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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Into the Sneezy verse. (A Spider Gwen and Spider girl story.)


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(First note is the takes place in a slightly different part of the multi verse then the movie(s) and the characters are early twenties. 

Second, some of you might have read my other version on the adult section. Obviously I changed a few things to make it more PG-13. If you want to read the full version it has the same name in the other section.

Hope you all enjoy.)



“Really Goldilocks, I do appreciate the help but I had everything under control.” Patricia said as a fist as large as her head sailed just half an inch from her face. “You really don’t need to  help.”


“Save the nicknames for this walking cinder block will ya?” Gwen said flipping herself backwards away from the Rino’s other huge fist “Besides, you’re supposed to be helping me find a way home. This lug head is a distraction.”


“Wow, you’re in a hurry. Oh! You must have someone waiting for you?” Patricia said sliding herself along the side walk through the Rino’s legs a split second before he cracked that side walk with a downward slam with both huge fists. “Now I’m curious. Who is he? Is he cute? Details details!”


“His name is Nonya. Mr. Nonya Business!” Gwen said sailing over the Rino from behind, grabbing his horn and using his forward momentum to slam his head against the sidewalk, cracking it further. “Now can you quit playing around!”


“Oh come on. It’s part of my charm.” Patricia said cartwheeling around next to Gwen in front of the Rino as he began stand back up. “All part of being a friendly neighborhood Spidergirl. Hell, over half my jokes went viral when I was fighting the Scorpion.”


“As did him smacking your ass through the front window of the Daily Bugle.” Gwen said drawing back a punch in perfect unison with Patricia. “Only been here a few days and I already saw that vid.”


“That’s “cute ass” to you.” Patricia said as her right hook and Gwens left cracked into the Rino’s jaw simultaneously. 


“Ouch!” Patricia exclaimed.


“Shit!” Gwen cursed. 


“Language, there could be kids watching the stream!” Patricia said leaping backwards to avoid the counter punch. She was of course smiling from ear to ear as she had been most the fight. “What kinda example are you setting?”


“Least of my concerns!” Gwen said “Did that even hurt him!?”


“Only thing that hurts is my ears.” Rino said “Will you two shut up!!”


“Weren’t you listening horn head?” Patricia said firing webbing at the Rino’s head “I just got through explaining, it’s part of my charm!” 


Seeming to have noticed Patricia’s plan, Gwen dove to the side, landing on her hands and kicking backwards with both feet slamming into the Rino’s knee, making it buckle. Patricia pulled with all her strength sending the off balance hulking mass falling forward where his face met her knee as she leapt upward. Right on target. Her knee, pain shooting through it, impacted the point of his chin and Patricia saw his eyes roll as he fell forward with a loud thump, sending both girls dancing out of the way. 


“What do you think? Two point one on the rictore scale?” Patricia said then added an under her breath “ow” as she took a step. Her knee was going to be aching all day. Wonderful. Well it couldn’t get worse right?


The crack of thunder filled the air and Patricia groaned. She just had to say it, or rather think it. Good old spider luck strikes again. Thankfully the group of police that had been keeping a safe distance until now began to move forward with a set of huge tech covered restraints. Stark tech if Patricia had to guess. Good. They should hold the Rino and if she knew Stark, they likely weaken him too.


“Can we get out of here before it starts pouring?” Gwen said.


“What, don’t want to smiled for the cameras?” Patricia said grinning at the crowd of people near by, each with a cell phone held up.


Her new costume actually revealed her lower face and let her brown hair flow loosely behind her. The sides of her face were covered of course and she still had the traditional large white eyes. The rest of her costume was mostly red with dark blue highlights and black webbing pattern with a large thin spider symbol on the front and back. Her web shooters were silver cuff bracelets and while not as concealed as her namesakes version, they allowed her to carry twice the webbing. 


Even with the full faced covering mask, Patricia could tell Gwen was frowning at her. The pink, white and black costume she wore was a definite contrast to Patricia’s but she had to admit, the hood was a nice touch. 


“Fine fine.” Patricia said “I suppose you’re right. Besides, if we get all wet these outfits will get even more form fitting then they already are. Wouldn’t want that online. Oh, I meant to ask. Do you ever get the wet t-shirt effect with that white outfit?”


