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A task for cold demon Sina


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Hello folks
Thank you for your feedback.
The voting went as follows

Molly 1 vote
Emilia 1 vote
Kai 1 vote
1 vote for Molly or Kai

You also want a sequel with the cold demon.

So I made the following decision.
Sina will spend another day with Molly.
She will also get one or two tips from Sandra
I already have ideas how that will look like and I will also include male sneezing for you.

There will also be a sequel afterwards. The next wave of colds is coming and Sina is now practiced.
So there's a good chance that the sequel will catch a cold that sweeps through an office or afflicts students. So all options are still open.
Of course I will include you again.

And now I'm going to sit down and write the last part with Molly for you guys. I think I can put it online tomorrow.

Thanks again to everyone who has read this story this far and enjoyed it. We read each other!

Your Mimi
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Hello guys, I'm back.
I hope no one is disappointed that I chose this path. But it will be fun, I promise you.
Let's start with a little conversation between Sina and Sandra before we return to Molly.
Here we go

Part 7 - Another day with Molly

How did it go?” Sandra had hardly seen her colleague when she stormed towards her. She was curious as to what Sina had achieved.
"Not bad at all," she replied, "I managed to infect four people. And the virus is still active. So I can do it"
"Great, I'm glad," the experienced demoness replied. "And what happens now?"
"I now have the opportunity to spend another day with Molly. Another option would be to spend a day with an infected person," Sina said. 
"What would you do?"
"I would spend another day with Molly," Sandra answered directly.
"Really?" Sina was a bit surprised.
"Yes" said Sandra "The cold wave is as good as over. And since Molly hasn't been affected yet, 
her boyfriend certainly hasn't had the virus either. If I were you, I'd try to pin Nick"
"Right" Sina nodded "Oh and something else. We talked about contagion live with experiencing it. How does it work?"
"You poke your nose at the viruses and make Molly sneeze by irritating her nose yourself. 
You can do this by playing with their nose hairs or by poking their nasal mucosa with the horns. 
You let yourself sneeze and learn a lot about the trajectory of the contagious droplets.” the experienced demon explains. 
"Although you should always look out of Molly's nostrils so that you know what you're getting yourself into."
"I understand" Sina replied "I'll try that"
"I can come around noon and see how things are going" Sandra suggested "Maybe I still have one or the other trick for you"
"That would be great" Sina said happily "A good preparation for the next winter"
"I'm glad if you still enjoy it now," said Sandra. "But now let's go. Get to work"
"Yes," Sina agreed to the whole thing. "On to Molly"


Molly was lying on the sofa in the living room, wrapped in a blanket and looking pathetic. Watery eyes, runny and red nose, cold voice.

And she kept sneezing.
Just now she felt another sneeze coming. Any second it would burst out of her, sending thousands of droplets out of her nose carrying the virus 
with them. She reached for the tissue box... but it was already empty...
Molly pinched her nose but couldn't shake the urge to sneeze. She could feel it, building up very slowly in her nose and even tickling both of 
her sinuses. Molly took a deep breath... and then...
"Ehhh... EhhhpUHHpft…” 
she sneezed an uncovered, wet sneeze. Droplets flew from her nose and landed on the living room table, on the 
newspaper and on the TV remote control.
Snot loosened and seeped from her sinuses into her nostrils. Again her nose was irritated, she would definitely sneeze again. 
Molly lifted her hands from under the covers, knowing it was going to be very gross.
"Ehh... Puhh... Ehhpschuuu... Chooo"
moaning, Molly looked at the contents of her nose, which now clung to her hands. There was nothing to be done, 
she probably had to go to the bathroom. She'd have to get new tissues anyway. She got up, crept into the 
bathroom and washed her hands. Then she took a new tissue box, opened it and noisily blew her nose. First the right nostril, then the left. 
The handkerchief quickly got soaked and she had to use a new one to blow the rest of the snot out of her nose. Still... her nose stayed stuffy.
"My poor baby" now Nick appeared in the door and walked up to Molly and kissed her forehead.
"Are you sure you can handle yourself?"
"Oh yeah," Molly replied in a sniffy voice. "It's just a cold, not the plague. go to work"
"All right" Nick said "It's weird that we've survived the whole winter without a cold and now at the beginning of spring you're getting it"
"Can't help it," Molly whispered and started to cough. Nick rubbed her back.
"My poor baby," he said again.
"It's okay" Molly defended her friend "Go away, you'll be too late"
"Yes, you're right" he replied and kissed her again on the forehead "See you later"

