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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Star Trek TNG Deanna Troi


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Counselor Troi sat a table in Ten Forward, a bowl of chocolate ice-cream in front of her, as she waited for Commander Riker to arrive. It would be their 1st date since getting back together after her breakup with Worf. What was I thinking dating him? She scooped some ice-cream and ate it. She wasn’t even sure if Will would come. No point letting good ice-cream melt while waiting for him. She looked around the room, it was fairly empty. Only a few off duty officers where present. She took another bite on the ice-cream and sighed, maybe she shouldn’t have asked him, but he was very enthusiastic when she had. I’ll wait a few more minutes.

Another ten minutes passed and Troi was beginning to wonder if she should leave, she had nearly finished her ice-cream and was getting tired after such a long day. She wiped her mouth with a napkin and began to stand up when she saw Riker rush through the door, clearly concerned he had been late. In his hands he held a bouquet of a native Betazoid flower. Deanna smiled, “Hello Will, I was worried you wouldn’t come.”

“Of course, I was coming, I wouldn’t leave you hanging,” he grinned. “How are you, Deanna?”

“Very well thank you. You?” She sniffled subtly.

“I’m great.” He presented the bouquet to her. “I replicated these for you. Your mother said they were your favourite.”

She hesitated a moment and cleared her throat. “Thank you Will, these are beautiful.” She took the flowers from Riker and carefully sniffed it. A sweet smell hit her, as the pollen tickled her nose. “Oh...ugh,” she sniffled which only made the tickle worse. “They sme - …smell – eh…huh…" - she lifted her free hand to cover her nose. "Hehtchoo…htchew…htch" – she managed to stifle the last sneeze.

“Bless you, Deanna.” Riker’s expression was a mix of concern and utter fascination. He didn’t think that he has ever seen Deanna sneeze before, they were adorable.

“Thanks. Sorry. Um…” she cleared her throat, “They smell nice. It’s just uhm…I guess Mother left out the part where I’m allergic to them.” She sniffled and tried to classily wipe her nose on her sleeve.

“I should have known. Why else would Lwaxana suggest these. She just wants to ruin our date,” he grumbled.

“I wouldn’t be that harsh on Mother, I do love them.” She set the bouquet on the floor, hoping that doing so will stop her nose from running. “I’ve always wanted to have them in my quarters.”

Riker noticed his date was beginning to show more allergy symptoms, her eyes were becoming red, and she reflexively rubbed them. “Here I can take them away.”

“No, it’s okay. Let’s order some food.” She wiped her nose once more.

“Here let me replicate some tissues.”

“Thanks.” Deanna nodded wearily, as Riker went towards a replicator.

“Box of tissues, and some chocolate.” He brought the items back to their table, without saying a word Deanna impulsively grabbed a handful of tissues and blew her nose forcefully. An unattractive gurgling noise could be heard throughout the room, Riker looked around to make sure no one was looking at them.

Blowing her nose only made another tickle emerge and without warning…"ehtch…ehtchoo." She sniffled and wiped her nose again.

“Bless you,” he grabbed a tissue from the box and handed it to Deanna, still engulfed in her endearing sneezes.

“Thanks. Now let’s get something to eat, I’m hungry.”


After eating the pair headed of toward the holodeck, where Riker had prepared a romantic evening on the beach. Deanna had suggested they change into swimsuits to really capture the atmosphere of being on the beach which resulted in a quick detour to Riker’s quarters to replicate and change into the swimsuits. Hers was a revealing lavender bikini, with a thin white sarong worn as a skirt. His was bright blue shorts and brown sandals. As they entered the holodeck, Riker notice that Deanna was wearing one of the hay fever inducing flowers in her hair. “Welcome to the Diamond Beach of Glavidious Five,” Riker led Deanna to a large beach chair, big enough to fit two people. Next to it was a small table with wine and cheese. “Do you like it?”

“It’s wonderful, Will.” She rubbed an itchy eye and sniffled as she and Riker made their way to the chair and set down. The impact of their weight hitting the chair caused pollen to fly from the flower. Deanna’s nose twitched and her eyes crinkled…"eh….eh-tchew…etCHOO…ETCHOO." She wiped her nose with the tissue she still carried and looked at Riker embarrassed. “Excuse me.”

“It’s alright. Bless you.” He wrapped his arm around Deanna and cuddle her. He looked at the flower in her hair. “Why have you put a flower in your hair, if you’re allergic.”

“As I’ve already said, Will, I’m fine. I love these flowers. And I thought they matched my outfit.” She smiled at Riker, before leaning in to kiss him. Her nose suddenly twitched and flared. “Sorry I’m going to sneeze.” She turned her head away quickly and held the tissue to her nose…"tchew…EHtchew." She composed herself and turned back to Riker, who had a concerned look on his face. He stroked her cheek gently. “Maybe I’m not fine,” she said with a sniffle.

“Here I’ll throw the flower away.” Deanna nodded tiredly as Riker gently lifted the purple flower from his date’s hair, careful not to release any more pollen. He threw it out to sea, before settling down next to the sniffly woman and giving her a kiss on her red, tickly nose.

“Thanks. But you know the flower’s still there?”

“True. I could turn off the program and put it in the disposal. Then we can get back to our date.”

“Will, I…uhm…don’t actually feel up to a date at the moment. I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright. Is it your allergies?”

“Yeah, I’m just a little worn out. I think I should head to my quarters and get some rest.”

“Maybe you should see the doctor, she might have something that’ll help.”

“Thank you. I think I will if you would come with me.” Riker looked at her confused. She giggled as a grin grew on Riker’s face.


"You're right Deanna. It is an allergy, I can give you a hypo-spray to help your symptoms. Only way for them to stop is for you to have a shower and change clothes, the pollen is all over your bathing suit." Dr. Crusher looked at her friend sternly.

Riker giggled.

"Stop it Will." 

"I can also give you an antihistamine in tablet form. It's ancient medicine but it seems to work."

"Thanks" Deanna sniffled before letting out another sneeze, "eh-chew."

"Bless you," The doctor gave her some tissues. "Time you got some rest."

"Well Will, would you do me the honor of escorting me to my quarters?"

"I'd be deleted to." And with that the two left sick bay.

"Thank you Will."

"For what?"

"For looking out for me."


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I can always remember wanting Deanna to sneeze when I watched TNG. She was always so poised, which made the prospect of her losing control with a sneezing fit all the more exciting :D Thanks for posting this story

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12 minutes ago, NoV said:

I can always remember wanting Deanna to sneeze when I watched TNG. She was always so poised, which made the prospect of her losing control with a sneezing fit all the more exciting :D Thanks for posting this story

aw thanks. I wish she sneezed on TNG too. 

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