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Faberry’s New Kitten (f/f, Glee, allergies)


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Alright y’all- I haven’t written any fic in about a decade. But I DID come across this super old fic that I actually wrote in high school before I was even fully aware of my fetish, and, well, I thought it couldn’t hurt to share. Please be gentle with your judgements and remember how long ago it was that I wrote this 😂 I have hope that one day I will start writing again! If y’all like this one I will go back and see if I have any more old ones that I can share while we all wait for my adult life to have more space and time for creative writing! 


“Mr. Snugglepuffs is hurt, Quinn!”

Quinn rolled her eyes and tried not to look directly into Rachel’s begging eyes.

“Rachel. Mr. Snugglepuffs is a cat. He is not capable of having hurt feelings.”

Rachel gasped and looked up at Quinn with an indignant look.

“I regret that statement, Quinn,” she replied crossly, holding the (rather smooshed looking) cat even tighter to her chest.

“Rach, we can’t keep the cat,” Quinn argued.

“He wants me. He needs me,” Rachel stated, as the cat tried to wriggle out of the tiny brunette’s tight grip.

“He wants to explore his new home,” she explained, after Mr. Snugglepuffs finally jumped from her arms and ran to hide under Rachel’s bed.

“He wants you to leave him alone,” Quinn said, rubbing her suddenly very itchy nose.

Mr. Snugglepuffs peeped his head out from under the bed, seemingly pleased with the prospect of Rachel no longer smothering him with her somewhat overbearing affections.

“Look, Quinn! He’s looking at you! He loves you!” Rachel exclaimed happily.

“Rachel. We are not keeping him. I’m allergic to cats, as is your dad. Mr. Snugglepuffs will find a new home,” Quinn responded, much less exuberant over the cat’s supposed attention than Rachel would have hoped.

Rachel bent down and dragged the cat out from under the bed, shoving him into Quinn’s arms.

“Qui-inn,” she whined pitifully, her lower lip stuck out, “he loves you.”

Quinn sneezed onto Mr. Snugglepuffs, her arms too full of cat to cover.

“Ugh,” she groaned, “Rachel, please, we cannot keep this thing.”

“Mr. Snugglepuffs is not a thing! He is a he! And you just got him all sneezy!” Rachel raised her voice, yanking the now somewhat soggy cat from Quinn’s arms and back safely into her own.

Quinn flopped down on the bed in defeat. Mr. Snugglepuffs once again managed to free himself from Rachel’s arms and jumped onto Quinn, purring and rubbing up against her face.

Rachel curled up next to them, looking pleadingly into Quinn’s watery eyes.

“See? He loves you,” she said softly, brushing a strand of blonde hair from Quinn’s face.

Quinn stared back, unmoved.

“Quinn? I love you,” Rachel added with a smile.

Quinn groaned and pushed Mr. Snugglepuffs away.

“Fine. We can keep him.”

Rachel squealed and jumped on top of Quinn, pulling her into a bone-crushing hug.

“Thank you Quinn! Oh do you hear that Mr. Snugglepuffs, you get to stay with me forever!” Rachel continued squealing and holding both Quinn and Mr Snugglepuffs together in a tight embrace.

“You’re welcome,” Quinn answered, trying, along with the cat, to free herself from Rachel’s surprisingly strong arms. 

“I love you Quinn,” Rachel grinned, watching as Quinn rubbed the underside of her nose.

“You’re snotty,” Rachel giggled, still clutching a rather rumpled looking Mr. Snugglepuffs.

Quinn groaned and buried her head under a pillow as Mr. Snugglepuffs fought away from Rachel and jumped directly onto Quinn’s back.

“Aww, Quinn, he loves you!”

Mr. Snugglepuffs wriggled underneath the pillow that still covered Quinn’s face and rubbed his head into Quinn’s. Quinn sneezed on him again and shoved him towards Rachel.

“Rach, he hates me.”

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This is adorable! It’s great that you found this fic. I really hope you unearth others you’ve written or that you start writing again! Thank you for sharing :) 

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