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Sensitive (Genshin Impact, Gorou)


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this was a request from tumblr which i wanted to post here as well (mainly to remedy the lack of genshin fics on here😭) if you aren't familiar with the characters-


Left-Gorou (General of the Sangonomiya Resistance)

Right-Sangonomiya Kokomi (Divine Priestess and also part of the resistance)



Gorou was Not having a good day. Sure, his mission had gone perfectly; he was to scout the edges of the Shogun's Army base, and had found no sign of immediate preparation for battle. It was the journey back that caused him trouble. He had run into a large group of Nobushi, and although he had defeated them with little issue, they had set a lot of the surrounding area on fire. 

Seemingly harmless yes, unfortunately for the Geo user, not so much. Although his ears and tail may be the only visible canine features he displays, he is also blessed with a much stronger sense of smell. And well, the smoke that was left after the Nobushi's attack... was causing some issues.

He walked up the steps towards the Sangonomiya Shrine, rubbing at his eyes and sniffling in an attempt to abait the tickle that had taken up residence within his sinuses. 


Gorou pressed the back of his wrist hard against his nose, stopping the sneeze before it even had the chance. He was about to visit Her Excellency, the Divine Priestess, to debrief his findings and he would Not subject himself to the embarrassment of sneezing around her. 

Taking a tentative breath through his irritated nostrils, he let himself breathe a soft sigh as the tickle continued to lay dormant. As he climbed the final steps towards the Shrine, he heard the soft voice of Aether speaking with the Priestess. The General allowed himself to fuss at his nose once more before turning the corner towards the front of the Shrine.

"So... this ideally won't be a mission that involves much fighting, so if you could avoid as much conflict as possible- ah, General Gorou! Perfect timing, I would like you to tell me how your mission went."

Aether, who had been listening to Kokomi brief him on his newest mission as Captain of Swordfish II, turned his head to see the man walking up the steps towards them. Watching Kokomi smile warmly at him, eyes sharp as ever, the blonde took this arrival as his sign to leave.

He thanked Kokomi, and as he turned to walk down the steps, smiled and nodded toward the General. The man grinned in response, making eye contact for just enough time that the traveller could see how... irritated his eyes and nose seemed. Aether raised an eyebrow, deciding to hurry away before Paimon could figure out anything was off. The small pixie could be incredibly nosey when given the opportunity. The two watched as the Traveler rushed off with his strange companion, before Kokomi turned to the canine featured man.

"Your Excellency!" 

"General Gorou, I trust you are well? I would like to hear about your findings from your mission today if you don't mind." 

As always, she was straight to the point. Gorou felt his ears twitch as his nose tingled dangerously, making the unfortunate choice to ignore it. He knew he was fighting a losing battle, and yet he insisted on continuing.

"Your Excellendcy! The scout was successful, all seembed to snf... be in order so the mission wendt without ahHh- snf...! Sorry, without a hitch." 

Kokomi eyed the canine man, taking a closer look at his face after hearing the congestion marring his consonants. Now that she was actually looking, she could see the skin around both his eyes and nose seemed to be flushed a soft pink hue. She noticed both his tail swishing and ears flicking, a signal that something was bothering him. The man in question shuffled under her sharp gaze, lifting his arm to subtly swipe a wrist under his nose as he sniffled.

"General Gorou, are you-" 

It just happened that at the exact moment Kokomi chose to ask the question, Gorou's nose decided enough was enough and he was whirling around to face away from her. 

"ExcuhH'KSHhi! IHh'kSshu! hhH..ehH'KchhU! Sohh.. SorrY'TSshu! EHh'TSHh- hiH'KJSshH!"

The General turned back to face the Priestess, mortification clear on his flushed face. The pink of his ears, Kokomi noticed, had matched the deeper pink of the blush spread across his cheeks. 

"Your Excellendcy! I'mb... snf- so sorry, while mbaking mby way here I...hhH- snf! I crossed paths with a group of pryo wielding Ndobushi and well... you see..." He trailed off, attempting to quash his embarrassment, as well as the still present need to sneeze.

"... the whole... dog thing, I also... have a strong sendce of smbell so what I meand... snf-"

Kokomi's eyes widened in realisation as she understood what he was trying to say, then relaxed in relief as she realised he wasn't unwell. She watched once again as he mumbled an apology, almost stumbling forward with the force of the sneezes, despite their quiet sound.

"hHE'DSsh! IHh'kSHhu! HhIH...!! hH'TCHhi! hH!! ...iH'KTSshH! HahH'JSshU! Snf... sorry agaid, Your Excelledcy-"

"My goodness, Sevens Bless you! Gorou, are you quite alright?" He may not be ill, however Kokomi was still worried all the same.

"I'b okay... I've been better, but Really I ab okay! Just...sedsitive, heh..." He pulled at the decoration in his hair, feeling self conscious about sneezing around the Priestess. 

"Would you perhaps like to come inside with me, and have a shower? If you would like, I can make some tea? It may help, ah, clear you out a little." Kokomi knew she was pushing it with that, the discomfort was still very clear in his pose and face as he fiddled with his ears.

Gorou sniffled softly, cringing at the wet sound it made. 

"Your Excelledcy I... snf- I couldd't ask you to do that whed there are so mbany mbore snf... imbportandt tasks to do-"

"General Gorou, I'm not busy. Aether is covering the final task that needed to be completed today. Anyway, I would Much rather know that my most trusted adviser, and friend, is okay."

The canine ears flattened against his head, and Gorou looked down, combing through his tail in shame.

"If- snf... that really wouldnd't be too mbuch to ask I... would appreciate it,"

She placed a warm hand on the generals back, causing him to look up.

"Of course it's not. Now come on inside and get that scent washed off of you, before it makes you more miserable than you already are." Kokomi couldnt help herself, pressing a light touch to his slightly upturned nose in a teasing manner.

Gorou gasped as his expression crumpled and he stumbled forward once more.

"hihH!! hIH'kSHhu! eHht'SHihH! hhHI'KTSsHih! nngh... snf" He shot a watery, yet good natured glare at the priestess as she giggled and apologised, a kind hand still supporting his back as they walked inside together.


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