHugh!... HettTTTCCHHHHagh!”

“Bless…” Polly started, but saw immediately that Flora had not finished sneezing yet.

“Haaa... haaaaaIIISSSHHHugh!... HaaaaEEESSHHOOhagh! Haaahh... haaaahh... haaaaAASSHHOO!... HehESSSHHHOOOhah!... HeYYIIISSHHEW!“

“Oh gosh, bless you!“

“HaaaIIISSSHHHugh! Thangks...  haaaaEEESSHHOOhagh!“ Pressing the crumpled up tissue wad to her reddenend nose, she hastily grabbed some fresh tissue from the package as her breath hitched, and her reddened nostrils flared to those huge triangular caves. She sneezed violently into the tissues, blew her nose, and sneezed again, and again. And yet again.

“Awwww... You are sneezing badly!!“

Lowering the tissue wad, Flora rubbed her reddened, twitchy nose, pressing against the tip and moving it around. “My nose just won’t stop tickling...“

“Yeah, I can see that... Spring time, hmm? With all that pollen floating around... Let’s see... What kind of pollen is it right now that’s bothering your nose so much, except grass... Birch? And... hazel?“

Sneezing forcefully, Flora nodded. “Right *sniff*... They’re just everywhere... That yellow powdery stuff is just sticking to my nosehhh... haaaaIIISSSHHHHgh!... HaaaIIISSSHHHugh!... Aghhh… HehhhhIIISSSHHOO! Ahhhh... *sniff*... ahhhh... hahhhh... AAAAIIIIISSHHHOOHH!... EEEESSSHHHEW!“

“Oh, oh, oh, bless you!“

“Thangks.“ Flora pulled some tissue out and pressed it against her flaring, reddened nostrils. Gasping shakily, she sneezed again, and again. Then she blew her nose. She opened her mouth to say something, but was cut short by another violent sneeze bursting out of her nose. Pressing a fresh wad of tissue against her nose, she again tried to speak, but she had to sneeze again, and again, and again – she didn’t seem to be able to stop. Polly noticed many other students watching the continuously sneezing young woman, some of them looking sympathetically, others gloatingly. Flora blew her nose, obviously desperately trying to get rid of the merciless tickle in her allergic nose, but immediately gasped again: “Haaa… hyyahh… HaaaIISSHHOO!... HuuYYISSHHHuh!

Uh… huh… HuhEEESSHHHah!...Hehhhh… EEISSSHHHah!... AaaaIIISSHHHaahh! Hegh… EERRSSHHHOOH!”

“Oh my goodness, bless you!” This must have been almost thirty times in a row…

“Thangshhh… huhhh… HunnNGGIISSHH!... NNEEEESSHHHagh! ... Ahh...gyahhh-hehhh--aaaaIiiiiSSCHEW! Hehhh-henngghh-YYYIISSHHah!... NnngggIIISSHHagh!“

“Ooooohhh... that sounds so itchy!“

“It is... huhhh... hunnnNNNGGEEESSHHahh!... Today it’s really really badhhh.... HeehhhhIIISSSHHHEEW!“ Flora sneezed five more times forcefully into her tissues, then finally lowered the tissue wad a bit so Polly could see her red, tormented nose.“Thaggks *sniff*… for the tissues too *sniff*,” Flora murmured, then blew her nose.

“You’re welcome.” Polly looked at her with concern and excitement at the same time. “Flora, you’re really sneezing up a storm… Maybe you’d better get some meds?” She longed to reach out and touch Flora’s quivering, sneezy nose, give it a soothing rub…

She couldn’t believe her luck that she, being so crazy about sneezy noses, should make friends with a girl who had such an allergic nose…

Pressing the tissue wad to her nose and wiping it hard, Flora shook her head. “They make me drowsy *sniff*. I’ll just wait for the tickle in my nose to ease off…” She blew her nose again.

“I see.”

Flora sniffled lightly, rubbing her flaring nostrils. “I’m so glad we met, Polly. You’re so kind and helpful, giving me tissues… And you’re not grossed out by my constant sneezing… gguughhh…” Her face contorted slightly as she kept scrubbing at her widely flaring nostrils.

“Well… I’m glad I could help!” Polly returned her smile, unable to keep her eyes off her new sneezy friend. Those nostrils… that red, twitchy nose…  “And… I don’t see why I should feel grossed out – or, why anybody should feel grossed out by your sneezing.”

“Well… most people do *sniff*.” Still rubbing her itchy nose, Flora reached for a fresh wad of tissue. “People always seem to think I’m contagious… but I don’t catch a cold that often. It’s just myhhh… maahhhhh…. haaaIIISSSHHHugh!... HaaaaEEESSHHOOhagh! Haaahh... haaaaAASSHHOO!... HehESSSHHHOOOhah!... HeYYIIISSHHEW!“

“Bless you! It’s just your allergies, I know… and all the other people should understand it as well. I mean – it’s spring, for crying out loud! So many people suffer from hayfever!”

Sneezing again forcefully into her tissue wad, Flora said with a trembly voice, “But not around here…” and sneezed again, and again, and again.

“Bless you!!”

“Thangks…” Flora blew her nose, then got rid of the tissue lump. Her red, swollen nose twitched. “You’re so sweet to bless me all the time. Actually… nobody ever blesses me that much when I sneeze. Usually, people say bless you the first time they hear me sneeze, but soon get tired of it because I just can’t stop sneezing. I understand their reaction! I don’t want to annoy peoplehhh… hehhhAAASSHHOO! Oh nohh… huh… huuAASSHHOOO!... EEEAAASSHHEEW!”

“Bless you, Flora! See? I’m not getting annoyed. And I think nobody should! Actually, I like blessing people when they sneeze.”

“But…” Flora fiercely rubbed her reddened nose with a fresh tissue wad. “I bet you’ve never met anyone who sneezes as much as I doohhh…hunnNGGIISSHH!... HunnNEEEESSHHHagh!... HuuuIISSHEW!“

“Bless you, dear! No, I admit I’ve never met anyone who sneezes as much as you do, but I don’t mind…” If you only knew what your sneezing frenzy is doing to me!

Flora blew her nose. “You’re really nice, Polly *sniff*. I’ve never met a person as nice and generous as you. And as understanding and patient.”

“Oh, come on…”

“Really, I mean it! And… I admit I like being blessed when I sneeze. Especially when I sneeze as badly as todayhhhh… heeehhIIISSSHHHEW!... Hehhh-HaaaIIIISSHHOOH! *sniff*… It feels so comforting… hahhh… haaaaIIISSHHOO!... EEESSSHHHOO!... YYYYIIISSSHHHEEWW!... Ahhhh (sniff)… uhhhhh…. haaaIIISSHHHuhh! Ahhh.. but it never happens… not uhhh… until nowhhhh… haaaAAASSSHHHOOOH! Ahhh…AaaaaaaAASSSHHOOH!”

