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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Faberry: Wake up Sleepyhead


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A/N:  I became a fan of the show Glee a few years ago and I became a fan of Faberry earlier this year.  I have been writing a fanfiction called Faberry: Girlfriends or Girl Friends, and I decided I wanted to try writing a little something on here.  I'm very new at this so if this sucks, I apologize.

Here's the setup:  It's about a year since Quinn and Rachel had graduated from Mckinley High.  They have been a couple for just over a year and a half.  Rachel goes to NYADA and lives with Kurt and Santana.  Quinn goes to NYU, but she lives in the dorms on campus and both Quinn and Rachel try to see each other almost every weekend, but it doesn't always work out that way.  Anyway, Quinn came to see Rachel and they have the entire loft to themselves. (Kurt went back to Lima to see his father and Blaine, and Santana is spending the weekend at Dani's)  Story starts with them waking up Saturday morning.


It was almost ten o'clock in the morning when the sun started shining through the bedroom window waking Rachel from her deep slumber.  She had been up with Quinn watching movies and drinking wine.  Both girls lost interest halfway through their last movie of the night and fell into a very passion filled make out session.  Afterwards both girls made their way to Rachel's bedroom and fell asleep.  Rachel woke up with Quinn still cuddled up next to her with her head on her chest.  Rachel couldn't help but smile at the beautiful blonde laying next to her.  

"Baby girl, wake up." Rachel cooed.  No response from Quinn.  "Quinn.....Quinn, come on baby, wake up."  This time Rachel, still got no response.  Rachel decided to carefully move her blonde girlfriend's head off of her chest and onto the pillow, so that she could wake Quinn easier.  Rachel's (and Quinn's) favorite way to wake her girlfriend was to play with the blondes belly button.  Rachel loved Quinn's bellybutton and gave it a lot of attention.  First Rachel started drawing circles around Quinn's bellybutton, this was usually all it took to wake Quinn, but today Quinn was not being very responsive.  Rachel drew circles for a few minutes, until she realized Quinn was not waking up, so she did the next best thing.  Rachel shifted her position so that she could much more easily place kisses on Quinn's belly.  After another few minutes, Quinn still wasn't waking up and Rachel decided to try something else.  

Rachel slowly crawled out of bed and proceeded to the bathroom.  Rachel returned a few minutes later noticing that Quinn hadn't moved.  Rachel climbed back onto the bed and laid back down next to her girlfriend.  Rachel tried to wake Quinn once more by kissing her neck and collarbone, but still got no response.  Rachel decided to try something different to wake her sleeping girlfriend.  She had in one of her hands a bobby pin, she brought the pin close to Quinn's nose.  Rachel hesitated for a second, she knew Quinn was not going to appreciate being woken up in such a manner, but then she decided to throw caution to the wind and wake her girlfriend since they both had a busy day ahead of them.  

Rachel put the bobby pin in Quinn's nose and started twirling it around inside her nostril.  Quinn was breathing easily, and Rachel couldn't help but admire her sleeping girlfriend and think of how cute she looked.  After a minute, Quinn started to respond to the tickle in her nose.  She started sucking air in through her mouth, which Rachel responded by twirling the bobby pin in Quinn's nose faster.  Rachel knew Quinn was very close to sneezing, she twirled the pin in Quinn's nose a few more times then quickly pulled her hand away from Quinn's face as she said, "Huh....AHHH Hatchoo!"  Quinn sneezed into the air, which also woke her up from her slumber.  "Bless you sweetie.  And good morning." Rachel said with an accomplished grin on her face.  Quinn was annoyed but couldn't help but smile when she saw her girlfriend laying next to her smiling.  "Good morning to you Rach.  Did you have to make me sneeze?" Quinn asked.  "You weren't waking up.  I had to try something." Rachel stated innocently.

Quinn just smiled and looked up at Rachel.  Rachel smiled back, then noticed that Quinn was sniffling a little bit.  Rachel reaches behind her to grab a tissue from her bedside table.  She placed the tissue around Quinn's nose, lightly squeezing it.  "Here you go baby, blow." Rachel commanded.  "Rachel, I'm not a child or an invalid, I can blow my own nose." Quinn said.  "Quinn, would you just blow?" Quinn groaned but did as she was told and lightly blew into the tissue that Rachel had held on her nose.  "Snif, Ugh, that's so embarrassing." Quinn stated as she shifted out of bed.  "Baby you don't have to be embarrassed you know that.  I love ever part of you, even some of the "disgusting" parts." Rachel stated as she got up from the bed.  Quinn walked around the bed and over to Rachel, putting her hands on the brunette's waist, pulling her close and leaning down to kiss her girlfriend.  "I'm going to get you back for this.  I just hope you realize that." Quinn stated as their lips parted.  Rachel just chuckled and pulled Quinn along out of the room.

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