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Parks and Recreation (April)


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So I've been really into Adam Scott lately and I've been really wanting a Parks and Rec fic where Ben takes care of April when she's sick. I finally decided I would just try and write one myself. I'm not much of a writer, so I'm sorry if this is absolutely horrendous. This takes place in Season 5 when Ben and April are working in Washington DC. For the sake of convenience, I made them roommates. No sneezing in this part, but I plan on continuing when I have some time. I hope you guys like it! Please, go easy on me! And if anyone else wants to write a Parks and Rec fic with Ben as a caretaker, I would love to read it! 


He's been living in Washington DC for 2 months, and he feels as if he's only now starting to get used to his new surroundings. It's early October and the weather has turned cold. It reminds him of Partridge, he thinks, somewhat fondly. Someone bustles through the doors and a blast of cold air hits his face. He's been waiting in the lobby of their office building for nearly 15 mins and there was still no sign of April. She had driven them into work this morning, and immediately made a beeline for her cubicle, promptly ignoring him for the rest of the day. She had been even surlier than usual this morning, grumbling about his coffee making skills. "God, Ben. This coffee taste like ash" she whined, in that petulant voice she sometimes used when she was particularly annoyed by something. She held the warm cup to her forehead, as she continued to pout glumly. 
"You know, April, you probably wouldn't have a headache if you hadn't drank an entire pint of vodka last night." he said, pointedly. " And you know we have aspirin, right?"
"I don't have a headache" April replied, angrily, fixing him with a glare so venomous he almost regretted saying anything in the first place. "Jeez, fine" he said, putting up his hands in surrender. "You're even scarier than usual this morning"
"Why, thank you, Benjamin" she said, swiping a finger under her nose and fixing him with an impatient gaze. "Are we going or not?"
She was obviously in no mood for trading barbs, so Ben simply gathers his briefcase and puts on his jacket and scarf while April digs through her purse for her keys. 
"Let's go" she says hastily, sniffling slightly and pulling on her blazer. 
"Wait, are you wearing that?" Ben asks, looking down at her skirt suit and heels.
"Yeah" she shrugged, her patience with him wearing thin. 
"Don't you have a coat, or something? It's freezing out there"
"God, Ben. It's fine. I'm walking to the car and then directly into the office. It's not like I'm going to catch some old timey disease and perish." She gasps. "Oh, no, Ben! What if I catch consumption? Whatever shall I do?!" she says, adopting a faux southern accent and dramatically putting a hand to her forehead. 
"That's not wh-" Ben sputters. It really is too early for April's antics. 
"Fine. Excuse me for caring. Someone has to be the adult around here. God, you are such a child sometimes."
Uh oh. That got her. He can tell by the way she flinches, almost imperceptibly, that he's struck a nerve. 
"Let's go" she says, sharply, opening the door and clomping loudly to the elevator. 
The car ride to the office is almost unbearably silent. She keeps her eyes fixed on the road and seems to make a point of ignoring him. He can hear her sniffling every so often, and he wonders for one awful second if he's made her cry. If he's being honest, it makes him nervous. By now he's used to her surliness. He knows she can be moody and that she values her privacy above almost everything (other than Andy). But this feels different. He hurt her feelings, and with April, feelings are unfamiliar territory. 
She pulls into the parking lot and clears her throat, putting the car in park and yanking out the key. The walk to elevator is silent, except for the pointed clacking of her heels. She pushes the button and waits for the doors to open, her arms crossed. She continues to avoid his gaze, as she watches the numbers light up.
"Listen, April, I didn't mean to-" he starts, but before he can say anything else she stops him.
"It's fine, Ben" she says tensely. "I just have a lot of work to do, ok? I'll meet you at 5:00" 
Ben sighs and decides that giving her space is probably the best option. When the doors open, she clomps down the hallway without giving him a second look.
"Great" he thinks, dryly. "Today is going to be great"

Let me know what you think! 

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🤓 ugh I love when that guy’s characters give or receive caretaking/nursing 🌷🌷🌷

April is such a queen 🙌

Thanks for sharing this! I am here for the adventure! 🌈

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  • 3 weeks later...

“I’m no writer” my hinds quarters! Using second person and the vocabulary of a astute professor, you are an eloquent writer! 
excited to see where this story goes. It’s very in character for both of them. 
parks and rec is my favorite show and I know the show forwards and backwards. You’re doing great so far!

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