“Bless you, Flora! Well, I’ll always be happy to bless you when you sneeze! No matter how many times you sneeze, I’ll always be happy to bless you!”

“Thanks, you’re such a dear!” Flora rubbed her red, allergy-stricken nose. Gasping shakily, she sneezed again, and again, and again. Her sneezes sounded ticklier and wetter by the second.

“Gosh, bless you! That grass… it really tickles your nose… Ooooohh, bless you!” she said as Flora sneezed yet again.

“Thanggks… ugh.” Flora blew her nose, then disposed of the used tissue wad.

Polly smiled. She watched Flora’s sensitive nostrils that were still flaring widely, and trembling. In her mind, Polly produced a fresh white hanky, very soft, and gently pressed it to her new friend’s quivering, itchy nose. Would that soothe her persistent urge to sneeze?...

Flora’s sniffly voice brought her out of her reverie. “I know people are staring at me when I have my sneezing fits, but I can’t help it…”

“I know! It’s not your fault!”

“HeeeIIIGGSSSHHHHugh!” Flora sneezed stifled against her finger as her free hand managed to pull out some fresh tissues and bring them up to her nose. “Hehhhhh… heeeEEESSSHHHHHAAAAHH!... EeeeeeYYYIIISSSHHAAGHH!... HaaaaEEESSHHHAAAH!” The sneezes exploded into the tissues, now without being restrained by her fingers.

“Bless you, bless you!”

“Thanks. You know… Sometimes it’s so frustrating… No guy wants to go out with me. And I can even understand that *sniff*. I mean, who wants to be in bed with a girl whohh… haaaaaAAAASSSHHHOOGH!... is sneezing all the time? Hehhh… haaaAAARRSSHHHOOGH!”

“Bless you!... You know, I think you shouldn’t be so pessimistic. I’m sure there are many guys out there who…”

Sneezing, Flora shook her head. “The last guy I dated called me a horse because of my irritable nostrils. I know they flare a lot, I can’t control it, and they are rather wide to begin with! He thought my allergies were quite distracting… He hated it when I had to suh… hehhh… sneezehhhh… haaaaIIIISSHHHOOOH!” she sneezed forcefully.

“Ohh, what a jerk! How good that you’re rid of him!”

Flora blew her nose. “Yeah, but I think I’ll never find someone. I mean, it is difficult to do certain things… like kissing… and cuddling… when you have to sneeze all the time.” Her face contorted, and she sneezed forcefully four times in a row.

“Bless you, bless you, bless you!”

Smiling weakly, Flora pressed the tissue wad to her flaring, quivering nostrils. “I’ve never been blessed so much in my whole life *sniff*.”

“Then it’s about time someone did it!”

This was the beginning of their friendship. Polly smiled to herself as she reminisced, thinking of the good old times… They had studied together, had fun together, offering each other company and comfort when their relationships with guys didn’t go well… They had both been single for a long time, and Polly had realized she liked being by herself. Now, she was happy to know Flora had found a very nice boyfriend – Nick. He seemed to be a great guy from what Flora had told her, and on the photos Polly had received from her friend the two of them looked incredibly happy.

Today, Polly was going to meet Nick for the first time. The three of them were going to have dinner together. Polly couldn’t wait to see her best friend again after several months, and to finally meet the new man in her life...

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Flora seems lucky to have a friend like Polly and a boyfriend like Nick, who are not bothered by her almost endless sneezing and are always ready to offer her a handkerchief or tissues. I am looking forward to the next part

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Thank you, @ShamanBodyan ! 🍀 🌷 Yes, Flora is lucky to have people like Polly and Nick by her side. I really enjoy writing about sneezy people who have somebody loving and caring around them. 😊

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@Jess Starseed1111 Awwww thank you so much! ❤️ 🤗 Polly is, for the time being, happy to be single, but I think some day she will find someone (without actually having looked for someone). 😉

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9 minutes ago, Jess Starseed1111 said:

💖🥰 Aww I love that 🌟, happily single in her Divine feminine energy 🌟 Do you know it is said that love comes when you least expect it, and sometimes in the most unlikely of places🌿🌷 🌟 

Yes, I have heard of that! And I think it happens often. 😊

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Thank you, @starpollen! ❤️ It's especially exciting to get feedback from you, because I can stil remember how thrilled I was when I first read your stories on Serotica all those years ago... You were a great inspiration for me. 🌷🍀🌷

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👃 Part 5 👃

“Wow, Flora is a lucky girl indeed!” Polly thought when she looked at Nick who was sitting opposite her at the table in a fancy French restaurant. Handsome and nice, thoughtful, fun to talk and listen to… Flora was beaming with joy, and Polly was truly happy for her friend.

The three of them were looking forward to the dessert, and Nick was explaining to Polly about his adventure of trying to fry a steak for the very first time when a sudden, sharp sneeze from Flora interrupted them. “Bless you!” they said in unison.

“Thahhh… hahh… hagggGGSSHHOOH!... Agh, excuse mehh… NNKKSSHHEEah!... HeennGGSSHHEEW!” Embarrassedly pressing her fingers to her nose, Flora was hectically searching her handbag, when Nick offered her a big white hanky. “There you go, honey.”

Nodding her thanks to him, Flora gasped, and sneezed with muffled force into the hanky.

“Bless you!” Nick and Polly repeated. Nick put his arm around his lady. “Something’s bothering your nose, hmmm?”

“Agh… I think it’s the flowers over therehhh…” Pressing the hanky to her nose, Flora desperately tried to fight her strong urge to sneeze.

Now Polly saw them: Big bunches of lilies and hyacinths had been brought in - they were adorning the tables just a few steps behind them. Now she noticed the sweet smell too. Flora sneezed again, and again. It sounded forceful and tickly.

“Bless you, baby.” He gave her a quick hug, then he called the waiter. “Excuse me?... My girlfriend is having an allergic reaction to the flowers.” As if to confirm his words, Flora let out another violent sneeze.

“Oh, pardon,” the elegant Frenchman said softly. “We thought maybe the ladies would like the flowers, monsieur…”

“HaaaGGHHIISSHHHagh!... HennNNNTTCCHHagh!” Flora sneezed into the hanky she was pressing to her nose.

“A vos souhaits, madame,” the waiter purred, watching the sneezy red-haired woman with fascination.

Nick smiled. “Well, as you see, the flowers make one of the ladies sneeze terribly. Especially lilies and hyacinths irritate her nose very much.”

“That’s rihhh…” Flora gasped before sneezing again, four times in a row. Her hand with the hanky could hardly muffle the fierce, snorting sound. People began staring at the sneezing woman, and Nick comfortingly put his arm around her again.

