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Allergic Distraction


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Please read with your favourite characters in mind! A is a workaholic caretaker, and B is their concerned allergic partner 😘


Character A has been incredibly consumed by their work/studies recently. They've always been dedicated to their craft, but as of late it's been pushing into unhealthy territory. Character B is starting to get worried about them, but no matter what they say or do, A can't be persuaded to take a break. Any questions or concerns are dismissed with a curt "I'm fine," "Don't worry," or, worst of all, "I can't talk about this right now, there's too much to do." It breaks B's heart, to see A put themselves in such a state. If they don't do something about it, they'll damn near work themselves to death. At their wits end, B decides to play on A's one weakness. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

B roots around in their bathroom cabinet until they find what they're looking for: a bottle of lavender perfume, barely used. A bought it for them years ago, before they knew about B's allergies, and for some stupid, sentimental reason, they kept it around. Now, it'll finally find some use. B sprays a little on their wrists and a little on their neck, before heading off to find A, who's hunched over their laptop in the living room.

They don't offer any greetings when B enters. In fact, they don't even look up. B plops down on the sofa and picks up a book, flicking idly through the pages like it's a regular Thursday night. It's only about a minute until they start sniffling - soft, at first, and then harsher, as the tingling sensation starts to build. They notice A's eyes dart over to them for a split second, before returning to the screen and, encouraged by this brief attention, they breath deeply through their nose, willing the tickle to climax.

"K'sh!" It's small, sharp and breathy, but apparently not interesting enough for A, who simply mutters a distracted "Bless you," still frowning at their work. B is disappointed, but not surprised. They knew it would take a little more than that. Hesitantly, they raise their wrist to their nose, and scrub.

Their breath immediately snags, and they're thrown into a haze of helpless hitching. And maybe the "Ih... hih'hhih... HAH-" is slightly exaggerated, but at least they've finally got A's attention, who is watching them out of the corner of their eye like they're not quite sure if it's worth turning a single degree more than they have to.

B tips their head back a little, eyelids fluttering, until finally - "Ha'ksh!" They pitch forward into their steepled hands. "K'shh! K'shiew! Ah... heh... heh'ISH!"

"Bless you," A says again. They've twisted in their chair to stare at B now, a mixture of confusion and concern on their face.

B tries to thank them, but they're in the throws of the fit now, and they can barely rush out a breathless "Thhhank-" before it morphs into a "t'schu!" And another: "Hih'shoo!" And another: "TISHyiew!!"

A plucks a tissue box up from the side table and sits down beside them, sliding a comforting arm around their shoulders. "God, B, are you alright?" B frantically grasps for a tissue, blinded by sneezes and irritated tears. A pulls one from the box and holds it firmly to B's nose. "There, now," they murmur gently. "Get it all out."

And there it is - precisely what B was hoping for. A's natural instinct to assume the role of caretaker can always be relied upon to override just about any other occupation.

When at last the sneezing slows, B slumps against A, panting between coughs. "Sorry," they choke out, "I-I think something set me off." As if to emphasise this, they let out one last "Ih'ksh!"

"That must have been quite the 'something,'" A hums sympathetically, pressing a palm to B's forehead as if to check for any other symptoms. "Poor thing. You'll feel better after your shower. Wash that itch away."

B sniffles pitifully. Through lowered lashes, they whisper, "Will you come with me?"

For a moment, A's eyes flash with - suspicion, perhaps? But it's gone in an instant, replaced with an affectionate smile, and a kiss on the nose. "Of course, love."


Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear which characters you pictured in their place 😊

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Oohhhh this was simply divine! Annoyingly the first two characters I pictured were Sara lance and ava Sharpe from legends of tomorrow, I say annoyingly bcos I couldn't decide which one would be which, they're both workaholics but equally good concerned caretakers πŸ˜– in the end I gave in to my newest OC mixed with Maggie Bell from the show FBI, I enjoyed the vibe. Looking forward to anymore of your writing should you decide!

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47 minutes ago, MIN said:

Oohhhh this was simply divine! Annoyingly the first two characters I pictured were Sara lance and ava Sharpe from legends of tomorrow, I say annoyingly bcos I couldn't decide which one would be which, they're both workaholics but equally good concerned caretakers πŸ˜– in the end I gave in to my newest OC mixed with Maggie Bell from the show FBI, I enjoyed the vibe. Looking forward to anymore of your writing should you decide!

Thank you for sharing, I always love hearing which characters or OCs people pictured! I've not seen either of those shows but I will definitely have to add them to my watchlist now πŸ“ I have a couple other posts backlogged that I plan on posting here as well! I hope you'll enjoy those too 😊

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5 hours ago, a-and-b-snz said:

Thank you for sharing, I always love hearing which characters or OCs people pictured! I've not seen either of those shows but I will definitely have to add them to my watchlist now πŸ“ I have a couple other posts backlogged that I plan on posting here as well! I hope you'll enjoy those too 😊

Will forever highly reccomend legends of tomorrow! FBI is a more recent obsession 🀣 but still a brilliant watch and one of my comfort shows for sure!

Oh for sure, cannot wait!

Edited by MIN
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22 hours ago, SleepingPhlox said:

Oh man I love this! Your posts are so good.


15 hours ago, ID2006 said:

Love this


12 hours ago, sneezemeister said:

This was great!Β 


Thank you so much for your support guys!! It genuinely means so much to me :')

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love this! Picking your own characters makes it a new story every time you read it if you want it to be!Β 

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4 hours ago, thesneezyowl said:

Love this! Picking your own characters makes it a new story every time you read it if you want it to be!Β 

Absolutely! It's the miraculous rereadable quality of other people's nameless stories that motivated me to write my own ☺️

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Omg, this is incredible!!!! The kittenish sneezes with those buildups absolutely melted me! Divine as always :D

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2 hours ago, AutumnSneezes said:

Omg, this is incredible!!!! The kittenish sneezes with those buildups absolutely melted me! Divine as always :D

Thank you so much! big build ups to kitten sneezes are my favourite combo ever ☺️

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