Molly had slept a little. When she woke up she realized how hungry she was. But like she said. She had a cold, not the plague.
She went into the kitchen to think about what she wanted to eat. She didn't need to cook because 
Nick had promised to bring something from the Chinese tonight.
Without further ado, Molly decided to go for a little walk. 
A little fresh air wouldn't hurt her and she could grab something to eat from the bakery around the corner. So she got dressed, 
grabbed her bag and left the apartment.
She got on the elevator to go downstairs. As soon as the elevator door closed, the tickle in her nose came over her again. Molly sniffed. 
It didn't feel strong enough to sneeze at.
This quickly changed, however, and she exploded with a loud bang
Surprisingly, she had no way of covering her nose. The droplets flew unhindered from her nose and landed on the elevator buttons.
"... CHOO... srnf" Molly sneezed again. This time she had managed to cover half of her nose. Some of the droplets landed on her hand. 
The other part mixed with the air of the elevator.
Good thing she was alone in the elevator.
She wiped her hand on her pants. Then she had arrived on the first floor.
She got out of the elevator and stumbled into her neighbor's arms.
"Hello Molly" she was greeted by the older lady "Are you free today?"
"srnf ... Hello Hilda" greeted the addressed "No ... I'm cold snrf ..."
"Oh dear, that doesn't sound good at all. What are you up to?” asked Hilda.
"I'm just going to the baker's," Molly replied, pressing her hand against her now slightly runny nose. She badly needed a handkerchief.
"I see," Hilda replied, "don't stay out there too long. It's not nice weather"
"No no" assured the addressee "I'll be right back home"
"Get well soon then" Hilda went on her way. While Molly wiped her hand on her trousers and then opened the front door, 
Hilda got into the elevator.

Molly blew her nose and put the handkerchief in her pocket. Then she ran to the baker around the corner. Hilda was right, it wasn't nice weather. 
It wasn't raining, but a cold wind was blowing. This, of course, teased Molly's irritated nose.
"Not again," she thought as she felt the sneeze approach. She quickly took the handkerchief from just now, but it was already completely soaked.
"Better than nothing" she thought and waited for the sneeze.
This time it was just one. But a very powerful one. The handkerchief, already soaked through, couldn't stand it. 
Disgusted, Molly dumped it in the nearest public rubbish bin and wiped her hand on her pants again. 
As soon as she got home, she absolutely had to wash her hands.
She grabbed the bakery door and went inside.
"What would you like?" asked the saleswoman.
"Two sandwiches please," Molly replied.
"Coming right away" said the saleswoman and packed the two rolls.
Molly reached for her purse but it slipped out of her hands and landed on the floor.
"Here please" a young man was so friendly and picked up the wallet.
"Thank you very much" Molly smiled and picked up her purse. Then she paid for the rolls and wanted to leave the shop after all….
before she could, she was surprised by a sneeze. Again droplets containing the virus flew out of her nose and spread around the bakery.
"Bless you" wished the young man who had just helped her.
"Thank you" sniffling Molly left the shop to blow her nose again outside.
Then she made her way home.


Sina was frustrated. Although she had managed to spread the virus a little and the chances of someone getting infected were not exactly small, this
"live infection" did not work out as she had imagined.

She had practiced being sneezed on. Still... it didn't end up in someone else's nose.
Instead, it was thrown into Molly's hands and nearly washed down the drain, dumped against a wall, then later in a
handkerchief which was then discarded in the public trash can.
"You don't look happy," Sandra said to her colleague when she came to see her.
"It's not going well"
"Yes, it's going well," Sina replied, "Only... about being sneezed on...." "Shall we try it together?" asked the experienced demoness.
"I don't really know," Sina answered. "Oh come on... that'll be fun," Sandra encouraged her colleague.
"We'll wait until Nick comes home and then I'll show you how funny it is"


I'll end here for now. A part is still to come. I'd be happy about feedback. Your Mimi

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It's the weekend, so here's the last part of "A Task for Cold Demon Sina"
It's going to be a bit longer part, I hope you enjoy it.

Part 8 – Contagion live

The cold demons Sina and Sandra had returned to Molly and Nick's apartment.
Nick had brought something to eat as promised, the two were just having dinner.

"And now?" asked Zina.
"Now we wait and see for the first time." Sandra replied, 
"I'm sure there will be a suitable opportunity during the evening to show you how beautiful contagion can be live"
"All right" Sina was curious "Then we'll wait"


Molly felt miserable. Her cold had gotten worse. She should have stayed at home after all.
She didn't eat much and right after dinner she snuggled back into her blanket and lay on the sofa.
She was shaking and felt like she was getting a fever.
Nick made her some tea and brought it to her in the living room.
"Thank you honey" whispered Molly. Her voice sounded raspy and stuffy.
"I'd love to," Nick replied and put another box of tissues on the table.
"Shall we watch a movie?" asked he.
"Yes, please," Molly replied.
Nick picked up the remote from the table (which Molly had sneezed on that morning) and dialed in a program. 
Then he sat down next to his girlfriend. But when he noticed how much she was shaking, he had an idea.
"Come on" he said and wanted to snuggle under the blanket next to her. "I warm you"
"I don't think that's a good idea" Molly whispered "I'll light you up"
"I'll take the risk," Nick replied. "I have to expect to get infected from you anyway."
"All right" said Molly making way for Nick "As you say"


