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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Bundled (Moon Knight, Steven)


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I managed to find some time off of work to write another Moon Knight story as I am very much still obsessed with this show and these characters. Sick Steven gives me so much serotonin these days and I thought I would write a comfort fic where Steven is sick (so is Marc considering they share a body but you know) and Marc does his best to comfort his alter while not being able to physically be there for him. I hope that you all enjoy!





Prompt—Bundled up covered in blankets and maybe their being catered on by a partner or maybe they’re trying to get through it on their own and they can’t stop sneezing and they’ve run out of tissues and they can only think to use their blanket at this point



    Steven shuddered despite the mound of blankets that he found himself under. They were tucked all around him, draped over his head, and flowing around him. The only part that was visible was his face; even his hands were tucked away under the folds of the blanket, clutched tightly up to his chest as his teeth chattered. He gave a heavy sniffle through his reddened and swollen nose, made worse by the deep sucking sound deep within his sinuses that sounded like someone trying to suck a milkshake through a tiny straw. The only way for him to breathe was through his open mouth. Greedy gulps of air were stolen through parted lips, which aggravated his sore throat and caused his lungs to rattle. A few sharp coughs shook the blankets around his shoulders and he had to summon all of his strength to pull the covers back around his head and neck, a tuft of unruly curls poking out from under the hood the blanket provided him.


    A string of mucus filled coughs had Steven pitching forward, warm breath grazing the top flap of the blanket that was directly under his chin. Once he regained his breath, he gave another mucus filled sniffle, though no air was able to pass through no matter how hard he tried.


    Just when Steven thought that he may possibly be able to have a reprieve from symptoms, his nose had other ideas. The poor appendage had been helplessly sensitive no matter what Steven did to try and quell the urge to sneeze. He was a fairly frequent sneezer even when he wasn’t sick, so any sickness he ever had cultivated in his head, thoughts always muddled and head feeling like it was stuffed with cotton. Although his nose was completely blocked, every fit of sneezes had become increasingly messy despite him attempting to blow his nose between fits to stop it from happening. It had only caused him more discomfort and he had quickly decided against it and just kept his handkerchiefs handy for the messy sneezes.


    Which had been working well....until the tissues had run out and his handkerchiefs all needed to be cleaned. That was the unfortunate predicament that Steven now found himself in.


    “Hih.” Steven brow knit together, a seesaw of hitching breaths crackling in his chest. The feather light tickle turned into a deep burning sensation at the back of his sinuses that had Steven tipping his head back and pressing his tongue to the roof of his mouth. His eyes began to water as he took in as much air as he could through his nose, which was already twitching as his lungs began to fill. “Hih....Hih.....HishSH’tchoo! HisHs’tchoo! Hih’Hrchs’Shoo!” Steven’s head ducked down into the crook of his arm that just so happened to be covered by the blanket. He could feel his nose seeping only for his eyes to forcefully close as he ducked down again. “HitchshsSh’tchoo! Hitchsh’Shoo! Hih’RchshShoo!






    ‘You sound horrible.’


    Steven sniffled hard, pain blossoming along his cheekbones. “I dknow. I feel awful too.”


    ‘When did this happen? I felt fine when I last had the body.’


    Steven gave a small shrug to disguise a shiver. “Id was all be. There’s a dnasty bug goig around the museum. Jusdt a batter of tibe before we caught id.”


    Marc grew eerily quiet and Steven wondered if perhaps his alter had pulled back into the headspace to give Steven some space. He knew how much Steven disliked to be hovered over even if it came from a place of concern.


    ‘Do you want me to take the body for a bit? Give you a chance to rest?’


    Steven waved him off. “I’b alrighdt for dnow, budt thanks for the offer.” He gave another hearty snuffle and pulled his hand from under the blankets to paw at the bulb of his nose. Unfortunately, the touch only made the itch intensify until Steven was pressing his palm to the tip of his nose and rubbing it in small circles, the wet squelches coming from inside the appendage seeming louder than they actually were now that Steven was listening for them.


