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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Dislocate (SPN, Dean)


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This story takes place in season 3 after Dean makes his deal to trade his soul for Sam’s when he only has a year left to live. I’m always a sucker for some brotherly bonding especially with Sam helping Dean, although Dean makes it difficult by just being Dean. Throw in a dash of injury and you get some nice brotherly drama. I hope you guys all enjoy!


Warning for mentions of blood and injury (mainly a dislocated shoulder)





Prompt= Dean dislocates his shoulder and Sam pops it back in, but Dean also has a cold that's making him sneeze a lot, and every time he does, it hurts his bad shoulder. Sam notices eventually, and carefully coaxes Dean into wearing a sling.










    "Hold still," Sam snapped.


    Dean raised an eyebrow as he turned to look over his shoulder to glare at his brother, who was standing right behind him. Sam looked just as impatient and frustrated as Dean felt. But, Dean couldn't blame him. They had been trying to do this for almost ten minutes now and Dean kept interrupting him.




    Actually, Dean's nose kept interrupting them. Dean had felt himself getting sick two days ago, but it seemed like now his cold was in full swing. It was as if just because they were finally finished with the case that this cold decided to knock him flat on his ass.


    "Dean, please," pleaded Sam as he pressed a hand against his forehead. "I have a splitting headache and I just want to take a shower, but I can't until I pop your shoulder back in and I can't do that until you stop sneezing for thirty seconds."


    Dean could sense the edge in his brother's tone and he couldn't blame him. He'd probably be a little angry if he was in Sam's shoes. "I dknow. I dknow. I'b sorry," he rasped as he looked up to his brother with glazed eyes. "I'll try. Judst hand be a tissue so I cad blow by dambn dnose."


    Sam let out a loud sigh as he headed into the bathroom and grabbed the box. He headed back to his brother and threw it at his chest. "Here you go. Now let's get this over with, okay?"


    Dean took out a bundle and blew his nose loudly. Once he was finished, he folded it over his nose once more and blew again. He grumbled to himself as he looked over to Sam. "Let's try again."


    Sam looked ready to strangle his brother. But, he shrugged it off and walked back over to him instead, allowing the tension to roll off his shoulders. He grabbed Dean's arm and his shoulder blade in his hand as he rocked back and forth on his feet, preparing for the final forceful pop. "Ready now?"


    "I was ready before," Dean growled under his breath.


    "Yeah, but your cold wasn't! Now, can you hold it off for five minutes, please," Sam asked in exasperation.


    Dean nodded slowly as he felt his nose start to itch and it even gave a telltale twitch. He moaned as he looked to Sam. "Hurry....eh......up!"


    Sam knew that if Dean started, then it would be at least a few minutes before they could even think about trying again. So, he grabbed his shoulder firmly and pulled slightly back before he forced his weight forward. Dean let out a small screech as his shoulder popped back in jarringly. It made a horrifying almost snapping sound and Dean immediately dove forward with his head reaching toward his knees.


    Sam drew back and went to wash the blood from his hands that had lathered Dean's arm. "Dean, you okay," he called over his shoulder since his brother had hardly made a sound.


    "Dabbit, Sab!"   


    Sam turned and saw his brother glaring at him. Sam wiped his hands on his jeans and raised an eyebrow. "What did I do? You know that dislocated shoulders hurt. Everyone knows that."


    There was a small huff from Dean. "Thad's dnot whad I'b talking aboud, Sab," Dean argued as if it was obvious. "I had the sneeze ad then I losdt id."


    Sam didn't give his brother much sympathy. Dean had been sniffling and sneezing for what felt like forever. Besides, he probably wouldn't have been so sick if he hadn't been flirting with that sick waitress. True, he had been trying to get information out of her, but there had to be other ways to do it then actually putting his mouth on hers in the stockroom. Then again, Dean had his ways. Now he was paying for it.


    "Well, sorry. Not to make a big deal out of it, but I did save your ass back there," Sam pointed out as he walked over to the fridge and pulled out a beer. He waved it in Dean's direction as he saw his brother standing with his mouth partially open and eyes fluttering like mad. "Want one?"