“Oh la la…” the waiter murmured. “I will take care of it immediately.”

The waiter and his colleagues quickly removed the flowers while Flora pinched her nose with the hanky. Then she blew her nose, sneezed, and blew her nose again.

“You’ll feel better soon, honey,” Nick said softly, and Polly nodded, shifting in her seat.

“Ugh…” Flora dabbed the hanky at her flaring, reddened nostrils. “I guess my nose is calming down little by little… it’s still tickling a bit thoughhh…” Her nostrils flared even wider, and she scrubbed at them.

“Here, take a fresh one, baby!” Nick handed her another hanky.

“Thanks, honeyhhh… hehhhIIIGGGSSSHHHuh!” Flora sneezed into the fresh hanky. “Agh… that pollen is still sticking up my nosehhh… heehhhIIISSSHHHKKah!”

“Let it out, honey!” Nick and Polly said in unison.

Sneezing again, Flora leaned into Nick’s comforting embrace. “You’re so wonderful, putting up with my constant sneezing like that.”

Polly was melting away as her eyes were glued to the couple in front of her. What a sweet guy Nick was!... She had never seen anybody take care of her sneezy friend like that. Polly’s thoughts wandered back to a night one year ago…

It had been on a formal reception at Flora’s company, held in a luxurious hotel, where Polly had taken part as a guest. It had been a warm summer night. All windows were wide open, and a soft breeze let the scent of freshly cut grass fill the room.

Flora, wearing an emerald green cocktail dress, very low cut with no sleeves, and shoulder free, had made sure to take her allergy pill before going out. But now, two hours into the party, Polly noticed Flora’s nose was getting itchier and itchier. She tried to be nice and charming, but kept wiggling her nose – she obviously couldn’t control it – and discreetly rubbing it. From time to time, her nostrils flared abruptly, and she quickly turned away to press a wad of tissues against them – and sneezed with muffled force into the tissues, mostly two or three times in a row. Her nose got redder and redder. The other guests kept blessing her, saying things like, “Are you all right?”, “Oh, it’s all that grass pollen, right?” , “Mmmmm, I love the scent of freshly cut grass… But, awwww, it seems to tickle your nose badly, poor dear!” and so on.

Polly couldn’t take her eyes off Flora. She looked so attractive and beautiful in that dress, showing so much of her smooth bare skin, which was shining in a nicely white shade, looking beautiful with her green dress – and then, there was her bright red nose! She still tried very hard to keep smiling and do small talk, but her sneezy moments became more frequent as the evening proceeded – again and again she turned aside to let out three or four fierce sneezes, trying hard to stifle them with her tissues.

At some point, Greg – the man she dated at that time – hissed at her, “Didn’t you take your hayfever meds?“, to which Flora replied, “I did, but they just don’t seem to work tonight... sorry...“ Her nostrils flared up as the next sneeze was building up in her nose, and she hastily pressed a wad of tissues to her nostrils, taking a few steps away from the group of people. Greg disgustedly turned aside.

Polly stared angrily at him. One of the other guests, an elderly lady, smiled at Greg, casting a sympathetic glance at Flora who was stifling another forceful sneeze into her tissue wad while trying to talk with some colleagues. “Your fiancée has bad hayfever!“ the lady smiled.

Greg snorted. ”She’s not my fiancée. And she doesnt’t only have hayfever. Everything makes her sneeze! Dust, cigarette smoke, perfume, cleaning spray... I’ve never seen a woman with such a sensitive nose!“

That jerk! Polly thought, and went up to her friend. “Come on, honey, let’s go to the ladies‘ room to freshen up a bit,” she said in a hushed voice. “There you can have a good relieving sneeze. Or maybe several. And a thorough noseblow. Maybe that will help you with the tickle in your nose.“

“Okay,“ Flora sniffled into the tissues. 

Polly put her arm protectively around her friend, seeing Flora’s red tickly nose twitch, hearing her shaky breath as she fought against the urge to sneeze. “I’d really love to take you home,“ she whispered.“

“I’d love that too *sniff*... But I promised Greg...“

“Oh, he doesn’t deserve you! – Sorry...“

“I know what you mean *sniff*... but he can be very nice...“

“Well, maybe as long as you don’t sneeze!“

“I know. Probably you’re righhh... hhiiiGGTTTCCHHugh!“ Flora stifled another sneeze by pinching her nose.

“There we are!” Polly opened the door to the ladies’ room, and the two of them rushed inside. It was a very luxurious wash room with big mirrors and all kinds of fancy toiletries laid out on the shelves above the sinks.

At last, Flora didn’t have to hold back anymore. She leaned against the nearest sink as the persistent tickle took full control of her nose. It twitched, her face contorted, her nostrils flared, and she took a deep shaky breath. “Haaahh... haaaahh... haaaaAASSHHOO!... HehESSSHHHOOOhah!... EEEYYIIISSHHEW!“she sneezed into her tissue wad.

“Bless you, hon.“

“Tha... haaaghhh... ehhhh... hehESSSHHHOOOhah!“ she sneezed again, bending double with the force.

“That’s it – let it out!“

“Aaghhh... hahh--heeeYYIIISSHHEW!“

“Bless you again. Feeling a bit better already?“

Flora blew her nose, then looked into the mirror. “The tickle is a little bit better... but look at my nose! It’s so red!... Oh, did you see the facial powder they’ve got here?” She pointed to an elegant black and golden cup on the shelf below the mirror. “I could use that to cover up my reddened nose...“

“Flora, are you sure that’s a good idea? I’m afraid the fine powder will get up your nose, tickling it even more...“

“I’ll be careful. I’m just so embarrassed with that huge red nose of mine... Agh, it’s so red and swollen from all the sneezing, it looks twice as big!“ She disposed of the used tissue wad, then took the powder puff and applied the white powder to her nose. The red colour was covered up nicely, but after Flora put the puff away and inhaled, the powder crumbled away from her nose and invaded her sensitive nostrils. Immediately, Flora gasped, and burst into the most massive sneezing fit Polly had ever witnessed.

“HheyyyYAASSHHOOH!... HaaEEESSSHHOOah!... Hhh... haaaEERRSSSHHugh!... HnnnnNNEEESSSHHah!... Aghhh, my nohhh… HeeeYYAAASSSHHuh!... HaaaIIISSSHHHugh!... Hah… haaah… HaaaaEEESSHHOOhagh!... HeeYYIIISSHHEW!... HaaaaIISSHHOOH!“

She sneezed heavily and snortingly into the paper towels she had hastily grabbed from the shelf.

“Ohhhh, bless you, hon! Didn’t I tell you?!... Here, take those tissues, they’re softer on your nose...“ She offered her friend the tissue box from another shelf in the big, elegant ladies’ room.

