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You Take Care of Me and I'll Take Care of You (The Office, Jim & Pam)


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A/N: Hello! I've been been watching The Office again, surprise surprise. I felt inspired to write a fic about it and of course it had to be about Jim, duh! And maybe a little Pam thrown in there as well. I hope you guys enjoy, I really enjoyed writing it and playing the scenarios in my head. There's something about the vulnerability of a man who is desperately struggling with the yummy sneezies that just does something to me.


Pam sighed behind her computer. Michael was in one of his "moods", essentially meaning that he placed most of his responsibilities on her for the day. Pam didn't particularly enjoy doing Michael's work and had previously brought up the issue to corporate, but Michael was refusing to budge and claimed that he needed to spend the day alone in his office "aligning his chakras", whatever that meant. Despite the frustration of a workload dump, she tried to view the bright side of days like these. Michael would be too focused on himself to notice her and Jim's clear desperation for each other's attention. They had finally made it official but decided to hold off a little while before they started telling their colleagues. It made life a little easier. For now.


Unfortunately, today was drastically different than the others. Jim hadn't made his way to her desk like he normally does. In fact, he hadn't even communicated with her at all. Neither had she, to be honest. Michael seemed to have given her a little bit more than she was used to. She glanced above her computer, centering her attention at Jim's desk. Her heart fluttered momentarily but then dropped a bit when she saw the state that her brown haired boyfriend was in. He looked miserable and tired. His face was quite flushed and now that she was paying closer attention, she recalled noticing how sniffly and congested he had been since arriving at work. He didn't look like he was feeling well at all. She wanted nothing more than to snuggle up next to his warmer-than-usual-body with a bowl of popcorn and the movie of his choice. Letting her thoughts run she hadn't noticed how long she had been staring at him and when she finally snapped out of her dream like state, Jim was staring back at her, a hint of a smile on his face. She opened her IM, a good way to communicate without seeming suspicious.

Receptionitis15: Are you okay?

JIM9334: Yeah, why do you ask?

Recetionitis15: I don't know, maybe it's all the sniffling and snuffing you've been doing so discreetly. And the fact that you're practically falling asleep at your desk.

JIM 9334: Allergies.

Recetionitis15: Oh come on, I can feel your body heat from over here. If you're not feeling well just go ask Michael for the rest of the day off. Go get some tea and some DayQuil or something and get some rest. You look awful.

JIM9334: Yeah, but he's doing his chakra voodo thing. And then I wouldn't get to see your beautiful face all day :)


They exchanged glances, trying to wipe the smiles off their faces before someone caught on. Jim's expression was suddenly replaced with a look of desperation. With his nostrils flared and breath wavering, Jim sneezed quietly into his arm. Heh-hehschcheww!! Everybody knew that when Jim sneezed, it was always in threes. His single sneeze caught the attention of the others, but they waited politely for the last two sneezes to make their appearance before blessing him. Sure enough, the second one came, followed by the third, each one stronger than the last. Hehshchchsheww! Heh-hehscahchhewww!! Jim swiped a finger under his nose in an attempt to try and relieve the intense irritation. Pam gently set a box of tissues above her and watched as Jim sighed in relief, making his way toward her.

"Bless you," Pam whispered.

"Thabk you," he whispered back while removing a couple of tissues from the box. Pam watched as her boyfriend turned away to blow his nose, hopefully relieving some of the pressure and congestion that was building each minute. Pam knew how much she cared for and like Jim. Maybe even loved. But she never stopped to think about how every little thing he does can flood her stomach with butterflies. Everything about him was undeniably cute; being sick was no exception and even something as small as his sneeze and nose blowing can elevate her heartrate. Somehow, she was extremely attracted to him in this very moment.