    Sam couldn't help but smile as he watched Dean rub at his nose in frustration with his eyes almost narrowed to slits. "I albost had it again," he complained as he pinched the bridge of his nose and sniffled hard. He looked back over to Sam and shrugged. "Budt, I would like a beer."


    Sam grabbed another one for his brother and strolled back over to him. "Do you want first shower or—“


    Dean snatched the beer from his brother with his good shoulder, grunting harshly. "You go first. I'b gonna stay here and drink dis," Dean told Sam.


    Sam shrugged his shoulders as he grabbed a change of nonbloody clothes and headed to the bathroom. As soon as he closed the door, Dean tried to settle the vendetta with his nose. He started to rub it, pinch it, and bend it every which way he knew possible. He growled to himself as he set his beer down and eventually laid back, not caring if the blood from his body got on the sheets.


    Suddenly, without any warning, the feeling that Dean had been trying to push down rushed for a release.


    "HutcshSHoo! HutchShoo! HutcshShoo! HutcshShoo!"


    Dean barely had time to lift a hand to his face. He saw the spray explode forward in the horrible motel lights and was glad that Sam wasn't out there to witness it. Sam wasn't exactly a germaphobe, but he wasn't exactly fond of the way that Dean didn't always cover his sneezes either. But, what Sam thought of him was the least of his worries at the moment.


    As soon as he sneezed, his shoulder felt like it was popping out of place all over again. He tried not to scream as he pressed his face against the side of the bed, careful to keep his shoulder in the air. He panted heavily as he squinted his eyes up at his shoulder. It was still popped in, but it hurt like hell. He gritted his teeth and prayed that the sneezing would tamper off for now.


    Dean just laid there until Sam came out. His hair was dripping wet and he looked weary and tired, but when he saw that Dean hadn't even touched his beer, he knew that something was wrong. "Dean?"


    "HutchsSHoo! HutcshShoo! HutcshSHoo! HutcshShoo!"


    Dean let out a moan of pain after and twisted so that he could try his best to alleviate the jarring that was happening when he sneezed from his shoulder. He gasped in surprise as he felt it almost twist backwards.


    "Dean," Sam gasped as he rushed forward and rested a hand on his brother's shoulder. Dean flinched away and Sam bucked back. “Dean, is your shoulder bothering you?"


    Dean hung his head as he sniffled and nodded. "Hurts," he croaked as he let out a cough that jarred his shoulder even more.


    "I know, I know," chided Sam as he got behind Dean and helped him sit up. He looked at Dean's streaming nostrils and flushed face, flecks of fever spots showing on his cheeks. "Um, blow your nose first."


    Sam handed the tissue box over, but Dean looked beyond irritated. He cupped a bundle of tissues over his nose and blew with enough force to shake the bed. He barely pushed any air through since it just hurt his nose unbelievably. His shoulder shook and he pushed it down, settling for just sniffing miserably into the folds.


    Sam sat right beside him as he watched his brother wince at every harsh breath that made his shoulder shake. He looked very pathetic and Sam was starting to feel a bit bad for him. "Dean, I have an idea, but I don't think that you're going to like it."


    Dean looked up in surprise as he gnawed at his lower lip. "Whadt is id?"


    Sam went over to his duffle and rummaged around. He finally came out with what Dean could only think was a sling. He grimaced as he drew backwards and shook his head. "Dno, dno."


    "Dean, you're sick. You're sneezing a lot. It's going to keep hurting and you know that," pointed out Sam as he sighed loudly. "Come on. It's just until your cold is over then you can do whatever it is you usually do."




    "It's just me and you in here. Who do you think is going to see you," Sam chided as he brought it over to his brother and grabbed his shoulder.


    Dean hissed in pain while Sam drew backwards, glancing back at his wet fingers. He looked at the blood and sighed before he shook his head once more. "Okay, tell you what. I can't put this on you until you take a shower, okay?"


    Dean would do almost anything if it meant that he didn't have to wear the sling. He nodded slowly as he stood up and coughed, struggling for breath. He shuffled over to his duffle as he pulled out some sleeping clothes. He forced himself over to the bathroom before he shuddered at the coolness of it. It was still a little misty since Sam had just taken a shower, but he was still cold out of his mind.   