Sneezing, Flora thanked her, blew her nose, and sneezed and sneezed and sneezed.

“Oh honey, let me look at your nose... Maybe I can help.“

Flora let go of her nose and tilted her head slightly back for Polly. Those widely flaring, reddened nostrils, full of irritation... Polly took a fresh tissue and began to gently wipe her friend’s nose, trying to clean it from the powder. Softly, she ran the tissue around the hypersensitive inside of Flora’s nose. Immediately, Flora’s nostrils flared up, and she turned aside: “HaaaAAASSSHHOOH!... Aghh that tickles… HaaaAAASSHHHEEW!”

“Sorry, hon! I’m just trying to clean your nose. Hold still for a second.” She continued wiping her friend’s sensitive twitchy nostrils.

“Aghhh… thanks *sniff*… You were rihhh...“ Then she turned away because she had to sneeze again, and again. Sniffling, she grabbed a fresh handful of tissues and blew her nose. “Eghhh…” Flora’s nose was red and twitchy, her nostrils still flaring and quivering. “I’m afraid Greg’s… really grossed out by me now. He’s just like all the other guys I’veh… heggGGHHEEEESSSHHHHAAGH!... dated so far *sniff*. This nose of mine... with all that sneezing... will make it impossible for me to have a normal love lifehhhh... hennnNNIIISSHHagh!“

“No, not necessarily, hon.“ Polly gently squeezed her hand. “You’ll just have to find someone who loves you the way you are. Including your nose.”

“Hey, Polly dear!” Laughing, Flora waved her hand in front of Polly’s dreamy eyes from across the table. “Where have you been?”

“Oh, sorry! I’ve just been caught in memories,” Polly said with a light smile. “I was thinking… if I may say so… You’re so lucky to have found someone who is so sweet about your sneezy allergies.” She smiled at Nick with an approving nod.

“Oh, yes, I am!” Flora beamed, leaning over to give Nick a sweet kiss.

After dinner, they were sitting comfortably in the sofa corner of Nick and Flora’s living room. They had moved in together only a few weeks ago. As they spoke, Flora’s nose began twitching more and more, and she kept rubbing it. “Nick, honey, can you smell it? Our neighbours must have cut their grass again…” When finally her face drew up and her nostrils flared widely, Polly knew a sneeze attack was on its way. And so it happened. Flora pressed a handful of tissues to her hypersensitive nose that exploded into a fit of tickly, snorting sneezes, while Nick put his arm comfortingly around his allergy-stricken girlfriend. “Bless you, baby!... Bless you!” he said with his soft warm voice, and Polly once again was struck by the difference between him and those creeps her friend had gone out with before.

“Bless you!” Polly said as well, smiling. “Oh yes, now I can smell the grass too.”

Sneezing, Flora nodded, wiping her reddened nose. “It’s really tihhh…tickling my nose… haaaIIISSSHHHEEW!”

“Bless you, darling.” Nick pulled her closer.

Flora blew her nose, then kept rubbing and pinching it as she tried to continue talking. “Hehhh... hh-why do I have to be the sniffliest, itchiest, most-hehh... huhIISSHHEW! Mbost allergic person I kndow?"

Smiling, Nick softly laid his finger on her reddened, twitchy nose. “Honeybee, you’re definitely the sneeziest person I know. And you’ve got the sexiest nose in the world.” He bent down to let his lips gently caress her tickly nose, which immediately caused a violent sneeze. “Ugh *sniff* Nick!... I told you Ihhh… haaaaIIISSHHOOOH!... HaaaEEESSSHHHOOah!”

“Sorry, baby!” Nick said with a sheepish grin, reaching for a fresh handful of tissues to wipe his girlfriend’s nose. “I know kissing your nose makes you sneeze. But I just couldn’t help it…”

Pressing her nose into the tissue wad her boyfriend was wiping her nose with, Flora said with a nasal voice, “I know… I actually like it when you kiss mby nose… And *sniff*… I’b happy that you like my nose so much… I just wish my nose wouuhhh… hahhh… HaaaIIGGGSSSHHHHah!” she sneezed into the tissue wad Nick was holding to her nose. “… my nose would stop ticklinghhh… eghhhhh…” She gasped as the next sneeze explosion was on its way, but Nick quickly placed his finger under her nose, pressing gently up against her widely flaring nostrils. Flora shakily exhaled, but her flaring, quivering nostrils and her scrunched up face made it clear that her urge to sneeze had not faded yet. “Still need to sneeze, hon?” Nick asked, and as Flora nodded gaspingly, he began to rub and massage her nose in circular, rhythmic movements.

“Wow!” Polly couldn’t help exclaiming in fascination. “You’re doing that so skilfully, Nick… and it really seems to help!”

“*Sniff*… It does!” Flora said, breathing shallowly as she wiggled her nose against her boyfriend’s massaging fingers. “Nick’s fingers are amazing on my nose… His massage on my nose is the only thing that can stop my sneezing… at least for some time!”

“I love helping you, darling, and I just love touching your wonderful nose!”

“YES!” Polly gave her friends a thumbs up while Nick, closing his eyes with relish, nuzzled Flora’s red mane of curls. The two women looked at each other smiling happily.

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1 hour ago, kiku said:

👃 Part 5 👃


“Wow, Flora is a lucky girl indeed!” Polly thought when she looked at Nick who was sitting opposite her at the table in a fancy French restaurant. Handsome and nice, thoughtful, fun to talk and listen to… Flora was beaming with joy, and Polly was truly happy for her friend.


The three of them were looking forward to the dessert, and Nick was explaining to Polly about his adventure of trying to fry a steak for the very first time when a sudden, sharp sneeze from Flora interrupted them. “Bless you!” they said in unison.

“Thahhh… hahh… hagggGGSSHHOOH!... Agh, excuse mehh… NNKKSSHHEEah!... HeennGGSSHHEEW!” Embarrassedly pressing her fingers to her nose, Flora was hectically searching her handbag, when Nick offered her a big white hanky. “There you go, honey.”

Nodding her thanks to him, Flora gasped, and sneezed with muffled force into the hanky.

“Bless you!” Nick and Polly repeated. Nick put his arm around his lady. “Something’s bothering your nose, hmmm?”

“Agh… I think it’s the flowers over therehhh…” Pressing the hanky to her nose, Flora desperately tried to fight her strong urge to sneeze.

Now Polly saw them: Big bunches of lilies and hyacinths had been brought in - they were adorning the tables just a few steps behind them. Now she noticed the sweet smell too. Flora sneezed again, and again. It sounded forceful and tickly.

“Bless you, baby.” He gave her a quick hug, then he called the waiter. “Excuse me?... My girlfriend is having an allergic reaction to the flowers.” As if to confirm his words, Flora let out another violent sneeze.

