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An Alien Donation


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An alien, humanoid and graceful, is sitting in a waiting room with its hands balled anxiously in its lap. Its head jerks up when it hears its name being called.

"Yes?" It twists in its seat.

"We're ready for you. Would you like to follow me?"

A nurse with warm eyes and a kindly smile leads the alien into their office. The room is small and brightly lit. In the center is a blue padded chair, not unlike one that might be found at a dentist's, with the exception of the metal handcuffs on each armrest.

The nurse closes the door behind them, and then begins clicking through notes on their computer. The alien hovers awkwardly.

"Um," it mumbles, "should I sit?"

"Please," the nurse says. They look up from their screen as the alien glides across the room and settles on the chair. "I see this is your first time making a donation."

"Yes," the alien says. It has a low, soft voice, almost like a melodical whisper. "Are all my documents in order? There were an awful lot of things I needed to sign, I hope I didn't miss anything."

"You've done more than enough," the nurse reassures it. They observe how it's wringing its hands, its long, slender fingers laced together. "It's completely normal to feel nervous, the first time around," the nurse says gently. "There really isn't anything to worry about."

"Oh." It forces a smile. "No, I'm- I'm alright."

The nurse nods, and begins gathering their tools. "Would you like me to explain the procedure before we begin?"

"Yes please." It exhales in relief at the offer. "I've read some articles, but I'm still not really sure I get it? It all seems very technical."

"Oh, the journals like to complicate it with all sorts of jargon," the nurse rolls their eyes. "The reality is quite straightforward. The crux of it is, your species produces a special kind of liquid from its nose. Whilst it may appear similar to human mucus, it has incredible healing properties. When applied to human skin, it's able to close wounds near instantly, and reduces any risk of infection to near zero."

"Oh!" The alien's eyebrows shoot up. "Why's that?"

"We're still not quite sure," the nurse admits. "It's a very experimental field of medicine, at the moment. Which is why donations by people such as yourself are all the more appreciated!" They beam, and the alien feels warmth begin to heat up their cheeks.

"So, my donation could potentially save someone's life?" it asks.

"Possibly!" The nurse says. "Or at the very least, it will contribute to research which will lead to many lives being saved."

"Gosh," it says. "Well, I'm glad I signed up."

"I am too," the nurse laughs. The alien giggles with them nervously. Are all nurses this attractive, or did it just get lucky?

"Now, the producedure itself is quite straight-forward," the nurse says. "I'm going to take this--" they hold up a long, thin instrument, which is covered in fine white hairs "--and insert it into one of your nostrils. It'll trigger a few expellations, and I'll collect the liquid in this." They hold up a small cup. "Then, I'll do the same on the other side, and you'll be all finished! We try to keep it short, for fist time donors."

"Sorry, um- Expellation?"

"Ah." The nurse's eyes glimmer. "Have you ever sneezed before?"

"No," the alien says slowly. It's an extremely rare occurance in their species - most go their whole lives without a single sneeze. Eager to please their nurse, however, they add, "But, I've witnessed it in my human friends before."

"So you're familiar with the concept," the nurse says. "That's good."

The alien feels a little flicker of warmth in their stomach at the praise.

"Now, this may be a rather foreign feeling at first," they warn as they advance.

It stiffens. "Will it hurt?"

"Not at all," the nurse says. "It'll just tickle, that's all. And if at any point it gets too much, you can ask to take a break, or stop completely."

"I'll be fine," the alien says, with more confidence than they actually feel.

"I'm sure you will," they say, placing a reassuring hand on its arm. "You may still have a gut instinct to resist the need to sneeze. My best advice is, let it happen. It won't hurt you. In fact, some donors have even reported the sensation of release to be quite pleasurable!"

"Okay," the alien says warily, settling back and letting out a long, slow breath.

"I'm just going to lock your arms into place here," the nurse says, carefully taking one of its hands. "You'll likely experience a reflextive urge to touch or rub your nose, but if you do so, that could inhibit my ability to collect the liquid." They snap a metal band over the alien's right wrist. "In case of emergancy, you can free yourself quite easily, by pressing this button right here." They guide the alien's slender index finger to a button embedded on the side of the arm wrest. "Is that alright?" It nods, and so the nurse locks its left writs into place as well. "Okay, lets begin."

