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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Priory of the Orange Tree fanfic Ead/Sabran


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         Ead awoke to a sensation that she had not felt since she had eaten the fruit of the orange tree. Unaccustomed to the feeling she was powerless to even try to stop it as her head snapped forward in a unstifled, uncovered “hehhh...itishooo!” And again “hatshoo!..ishhoo!...HACHOO!” Ead looked around Sabran’s bedroom, where she had carelessly fallen asleep, dizzy from her sudden fit. Sabran stirred “Ead was that you?” Ead sniffed in a little drop of snot that was threatening to fall from her control and replied “yes. I am sorry to have disturbed you.” Her voice was horse and congested. Ead prayed to the Mother that Sabran did not notice. Luckily for Ead, Sabran was 3/4 asleep and only chuckles, turned over and went back to sleep. Coughing a little. Ead decided that to be a good idea and crawled back in bed to sleep.


         At a much more reasonable hour Ead woke and dressed for the day. Sabran was soon to follow. “I had never heard you sneeze before” came Sabran’s voice as Ead was brushing her teeth. “My apologies again, Your Magesty.” Sabran frowned “in the 8 years I’ve known you, you never once sneezed?”  “I...” Ead began but was rudely interrupted by that strange sensation “hehhh... haechoo!..ha..Hahh...hah...” she struggled with this sneeze failing to get it out. She was starting to feel quite faint. “Achoooo!ishoo!...tatishoo!!” The first to came out practically on top of each other and she had had the good sense to raise her hands to catch the spray. When she lowered her hands they were covered in yellow snot with clear strings attaching to nostrils. She wiped them away with clean back of her hand, action made her sway back and forth however and soon her vision made it’s way to darkness and she collapsed in Sabran’s arms.




         Sabran was worried. She sat by the window in her room as Rosalin attempted to comfort her, “I’m sure Ead will get better, she’s a strong soul that one.” She said “You did right to make her a Lady of the Bedchamber.”  After Ead had collapsed with fever and a cold. Sabran had began to feel as though her fever were coming back from earlier, spending one minute hot and the next cold. Sabran knee that if Ead had gotten sick, she surly was to follow, having spend the whole of last night kissing every part of her body, but hadn’t expected it so fast. It was all over once she sneezed. Rosalin was in the middle of a monologue about how queens shouldn’t make lovers out of their Ladies of the Bedchamber, but Sabran knew that she did not care and was simply hiding hurt that Sabran had chosen Ead and not her. “Ishoo!” It was a small sneeze, politely covered with a hand as she had always been taught, In sharp contrast to Ead‘s loud, uncovered, messy sneezes. Rosalin looked up “bless you” she said some concern showing in her eye’s. “Thank you.” She sniffled lightly then said “I am sorry to interrupted, but I would like to go to the bathroom.” Then she got up and made her way into the bathroom and locked the door behind her. She looked in the mirror and brushed her jet black hair, realizing she had neglected to do so earlier, quietly stifling three sneezes in to her hand as she did so. “Ishop!..isho!....tishoop!” Then a slightly louder messier sneeze. “Katishoo!” This one left a a sticky stringy mess of snot between three fingers. She washed her hands then  realized she would have to blow her nose as it was now running aggressively. Checking that no one was outside, she took a wad of soft tissues and blew. It came out louder than she had wanted and quite a bit gurglier. In two seconds the tissues were soaked completely through. Sabran lowered the tissues from her face and looked at her reflection, her nose was significantly redder and on top of that was still running. sighed to her self and blew her nose again, it was a drier blew creating a more honking sound and only disposing of enough snot to soak through half of the tissues. This time the running could be token care of by sniffling once in a little while. She gave her very red nose one more rub and sneezed a last quiet “‘tishoo!” Into a leftover tissue. Then left the bathroom and returned to Rosalin 

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