“Oh, pardon,” the elegant Frenchman said softly. “We thought maybe the ladies would like the flowers, monsieur…”

“HaaaGGHHIISSHHHagh!... HennNNNTTCCHHagh!” Flora sneezed into the hanky she was pressing to her nose.

“A vos souhaits, madame,” the waiter purred, watching the sneezy red-haired woman with fascination.

Nick smiled. “Well, as you see, the flowers make one of the ladies sneeze terribly. Especially lilies and hyacinths irritate her nose very much.”

“That’s rihhh…” Flora gasped before sneezing again, four times in a row. Her hand with the hanky could hardly muffle the fierce, snorting sound. People began staring at the sneezing woman, and Nick comfortingly put his arm around her again.

“Oh la la…” the waiter murmured. “I will take care of it immediately.”

The waiter and his colleagues quickly removed the flowers while Flora pinched her nose with the hanky. Then she blew her nose, sneezed, and blew her nose again.

“You’ll feel better soon, honey,” Nick said softly, and Polly nodded, shifting in her seat.

“Ugh…” Flora dabbed the hanky at her flaring, reddened nostrils. “I guess my nose is calming down little by little… it’s still tickling a bit thoughhh…” Her nostrils flared even wider, and she scrubbed at them.

“Here, take a fresh one, baby!” Nick handed her another hanky.

“Thanks, honeyhhh… hehhhIIIGGGSSSHHHuh!” Flora sneezed into the fresh hanky. “Agh… that pollen is still sticking up my nosehhh… heehhhIIISSSHHHKKah!”

“Let it out, honey!” Nick and Polly said in unison.

Sneezing again, Flora leaned into Nick’s comforting embrace. “You’re so wonderful, putting up with my constant sneezing like that.”

Polly was melting away as her eyes were glued to the couple in front of her. What a sweet guy Nick was!... She had never seen anybody take care of her sneezy friend like that. Polly’s thoughts wandered back to a night one year ago…

It had been on a formal reception at Flora’s company, held in a luxurious hotel, where Polly had taken part as a guest. It had been a warm summer night. All windows were wide open, and a soft breeze let the scent of freshly cut grass fill the room.

Flora, wearing an emerald green cocktail dress, very low cut with no sleeves, and shoulder free, had made sure to take her allergy pill before going out. But now, two hours into the party, Polly noticed Flora’s nose was getting itchier and itchier. She tried to be nice and charming, but kept wiggling her nose – she obviously couldn’t control it – and discreetly rubbing it. From time to time, her nostrils flared abruptly, and she quickly turned away to press a wad of tissues against them – and sneezed with muffled force into the tissues, mostly two or three times in a row. Her nose got redder and redder. The other guests kept blessing her, saying things like, “Are you all right?”, “Oh, it’s all that grass pollen, right?” , “Mmmmm, I love the scent of freshly cut grass… But, awwww, it seems to tickle your nose badly, poor dear!” and so on.

Polly couldn’t take her eyes off Flora. She looked so attractive and beautiful in that dress, showing so much of her smooth bare skin, which was shining in a nicely white shade, looking beautiful with her green dress – and then, there was her bright red nose! She still tried very hard to keep smiling and do small talk, but her sneezy moments became more frequent as the evening proceeded – again and again she turned aside to let out three or four fierce sneezes, trying hard to stifle them with her tissues.

At some point, Greg – the man she dated at that time – hissed at her, “Didn’t you take your hayfever meds?“, to which Flora replied, “I did, but they just don’t seem to work tonight... sorry...“ Her nostrils flared up as the next sneeze was building up in her nose, and she hastily pressed a wad of tissues to her nostrils, taking a few steps away from the group of people. Greg disgustedly turned aside.

Polly stared angrily at him. One of the other guests, an elderly lady, smiled at Greg, casting a sympathetic glance at Flora who was stifling another forceful sneeze into her tissue wad while trying to talk with some colleagues. “Your fiancée has bad hayfever!“ the lady smiled.

Greg snorted. ”She’s not my fiancée. And she doesnt’t only have hayfever. Everything makes her sneeze! Dust, cigarette smoke, perfume, cleaning spray... I’ve never seen a woman with such a sensitive nose!“

That jerk! Polly thought, and went up to her friend. “Come on, honey, let’s go to the ladies‘ room to freshen up a bit,” she said in a hushed voice. “There you can have a good relieving sneeze. Or maybe several. And a thorough noseblow. Maybe that will help you with the tickle in your nose.“

“Okay,“ Flora sniffled into the tissues. 


Polly put her arm protectively around her friend, seeing Flora’s red tickly nose twitch, hearing her shaky breath as she fought against the urge to sneeze. “I’d really love to take you home,“ she whispered.“

“I’d love that too *sniff*... But I promised Greg...“

“Oh, he doesn’t deserve you! – Sorry...“

“I know what you mean *sniff*... but he can be very nice...“

“Well, maybe as long as you don’t sneeze!“

“I know. Probably you’re righhh... hhiiiGGTTTCCHHugh!“ Flora stifled another sneeze by pinching her nose.

“There we are!” Polly opened the door to the ladies’ room, and the two of them rushed inside. It was a very luxurious wash room with big mirrors and all kinds of fancy toiletries laid out on the shelves above the sinks.

At last, Flora didn’t have to hold back anymore. She leaned against the nearest sink as the persistent tickle took full control of her nose. It twitched, her face contorted, her nostrils flared, and she took a deep shaky breath. “Haaahh... haaaahh... haaaaAASSHHOO!... HehESSSHHHOOOhah!... EEEYYIIISSHHEW!“she sneezed into her tissue wad.

“Bless you, hon.“

“Tha... haaaghhh... ehhhh... hehESSSHHHOOOhah!“ she sneezed again, bending double with the force.

“That’s it – let it out!“

“Aaghhh... hahh--heeeYYIIISSHHEW!“

“Bless you again. Feeling a bit better already?“

Flora blew her nose, then looked into the mirror. “The tickle is a little bit better... but look at my nose! It’s so red!... Oh, did you see the facial powder they’ve got here?” She pointed to an elegant black and golden cup on the shelf below the mirror. “I could use that to cover up my reddened nose...“

“Flora, are you sure that’s a good idea? I’m afraid the fine powder will get up your nose, tickling it even more...“

“I’ll be careful. I’m just so embarrassed with that huge red nose of mine... Agh, it’s so red and swollen from all the sneezing, it looks twice as big!“ She disposed of the used tissue wad, then took the powder puff and applied the white powder to her nose. The red colour was covered up nicely, but after Flora put the puff away and inhaled, the powder crumbled away from her nose and invaded her sensitive nostrils. Immediately, Flora gasped, and burst into the most massive sneezing fit Polly had ever witnessed.


