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Game Grumps - Kirby’s Double Trouble Part 8 - Blowing It Up (M, Unspecified)


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Author's notes

To be honest, I've never actually done notes whenever I post fics. I don't even know what to put here. Well, I can say that this is actually a transcript for... whatever. Draw it, animate it, act it... You know. Get creative. I know they know about us because someone (dunno if that's me or not) commented on one of Suzy's videos asking for a snz. Plus, I really thought hard about what game they were gonna play. Since I couldn't think of anything, I made up a new Kirby game: Kirby's Double Trouble! I haven't made a plot (yet) Kirby meets a doll-like version of himself (think of a plush voodoo doll) and has to save Dreamland or something. Anyway, here is what I call a "sneezescript."

[The intro plays, then the episode begins.]
Arin: Welcome back to Game Grumps.
Dan: Hi! Hello!
Arin: We're playing more Double Trouble.
Arin: L-let's do this. *sniffle*
Dan: Okay. Going to Number 14. Double 7. You're gonna be twice as lucky, man!
Dan: Bless you.
Arin: A couple people said that this level was very hard. But y'know what? I'm gonna do it anyway.
Dan: You can do it, Arin!
Arin: This’ll be easy.
Dan: No, it won’t. You just said it was really hard.
Arin: Yeah, it wihh… Huhh... HAAAAHP’CHIEEWWW!!
Dan: Bless you again.
[The level starts out with a cave-like setting. Kirby, and a doll version of himself, are standing next to a flagpole.]
Arin: You know, this is already gonna be bad.
Dan: W-what?! You said the game was really good a couple episodes ago!
Arin: I was t-talking about the level, D-Dan…
Dan: Ohhh, okay. I see what you're saying.
Dan: Bless you! You okay?
Arin: Yeah.
Dan: I gotta be honest with you, man. I don’t think you are.
Arin: Yeah, I am! J-Just watch! You'll see!
[Kirby and his stuffed doppelganger then jump on a Warp Star to quickly escape a dragon. Kirby has a worried expression on his face, while the doll stares blankly to the right of the screen as the Warp Star goes up and down, dodging fireballs.]
Arin: I really gotta focus here.
Dan: Oh, I almost forgot! When NSP was still in the works, Brian and I made really good chocolate chip cookies.
Arin: Did y- Really?
Dan: I could make them for you if you want!
Arin: Aww, that's sweet. Was it really THAT good?
Dan: Hell yeah, they were! 
Arin: *snff* H-hih…
[The dragon inhales and releases a huge fireball…]
Dan: Arin!
[The Warp Star shakes a little as the fireball comes toward it…]
Arin: Huhh…
[Kirby and his "clone" are close to losing lives…]
Dan: Don't sneeze now! You're almost winning!
[Kirby is trying to stay brave…]
[The Warp Star dodges the fireball, timing with Arin's sneeze.]
Dan: BLESS you!
[Kirby and his stuffed counterpart land on a spot with a flagpole. They do a victory dance. The score is 100%. A Gold Kirby medal falls into Kirby's "hands." Kirby smiles, while his friend has that permanent smiling expression on its face it had in the beginning.]
Dan: You almost died, but you did it!
Dan: I think you might have a cold…
[Another level starts. Dan pauses the game, leaving the background in silence.]
Arin: Why?
Dan: You’re sneezing a lot. I think you have a cold.
Arin: No I don't! I think… I think it's my allergies. Besides, I was f-fine this mornihh...
Arin: Aah… BWAAA’CHOOOO!!!
Dan: You sure?
Arin: Huh… Ahh...
Dan: Oh no… Here comes the sneezing fit.
Arin: S-shit… It's stuhhuuuuck...
Dan: Alright, lemme help you.
Dan: I got some tissues in my pocket. Lemme just...
Arin: H-hurry uhhuhhh… Up...
Dan: Okay...
Arin: G-Go, go, go… Do it, do it, do ihhh… Hihhh…
Arin: A-aaahhhh…
Dan: Got it.
Arin: Hahh…! Ahh! HAAA!!
Dan: Go ahead, Big Cat. Sneeze. No one will notice.
Dan: Oh my god!
Arin: Ughhh…
Dan: Gross!
Arin: *sniff* Wouldn't you like to know?
[We hear a door open. Allie, Ross, Suzy and Brian come into the room.]
Allie: A-are you guys okay? I heard something really loud.
Suzy: Yeah, what's wrong?
Dan: Arin's sneezing a lot. He thinks he's fine, but I think it's a cold.
Arin: I'm FINE, alright?? *snff*
Brian: I heard that from across the office.
Ross: It's okay, we all get sick sometimes.
Arin: I'm NOT SICK!! *loud, messy coughing*
Dan: Next time on Game Grumps. [The end card comes down with the word "Subscribe!" on it.] Arin, you should really go to the doctor.
Dan: Bless you.
Dan: You should go. Right now.
Arin: Fine. But only if you come with me, ‘aight?
Dan: Okay.
Ross: What about us?
Dan: You'll stay here.
Arin: B-bye.
Dan: Bye!
[The screen snaps.]
[We hear some keys shuffle and the creaking of a door.]
Arin: [He sneezes in the distance.] HEAAH-CHIIEEWW!!
Dan: Bless you.
[We hear the door close.]
[The episode ends.]

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