For one second Patricia thought Gwen actually was going to punch her. She supposed she would have deserved it, kinda. Still, it wasn’t her fault she was a clone of the most talkative superhero in New York. Nonstop chatter came naturally to her as did her sense of humor, and she was quite funny thank you very much. 


“Let’s just get out of here.” Gwen said turning and firing her webbing to a nearby building. 


“Well, unless you want to catch pneumonia, you should come over to my place till the storm ends.” Patricia said firing her own webbing “Oh, and don’t read too much into it. I’m just inviting you over to get out of the rain. Race you there?”


Gwen made a growling sound and leapt into the air, followed almost instantly by Patricia. “So that’s a no to the race!?” she yelled after her.


They had made it less then three blocks when the rain started, slow at first, but it picked up very quickly. Thanks to some tinkering her webbing still worked in the rain but she did wonder if Gwen’s would work as well. She was from a different dimension after all, who knows what might be different about her. Swinging more or less in unison, Patricia gave a quick point down a side block and the two rounded the building only to be met by head on rain. Freezing cold rain at that. 


“Damn it.” Patricia said although she doubted Gwen could hear her with the wind. With her luck she’d at least catch a cold and that would be just great. Fighting with a cold sucked and it wasn’t like the bad guys let her take sick days. It was like that time she had to fight hobgoblin with a head cold and nearly.......


Patricia frowned and gave her head a quick shake. Not her memory, Peter’s. That happened sometimes, if she wasn’t careful she’d remember something that had happened to him as though she had experienced it. She did have a majority of his memories but thankfully not every signal one. Still years worth of information that hadn’t really happened to her had been very disorienting at first. It had taken her the first six months of her life just of come to grips with it all. Another six to figure out what to do with herself and she had finally decided to take up her own version of Peter’s gig. It took another full year before Peter had finally felt comfortable enough to stop shadowing her in through the city. She knew he had only done it out of concern for her well being, she had his memories and personality after all, but it had still been annoying. She had almost considered moving to some other city but he had finally let up and now she was on her own and loving every minute of it. And now with Peter out in space with the Avengers she had the city to herself for the past week and had been doing a fine job of keeping the peace, even if she was technically just over two years old. Of course she had been grown to the age of twenty five or so when she woke up in the lab. Who’s lab and why, well no one knew but after spending most of that second year searching she had given up figuring it out, for now.



Gwen suddenly changed course and landed on the side corner of the building at the end of the block. Wondering if something was wrong, Patricia flipped backwards and the end of her swing, reversed directions with the next web shot and landed next to Gwen on the building side. 


“Are you okay?” Patricia asked honestly concerned “Did your webbing slip or something?”


“No ih it nah not thah-that....” Gwen said, her words oddly broken.


Patricia raised an eyebrow and Gwen suddenly pulled up her mask halfway revealing her mouth and nose. What on earth was she-




Gwen sneezed five times, loud enough for Patricia to hear over the rain. The first was strong followed by three rapid nearly half sneezes and capped off with a much louder and stronger sneeze then the rest.


“Damn girl. Bless you times, five?” Patricia said “You always sneeze that much?”


Gwen gave a sniff then nodded. “Yeah. Don’t know why but it’s always been that way. That’s why I had to stop for a minute. Sneezing in your mask is bad enough, but when you sneeze five times. I’d likely crash into a building knowing my luck.”


“Yeah, one benefit to my new costume, I can sneeze without having to worry about that.” Patricia said. 


“You don’t sneeze that many times too do you?”


“No. Strictly doubles for me. Maybe three if I’m getting sick.” 


“Oh don’t even talk to me about sick sneezes. They just don’t stop.” Gwen said then pulled her mask back in place. “But I think that was just the rain getting to me.”



“Well, we should get going then.” Patricia said after a short pause. “We can take the L train for a short cut if you’d like.”


“Lead the way.” Gwen said and they leapt from the building in unison. 


It was something Patricia had noticed fighting along side Peter, that when two people had spider sense, as he called it, they began to subconsciously sense each other’s intentions and were able to work in unison without thinking about it. At first she had thought it had been something to do with being a clone of Peter but having been around Gwen she had figured out it was more to do with their powers. Oddly the sync with Gwen had formed much faster then it had with Peter, having began part way through their fight with the Rino. 