“HheyyyYAASSHHOOH!... HaaEEESSSHHOOah!... Hhh... haaaEERRSSSHHugh!... HnnnnNNEEESSSHHah!... Aghhh, my nohhh… HeeeYYAAASSSHHuh!... HaaaIIISSSHHHugh!... Hah… haaah… HaaaaEEESSHHOOhagh!... HeeYYIIISSHHEW!... HaaaaIISSHHOOH!“


She sneezed heavily and snortingly into the paper towels she had hastily grabbed from the shelf.

“Ohhhh, bless you, hon! Didn’t I tell you?!... Here, take those tissues, they’re softer on your nose...“ She offered her friend the tissue box from another shelf in the big, elegant ladies’ room.

Sneezing, Flora thanked her, blew her nose, and sneezed and sneezed and sneezed.

“Oh honey, let me look at your nose... Maybe I can help.“

Flora let go of her nose and tilted her head slightly back for Polly. Those widely flaring, reddened nostrils, full of irritation... Polly took a fresh tissue and began to gently wipe her friend’s nose, trying to clean it from the powder. Softly, she ran the tissue around the hypersensitive inside of Flora’s nose. Immediately, Flora’s nostrils flared up, and she turned aside: “HaaaAAASSSHHOOH!... Aghh that tickles… HaaaAAASSHHHEEW!”

“Sorry, hon! I’m just trying to clean your nose. Hold still for a second.” She continued wiping her friend’s sensitive twitchy nostrils.

“Aghhh… thanks *sniff*… You were rihhh...“ Then she turned away because she had to sneeze again, and again. Sniffling, she grabbed a fresh handful of tissues and blew her nose. “Eghhh…” Flora’s nose was red and twitchy, her nostrils still flaring and quivering. “I’m afraid Greg’s… really grossed out by me now. He’s just like all the other guys I’veh… heggGGHHEEEESSSHHHHAAGH!... dated so far *sniff*. This nose of mine... with all that sneezing... will make it impossible for me to have a normal love lifehhhh... hennnNNIIISSHHagh!“

“No, not necessarily, hon.“ Polly gently squeezed her hand. “You’ll just have to find someone who loves you the way you are. Including your nose.”

“Hey, Polly dear!” Laughing, Flora waved her hand in front of Polly’s dreamy eyes from across the table. “Where have you been?”

“Oh, sorry! I’ve just been caught in memories,” Polly said with a light smile. “I was thinking… if I may say so… You’re so lucky to have found someone who is so sweet about your sneezy allergies.” She smiled at Nick with an approving nod.

“Oh, yes, I am!” Flora beamed, leaning over to give Nick a sweet kiss.


After dinner, they were sitting comfortably in the sofa corner of Nick and Flora’s living room. They had moved in together only a few weeks ago. As they spoke, Flora’s nose began twitching more and more, and she kept rubbing it. “Nick, honey, can you smell it? Our neighbours must have cut their grass again…” When finally her face drew up and her nostrils flared widely, Polly knew a sneeze attack was on its way. And so it happened. Flora pressed a handful of tissues to her hypersensitive nose that exploded into a fit of tickly, snorting sneezes, while Nick put his arm comfortingly around his allergy-stricken girlfriend. “Bless you, baby!... Bless you!” he said with his soft warm voice, and Polly once again was struck by the difference between him and those creeps her friend had gone out with before.

“Bless you!” Polly said as well, smiling. “Oh yes, now I can smell the grass too.”


Sneezing, Flora nodded, wiping her reddened nose. “It’s really tihhh…tickling my nose… haaaIIISSSHHHEEW!”

“Bless you, darling.” Nick pulled her closer.

Flora blew her nose, then kept rubbing and pinching it as she tried to continue talking. “Hehhh... hh-why do I have to be the sniffliest, itchiest, most-hehh... huhIISSHHEW! Mbost allergic person I kndow?"

Smiling, Nick softly laid his finger on her reddened, twitchy nose. “Honeybee, you’re definitely the sneeziest person I know. And you’ve got the sexiest nose in the world.” He bent down to let his lips gently caress her tickly nose, which immediately caused a violent sneeze. “Ugh *sniff* Nick!... I told you Ihhh… haaaaIIISSHHOOOH!... HaaaEEESSSHHHOOah!”

“Sorry, baby!” Nick said with a sheepish grin, reaching for a fresh handful of tissues to wipe his girlfriend’s nose. “I know kissing your nose makes you sneeze. But I just couldn’t help it…”

Pressing her nose into the tissue wad her boyfriend was wiping her nose with, Flora said with a nasal voice, “I know… I actually like it when you kiss mby nose… And *sniff*… I’b happy that you like my nose so much… I just wish my nose wouuhhh… hahhh… HaaaIIGGGSSSHHHHah!” she sneezed into the tissue wad Nick was holding to her nose. “… my nose would stop ticklinghhh… eghhhhh…” She gasped as the next sneeze explosion was on its way, but Nick quickly placed his finger under her nose, pressing gently up against her widely flaring nostrils. Flora shakily exhaled, but her flaring, quivering nostrils and her scrunched up face made it clear that her urge to sneeze had not faded yet. “Still need to sneeze, hon?” Nick asked, and as Flora nodded gaspingly, he began to rub and massage her nose in circular, rhythmic movements.

“Wow!” Polly couldn’t help exclaiming in fascination. “You’re doing that so skilfully, Nick… and it really seems to help!”

“*Sniff*… It does!” Flora said, breathing shallowly as she wiggled her nose against her boyfriend’s massaging fingers. “Nick’s fingers are amazing on my nose… His massage on my nose is the only thing that can stop my sneezing… at least for some time!”


“I love helping you, darling, and I just love touching your wonderful nose!”

“YES!” Polly gave her friends a thumbs up while Nick, closing his eyes with relish, nuzzled Flora’s red mane of curls. The two women looked at each other smiling happily.


Oh, it's so sweet. I melted.

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9 hours ago, kiku said:

👃 Part 5 👃


“Wow, Flora is a lucky girl indeed!” Polly thought when she looked at Nick who was sitting opposite her at the table in a fancy French restaurant. Handsome and nice, thoughtful, fun to talk and listen to… Flora was beaming with joy, and Polly was truly happy for her friend.


The three of them were looking forward to the dessert, and Nick was explaining to Polly about his adventure of trying to fry a steak for the very first time when a sudden, sharp sneeze from Flora interrupted them. “Bless you!” they said in unison.

“Thahhh… hahh… hagggGGSSHHOOH!... Agh, excuse mehh… NNKKSSHHEEah!... HeennGGSSHHEEW!” Embarrassedly pressing her fingers to her nose, Flora was hectically searching her handbag, when Nick offered her a big white hanky. “There you go, honey.”

