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The Doc is Out (Scorpion/Toby Curtis)


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Part 1: Suspicious Beginnings


Not unlike most Days, Toby was the last person to arrive in the garage. Happy, wanting to do some wedding planning alone, sent him to get breakfast for everyone; making him much later than usual. When Happy got into the garage, the first thing she noticed was a vase full of flowers on her work bench.

"uh, Guys?" She called out to the rest of the team, "Why are there flowers on my desk?" 

Cabe walked in with his usual mug of coffee, "Guy delivered it this morning. We figured it was from Toby?" 

"Toby doesn't get me flowers... he gets me wrenches," she eased closer to the vase and looked for some kind of name tag, "What kind of flowers are these anyway?" 

The rest of the gang came in, curious as to who the secret admirer was, when Paige responded, "You don't know what daisey's look like?" 

"Did you just say daisies?" Happy jumped back, "we need them out now!' Happy grabbed a trash bag and threw the vase in it before tying it tight, clearly nervous.

"we need to aerate the room," Walter went to open all the windows and doors.

"why?" Paige and Cabe looked confused but helped anyway.

"Toby's really allergic," Happy put the trash-bag in another trash-bag before running to the dumpster outside.

Sly started fabreezing the room, "the last time Toby was in contact his whole face swelled up and he got these awful hives.." He shivered thinking about it.

"It is a rather severe reaction to Asteraceae family," Walter was looking out the window as a car pulled up, "he's here. Sly, grab the Toby's medical kit incase he still has a reaction." 

"Hope everyone's hungry!" Toby walked in and winced, "Why does this whole place smell like a bath and body works?" 

Sly hid a perfume bottle behind his back, "accident in the kitchen..." 

"Who let Walter cook?" Toby walked in and put the many boxes on the tables, "eat while its still warm," he took a special box out and walked over to Happy, who was putting her jacket as far away from everyone as possible, "and for my pretty lady...." he raised a brow, "Who is putting her favorite jacket waaaay too far.. what happened?" 

Happy turned quickly and walked towards him to take the food and not let him get closer to the jacket, "spilled chemicals on it.. smelled awful." 

Toby shook his head and moved back to the rest of them, "are you all really lying to the behaviorist?" he looked over all of them, "there is a lot of anxiety in the room. what don't you want me to know?" 

Sly caved first, "Someone sent Happy daisies.." 

Toby looked mildly offended, "Who has been sending flowers to my lady?" 

"Really," Happy looked unamused, "that's what you're upset about?" 

"Yes, if anyone is going to give you flowers, it's me," He took off his hat to run his fingers through his hair before putting it back on, "besides, you guys threw it out.. it's clearly not in the building. I'm ok." 

Ralph looked at him funny, "Then why is you're hand getting all red?" 

Toby put his hands in his pocket and looked at the pint-sized genius, "you, Ralphy-boy, are getting too observant for your own good." 

"You're breaking out. Sly, give me the epi-pen!" Happy walked towards Sly but was only stopped by Toby.

"hey, hey," he showed her his hands, flipped them over, "look, it's nothing. You guys threw it in the dumpster, and i threw some stuff away before I came in. I must have grazed the flowers." 

Happy looked down at his hand and gently touched the little rash forming, "wash your hands, and you're pointing cream on it." 

"ok, Doctor Happy," he kissed her forehead and went to do as told.

"if you go into Shock i'm going to kill you." 

"not going into shock!" 

"That's quite the coincidence," Cabe furrowed his brow, "of all the flowers someone sends Happy..."

"it's the one flower her fiancé is allergic too," Sly held the first aid kit close to his chest as if guarding it with his life.

"what are you guys saying? That someone is trying to hurt Toby?" Paige rolled her eyes, "That's insane, it was probably just an accident. Maybe her dad sent them." 

"From prison?" Sly looked at Happy, apology written on his face.

"It's not impossible," Happy shrugged and went to clean her work station, "probably feels guilty about not being here. It's just an accident. Can we just forget it and move on?" 

"That would be fantastic," Toby walked back into the room, "Am i allowed near you, or are you in quarantine?" 