    He was about to pull off his shirt when he felt the itchiness in his nose multiply. He moaned as he pressed his wrist against his streaming nostrils and gasped in surprise when he pitched forward into his hands.


    "HutcshSHoo! HutcshShoo! HutcshShoo! HutcshShshoo!"


    Dean gasped once more as he felt his shoulder twinge forward. He swore under his breath as he lifted his head, but didn't dare remove his hand, even though he was alone in the bathroom. He sniffed heavily before he rubbed at the tip of his nose and spun around to turn on the nozzle of the shower. It caught his arm and he drew back, shaking it roughly.


    He started to change while sniffling back the congestion that was running freely down his upper lip. He closed his eyes as he coughed heavily. He eventually broke off a bit of toilet paper and blew his nose weakly, shoulder wrenching again and causing him to cry out in pain. He didn't want Sam to hear him, but he was absolutely miserable. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt this awful.


    He eventually changed out of his blood soaked and torn clothes and stepped into the shower. He felt the warm water run down his aching body in steady rivulets. He looked down and saw red running from his skin, turning the water at his feet pinkish. He hissed when the water doused his shoulder, but he couldn't help but also enjoy the feeling. He would always rather feel pain than be completely numb to the world.     




    The sudden explosive sneeze caught Dean completely off guard. He staggered forward and his shoulder suddenly crashed into the opposite wall. He let out a shriek before he could stop himself as he felt his shoulder pop out of place once more. He closed his eyes as the water that came from the shower started to run down into nose and cause it to itch even more.


    "HutcshShoo! HutcshShoo! Dabbit!"


    Dean squeezed his eyes shut as he looked away from the spray of the shower head. He decided that even though it was a short shower, he had cleaned off most of the blood from his body. He couldn't stay in any longer, and as much as he hated to admit it, he needed his brother's help again. He sighed as he sniffed hard with his nose completely clogged with thick mucus.


    He blew his nose into his hand before he turned his palm to the stream. It automatically washed the gunk off as he shivered and stepped out. He turned off the stream and toweled himself off as much as he could with one hand. He struggled to change and accepted defeat when came out of the bathroom, eyes weary and tired.




    Sam looked up from his laptop, eyes widening as he took him in. "Dean, what happened?"


    "You dodn'd wandt to dknow," his brother answered as he staggered forward and sat on the edge of the bed. He looked over at his strangely twisted arm and held his breath; An arm wasn't supposed to look like that.


    Sam seemed to notice as he walked over to his brother as he pushed the laptop to the middle of the bed. He sat beside his brother and felt his brother's shoulder, feeling the heat and stiffness through the muscle. Dean tried to pull away, but Sam kept a firm grip.


    "Sab, stob," complained Dean.


    Sam rolled his eyes. "I can't help you if you won't let me. Besides, how you managed to dislocate your shoulder in the shower I will never know."


    Dean knew that that question was coming. It was the same one that he would ask Sam if this happened to him. "Ub, I was sneezing," he replied dejectedly.


    "Excuse me?"


    "I jusdt told you, dabbit! Can you fix id," Dean pressed as he turned his head to look at his brother, agitation clear in his stuffy voice.


    Sam nodded as he grabbed Dean's elbow before he pressed another hand on his shoulder blade, just like last time. "It's a good thing that I've popped in your shoulder millions of times before."


    "Dnot baking be feel any bedder, Sabby," Dean snorted as he sniffed once more.


    Sam ignored him as he leaned back and forth. "One three. One....three!"


    Sam leaned his full weight against Dean. Dean's shoulder snapped back in with a wretched sounding pop! Dean yelped in surprise as he leaned backwards and glared at Sam. "Whadt happened to two?!"


    "Two. There is is," Sam answered as he patted Dean's back and chuckled. "Sorry, but I really needed you relaxed and that's the only way that I could think of."


    Dean understood. He would've done the same thing for Sam. Actually, he probably had done that for Sam at some point, even if he couldn’t remember it off the top of his head. He sighed as he leaned back on the bed. "I feel horrible!"


    "I can tell. You need to blow your nose again," Sam told him as he grabbed the box and set it on Dean's chest. Dean pulled a few out and blew his nose weakly, sore throat throbbing in protest. Once he was finished he heard Sam clear his throat.