Nodding her thanks to him, Flora gasped, and sneezed with muffled force into the hanky.

“Bless you!” Nick and Polly repeated. Nick put his arm around his lady. “Something’s bothering your nose, hmmm?”

“Agh… I think it’s the flowers over therehhh…” Pressing the hanky to her nose, Flora desperately tried to fight her strong urge to sneeze.

Now Polly saw them: Big bunches of lilies and hyacinths had been brought in - they were adorning the tables just a few steps behind them. Now she noticed the sweet smell too. Flora sneezed again, and again. It sounded forceful and tickly.

“Bless you, baby.” He gave her a quick hug, then he called the waiter. “Excuse me?... My girlfriend is having an allergic reaction to the flowers.” As if to confirm his words, Flora let out another violent sneeze.

“Oh, pardon,” the elegant Frenchman said softly. “We thought maybe the ladies would like the flowers, monsieur…”

“HaaaGGHHIISSHHHagh!... HennNNNTTCCHHagh!” Flora sneezed into the hanky she was pressing to her nose.

“A vos souhaits, madame,” the waiter purred, watching the sneezy red-haired woman with fascination.

Nick smiled. “Well, as you see, the flowers make one of the ladies sneeze terribly. Especially lilies and hyacinths irritate her nose very much.”

“That’s rihhh…” Flora gasped before sneezing again, four times in a row. Her hand with the hanky could hardly muffle the fierce, snorting sound. People began staring at the sneezing woman, and Nick comfortingly put his arm around her again.

“Oh la la…” the waiter murmured. “I will take care of it immediately.”

The waiter and his colleagues quickly removed the flowers while Flora pinched her nose with the hanky. Then she blew her nose, sneezed, and blew her nose again.

“You’ll feel better soon, honey,” Nick said softly, and Polly nodded, shifting in her seat.

“Ugh…” Flora dabbed the hanky at her flaring, reddened nostrils. “I guess my nose is calming down little by little… it’s still tickling a bit thoughhh…” Her nostrils flared even wider, and she scrubbed at them.

“Here, take a fresh one, baby!” Nick handed her another hanky.

“Thanks, honeyhhh… hehhhIIIGGGSSSHHHuh!” Flora sneezed into the fresh hanky. “Agh… that pollen is still sticking up my nosehhh… heehhhIIISSSHHHKKah!”

“Let it out, honey!” Nick and Polly said in unison.

Sneezing again, Flora leaned into Nick’s comforting embrace. “You’re so wonderful, putting up with my constant sneezing like that.”

Polly was melting away as her eyes were glued to the couple in front of her. What a sweet guy Nick was!... She had never seen anybody take care of her sneezy friend like that. Polly’s thoughts wandered back to a night one year ago…

It had been on a formal reception at Flora’s company, held in a luxurious hotel, where Polly had taken part as a guest. It had been a warm summer night. All windows were wide open, and a soft breeze let the scent of freshly cut grass fill the room.

Flora, wearing an emerald green cocktail dress, very low cut with no sleeves, and shoulder free, had made sure to take her allergy pill before going out. But now, two hours into the party, Polly noticed Flora’s nose was getting itchier and itchier. She tried to be nice and charming, but kept wiggling her nose – she obviously couldn’t control it – and discreetly rubbing it. From time to time, her nostrils flared abruptly, and she quickly turned away to press a wad of tissues against them – and sneezed with muffled force into the tissues, mostly two or three times in a row. Her nose got redder and redder. The other guests kept blessing her, saying things like, “Are you all right?”, “Oh, it’s all that grass pollen, right?” , “Mmmmm, I love the scent of freshly cut grass… But, awwww, it seems to tickle your nose badly, poor dear!” and so on.

Polly couldn’t take her eyes off Flora. She looked so attractive and beautiful in that dress, showing so much of her smooth bare skin, which was shining in a nicely white shade, looking beautiful with her green dress – and then, there was her bright red nose! She still tried very hard to keep smiling and do small talk, but her sneezy moments became more frequent as the evening proceeded – again and again she turned aside to let out three or four fierce sneezes, trying hard to stifle them with her tissues.

At some point, Greg – the man she dated at that time – hissed at her, “Didn’t you take your hayfever meds?“, to which Flora replied, “I did, but they just don’t seem to work tonight... sorry...“ Her nostrils flared up as the next sneeze was building up in her nose, and she hastily pressed a wad of tissues to her nostrils, taking a few steps away from the group of people. Greg disgustedly turned aside.

Polly stared angrily at him. One of the other guests, an elderly lady, smiled at Greg, casting a sympathetic glance at Flora who was stifling another forceful sneeze into her tissue wad while trying to talk with some colleagues. “Your fiancée has bad hayfever!“ the lady smiled.

Greg snorted. ”She’s not my fiancée. And she doesnt’t only have hayfever. Everything makes her sneeze! Dust, cigarette smoke, perfume, cleaning spray... I’ve never seen a woman with such a sensitive nose!“

That jerk! Polly thought, and went up to her friend. “Come on, honey, let’s go to the ladies‘ room to freshen up a bit,” she said in a hushed voice. “There you can have a good relieving sneeze. Or maybe several. And a thorough noseblow. Maybe that will help you with the tickle in your nose.“

“Okay,“ Flora sniffled into the tissues. 


Polly put her arm protectively around her friend, seeing Flora’s red tickly nose twitch, hearing her shaky breath as she fought against the urge to sneeze. “I’d really love to take you home,“ she whispered.“

“I’d love that too *sniff*... But I promised Greg...“

“Oh, he doesn’t deserve you! – Sorry...“

“I know what you mean *sniff*... but he can be very nice...“

“Well, maybe as long as you don’t sneeze!“

“I know. Probably you’re righhh... hhiiiGGTTTCCHHugh!“ Flora stifled another sneeze by pinching her nose.

“There we are!” Polly opened the door to the ladies’ room, and the two of them rushed inside. It was a very luxurious wash room with big mirrors and all kinds of fancy toiletries laid out on the shelves above the sinks.

At last, Flora didn’t have to hold back anymore. She leaned against the nearest sink as the persistent tickle took full control of her nose. It twitched, her face contorted, her nostrils flared, and she took a deep shaky breath. “Haaahh... haaaahh... haaaaAASSHHOO!... HehESSSHHHOOOhah!... EEEYYIIISSHHEW!“she sneezed into her tissue wad.

“Bless you, hon.“

“Tha... haaaghhh... ehhhh... hehESSSHHHOOOhah!“ she sneezed again, bending double with the force.