Suddenly, Jim's breath became uneven and Pam knew what was happening, so she scooted the tissue box a tad bit closer, unbeknownst to him. She wished she could do anything to help comfort him in this moment. I sympathetic look would have to suffice until they got off work. Jim quickly grabbed another wad of tissues just in time to catch his throat burning, head pounding sneezes. he was so desperate for relief at this point. He-heschchchteww!! Heh-Hehshschhteww!! He caught his breath and his balance back. He gave Pam a confused look.

"Only two? Must be your lucky day I guess."

"Yeah, that's weird. I've never in my lifetime only sneezed tw-" Hetxxschtx sheww! Jim twisted last minute, pinching his nose as he let out his unanticipated. third and final sneeze. He tried to stifle but it was so intense and violent he miserably failed. His only goal at that point was to not get Pam. That would be pretty rude of him.

"Yep, there it is," he exclaimed, his voice barely audible at this point. Maybe he would take Pam's advice and take the rest of the day off. After throwing his used tissues in the trash he leaned over the receptionist desk. "I think I'm gonna go home. My head is killing me and I'm freezing."

"I know, you don't exactly hide it well," she joked.

Jim didn't even speak with Michael. He just gathered his things. As he was putting on his jacket, Pam pulled him to the side.

"Jim, I really don't feel well.." she secretly winked, making his heart flutter. He understood what she was getting at, slightly winking back.

Pam sat back down at her desk and let him leave. As he closed the door behind him she heard his desperate triple sneeze again in the hallway, getting stronger and harder on his body. Poor thing. Part of her wants to take it all away but the other part wants to be able to care for him, as he's cared for her in the past. She'll never forget the day that he gave her his chicken noodle soup when she was in the same position. Also, because Roy decided to take all the leftovers for lunch for him and slept on the couch the night before because he "can't handle getting sick". Jim would never. Jim would be the first one to snuggle up next to her and make her as comfortable as possible, even if that means risking his own health.

Pam waited about 20 minutes before packing up her things, to not look suspicious. She told Dwight to leave a message with Michael that both her and Jim had left to go home because of a nasty cold going around the office. Plus, it was technically company policy that you go home when you're sick. On the way home she stopped at the local grocery store and picked up some medication and cough drops. She also picked up some clam chowder for dinner, keeping Jim in mind. That was his favorite. He had always been a seafood type of guy. 


Edited by ToastedBagel
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A/N: Alright, here is part 2! There's going to tons more caretaking and sneeziness in this chapter and chapter to come. Maybe some contagion? 😏 Anyways, enjoy this part as much as I did! 


Back at home, things were going just about as well as they were at the office. Pounding headache, throat that was on fire, congestion that caused heaviness in Jim's chest and so much pressure in his sinuses. He's glad he made the decision to leave work. He felt like death but at least he could feel like death in the comfort of his own home. Besides, Pam was supposed to be over soon. Pam was a breath of fresh air and a light in his world. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that things worked out the way they did, but he thanked the universe every day for it. He almost forgot how bad he felt in that moment, until that familiar tingle reappeared, starting in the very back of his sinuses and making it's way to the tip of Jim's nose. It burned the inside of his nostrils but he knew rubbing it would only make it worse. He struggled for a little while, breath hitching uncontrollably and then returning to normal periodically. I guess the only thing worse than sneezing constantly, which Jim had been doing since getting in his car to drive home, was not being able to sneeze. It was the worst feeling and he was starting to get lightheaded from all of the constant false alarms. The tickle had pretty much subsided, for now, but Jim was feeling worse. He made his way to the couch and let his body weight and gravity place him on the couch. Boy was he excited to finally be sitting. Well, comfortably that is. Just as he was getting settled there was a knock on there door. Not wanting to get up again, he used the rest of his strength and what little there was left of his voice to yell.

"Cobe in," his voice extremely hoarse.

He knew it was Pam before she even showed her face. He grabbed the blanket that he was using and draped it over himself a little better, shaking underneath. He definitely had a fever but he was too tired and weak to even try and retrieve the thermometer. Pam entered and immediately caught sight of him on the couch. After dropping some things off on the kitchen counter she came and sat by his side, placing her hand on his shoulder in sympathy. 