    He sat up slowly and saw Sam dangling the sling right in front of his face.


To Be Continued....

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On 9/26/2021 at 7:55 PM, NotWho said:

Omg I love this so much! I am always a sucker for Supernatural fics and this does not disappoint!

I’m so glad that you enjoyed! Supernatural sickfics are just so enjoyable to write especially when it comes to writing about just Sam and Dean.


Here is the second and final part to the story. Thanks everyone who read! It means so much to me when people do!





    "Dno," Dean told him firmly. "HutcshShoo. Ow!"


    "Dean, this is for your own good. Besides, do you really want that to keep happening," Sam asked.


    Dean didn't want to answer. He sat up and gritted his teeth, shaking his head. "I've never had to use one before," he pointed out hollowly.


    "And this'll probably be the only time, trust me." Sam was almost ready to say absolutely anything so that he could help his brother. Dean could just be so damn stubborn sometimes.


    Dean didn't say anything for a little bit. He looked at his shoulder, which had started to turn a brilliant shade of blue and purple. He knew that if he didn't wear the sling he'd probably dislocate it again, which would not pleasant. He couldn't ask Sam to do it a third time. He knew how to pop it in himself, but that was even more painful than Sam doing it.


    He finally accepted defeat as he looked at his brother with downcast eyes. "Fine. Bake it quick," he muttered.


    Sam didn't seem opposed to that. He leaned forward and grabbed Dean's shoulder, expertly, yet roughly in the same respect. Dean let out a heavy breath while Sam gingerly moved his arm in a position in front of his stomach. Dean felt his entire body relax and he had to admit that it felt a little good like that.


    "Better," Sam asked.


    Dean sniffled. "For dnow."


    "Blow your nose again," Sam told him as he stepped off of the bed and headed to his own where his laptop was waiting. "You sound terrible!"


    Dean let out a huff of anger. "You'd sound horrible too if you were be," Dean argued with a roll of his eyes.


    But, he humored his brother and grabbed a handful of tissues. He shoved them against the underside of his twitching nostrils and breathed heavily. He shook his head a bit and blew heavily. Sure enough, the sling stopped his shoulder from moving. He let out a breath of relief as he threw the tissues away.


    "See, isn't that better? Now I don't have to hear you moaning," joked Sam as he typed away at his keys on his laptop.


    Dean coughed lightly into his fist as he pushed himself back against the headrest and reached for the remote that was on the nightstand between them. He started to flip through the channels as he desperately tried to find something semi interesting to watch. He finally settled on an old western movie and decided that it was decent enough.


    He started to watch it before he felt his nose start to run. He rubbed his wrist against it only to feel the tickle spread. He moaned to himself before he instantly turned so that he was as far away from Sam as possible since he could tell how messy it was going to be.


    "HutcshShoo! HutcshShoo! HutcshShoo!"


    Sam looked over to see his brother with his hand over his face. He frowned when he noticed that Dean wasn't moving an inch. He let out a sigh as he leaned forward and grabbed the tissue box. "Dean?"


    "HutcshShoo! HutcshShoo! HutcshsShoo!"


    Sam grimaced. "Dean, you done?"


    Dean blinked his eyes madly before he looked over to his brother, snuffing hard against his hand. "Yeah, I'b good."


    Sam doubted that was true, but he nodded all the same. He pulled out a few tissues since his brother's hand was occupied and the other was in a sling and he didn't want him moving it. He pulled out a few and almost tucked it in his brother's hand still cupped over his face.


    Dean let out a huff of appreciation before he pressed it against his twitching nostrils to blow loudly. Once he was finished, he leaned forward and pulled out a few with his other hand and rubbed the flecked snot from his hand. He sniffled and noticed Sam standing in front of him with some hand sanitizer.


    "Seriously," grumbled Dean.


    "Come on, man. When you're sick you always get me sick. Besides, I helped with the sling, right," Sam asked pointedly.


