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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Shallan Davar (Stormlight Archive)


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This is my first fanfic. I don't think there will be many chapters. Most likely a few small stories about how someone intentionally or accidentally provoked Shallan's allergy. I will use not only pollen (according to canon, Shallan is allergic to pollen), but also something else. English is not my native language, so please forgive me if you see any mistakes. I hope you will like it.

Part 1

Shallan Davar arrived on the Shattered Plains a few days ago. The girl decided to live in a tavern for the time being. She had already seen Dalinar Kholin and his son Adolin, to whom she was engaged. Shallan has already bought herself some wonderful dresses to replace the one she wore on her trip. After long weeks of living in a wagon, even a simple room in a tavern seemed luxurious to her. She finally had a bed instead of a hard wooden bench. In her room there was a mirror and a table, which she really liked. It was the first time she had been this far from home. Dalinar Kholin's military camp was like a busy city, although not very large, it was full of life.  Looking out the window, Shallan took an image of the street. She took a sheet of paper and began to draw.  The charcoal pencil glided over the paper, and soon she was examining her drawing. It showed soldiers walking around the camp, sheds of merchants selling all sorts of curiosities, a liquor store, passers-by. Shallan remembered that today she had a meeting with Adolin. She put on her new light green dress, put on a glove on her left hand, fastened a small bag to her belt, in which she carried her drawing supplies and all sorts of useful little things: a handkerchief and so on. They set up a meeting point in advance.

Adolin could not wait for the appointed time. He was a little nervous. Usually he was easy to communicate with girls and he was engaged at least 10 times. But Shallan, at their first meeting, made a completely different impression on him than other noble girls whom the prince had met before. He eagerly paced his chambers.  A few hours before the appointed time, Adolin put on the traditional Alethi military uniform and went out into the street. He made his way to the tavern where Shallan had taken up residence. On the way, the prince went to a flower shop and bought a bouquet of flowers. "All girls love flowers." he thought, unaware that Shallan was severely allergic to flower pollen (this is mentioned in the books).

Shallan went outside, Adolin was waiting for her at the entrance to the tavern. He bowed politely to her, she curtsied.(I'm not sure what kind of greeting is used in the Stormlight archive universe, but I don't think it matters). The girl drew attention to the fact that the prince holds one hand behind his back. 
"What's behind your back?" she asked.
:"I brought you a gift, brightness" - the prince replied, holding out a bouquet of flowers to the girl. : "Oh no.... Flowers!" Shallan thought with horror. Her face was frozen in fear. She instinctively took a few steps back, suppressing the urge to sneeze. Adolin looked at her in confusion what was happening and took a few steps to meet her, still holding the flowers in front of him. Shallan extended her arms forward, stopping the prince.
:"Flowers... heh... I have... heh heh... Allergies" - Shallan said with difficulty, struggling with an itch in her nose. 
: "Allergies?" the prince asked in confusion.
"Ah-heh... Pollen from the flowers... Heh-heh... Makes me sdeeze like crazy." The girl said while breathing heavily.
Adolin tossed the bouquet aside. The flowers were fresh, full of pollen. When the prince threw the bouquet, a cloud of pollen flew off them. A light gust of wind picked him up and carried him towards Shallan. She didn't see it as she rubbed her itchy, watery eyes. Her breath was still ragged. She inhaled the pollen. The girl felt a storm in her nose. It itched, filled with liquid snot, watery eyes. The girl desperately fought the urge to sneeze.  She pulled a handkerchief out of her bag and covered her face with it. Apchshoo! Ipshi! Excheew! Atchoo! Ehpshi! Apchoo! Her sneezes were so strong that Adolin held her by the elbow. Shallan sneezed five more times. It looks like her sneezing fit has started to subside. She folded her handkerchief and blew her nose wetly and rather loudly. She blew her nose for quite some time. When she finished, Shallan glanced at Adolin. He was shocked, but now, with red, watery eyes, a pink nose, she seemed to him very cute and fragile. 
"I'm sorry. A noble lady shouldn't act like this, but I can't help myself when there are flowers around." Shallan said, confused. Now she was not up to playing a cold noble lady. She was still sniffing.
Adolin was confused. "I beg your pardon, brightness. I didn't know flowers made you sneeze like that." said the prince. 
Shallan was rubbing her nose with an already wet handkerchief. 
"Here, take this, that's not much that I can now offer as an apology." - he said, holding out a handkerchief to the girl. Just in time. Shallan had barely had time to lift her handkerchief to her nose and blow her nose lightly before she was overcome by the urge to sneeze again. This time, the sneezing didn't last as long, but the sneezes were just as strong, and Adolin wrapped his arms around Shallan's shoulders, holding her. When Shallan stopped sneezing, she blew her nose again. 
Adolin looked at her. :"I'm sorry, brightness. I'm very sorry that this happened" - he looked at the girl with a look. She looked tired, her red hair was out of her hair and she tucked it behind her ears.
: "Sorry, I'm sorry I ruined the walk" - said Shallan, looking down and to the side. She wiped her wet nostrils and watery eyes. 
: "No, you should not apologize. Let me treat you to something," said the prince. Shallan did not refuse. They drank some wine in a liquor store and chatted. After that, Shallan said that she was tired and would like to return to her room in the tavern. The sun was sinking towards the horizon. Adolin followed her. On the way they passed a spice merchant. He argued furiously with one of the buyers. The man spat at the merchant's feet and pushed him. He was clearly drunk. A security guard approached him and hit the man. A fight ensued, in which the guard gained the upper hand, but one of the bags of spices was knocked over. A sudden gust of wind picked up the spice and carried it towards Shallan. She breathed it in. Still excited and especially sensitive, the girl's nose reacted instantly. Shallan barely had time to bring her handkerchief up to her nose when her nose began to tickle and tingle, filling with runny snot. She didn't try to hold back her sneeze. Her fit of sneezing was comparable to that caused by pollen from flowers. Apshi! Ipshi! Excheew! Its-shee! Akchoo! Ekcheew! Apchshoo! Her eyes watered, a storm raged in her nose. Adolin held her by the shoulders, afraid that the girl would fall. He couldn't get used to her sensitive nose. But when Shallan sneezed, she seemed very cute to him. Shallan blew her nose. "Sorry, Brightlord Adolin," said the girl, looking guiltily down and away. She was always embarrassed by her allergies and sneezing in public. Adolin assured her that everything was fine.

They parted at the entrance to the tavern where she was staying. Upon entering the tavern, Shallan was still sniffing wetly. She approached the innkeeper and said that she would like to take a bath. He nodded and called to the maid to get everything ready. Meanwhile, Shallan entered her room and lay down on the bed. She sniffed again, sneezed a few times, and blew her nose. : "I hate this allergy" - thought the girl, whose nose was still itching, although not so much. From that day on, she decided to carry not one, but several handkerchiefs, in case Adolin, or anyone else, provoked her allergies in any way.


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Thank you so much for writing this! :D I have read all of The Stormlight Archive, and love the fact that Shallan being allergic to pollen was made explicit in the first two books. Shame that this has yet to be referenced in the later novels, but we can only hope... I always imagined her to have furious little fits of sneezes, just as you describe :) 

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