    When Steven withdrew his hand, his breath instantly began to hitch. His head tipped back, mouth slack while a faraway look settled in Steven’s eyes. He had his hands slightly lifted back under the covers until his entire head crushed down into the mound, the only sign that he was still there a few stray curls that stuck out from under the fabric.


    “Hih’THrhc’Tchooo! Hihtchsh’Shoo! Hih’trchhSh’tchoo! Hih’TrchsSH’Shoo!” Steven lifted his head momentarily, a few stray tears running down his cheeks. Gasping once more, Steven ducked back down, head bobbing and nostrils flaring once again. “Hih’Trhchs’Shoo! HithcshHS’Shoo! Hih’trhcsHsh’Tchoo! HurhcsH’Shoo!”


    Steven was left sputtering and choking on the thick, milky mucus that was pooling from his nostrils and dripping down the back of his throat.


    His hand stretched out to feel outside the blankets, knuckles connecting with the remote to the telly and a thermometer. He finally found a tissue box and knocked it sideways. The box was empty, not even a single tissue hiding in the corners of the box or under the tab.


    “Oh, bugger,” Steven mumbled. The mess was demanding attention and his glassy eyes peeked out from under the blanket to spy around the room. Nothing looked promising, and even if he did see something, the last thing that he wanted was to leave the safe and warm embrace of his blanket cocoon and face the coldness of his flat and the exhaustion that rained over him just by moving.


    ‘Gesundheit,’ Marc murmured again. ‘You alight?’


    Steven squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered. “I dond’t have ady other tissues.”


    Marc hardly skipped a beat answering, ‘Luckily you have a mound of blankets that’ll work just as well.’


    Steven’s eyes widened in horror at Marc’s suggestion. “I cand’t do thadt!”


    ‘And why not?’


    “Because......id’s gross, Barc. So unsanitary.”


    Steven could practically feel Marc rolling his eyes despite not being able to see him. ‘I don’t think you have much of a choice, man. It’s not like anyone else is here to see you.”


    “You are!”


    Before Marc could answer, Steven began to cough and it caused his nose to run even more. He whimpered as he turned his head to the side to rub at his shoulder. His well worn t-shirt was rougher on his tender nose that he anticipated and he was left feeling as though the already flaking skin around the curves of his nose were peeled completely off, a burn settling deep and Steven shook his head in discomfort.


    ‘And I’m not about to judge you for it. Besides, I don’t see another option here.’


    Although he was still opposed and embarrassed by it, Steven was forced to press his face into the many folds of the blanket and gave a few productive blows that still left him sniffling. How one moment his nose could be completely blocked up like a clogged drain, and the next be so runny that there was no way for him to keep up with it besides shoving something up his nose, he didn’t know. It was certainly one of the worst colds he had ever remembered catching; the sneeziest one as well.


    Marc could feel Steven beginning to teeter back and forth between being fully conscious in the body and seeming to eagerly want to give it to Marc. Marc was ready, but every time he tried to take the body, Steven would resist and pull away, leaving Marc waiting and confused as to what actually Steven wanted.


    ‘You sure you don’t want me to take a shift? Just so you can get some actual rest?’


    Steven considered it for a few moments before lifting a finger in a show to Marc to wait as he lifted the collar of his shirt over his face and ducked down into it, entire body curled into itself under a blanket of heat. He took in a shuddering breath and convulsed forward. “Hih’ThrcSH’Shoo! Hih’TrhcSHhs’Tchoo!” Another shaky inhale, followed by a rattling gasp. “Hih’TrhcsH’Shoo! Hih’TrhcsH’Shoo!” He kept his face perched where it was, the front of his shirt now damp from the messy sneezes. He took in an experimental sniff and flew forward once more. “Hih’TrhcsH’Shoo! Hih’TrhcSH’Shoo! HurTHsh’Shoo!”