    Dean looked like he wanted to bite Sam's head off. However, he nodded slowly and stretched out his hands as much as possible. Sam looked down smugly before he squirted a bit of the sanitizer on Dean's hands. Dean rubbed the together as the alcohol smell wafted upward and started to match his nose involuntarily twitch again. He lifted his finger to his nose as he felt it expand.


    "Dab you, Sa-uh Sabby," Dean gasped in surprise.


    Sam noticed and pulled out a tissue and thrust it in front of Dean's face just in time.


    "HutchsShoo! HutcshShoo! HutcshShoo!"


    Sam grimaced as he felt the spray go through the tissue and land on his hand. He pulled his hand away just as Dean took the tissue from his brother to unleash a few honking blows. Sam looked grossed out of his mind as he rubbed his hand on his pants. "Gross, dude!"


    "Sorry," panted Dean as he rubbed the tissue upward against his streaming nostrils. "Bud, thadt's whadt you ged for baking be use thadt shid."


    "I don't want to hear it," snapped Sam. He immediately reached for the sanitizer again and squirted in his hands. "That's just nasty!"


    "And you dond't thig you sneezed on be before," Dean asked as he grabbed another few tissues to blow his nose once more since the congestion came right back. Damn this congestion!


    Sam didn't want to admit that Dean was probably right. Dean always took care of him when he was sick and never complained. Even know Dean wouldn't bat an eye to do everything for Sam when he came down with a cold. But, it just grossed Sam out when the roles were reversed.


    "I suppose," Sam finally decided as he sat back down on his bed.


    "You suppose right!" Dean sniffed again as he looked at his shoulder. It was still black and blue and now it was swelling. "How long do you think this'll take?"


    Sam looked over. Usually they didn't bother with stuff like that. They'd just deal with the pain with alcohol and painkillers. But, neither of them were usually so sick and sneezy with an injury like that. "I'm not sure. Probably just as long as it takes you for this cold not to jolt you every time that you sneeze."


    "Greadt! Forever," Dean exclaimed as he clapped his head against the back of the wall.


    Sam rolled his eyes. Dean could be so dramatic when he was sick. "Yeah, forever as in a few days. I'm sure the sneezing will die down and then you won't risk popping it out again until the next monster tries to eat you."


    "Dond't rebind be. I still cand't ged used to being food," Dean pointed out with a shiver. He didn't think he tasted good so why should anything else?


    "Dean, they're monsters. They have to eat something and we're hunting them. I would think that we were food too," Sam pointed out as he pulled his laptop back on his lap and continued typing.


    Dean hadn't thought about it like that, but then again, why should he have? It's not like he threw himself at the monsters. They did have to defend themselves, but eat him. That was just a low he would never, ever understand. It wasn't like they ate what they found. He could never do that.




    "Yes, Dean," Sam asked frustratedly.


    "Do you think whadt we do matters," Dean asked as he stared up at the ceiling.


    Sam pulled the top of his computer down a bit as he gazed at his brother in shock. He sure that that had to be the fever talking since the real Dean would never ask that. He might think it in his head, but he certainly wouldn't say it out loud. He didn’t care much, but he just wasn't sure how to answer it.


    "Of course it matters, Dean. Why wouldn't it," he asked sharply.


    Dean sniffled heavily as he rubbed a hand against his eyes. "Dno reason," he answered hollowly. "I judt thought thadt I would ask."


    Sam knew that there had to be a reason. No on just asked that with no reason. But, he knew that Dean had been through a lot, especially with everything that they had gone through with their father. "If you mean will people remember what we did when we die, then I think that they will. The ones that we've saved," he explained.


    There was understanding in Dean's eyes, but Sam couldn't tell if that was just the gleaming of the beginning of a fever. He sighed loudly as he ran his fingers through his messy hair. "Get some sleep, Dean. If you want we can talk about it in the morning."


    The dismissive tone in Sam's voice told Dean enough. He gnawed at the lower lip before he turned over and sighed heavily. He threw the covers over him and ran his fingers through his own hair. He coughed into a closed fist and rubbed his highly irritated nose against it.   




    "Bless you," Sam called.


    Dean said nothing. If only Sam knew that Dean didn't have as many tomorrows as he would've liked. After all, he had sold his soul for his brother to live. However, Dean didn't realize that he had lost his will to live along with it.


The End

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