"Now is a good opportunity," Sandra instructed the younger demon. "They snuggle up close and their faces are only inches apart. 
I promise you, this time it will work without incident"
"But, what if Molly takes a handkerchief?" asked Sina. 
With a shudder she thought back to the afternoon when Molly sneezed on her and then tossed her in the bin.
"Or if she uses her hand?" now she thought of it being flung into Molly's hand and then nearly washed away"
"Trust me" Sandra said and took Sina's hand. "It works"
"All right" Sina was defeated "I'll leave the instructions to you"
Sandra and Sina shrank to virus size and slipped into Molly's nose.
"You did a good job" Sandra praised the younger demon "Look at that"
"Madness" Sina was amazed. She'd been here this morning, but now it was really happening.
Viruses were everywhere. Although Molly's immune system had already become active, the viruses had the upper hand at the moment. 
Thick snot clung to Molly's red and swollen mucous membranes. Even the nose hairs were stuck together.
"Bring the viruses into position" said Sandra "I'll just get an overview"
"It's good," Sina replied and got to work


Molly leaned close to Nick and snuggled into him. His warm body did her good, she was no longer cold.
She was very tired, so she closed her eyes.
Nick watched his girlfriend and was happy that she was feeling a little better.
Their faces and their noses were only a few centimeters apart.
"My poor darling," he whispered, toying with the idea of kissing his girlfriend's forehead.

"Now" called Sandra "Now is the perfect opportunity. Now if Molly sneezes, Nick will get it.”
"Are you sure?" asked Sina.
"Absolutely" Sandra was happy "Are the viruses ready?"
"Ready" answered Sina.
"Very good" Sandra said happily again "Then you peck at this reddened and swollen spot here with your horn."
"Here?" asked Sina and did as instructed.
The effect was not long in coming. As soon as Sina's pointed horn had touched the irritated mucous membrane, the sneezing started.


Molly felt a brief but intense sting in her nose. Immediately it tickled her unbearably. She wanted to get her hands out from under the covers. 
She wanted to turn her head away from Nick's face, who was just bending over to kiss her on the forehead. 
But it was too late. It all happened way too fast.
Molly's nose seemed about to explode.


two wet sneezes hit Nick directly. He could feel the fine mist and drips of mucus on his cheeks.

"Belss you" he said and took a handkerchief to wipe his face.
"Thanks" Molly sniffed and grabbed a tissue as well. "I warned you," she said.


Sina didn't even know what happened to her. She had felt Molly's nose clench under her pike. 
She had seen the nostrils open wide. So far that she had seen Nick's face directly. 
She had felt Molly's sharp inhalation and the loud bang as she was thrown out of her nose, right in Nick's face. 
She flew through the air and... it felt good.

"Open your eyes" she heard Sandra's voice. "Look around"
"Where are we?" Sina looked around amazed. They were definitely in a nose. She saw mucous membranes and nose hairs. 
But it was a healthy nose. Did they make it?
"Yes" Sandra replied to Sina's unspoken question "We let ourselves sneeze directly into Nick's nose"
Now she took one of Sina's viruses and pressed it against the wall of her nose. The virus slipped in immediately.
"That's good," Sandra explained. "Nick's nose isn't immune to your virus yet. Viruses will be rampant here soon.”
"Madness" rejoiced Sina "So that's contagion live"
"Yes" answered Sandra "This is contagion live. Come on, let's watch the viruses multiply a little longer before we return to Illo."


The two cold demons had spent a few more hours in Nick's nose. Then they had returned home. Sina ran straight to Illo.
"Sina" said this "I am extremely satisfied with you. Molly infected three other people today. You now have seven infected. 
You have passed the task"
"I'm happy," Sina replied, "May I then distribute colds again next winter and apply my newly acquired knowledge?"
"Of course" answered Illo "I even expect that from you."


The next morning at Molly and Nick's.
Molly was feeling a lot better this morning. Nevertheless, she still had to sneeze heavily again and again.
Although Sina had disappeared from her nose, she had done a great job.
Molly and Nick were still in bed when Molly felt another sneeze coming. She fought the tickling on…. and this time it even helped.
The tickling went away. Nonetheless ….

"... He... HARSCHA" came a loud sneeze.

Astonished, Molly looked at Nick, who now sat up and had a beautiful - I'm about to sneeze - look on his face. 
You could almost see how much his nose was teasing him.
Eyes half-closed, nostrils flared wide, and then...

"... HARSCHA ... Ha ... HARSCHA ... snrf"

a wet sneeze thundered from his already red nose.
"Bless you," Molly offered. "I warned you," she reminded him.
"Yes... you did... you... Ha... HARSCHAPpft..."


Here ends the story "A Task for Cold Demon Sina"
I'm glad you had fun and I know you want a sequel.
So I can only say one thing: the next wave of colds will definitely come!
your Mimi
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello folks

Are you still interested in a continuation of the story "Cold Demon Sina"?
If so, I would start writing again next weekend.

tell me what you think

Best regards
your Mimi
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