"Shut up and come here," she hated when Toby was sick. It really freaked her out. Why couldn't he just be immune to everything so she didn't have to worry.

"hey, stop it," Toby sat on the edge of the table and grabbed her hand, "I know what you're thinking. Bold of you to assume death would get you out of this relationship." 

Happy punched his leg, ignoring the pained yelp, "not funny, doc." 

"I know," he rubbed his sore leg, "I'm just saying... you're not getting rid of me for a very long time."

They shared a look, Toby's reassuring, and Happy's calming down a bit. 

"Leave me alone," Happy lightly pushed him off the desk, "let me work on this."

"eat your food," he kissed her forehead before disappearing. 


Toby ended up heading to the roof to do some reading and relax a bit. He had taken some benadryl after feeling a bit itchy after breakfast. He didn't want anyone on the team realizing it had gotten to him a bit more than he let on. The problem with Benadryl was, it always made him really sleepy. Before he could even get a page into his psychology journal, he was fast asleep. The book lay closed on his lap, hat tipped forward enough to shield his eyes. 

When Paige hadn't seen Toby for an hour, she went looking for him. Eventually she found him on the roof, mouth open, and snoring slightly. She took a second to regain composure and not laugh. Trying to be as gentle as possible, she whispered his name and shook his shoulder.

"hnph.." Toby moved a bit before opening his eyes and blinking away the blurriness to see Paige looking concerned.

"Hey," Paige moved his hat so she could see his eyes, which thankfully, did not look swollen, "you fell asleep." 

"Benadryl will do that to you," he sat up and cleared his throat, "did I miss something?" 

"no," Paige sat down next to him, "I was just worried about you." 

"I'm guessing you don't have a lot of experience with anaphylaxis, and hearing that I could go into shock makes you anxious." 


"it's a normal phenomenon. People hear about severe allergies and try to do everything in their power to prevent it, even telling wait staff for them." he squeezed Paige's hand, "i've survived this long without you."

"Everyone was really scared this morning."

"I know," he rubbed his eyes, mostly from sleep, "when I got sick the first time, Sly wouldn't let me leave the bed, Happy wouldn't talk to me for a week.. and Walt," he sighed and stood up, "He didn't sleep until my swelling went down."

"They reacted like that because they love. you-" 

"I know," Toby smiled slightly, "but Happy's been through enough this year. I don't want her to think she's going to loose me too. That's why I came up here."

"Give the medicine some time to help?" 

"Yeah," Toby stretched a bit, "I should make an appearance before they send a search party."

"Good idea."


"Doc," Happy called out the second he and Paige descended the steps, "come here, I want your opinion on colour scheme." 

Toby whispered to Paige, "She doesn't care about the colour scheme, she just wants to keep an eye on me." 


"Coming," he walked over and sat back on the desk, talking with Happy in hushed voices about nonsensical wedding stuff.

"Paige," Walter beckoned her over and pointed to the monitor, "We tried to track where the flowers came from-"

"but it's a dead end," Sly looked more anxious than he did before, "see? Someone did this on purpose."

"Why?" Paige whispered, stealing glances at Toby and Happy, who were oblivious to their conversation, "I know Toby owes people, but this isn't exactly their style." 

They all sat in anxious silence, glancing between each other, hoping for an epiphany, until a sound broke their concentration. 



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Omg! I may have actually yelped when I saw this. I'm watching Scorpion right now. Halfway through season 4. It's so good! Love this story. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/8/2021 at 3:58 PM, sweetnerd32 said:

Ohhhhh I like this story all ready!

thank you so much! 

On 10/12/2021 at 2:49 AM, AngelEyes said:

Omg! I may have actually yelped when I saw this. I'm watching Scorpion right now. Halfway through season 4. It's so good! Love this story. 

I'm so glad there are still people in the Scorpion fandom! love to see it! xoxo

On 10/23/2021 at 11:10 AM, 2SHY222 said:

Please continue 🥰

I endeavor to, my dear. XO


I'm sorry I've been gone so long. haven't had a lot of motivation. But i'll try to continue this more frequently. I hope you like this mini addition. 