This was actually the second time Gwen had ended up in their dimension but last time Peter had gotten her home rather quickly and Patricia had only interacted with her briefly. This time however with Peter out of the city Gwen had come to her for help.


The L train was right on time as they reached the raised tracks and both landed on the roof of the moving cars without much difficulty, even with the rain. That said they were completely soaked by now and even though the train would be a bit faster, there was no sense in staying on top of it the whole way. Patricia waved for Gwen to follow and crawled along the roof till she reached the end of one of the cars then down in between them. There was enough room for them to stand and while they were not completely out of the rain it was much better then the roof.


“How you doing-“ Patricia began but was quickly cut off.




Gwen sneezed again with even less warning this time and barely had time to lift her mask. 


“Damn it.” she said with a sniff “I’d better not catch cold from this.”


She began to lower her mask again but then quickly lifted it one more mini fit.




Gwen made that same frustrated growling sound then pulled her mask back in place.


This time Patricia did not bless her. She was too busy trying to keep herself calm. ‘Gwen, you reeeeally need to quit sneezing’ Patricia thought to herself. 


Of all the strange things that had made up her short life she was pretty sure her odd fascination with sneezes had to be the strangest. She honestly had no idea if Peter had shared the same, interest, or if maybe her wires had gotten crossed during the cloning process but she was sure as hell never asking him about it. Either way she had found that for whatever reason, sneezing got her....excited. If she let it that was. Normally she was pretty good about ignoring it if she was in public and had really only indulged her fascination when she was browsing the internet alone. Typically if someone did sneeze around her, she would make a joke and bless them, or maybe have a casual short conversation about sneezes, like with Gwen just a bit ago. Security however, she would be enjoying having seen and heard the sneezes, no one being the wiser. But for some reason Gwen was different. For some reason her sneezes seemed to tick all the boxes for Patricia and while she had been able to keep her cool up to this point, she was slowly beginning to lose that cool. 


“You okay?” Gwen asked a few moments later “I think this is the longest you’ve gone without saying something.”


“Huh? Oh, I....I’m just focused on making sure we don’t miss our stop.” Patricia said “With the rain and all.”


“Well I hope it’s close. I’m freezing and I’m sure you are too. We need to get out of these costumes before we catch pneumonia.”


“Oh Goldilocks, you do care.” Patricia said.


“Will you quit calling me that.” Gwen said.


“Well, what do you want me to call you then? In this world I’m Spidergirl so calling you that would just get confusing. I shouldn’t use your name in public.”


“Well, you could honestly. I’m not from this dimension and I’m not staying any longer then I need to.”


“Good point I suppose.” Patricia said then added “Here’s our stop. We’re just two blocks away from my place. Oh, and follow my lead when we get to the window. It will look a bit odd. Just trust me.”


Before Gwen could ask how, Patricia jumped to the roof then leapt off the train swinging down the block. Gwen followed.


Two blocks away Patricia turned sharply and swung down a thin ally and without slowing landed on the side of one building only to immediately spring off and dive through a window on the other. It appeared as though she literally sailed through the closed window without meeting any resistance. A simple hologram allowed her to keep the window open and enter her apartment as fast as possible with minimal chance of being spotted. Her spider sense would go off if someone what watching but she still always went as fast as possible, best not to take chances. 


Landing on the floor of her rather small apartment she quickly side stepped and Gwen sailed through a second later, coming to her feet with a roll. Patricia walked over and closed the window. Thankfully due the ally not much rain had gotten inside but it was still rather cold.




Turning back around she saw that this time Gwen had pulled off her mask completely as she sneezed and Patricia was able to see the other girls beautiful face become desperately sneezy before succumbing to the inevitable. Patricia was once again struck uncharacteristically speechless. 


Gwen was absolutely beautiful. She had seen her once before without her mask but only from afar. This time she was seeing her close enough to take in the full picture and without warning Patricia was hit with a flood of memories and emotions. 


Gwen. Her first true love. The deep connection they had shared. The heart rending pain when she had been unable to save her. The rage she had felt at the Goblin for taking her away from her. The deep sorrow of coming to grips with her loss and having to go on. The.......no! 


