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Can I Buy You A Drink?


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Please read with your favourite characters in mind! In this scenario, character B has come down with a terribly sneezy cold, whilst shyly crushing on the charming character A from afar.


B has been mooning over A from afar for quite some time now. They’re everything that B is not: charismatic, confident, extroverted. All their friends know about their little crush, but despite their encouragements, B can't quite pluck up the nerve to introduce themselves. They're happy being a wallflower, to simply silently fantasize rather than to risk embarrassment. And they might have been able to carry on like this, if it weren't for -

"Hih'ngt! Hi-mnxt! Ngxtx!”

- Well, that. This ticklish cold that seems to be concentrated right at the tip of their pink, quivering nose. They can scarcely go five minutes without being pitched into a small fit. And no matter how desperately they try to stifle their sneezes into silence, heads still turn every time they set off again. And again. And again.

B tries to keep their own head down and fixed firmly on their tasks as they go about their day, squirming under the curious stares from strangers. They grow more and more sluggish as time passes, with their energy and focus consumed by how ill they’re feeling. This harsh winter air is only making things worse, stinging their lungs with every inhale. They’re almost about to give up and head home after the billionth sneeze when a familiar voice cuts through the haze.

“Bless you.”

B peeks over their shoulder and - horror of horrors - finds A standing there with their hands in their pockets, a mixture of amusement and concern on their face. 

“Oh,” B says meekly, sniffling. “Um, thank you. I... I’m... Hiht’nxn’chu!” They dip forward, hands steepled over their nose, and then twice more. They almost don’t want to straighten up again, to avoid meeting A’s gaze. Hopefully B can pass off their flushed face as feverishness, and not as a result of their complete and utter mortification. This is just about the worst first impression they could have made.

“Bless you!” A says. “Oh, jeez. Here, take these.” They offer B a travel pack of tissues, who graciously accepts one from the packet, and tries to give the others back. “Oh, no, keep it. You need it more than I do,” A chuckles.

B snuffles into the tissue whilst still avoiding eye contact. “I’m so sorry,” they mumble. “I hope I haven’t been bothering you. I can try to be quieter, if -”

“Of course not! If anything, you should be louder, B. Those stifles sound kind of painful.” A smiles, like this is some sort of everyday repour that they have, and not the first time that they’ve graced B with their acknowledgement.

B is sent reeling by the fact that A actually knows their name. “Oh,” they repeat, because they’re not quite sure what else to say.

“Hey, listen.” A rubs the back of their neck, almost bashfully. “Can I buy you a drink?” B’s eyes grow wide, and they hastily amend their invitation. “A hot drink, I mean. It’s just - you seem like you could do with some warming up.”

“Oh,” B says for the umpteenth time, totally caught off guard. “That’s - That’s really... hahh...” A tickle flares up, saving them from embarrassing themselves with an answer. “Ha’tishiew! Ahh.” They can’t help but let out a tiny groan of relief. It felt good to be given permission to sneeze properly. They’re so overcome that for a moment they forget that A is expecting an answer until the silence stretches on for just a moment to long. “Uh, yes!” B says abruptly. “I mean, yes please. I would - I would really appreciate that.” When A grins at them, B can’t help but smile back, just a little.


Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear which characters you imagined in their place 🥰 If you enjoyed this ambiguous format, then you can find similar posts of mine here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Love ya!

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This is so cute! I’m really enjoying all of these stories you’re posting! I will admit I don’t have quite enough imagination to actually put characters in there, but I enjoy my genderless featureless sneezers nonetheless!

Edited by Hovercuke
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10 hours ago, Hovercuke said:

This is so cute! I’m really enjoying all of these stories you’re posting! I will admit I don’t have quite enough imagination to actually put characters in there, but I enjoy my genderless featureless sneezers nonetheless!

You don't need to know right away which characters you'd apply my ideas to, if ever! The stories are perfectly content to linger in the back of your mind, and perhaps surface a good while later if you ever create or stumble across characters who you simply must see reduced to a sneezy mess as soon as possible 😝

9 hours ago, ID2006 said:

Oh I love this

Thank you!

8 hours ago, sneezemeister said:

This is so good! I am enjoying being able to picture different characters in these

I'm so glad you're enjoying them! I hope your characters are too, hahaha ☺️

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Ohhh this is adorable! I'm aggressively hyperfixating on my FBI fanfic with Maggie and my OC so henceforth I will be reading every one of these style fics with those two 🤩

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On 3/2/2023 at 1:55 PM, MIN said:

Ohhh this is adorable! I'm aggressively hyperfixating on my FBI fanfic with Maggie and my OC so henceforth I will be reading every one of these style fics with those two 🤩

I'm so happy these fics are working out so well for you ☺️

On 3/2/2023 at 7:09 PM, Sneezyboy said:

hope you continue!😊 

I will hopefully be posting another fic in this style tomorrow!

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Oh my god this is so damn cute! I adore how shy B is and how smooth (but still a little nervous) A is! Those stifled sneezes were gorgeous too, and the little groan of relief after letting one out?! 🫠🫠🫠 You've melted me into a puddle. I love it!!!! 

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2 hours ago, hot-with-fever said:

This is fantastic, thank you so much for sharing!

Thank you for reading!

11 hours ago, AutumnSneezes said:

Oh my god this is so damn cute! I adore how shy B is and how smooth (but still a little nervous) A is! Those stifled sneezes were gorgeous too, and the little groan of relief after letting one out?! 🫠🫠🫠 You've melted me into a puddle. I love it!!!! 

Couples who are nervous around each other are just so cute ☺️ And I'm a big fan of coaxing stifles into full sneezes too! I have another story about that which I'm hoping to share soon!

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