The alien goes cross-eyed as it watches the nurse bring the instrument up to its nose. It gasps softly as it enters its right nostril.

"How's that?" the nurse asks.

"F-fine," the alien stutters. "Just feels odd."

"I'm sure it does," the nurse croons sympathetically. "Just a little farther, and then I'll switch it on."

The alien blinks rapidly as it feels the fine hairs brush against the back of their nasal passage. "What do you mean, turn it-"

Click! ...Bzzzzz

The alien draws in a sharp breath as the instrument begins to vibrate inside of them. All those little hairs, which up until this point had been little more than a strange sensation, are mercilessly teasing this alien's poor, poor nose. Its arms jerk, and slam against the restrains. "Ah, s-sorry," it pants, forcing its hands to relax again.

"Don't worry about it. That's what the cuffs a for!" The nurse begins working the instrument ever so slightly forwards and backwards. The alien lets out a low whine. "Feeling okay?"

"Tickly," they moan. "It really tih- ih! Oh!" They whimper in surprise as their voice snags. "What's hah... What's happenihh- happening?"

"You're just starting to hitch," the nurse says calmly. "That's a good sign."

"It ih'hihh... it- it is?"

"It means your body's getting ready to sneeze."

It's such a strange feeling, panting wildly like this. The alien is used to being in total control of their breath, and wasn't expecting to lose that control so quickly. It's a shock, each and every time their lungs snatch for more air without permission. It tries to explain to the nurse how unusual it feels, but it finds it can no longer form a single word, let alone a coherent sentence. "Ah... ah... hah... aheh! Heh! Hehhh..."

"That's it," the nurse soothes. "You're doing so well."

The alien's eyelids pinch shut, another alarming action beyond their control. "Hah! Ah! HAHH!"

"Nearly there." The nurse must feel it's frantic trembling beneath their touch, because they begin to raise their cup. "Let it all out."

"Heh..." It's head tips back. "Ha... heh! Hih! Heh'HEH- HAH'TISHYIEWW!" It's head snaps forward as the nurse slides their instrument out just in time. It teeters on the edge, hitching wildly as it feels the rim of the cup rest against the underside of it's nose. "Ah-hah-HAHH! Ah'TECHOO! Eh- Eh'TESHyoo! Ah... heh... unghhh..." It slumps back into its seat, panting hard.

"Well done!" the nurse says enthusastically.

The alien grins at them weakly, their eyelids cracking half-open.

The nurse presses their thumb and forefinger on either side of it's nose. "Blow for me."

It obeys, and feels liquid dripping out of it's nose as the nurse pinches and releases multiple times.

"Wow," they say, "that's quite the production!"

The alien can't help but feel proud, in a strange sort of way. "Are you going to do the other side now?" it asks.

"Are you ready for it?"

It nods. The nurse switches out their instrument for a fresh one, and though it knows what to expect, it's no less strange of a feeling. "Ohhh," it moans as the device starts to vibrate. Its nose must still be running, as the cup is brought back to their upper lip once more. "Ah- ahh... oh, it's c-coming," it stutters.

"You're a natural at this," the nurse says. "You know, with some patients, it'll take them ten minutes before they even start to hitch! But you gave me a lightning-fast little fit like it was no big deal, and now you're already gearing up for more." They put their hand on its arm affectionately. "My star student."

It flushs with pride, eyes beginning to water. "I cah- can feel it bihh... building!" they huff out eagerly.

"Good job," the nurse croons. "Is it gonna be big?"

"Mm-hm!" The alien tries to nod, but in doing so, it winds up taking the instrument the tiniest bit further inside. The result is instantaneous: a half-formed, itchy "Itsh!"

Somehow, the sweet little sneeze only makes its nose itch worse, and it quickly begin gasping into the next one. "Itch! -Tch! -Tish! Tichu! It'shuh! Ah... hah... hih!"