Patricia felt her knees become weak and she had to place a hand on the wall to not fall down. These were not her memories. They were not! She grimiest trying to convince herself and slowly the pain eased and finally ceased. 


“Damn. That sucked.” she said under her breath. 


“What did? Are you okay?” Gwen asked.


Patricia had not noticed she had spoken aloud. “Oh I’m uh. I’m okay. Its just the rain. We really got soaked.”


“Well,” Gwen said pulling on the sleeve of her costume “let’s get out of these wet clothes then.”


Patricia hesitated.


“Oh come on now. We’re both girls, who cares.” Gwen said “Don’t tell me your shy after all those wise cracks.” 


“I’m cool.” Patricia said scoffing. No, she was far from cool but she wasn’t about to let Gwen know that. “I just wanted to make sure you didn’t mind. Some girls are shy about......”


Gwen slipped off her costume revealing a rather cute set of matching bra and panties. Pink lace. Of course.


To give herself something to do besides stare Patricia quickly began to pull at her own costume. Her underwear were not nearly as cute and she was pretty sure they didn’t even match. Who the hell had time to worry about that kinda thing when going out on patrol. 


Gwen apparently. 


Patricia was amazed how good she looked in nothing but her undergarments, hell they even seemed to match her trendy hair cut and the couple of cool pearcings she had.


Patricia slipped off her costume and let to fall to the floor, she be sure to wash it later, and found Gwen staring at her. Before she could catch herself she blushed. The look on Gwen’s face was how she herself must have looked a moment ago. A swell of mixed emotions crossed Gwen’s features and Patricia thought for a second that she saw tears welling. Gwen shook her head. 


“Wow. You look a lot more like him then I thought you would. I mean, not that you look like a dude or anything but your face is, similar.” Gwen said. “When I met the Peter from this world we both agreed to keep our masks on as much as possible and it seems that was a good idea.”


“What happened to your world’s Peter?” The question popping out of Patricia’s mouth before she could stop it.


Gwen sighed. “Petty much the same thing that happed to this word’s Gwen Stacy. Details were a bit different I’m sure but.....I lost him.”


For the first time since they crossed paths that morning, both women were silent. 


Rain pored outside with the occasional rumble of distant thunder.


A sudden shiver shook Patricia out of her thoughts. Painful memories or not, they needed to get warmed up before-




Someone caught cold.


Patricia had looked up reflexively when Gwen sneezed and now noticed she was shivering as well. 


“M-maybe a w-warm sh-shower?” Gwen asked.


“G-great idea.” Patricia said starting towards the small apartment’s bathroom.


The bathroom was not the biggest but it did have a full on bathtub and not just a small stand up shower. 


“Y-you c-can go f-first.” Patricia said, full on shivering at this point.



“N-no. T-together or y-you’ll f-freeze.” Gwen said.


Patricia’s eyes widened.


“Oh c-come on.” Gwen said “W-what happened t-to that d-devil may c-care attitude?”


There was along pause before Gwen finally laughed, still shivering. 


“I’m just k-kidding.” Gwen said “Hah. Finally got you for once-Haashoooooo-chooooo-choooo-shoooooo...HAASHOOOOOW!!!”


“Will you go a-already!?” Patricia said a bit irritated that she had been tricked but smiling back just the same. “At this rate I’ll catch a chill and then I’m be sn-sneezing......HEH-HEEGSHOOOOOOO!!! HEEGSHOOOOOOOO!!! HAAAASHOOOOOOOW!!!! Damn. Sneezing like crazy too.”


“I thought you said you only sneezed twice?” Gwen said.


“Shut up and get in there already before I cut in line.” Patricia said.


“I’m going I’m going.” Gwen said then turned back one last time before entering the bathroom. “Patricia...thanks.”


“Anytime.” Patricia said smiling. Maybe Gwen was warming up to her after all. Speaking or warmth or lack there off-




Patricia sneezed again, an unusual three in a row. Damn, she better not be getting sick, she thought to herself. 




The showers thankfully did the trick and both web-slingers were able to warm up enough to not catch pneumonia. Not to say the sneezes stopped but that’s a story for another time.

Edited by Light
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