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Kaeya (Genshin Impact)


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i thought id cross post this one from tumblr as theres such a lack of genshin fics on here 👉👈 kaeya has my whole heart at the moment so i wrote a lil thing for him a while back💙


"... What are you doing here?" 


"Why, how wonderful to see you too, Master Diluc" 


Chosing his words carefully, Kaeya Alberich looked up from the pile of paperwork spread across the desk in front of him to meet the scarlet eyes of his adoptive brother. Any other time, he would've taken this opportunity to make a joke at the expense of Diluc's confusion finding Kaeya sat in the Acting Grand Master's office. However he was currently, and so far successfully, concealing a miserable cold. A dull ache had settled behind crystal eyes, and a burning in his throat that, for the time being, hot tea had been able to subdue. Unfortunately, this wasn't all. His sinuses were throbbing with congestion, an ever present buzzing tickle taking up permanent residence in his nose.


"The Acting Grandmaster isn't here."


"I can see that." Diluc could already feel his patience wearing thin, despite only being in the presence of the Calvary Captain for a brief period of time.


Kaeya sighed carefully, as not to agitate his abused throat, realising that the redhead in the doorway would not be leaving anytime soon without an explanation.


"If you can locate our favourite bard, then you should also find her." He returned his attention to the papers in front of him, glancing up through the blue of his hair. 


Rolling his eyes, Diluc huffed a sigh of growing irritation.

"I need to talk to her, preferably sooner rather than later so quit it with the evasive tactics." 


As his nose continued to buzz threateningly, Kaeya decided that, although winding his adoptive brother up gives him the greatest pleasure, he did not want to reveal his current situation. He looked up to meet crimson eyes.


"They're both with Barbara and the Traveler, they had something to do in the Cathedral. Is that all you wanted to kndow?" 


Well fuck. The congestion had made an unwelcome entrance at the end of that sentence, and he hoped it wasn't as obvious to Diluc as it was to him. The man narrowed his eyes at him in response, survaying the appearance of the cerulean haired Knight. Admittedly, he couldn't see anything noticeably different, but something about him seemed... off. He was unable to quite place his finger on what exactly it was.


Diluc stood up straight from where he had been leant against the doorframe, turning to leave without another word; a simple nod of his head in gratitude. 


"You're wehH... welcome." Kaeya couldn't help himself, and paid the price instantly. His breath caught in the midst of speaking as the door closed. Behind the privacy of the closed door, he pinched his nose and-  "hHH'ngXGT'chu! hiH'NgxTSsh'uh! Snf..."


Years of stealth missions meant he was an expert at stifling his sneezes. This, however, went out the window if he was sick. What usually would be an unoffending, easily silenced sneeze became a desperate, forceful thing, scraping at his already raw throat. Kaeya froze, praying to the seven that he had been quiet enough as not to be heard by anyone outside the office, especially Diluc. He sat there silently, not daring to breath out his nose for fear of reigniting the ever present itch spidering through his sinuses.


Footsteps leading past the door. A minute passed, the cryo user still breathing through his mouth, hands still preoccupied with holding his nose. The door didnt open. He breathed a sigh of relief, although this was short lived.


"Nohh.... not agaihH-HEHh'nGTXJshH'iu! hAhH'NGxT-nXGSHh'uu! hH..."

Mondstadt's Calvary Captain was entirely at the mercy of his own nose, which was quickly taking on a pink hue as he squashed the back of his hand against it in an attempt to quell the itch.


"IhHNgxTJSh'uUH! huH...NGtX'SHu!" An irritated tear slipped from half lidded eyes.

Stuck in a tortuous, hitching limbo, he knew he wouldn't stop if he kept stifling.

"heH...hAHTjsSH'iu! IHhTCHh'uUH! Snf-"


A congested sigh left his lungs without permission as he snuffled miserably. Kaeya pressed his face into his hands, relishing their coolness against his too warm face. Stifling had done no good for his growing headache, which was now pulsing behind his covered eye like a red hot spike. Running a hand through his hair, he wished he had the common sense to bring tissues with him, instead resorting to sniffling as he rubbed gently with his gloved hand against his nose. 


He checked the time, reading it to be 1pm. Jean had said she'd return by 4pm latest, and Kaeya was exhausted. He could have a quick nap in that time...right? Laying his head on his arm, he pulled fur of his cape to the side sluggishly to cushion his face. He took a deep breath in, immediately regretting this as it caught in his chest, causing the blue haired man to press a fit of raspy coughs into his wrist. He turned his head away from the offending daylight, a restless sleep taking hold of him as he drifted off into an empty, dreamless realm.

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Wonderful!!  I'm always happy to see more Kaeya, I hope you're planning on continuing this - it would be so cute for Jean and Diluc to come back and catch him still miserably and feverishly asleep on the desk ❤️

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On 10/7/2021 at 9:19 PM, NotWho said:

Ooo this is well written!

aaah thank you!! i haven't actually written anything in so long, so thats really lovely to hear 🥰

On 10/8/2021 at 12:23 PM, Akahana said:

Wonderful!!  I'm always happy to see more Kaeya, I hope you're planning on continuing this - it would be so cute for Jean and Diluc to come back and catch him still miserably and feverishly asleep on the desk ❤️

hes such an interesting character i love writing him!! oooh thats such a good idea, id love to write a second part in which they find him like that i think it would be so lovely for him to wake up half aware to Jean and Diluc trying to feel his forehead for a fever or something like that 🥰👀

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