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Please read with your favourite characters in mind! In this scenario, character B is the sneezy sickie, and character A is their concerned friend.

Characters A and B have had a camping trip planned for months now, so it's such awful timing that B develops a cold just the day before they're set to head off.

B refutes A's offer to reschedule, reassuring them that they're perfectly well enough to survive roughing it for a few days. And in the beginning, it seems this is the case. Aside from a little sniffling and the occasional clearing of their throat, the first morning starts without a hitch. But after a few hours, B's energy is already running low. Their limbs are leaden and a headache is beginning to build behind their temple. An unexpected dizzy spell and drawn-out sneezing fit cuts their afternoon hike short. They're forced to return to the campsite clutching A's arm, mumbling a stream of stuffy apologies every time they pitch forward to sneeze, one in a seemingly endless parade.

Again, A offers to take them home, and again, B declines, insisting that they'll be fine in a moment, just as soon as they have a minute to sit down and catch their breath. It's a warm day, so they settle down outside. Frustrated that B won't admit their true condition, A busies themselves with bringing them food and tissues and blankets, which they accept with an eye-roll. A reads to them for a little, whilst B "rests their eyes." Soon enough, they're snoring away. A sighs, and adjusts the blankets over them.

When B wakes up, it's dark, and A is building a campfire. B crawls over to warm themselves, trying (and failing) to suppress their shivering.

"How are you feeling?" A asks, taking a seat next to them to watch the blaze.

"I'b fide!" B says in what they hope is a cheerful voice.

"Sure you are, buddy." A raises an eyebrow. "You know, it's not too late to head home. I bet that big old comfy bed of yours seems pretty appealing right now."

B shakes their head firmly -- an action that they immediately regret, as it reawakens their headache. They ignore it, just like the rest of their symptoms. "No. I want to stay here. With you."

"Alright," A says dubiously.

They sit in comfortable silence for a while, listening to the crackle of the fire. A mellow peace descends, as A picks up their book and starts reading to B again. All is well. That is, until the wind changes direction, blowing smoke right towards the unsuspecting A.

They blink rapidly, spluttering at the stinging inside their nose. "Oh! Hah... Ha-ashiew! Esh-yuh!"

B frowns at them. "Are you alright?"

A clears their throat. "Yes, god, sorry."

B presses the back of their hand to A's cheek anxiously. "I do hope I haven't given you what I got."

A pauses, sensing an opportunity. "You know, I think maybe you have," they say slowly. "My nose does feel awfully tickly.

"Oh, gosh! We'd better get you to bed, then," B says, struggling to stand. A helps them up, sniffling to keep up the act.

"I'm kind of cold," they say, forcing a shiver. "Maybe we could... share a sleeping bag?" It's something they're sure B would never have agreed to, but now, they oblige without question.

"Yes, of course," they say, squeezing A's hand. "If it'll make you feel better."

B spends the night curled up in A's arms. They don't seem to notice that they're the only one still sneezing and snuffling. Or, if they do, they have the courtesy not to mention it, happy to feel cared for, guilt-free.


Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear which characters you imagined in their place 🥰 If you enjoyed this ambiguous format, then you can find similar posts of mine here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Love ya!

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Omg I love the plot twist! A managing to get B to agree to being taken care of so sneakily, such a good trope! Loved it as always :D

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19 hours ago, sneezemeister said:

Love the trope of pretending to be sick to get the other person to rest

Isn't it the sweetest 🥺

3 hours ago, AutumnSneezes said:

Omg I love the plot twist! A managing to get B to agree to being taken care of so sneakily, such a good trope! Loved it as always :D

Thank you! ☺️

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On 3/11/2023 at 11:05 PM, MIN said:

Ooh sneaky!! Loved how this turned out! Too cute!









On 3/12/2023 at 12:12 PM, Spacesneezeman said:

Loved it! Thanks for sharing! :)


Thank you both so much :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
On 4/1/2023 at 10:48 PM, hot-with-fever said:

This is wonderful, so sweet! 


On 4/8/2023 at 5:45 AM, colormepink said:

Awwww I loved it! It was really cute, thank u for sharing

Thank you both! 😊

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