    After the final sneeze, Steven surfaced from under his shirt and grabbed the nearest blanket and cupped it around his nose. He heaved a massive breath and blew, frustrated when it didn’t dislodge nearly as much as he had expected. The blanket was released from his grip and he pushed it aside before rising from the mound and was relieved when a stream of fresh air greeted his face that was now teeming with sweat.


    ‘I’d say bless you but—‘


    Steven waved him off good naturally. “Kinda a wasted phrase on me, unfortunately. Give it a few minutes and I’ll be right back in it.”


    Marc could tell that despite Steven’s breezy tone, he was embarrassed at the productiveness of his sneezes. Marc couldn’t blame the guy. He was more of a single sneezer, maybe sneezing twice, but no more than that no matter the circumstances. Having long, drawn out fits was so foreign to him, and Marc couldn’t even imagine what the felt like. Though, judging by the state of Steven, he could gather they were far from enjoyable.


    Steven groaned as he leaned forward, the deep aches settling into his muscles and sending his skin prickling in unease. It had been a while since he had encountered a fever and he forgot truly how horrible it could be.


    ‘What’s wrong?’


    Steven squeezed his shut against another wave of pain. “Nothing. Just the fever, I think.”


    ‘How high is it?’


    “Don’t know. Been a sec since I checked.” When Marc didn’t offer a snide comment, or any comment for that fact, Steven let out a croaked out sigh. “I take it you want me to check again?”


    ‘That does seem like it would be the smart thing to do.’


    Steven rolled his eyes, which did nothing to help with his headache. “Don’t need to be a total git about it.”


    Marc let out a deep sigh and Steven was slightly relieved that he couldn’t see the man staring back at him in a reflected service. ‘I’ve had a good bit of infections. You may not think that it’s that high, but it’s always better to know. Just check.’


    Steven reached out and took the thermometer and pressed the screen to flick it up. He let out a few tired coughs before slipping the tip of thermometer under his tongue and held it there, patiently waiting for the reading to finish. It felt like an eternity, his nose buzzing and in desperate need of a good blow. Steven tried to keep as still as possible, worried that if he so much as touched or moved his nose that it would trigger another fit and he would be left taking the reading all over again.


    As though sensing his struggle, Marc seemed to lean his presence firmer into Steven. ‘Not too much longer. Just keep breathing through it.’


    ‘As opposed to?’


    Marc didn’t answer and Steven tried to focus on how irritating his head mate could be instead of the need to sneeze and blow his nose. It was difficult to focus considering the feeling was pitching toward overwhelming, but he did his best. He wouldn’t admit it, but it did help to have Marc there as though the man was sitting beside him. His alter didn’t need to know just how much comfort he brought Steven just by being there.


    Finally, the thermometer began to beep and Steven didn’t hesitate to rip the device from his mouth and squeak a series of half stifled sneezes against his shoulder, the thermometer stretched as far away from his face as possible while he sneezed.


    “Ugh, bloody hell.” Steven lifted his wrist to rub under his nose as he brought the thermometer back to the front of his face to read the display. “Downright bugger this bug is.”


    Marc hummed in agreement. ‘38.7 degrees Celsius. What the hell is that in Fahrenheit?’


    Steven was often very quick with his conversions as he had to do so often with Marc, as he refused to learn how to read the weather in Celsius and convert it himself to Fahrenheit. His eyes squeezed closed as his muddled thoughts struggled to do that mental conversion in his head. “101.6, or there aboudt. Dnot horrible.”


    ‘A fever is still a fever.’


    Steven shrugged and took another corner of one of the blankets and blew his nose into it. The sound was low and gravely, filling the corner of the room that he was in enough to make Steven blush in embarrassment. “Sorry, bate.”


    ‘Don’t worry about it. It’s not like you can help it, and when I get the body I’m sure I’ll sound the same.’


    Steven surfaced back from under the blankets and cast a forlorn look toward the loo. “Should really shower,” he murmured, half to himself despite knowing that Marc was very much listening. “Bight helb with the congestion. By hair is so greasy, and by body hurdts.”




