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Cheer (Severance, Mark)

Lady Blessington

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Hiii first of all, just making sure we all have this essential info lolol i.e. the actual canon elevator allergy song! And now some fic which is not super related to the song.


Mark Scout is in Harmony’s office doorway.

This is their routine now.  It’s coffee break, so here he is.

“Good man,” Harmony says.

He won’t sit down until she invites him to.  She feels cozy thinking about it.  First, he has to pass her inspection.

Harmony scans his modest suit, his green tie.  “You’ve polished your shoes,” she smiles.  “A lovely touch.”

His hair is neat.  His face is pink, as it often is in these moments of scrutiny.  Are his cheeks redder than usual?  His nose looks flushed and hot.

“Mark,” she frowns.  “Are you okay?”

He quickly nods, but his voice is deep and hoarse.  “Right as rain.”

“Oh, dear.”  Harmony stands up behind her desk.  She peers at his tired, frightened eyes.  He’s watching her so closely.  “You’re coming down with something.”

Mark hesitates.  She keeps her face as blank as possible.  “I’m not exactly sure,” he says at last.

He’s so nasal, it’ll be days before all that congestion works itself out.  He’ll be out sick just when he was getting the hang of the numbers.  Her poor baby goat.

At least she won’t have to miss him.

Mark’s wearing dark red sweats when he answers the door.  His hand’s full of soggy tissues.  His nose is pink and chafed.

“Mrs. Selvig,” he croaks.  He sniffles into the tissues and coughs to clear his throat.  “Pardon me.”

“My goodness,” Harmony says.  “Well, no wonder your car’s still in the driveway.”

Mark shivers in the draft from the doorway.  His face screws up in concentration and a sneeze bursts out.  “Excuse me,” he tells her, gurgling into the tissues.  “You’re very sweet to check on me.  I’m going to go lie down.”

“You’ve caught this winter’s flu,” she exclaims.  “Oh, Mark.  I’ve got just the thing at the shop.  I’ll bring it by later on.”

“You really don’t h-haaave… have to do thaaaaaat…”

Harmony watches him fight the sneeze.  His brows screw up in desperation.  He gasps, and she wonders how he looks in orgasm.  He jams two fingers under his nose and doubles over, exploding in relief.

“Enough said,” Harmony nods.  “I’ll see you later with a remedy.”

He doesn’t answer the next time she knocks.  Through the window she sees him sleeping on the couch, half-drowned in blankets.  She goes home and switches her TV to the same channel as his.

“Darling,” she greets him the next morning.  He squints around his door at the sun reflecting off snow.  “How are you feeling?”

Mark gives up trying to look and shrugs at her with his eyes screwed shut.  “Can’t complain.”

“I’ve brought you some herbs to help with that nasty congestion.  Just boil them up in a big pot of water and breathe in the steam.”

“You didn’t have to do that,” he says, his voice still full of the cold.

“Nonsense.”  Harmony looks past him into the house.  “Why don’t you let me prepare them for you?  You don’t look well at all.”

Mark blushes and rubs his face.  He sniffles and spits a sudden sneeze into his palm.

“Ugh, pardon me,” he says.  “Trust me, you don’t want this.”

Harmony takes off her hat.  “Try me.”

Mark’s coughs rumble into the steam coming up off Harmony’s brew.  A towel covers his head, so she can look around as much as she likes.

“There, there,” she says, patting his shaking shoulders.  “In through the nose, out through the mouth.  That’s it.”

The picture of his wife is gone from the wall.  She doesn’t see it anywhere.

“You’re in a safe place, Mark.”

She goes into his cupboards.  There’s hardly any food.

“Just relax.”

He sneezes like thunder, four times in a row.  “Jesus,” he moans.

“Good,” she tells the towel.  “Let it all go.”

“Mrs. Selvig,” Mark greets her.  His voice is mostly gone, but he’s smiling and there’s colour in his face.

“You look better,” she smiles back.  “You’ve been getting your rest.”

Mark flinches and grabs his nostrils to stop a sneeze.  He exhales with a sigh.

“Now, now,” she scolds him.  “You’ll hurt yourself if you keep that up.”

Sheepishly Mark rubs his forehead.  “Thanks for yesterday.  Those herbs were magic.”

“Yes.  Nature knows best, doesn’t she?  Speaking of which…”  Harmony reaches into her purse and produces a goldfish in a plastic bag.  “I thought you could use some company around here.”

Mark looks at the bright sunny fish.  He looks at Harmony’s eyes.  He sniffles gratefully.

Then he’s touching his delicate nose again, and his eyes are fluttering.  He gasps and exhales, teetering on the brink.  Finally he surrenders and yells out a ferocious sneeze.

“Bless you!” she exclaims.

Mark laughs at himself and accepts his pet.

Mark stands in Harmony’s office doorway.  He’s a bit pale and his lips are chapped.  Still, he’s on the mend.

“Mark,” she says.  “Welcome back.  How are you feeling?”

Mark shifts uncomfortably.  He smooths down his jacket.  “I'm fine.”

“We’re on to the new quarter,” she tells him.  “I’ve got a new file for you.”

“Oh,” he blushes.  She watches him calculate how long he’s been off.

“Don’t worry about nimbleness today, nor verve.  Our relationships to the core principles fluctuate, and this is normal.  Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

Mark’s hair is perfectly combed.  His blue tie’s sharply knotted.

“Humility.  Benevolence.  These are the principles that will guide your day today, Mark S.  We are all of us fallible.  We can all bring each other cheer.”

“Yes, Ms. Cobel.”

“Peter K. will start you on the new file.  It’s called Allentown.  I know you'll do it justice.”

Mark stands up a little straighter.  He’s warming himself on her approval.

She glows.  “That is all.”


Edited by ice_cream_though
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I LOVED Severance! I was wondering when I was going to start seeing Severance content on here 😉 I’m working on one myself if I can get my butt in gear and post it. I love Mark 🥺❤️ I needed this today, thank you!

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