“That’s it – let it out!“

“Aaghhh... hahh--heeeYYIIISSHHEW!“

“Bless you again. Feeling a bit better already?“

Flora blew her nose, then looked into the mirror. “The tickle is a little bit better... but look at my nose! It’s so red!... Oh, did you see the facial powder they’ve got here?” She pointed to an elegant black and golden cup on the shelf below the mirror. “I could use that to cover up my reddened nose...“

“Flora, are you sure that’s a good idea? I’m afraid the fine powder will get up your nose, tickling it even more...“

“I’ll be careful. I’m just so embarrassed with that huge red nose of mine... Agh, it’s so red and swollen from all the sneezing, it looks twice as big!“ She disposed of the used tissue wad, then took the powder puff and applied the white powder to her nose. The red colour was covered up nicely, but after Flora put the puff away and inhaled, the powder crumbled away from her nose and invaded her sensitive nostrils. Immediately, Flora gasped, and burst into the most massive sneezing fit Polly had ever witnessed.


“HheyyyYAASSHHOOH!... HaaEEESSSHHOOah!... Hhh... haaaEERRSSSHHugh!... HnnnnNNEEESSSHHah!... Aghhh, my nohhh… HeeeYYAAASSSHHuh!... HaaaIIISSSHHHugh!... Hah… haaah… HaaaaEEESSHHOOhagh!... HeeYYIIISSHHEW!... HaaaaIISSHHOOH!“


She sneezed heavily and snortingly into the paper towels she had hastily grabbed from the shelf.

“Ohhhh, bless you, hon! Didn’t I tell you?!... Here, take those tissues, they’re softer on your nose...“ She offered her friend the tissue box from another shelf in the big, elegant ladies’ room.

Sneezing, Flora thanked her, blew her nose, and sneezed and sneezed and sneezed.

“Oh honey, let me look at your nose... Maybe I can help.“

Flora let go of her nose and tilted her head slightly back for Polly. Those widely flaring, reddened nostrils, full of irritation... Polly took a fresh tissue and began to gently wipe her friend’s nose, trying to clean it from the powder. Softly, she ran the tissue around the hypersensitive inside of Flora’s nose. Immediately, Flora’s nostrils flared up, and she turned aside: “HaaaAAASSSHHOOH!... Aghh that tickles… HaaaAAASSHHHEEW!”

“Sorry, hon! I’m just trying to clean your nose. Hold still for a second.” She continued wiping her friend’s sensitive twitchy nostrils.

“Aghhh… thanks *sniff*… You were rihhh...“ Then she turned away because she had to sneeze again, and again. Sniffling, she grabbed a fresh handful of tissues and blew her nose. “Eghhh…” Flora’s nose was red and twitchy, her nostrils still flaring and quivering. “I’m afraid Greg’s… really grossed out by me now. He’s just like all the other guys I’veh… heggGGHHEEEESSSHHHHAAGH!... dated so far *sniff*. This nose of mine... with all that sneezing... will make it impossible for me to have a normal love lifehhhh... hennnNNIIISSHHagh!“

“No, not necessarily, hon.“ Polly gently squeezed her hand. “You’ll just have to find someone who loves you the way you are. Including your nose.”

“Hey, Polly dear!” Laughing, Flora waved her hand in front of Polly’s dreamy eyes from across the table. “Where have you been?”

“Oh, sorry! I’ve just been caught in memories,” Polly said with a light smile. “I was thinking… if I may say so… You’re so lucky to have found someone who is so sweet about your sneezy allergies.” She smiled at Nick with an approving nod.

“Oh, yes, I am!” Flora beamed, leaning over to give Nick a sweet kiss.


After dinner, they were sitting comfortably in the sofa corner of Nick and Flora’s living room. They had moved in together only a few weeks ago. As they spoke, Flora’s nose began twitching more and more, and she kept rubbing it. “Nick, honey, can you smell it? Our neighbours must have cut their grass again…” When finally her face drew up and her nostrils flared widely, Polly knew a sneeze attack was on its way. And so it happened. Flora pressed a handful of tissues to her hypersensitive nose that exploded into a fit of tickly, snorting sneezes, while Nick put his arm comfortingly around his allergy-stricken girlfriend. “Bless you, baby!... Bless you!” he said with his soft warm voice, and Polly once again was struck by the difference between him and those creeps her friend had gone out with before.

“Bless you!” Polly said as well, smiling. “Oh yes, now I can smell the grass too.”


Sneezing, Flora nodded, wiping her reddened nose. “It’s really tihhh…tickling my nose… haaaIIISSSHHHEEW!”

“Bless you, darling.” Nick pulled her closer.

Flora blew her nose, then kept rubbing and pinching it as she tried to continue talking. “Hehhh... hh-why do I have to be the sniffliest, itchiest, most-hehh... huhIISSHHEW! Mbost allergic person I kndow?"

Smiling, Nick softly laid his finger on her reddened, twitchy nose. “Honeybee, you’re definitely the sneeziest person I know. And you’ve got the sexiest nose in the world.” He bent down to let his lips gently caress her tickly nose, which immediately caused a violent sneeze. “Ugh *sniff* Nick!... I told you Ihhh… haaaaIIISSHHOOOH!... HaaaEEESSSHHHOOah!”

“Sorry, baby!” Nick said with a sheepish grin, reaching for a fresh handful of tissues to wipe his girlfriend’s nose. “I know kissing your nose makes you sneeze. But I just couldn’t help it…”

Pressing her nose into the tissue wad her boyfriend was wiping her nose with, Flora said with a nasal voice, “I know… I actually like it when you kiss mby nose… And *sniff*… I’b happy that you like my nose so much… I just wish my nose wouuhhh… hahhh… HaaaIIGGGSSSHHHHah!” she sneezed into the tissue wad Nick was holding to her nose. “… my nose would stop ticklinghhh… eghhhhh…” She gasped as the next sneeze explosion was on its way, but Nick quickly placed his finger under her nose, pressing gently up against her widely flaring nostrils. Flora shakily exhaled, but her flaring, quivering nostrils and her scrunched up face made it clear that her urge to sneeze had not faded yet. “Still need to sneeze, hon?” Nick asked, and as Flora nodded gaspingly, he began to rub and massage her nose in circular, rhythmic movements.

“Wow!” Polly couldn’t help exclaiming in fascination. “You’re doing that so skilfully, Nick… and it really seems to help!”

“*Sniff*… It does!” Flora said, breathing shallowly as she wiggled her nose against her boyfriend’s massaging fingers. “Nick’s fingers are amazing on my nose… His massage on my nose is the only thing that can stop my sneezing… at least for some time!”


“I love helping you, darling, and I just love touching your wonderful nose!”

“YES!” Polly gave her friends a thumbs up while Nick, closing his eyes with relish, nuzzled Flora’s red mane of curls. The two women looked at each other smiling happily.


You really are one of my favorite writers here, dear @kiku! This is amazing! 

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