    Steven edged closer to the side of the bed and dangled his legs toward the floor. The balls of his feet touched the floor as he began to stand only for his vision to swim in front of him and his legs to give out. He slumped back against the pillows, coughing, nose running as he fought to lift his legs up and tuck them back where they had just been.


    ‘I was about to tell you that wasn’t a good idea. Probably shouldn’t be trying to do anything too strenuous for a bit.’


    Although Steven knew that Marc was correct, that didn’t mean that he wasn’t frustrated by it all the same. He was used to getting up and moving with ease, yet this illness had knocked him out and was making it beyond frustrating that he couldn’t do anything. He wasn’t an overly active man before becoming sick, though he was also used to not being winded by getting up and walking to the bathroom.


    “This sucks, Barc,” Steven whimpered, eyes closing as he coughed. His lungs burned with effort and the thought of perhaps calling Layla to come and see them. It was a selfish thought, that much he knew as he didn’t want her to catch whatever they had, and he didn’t feel like that was fair to ask that of her.


    ‘I know, man. You sure you don’t want me to step in?’ Marc’s voice was much more soothing than Steven could remember and he couldn’t help but smile knowing that his alter would’ve offered, yet again, despite Steven insisting that he could handle it. ‘Because I don’t mind. It can’t hurt to give yourself a break.’


    Steven was close, so close, to agreeing. But, he remembered all of what Marc did and how he tended to act when they was sick. His dissociative episodes grew worse when he didn’t feel well, and Steven couldn’t ask that of him if he had any confidence that he could handle it.


    “Thanks for the offer, budt I’ll be okay.” He rubbed at the tip of his reddened nose, the tickle spreading through him until he was pitching forward stuffily into the blanket. “Hih’TRchsH’Sh00! Hih’RchsHSH’Shoo! Hih’RchsH’Shoo! Oh, bugger.”


    ‘Bless you.’


    Steven felt a flash of warmth at the fact that Marc blessed him. He was certain Marc wouldn’t bless anyone else that sneezed, not even Layla. The fact that he blessed Steven reminded him that his alter did care for him in a way that he didn’t for everyone else. “Cheers.” He held the blanket perched over his nose before deciding against it and lowering it, snot threatening to run down his top lip.


    ‘Aren’t you going to blow your nose?’


    “Dond’t wadtch.”


    Steven could practically hear Marc huff, though he took the opportunity to blow into nose into the folds of the blanket, and rubbed at his tender nostrils once he finished. Despite blowing, his head still felt as full as it did before. The pressure in his sinuses was rising quicker than the tide under the glow of moonlight. His eyeballs felt as though they were bulging and floating in his skull at the same time.


    “I dneed to go do bed.” Steven glanced back at the pillows behind him and scrambled back until he was propped up against the pillows.


    ‘Shouldn’t you take something for it first? There’s a half used bottle in the medicine cabinet last I checked.’


    It was a nice thought to take something that may knock him out. The actual act of making it there wasn’t something he could do, based on his prior attempt. “I think I’ll sabe thadt for adnother day.”


    Marc didn’t say anything even as Steven flopped onto his side and began to wrap the blankets tightly around himself, the pressure that they caused allowing him to melt into the warmth that helped soothe his aching muscles. The fever aches and chills weren’t completely chased away, but it was a lot easier to tolerate now that he was laying down.


    Steven sighed as he closed his eyes, trying to drift off to sleep only to find that he was unable to. He turned onto his back, groaned as he stared up at the ceiling.


    ‘Can’t sleep?’


    “No,” answered Steven with a sigh. He lifted a hand and motioned to his head. “Mind won’t stop running.”


    ‘Can I do anything?’


    Steven pondered Marc’s answer for a second before nodding. “Can you talk?”


    ‘About anything specific?’


    “Whatever you want to, mate. Talk about whatever you fancy, yeah?”


    Mac seemed to settle for a moment before beginning to talk. ‘I was once on this mission, and it was getting very hairy. You’ll never guess what happened next.....’


    The End

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