"Jim, you're super hot," concern flooding her dainty voice.

"Yeah, I am."

"Well, glad to see your humor is still intact. I guess that's a good thing."

Jim willed himself into a sitting position so he could take some medication. Unfortunately that familiar tickle returned, and this time he knew it wasn't leaving for a while. Pam directed her attention towards his as she noticed Jim starting to stitch his eyebrows together. She nabbed the tissue box sitting on the other side of them and laid them on the coffee table in Jim's reach. He didn't have any time to say thank you nor did he have time to even utilize them. He pitched forward slightly, bringing the blanket up over his nose just in time to prevent his really wet sneezes from making a mess all over the coffee table. Hehschschheww!! Heschchsheww!!  He paused for a moment before letting out the third sneeze. Heh-hehshscchhewww!!!  Pam, thinking he was done began to bless him but Jim held up a finger to let her know he was not finished yet. He was now standing, leaning on the kitchen island to stabilize him. He shakily sneezed towards the floor, not wanting to let go of the island. Hehschhcscheww!! Heh-Pam, I-- Heschshhewww!! Heh-he-hehshccshhewww!!  That last sneeze almost knocked him on his butt, but luckily Pam was already there with her hands gripped around his waist.

"What the heck, I thought you sneezed in threes!" Pam exclaimed.

Jim lifted his head from below where his arms were resting. 

"Apparently I sneeze in multiples of three as well," he chuckled, his voice pretty much gone at this point.

Pam shot him a playful glance, laughing herself.

"Can we try to stay on the couch next time you decide to do that, please?" she said lightheartedly.

"I can do that," he replied turning towards her. His body still ached and his head was throbbing, but nothing in this moment was more important to him than her. He gazed into her green eyes. He had never seen anyone more beautiful. And she was his. All his. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. 

"Can I kiss you?" he asked, cautiously.

"What do you mean, of course you can," she replied, confused.

"I just didn't want to get you sick and all."

"Well, then you're just going to have to take care of me next."

"Deal," he said as he leaned in to kiss his girlfriend. Just as he thought that he might have a single moment where he was not suffering, he felt the urge sneeze again. He tried to fight the tickle, continuing to kiss Pam. Her soft lips and hand that had made its way to the back of his neck and lightly pulling at his hair helped in aiding as a distraction, but not for long. He tried focusing on something else but his breath had already started to hitch. He hoped that Pam wouldn't notice but she pulled away almost immediately. They're foreheads had not departed from each other yet. Jim took deep breaths in an attempt to regulate his breathing but he knew he could not hold it back forever and that him and Pam we're going to be in the same situation as they seemed to be in the whole day today. Jim closed his eyes, breathing in Pam's scent. Her perfume from today did not help.

"Would I be a jerk if I ruined the moment?" Jim asked.

Pam handed him the few tissues she had grabbed on the way over to the kitchen the first time she tried to comfort her boyfriend with his unexpected sneeze attack. Jim gladly took them out of her hand. Putting the tissues up to his sore, red nose, he gently blew. There was so much snot that he started to feel like a leaky faucet that would never shut off. As soon as he released the tissues from his nose his body involuntarily gasped to let out the most violent sneeze from that night. HEHESHCHCHCHEHWWW!!!  Jim's expression hadn't changed, he knew the other two would follow suit. It was just a matter of patience and maybe a bit better preparation this time around. He safely made it back to sit on the couch, surprisingly since his eyes were so watery that he could barely make out what was in front of him. He snagged another tissue from the tissue box and used it to catch his last two sneezes. Hehschchhewww!! Hchsshchewhww!!

Pam was rubbing small circles in his back, trying to comfort him any way she could.

"Thank you," Jim said quietly.

Pam kissed Jim on the cheek, smiling in return.

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