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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Out of Commission (Chris/Leon-Resident Evil)


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Leon S. Kennedy was a master chef, as well as an agent. Now, this would be hard to tell considering the man was bringing over microwaved cream of mushroom soup that was probably past its best before date but with the fever, Chris might as well be watching Gordon Ramsay.

"You don't get soup and the full couch, move over Rudolph." Leon snorted as the oversized agent shifted his feet with a pout. After passing the soup over, Leon grimaced as he shuffled the used tissues off his couch and nestled into the corner left for him. 

"You know, if Umbrella wanted to make a weapon, they could use this." Chris whined for the third time in between a honk that was louder than a gun shot, "they could've just used this. No one would be turning each other into zombies but you'd be miserable and wouldn't fight."

"I can see why your sister pawned you off on me." Leon had no more than an hour's warning with Claire reminding him that he owed his bestie a favour and then dumped off the ill captain at his door two days ago. He thought she was being melodramatic but considering the sheer whining he was starting to get the idea.

"She did it because my sister's-Leon!" The soup was quickly swung in his direction as Chris' head tilted backwards. Leon didn't hesitate. These couches were expensive, didn't need hurricane Chris blowing soup all over them. Might as well have been an explosion and Chris moaned in the aftermath. "Sister's mean..."

Leon snorted. "I don't think I've seen a man in his late thirties pout so much."

With a kicked puppy look, Chris stared at Leon. "Claire said you used to be really sweet...what happened?"

"The US government." Chris nodded before letting out a sneeze that might get him a noise complaint even with the sound proofing.

"Can I have my soup back please?" Leon passed it back with a chuckle. 

"I know you said that would be better than the zombies but honestly, in Umbrella's hands they'd probably turn those fucking sneezes into a lethal weapon." Okay, the image was funny. "Like instead of someone biting you, just getting fucking shot because Umbrella released pollen all over the city."

They both cackled at that. "I thought you didn't like dumb humour."

"I don't."

Chris furrowed his brow in concern. Uh-oh.

"How much sleep are you getting?"

"4 hours give or take..."


"In a week-" Chris' eyes bulged. "Are you kidding me, you're going to get sick or worse!"

"And yet I am the healthy one." Chris made a face and put his soup down. Before Leon could say anything, Chris rapidly flopped onto Leon's lap

"You're going to get me sick, jerk!"

"I want a nap, you need a nap and if I get you sick at least the DSO will have to give you sick days." The captain voice was mitigated by the stuffed nose and mouth, but the deadweight of muscle made up for it.

"You just wanted cuddles, didn't you." Chris adjusted his head in his lap as a 'yes'. He pulled the blanket with the tissue box closer to him and Leon inwardly melted at the content cocoon his partner made as he looked moments away from falling asleep. What the hell, he might as well join...and preferably before he found out how badly the cold would worsen Chris' already notorious snoring.

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Fandom: So most of us agree that he'd be a baby when sick?

Me: Haha yeah, so where are the sickfics?

Fandom: ...

Me: So I just have to write it, huh?

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is cute!!!!

I totally agree for a games and a fanbase that has been around forever there’s not nearly enough sickfics!!’

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