Part 2: Plan B

"if you could all stop looking at me like I am a ticking time bomb," Toby rolled his eyes and hopped off Happy's desk.

"Are you feeling ok?" Paige took a step closer, but stopped, not wanting to crowd him.

"am I not allowed to sneeze anymore?" Toby turned to face the team, "Who's the doctor here?" 


"Medical doctor, Walt." 

"you," Walt nodded his head, silently apologizing for the misunderstanding.

"exactly," he took his hat off and put it on the desk, "I promise, if something is wrong, I will instruct you all on how to keep me alive- ow! my ulnar nerve." 

Happy had pinched his arm and glared at him.

"poor choice of words, i get it," he got free and rubbed his arm, "i'm fine. Can we just get back to work?" 

"We don't have a case," yet Walter did move back to his desk, everyone slowly following. 

"Thank you," he sighed and sat back on Happy's desk. 


"What if we got married in the park?" 

"too public," Happy sighed and put down the location pamphlets, "I can't do this anymore." 

"Marry me or looking at locations?" 

"not funny," she looked around the room before hooking a foot around Toby's ankle, "do you.. wanna go upstairs?" 


"uhuh," Happy had trouble not smiling at how fast he flew up those steps. 


Watching from an adjacent rooftop was a man hidden behind a wall with binoculars. He was watching through the windows and saw the couple come up to the roof. As he watched the two began to kiss he pulled out his phone and called someone. 

"plan A didn't work." 


"yes sir, plan B is still in play. Yes sir, I will keep you updated." He hung up the phone and sighed, "prick." 


With a little skip in his step, Toby went over to the kitchen and begun getting a pot boiled for some tea. 

"you're in a good mood," Paige looked like a cat with a mouse.

"you're not smooth," Toby smiled and leaned against the counter, "but yeah, i'm happy... with Happy.." he smiled at his little pun and went about looking for his tea. 

"Good," she bounced a bit too and turned to bring her and Walter coffee. 

Not soon after Cabe walked in which made Toby wary, "hold on.. are you guys.. taking shifts?" 


"Paige just left and you turn the corner way too quickly," he poured the tea, "for an agent, you're not very stealthy." 

"I just came in for Coffee, kid," Cabe ruffled his hair before pouring himself a cup.

"sure, old man," after stirring his sugar in, he took a sip, "HOT..hot.." he had only got a bit on his tongue and the pain was immediate.

"you did just boil it, genius." Cabe got him some water and put the hot cup down, but noticed something was wrong, "what?"

Toby was swallowing a lot and looked confused, "i just um... feel a little." he coughed a bit, "tight.." 

"Tight, like you're going into shock?" Cabe sat him down and touched his forehead, trying to keep calm and do something with his hands.

"tight.. like my tea wasn't what-" he started coughing harder, "Walt.." 

"Walter! Sly! get in here!" Cabe yelled and moved out of Happy's way when she ran in to see her fiance's lips starting to swell.

"What did you eat?" Happy looked at where he was pointing, "what? coffee?"

"Tea.." Toby's face was starting to get red, "sly.." 

"I have the pen!" Sly came running in with his epi-pens and handed them to Toby who expertly stabbed his outer thigh, wincing slightly and checked his own pulse.

"Doc?" Happy was gently rubbing his thigh, remembering Toby telling her that it helps. 

Walter grabbed the tea and smelled it before taking a sip, "This isn't.." he took another sip, "this is chamomile."

"Who the hell bought that?!" Happy looked instantly angry.

Toby grabbed her hand and shook his head, unable to speak.

"We don't have any," Walter grabbed the tea cans and opened all of them, smelling the contents, "this one doesn't smell right." 

"someone switched out the tea?" Sly looked nervously around the room, "who would do that?" 

"I did not see any signs of a break in," Walter put the tea down, "It seems I was wrong." 

"so.. someone did send the flowers on purpose." Cabe put a hand on Toby's shoulder, protective.

"yes," Walter furrowed his brow, "who could-" 

"you... know.." Toby coughed and sat up better.

"He's in prison.." 


"Cabe, I think we need to visit a prisoner." 

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