It draws one giant breath as the instrument slides out. "IHH! IH'CHOO! IP'TISHIIEH! IHT'ESHU! Ohhh.... gosh." It moans at the final release. Wow, that did feel kind of good, actually.

"Blow," the nurse instructs, as they pinch its nose once again. The liquid shoots out of them like a rocket.

It coughs once the nurse lets go, and accepts the tissue it's handed, cautiously dabbing at their buzzing nose.

"All done!" the nurse declairs, holding up the cup. "Thank you so much for your donation. You're free to go."

Still panting, the alien gets shakily to its feet. It hesitates by the door, then turns to face the nurse. "Uh... when can I book another appointment?"

The nurse beams at it. "When are you next free?"

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You had me at "alien". :laugh: Yet another great piece of work!

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This was such a cool concept! Such a good read, I love your writing style, the way the nurse was so gentle with the Alien made my heart swell and the buildup descriptions were lush!Ā 

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2 hours ago, SleepingPhlox said:

You had me at "alien". :laugh: Yet another great piece of work!

I'm a big fan of sci-fi so naturally I had to combine it with my other main interest ^-^ I'm so happy you appreciated it too!

1 hour ago, Cedar said:

This is literally so cute??? And a really unique concept, at least to me it isĀ :]

Thank you! I've not seen very much alien content on here so I thought I would share some ideas of my own! Be the change you wish to see etc ā˜ŗļø

41 minutes ago, MIN said:

This was such a cool concept! Such a good read, I love your writing style, the way the nurse was so gentle with the Alien made my heart swell and the buildup descriptions were lush!Ā 

Gentle inducers are one of my favourite character archetypes to read and write šŸ„° In fact I've previously written some of a similar trope with alien snz, but with the roles reversed! Maybe I should share that on here too ā˜ŗļø

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Honestly same here! And the caretaking after the fact! Ooh! I certainly wouldn't complain! I'd definitely enjoy reading that should you decide to post it!

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6 hours ago, Demosthenes said:

I really like this scenario.Ā  Thanks for sharing!

Thank you for reading! I'm so happy you liked it šŸ˜Š

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  • 4 weeks later...

I saw this on Tumblr, but I'm glad I found it here too! I still think this is extremely hot and the prompt is so creative! I think that monster/alien/etc. snz is super underrated, I'd love to read more like this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gaahhh this whole concept is amazing. There's something about the goal itself being snot extraction/sneezing, and a scientific process being designed to do it as efficiently and effectively as possible that absolutely wrecks me. The nurse's encouragement is certainly a nice bonus. Great stuff.

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On 3/25/2023 at 7:51 PM, Secret Sneezer said:

I saw this on Tumblr, but I'm glad I found it here too! I still think this is extremely hot and the prompt is so creative! I think that monster/alien/etc. snz is super underrated, I'd love to read more like this.

Agreed! Supernatural sneezing is the best šŸ˜„

On 4/27/2023 at 9:16 AM, sf_libet said:

Gaahhh this whole concept is amazing. There's something about the goal itself being snot extraction/sneezing, and a scientific process being designed to do it as efficiently and effectively as possible that absolutely wrecks me. The nurse's encouragement is certainly a nice bonus. Great stuff.

I think the idea of alternative societies where sneezing is somehow a key feature beyond "something that randomly happens sometimes" has soooo many hot potentials! I knew I had to write this the moment it popped into my head.

4 hours ago, Snakebyte said:

Always great to see another sci-fi story, particularly one as good as this!

Thank you! And thank you to everyone else who has left nice comments as well šŸ˜Š

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  • 1 year later...

Yes, this is so good! There need to be more nonhuman sneezing stories.

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This is a fantastic concept, look forward to moreĀ 

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Aliens or other creatures not used to sneezing being forced to sneeze is the sweetest thing!!!

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19 hours ago, Mnn said:

Aliens or other creatures not used to sneezing being forced to sneeze is the sweetest thing!!!

Came here to say this. Love stories about characters who are completely unfamiliar with sneezing being induced for the first time. This is written beautifully!

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