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The Princess's new nose (A super Mario fanfic) (F, Gigantic)


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It was a peaceful spring evening in the mushroom kingdom and it was just about dinner time at peach's castle. The chef toad was preparing a big pot of mushroom curry for all the toads in the castle as well as the princess. 


When he went to the pantry to fetch the ingredients however, he realized there were no regular mushrooms in sight. In fact he couldn't seem to find any kind of mushrooms. But mushroom curry was the Princess's favorite dish and the chef toad certainly didn't want to disappoint her. So he looked all over the pantry searching high and low for ANY kind of mushrooms until he stumbled upon an old looking bin. He DID manage to find mushrooms In there but they were unlike any mushrooms he saw before. They were green similar to 1-up mushrooms except they had yellow spots instead of the usual white and what looked like a nose similar to Mario's between it's eyes.


The chef toad knew they seemed seemed a bit funky. But still not wanting to disappoint the princess, he decided they had to do. And so he put them into the curry and served it to the princess and everyone else at the table.


After dinner, everyone soon went to bed. The next morning however, all the toads in the castle were woken up by a horrifying shriek coming from peach's bedroom! 




All the toads then rushed to the source of the scream praying that the princess being kidnapped for the umpteenth time. When they got to the bedroom, there was no sign of bowser or any of his minions. What they did find however was the princess standing in the corner with her hands covering her face.


"What's the matter princess?" One toad said. "We all heard you screaming just a minute ago."


The princess then turned around and revealed her face showing the reason why she screamed. The toads were in shock when they saw her face. 


It looked the same...except her small, cute nose was replaced by one that was round and bulbous one similar to Mario's except it was so big that it barely fit her face! 


The princess then began to cry. Upon looking at the Princess's new nose,(Roll credits (DING!)) Toadsworth had a hunch. As the other toads tried to cheer the princess up, toadsworth rushed to the kitchen to find the chef toad getting ready to make breakfast.


Chef toad: "Oh hey toadsworth. I heard the princess scream earlier. Has she been kidnapped again?


Toadsworth: "Fortunately, no. But I need to ask you an important question. Exactly what kind of mushrooms did you use in last night's curry?"


Chef toad: "Well, the only mushrooms I could find were these weird looking ones that looked like 1-up mushrooms except they had yellow spots and had what looked like a weird looking nose."


Toadsworth then rushed to the castle's library and found a book entitled "the big book of mushrooms" and skimmed through the pages until he found the mushroom that fit the chef toad's description.


Toadsworth: "(gasp) oh it's just as I feared."


He then rushed back to the princess to give her the diagnosis.


Toadsworth: "Princess, I have some good news, bad news and more good news.


Peach: "Well, What's the good news?"


Toadsworth: "The good news is that I may have figured out what's wrong with your nose."


Peach: "And I assume that's also the bad news?"


Toadsworth: " If my assumption is correct, (and it usually is) you most likely consumed the extremely rare schnoz-room during dinner last night. The book says that any human who consumes it makes its nose extremely large."


Peach: "But that's impossible! Everyone in the castle had that curry last night! How come you or any of the other toads have this large nose!?"


Toadsworth: "I said any HUMAN your highness. The book say the schnoz-room has no effect on us toads. Fortunately, it also says the effects of the schnoz-room are temporary."


"How temporary?" Said the princess.


Toadsworth: "I'm afraid the book doesn't specifically say. But the effects should wear off before the end of the day. In the meantime, your new nose shouldn't be the big of a deal. I'll go and try to do some more research."


"Please do." Said the princess.


A couple hours later, the princess was in the garden having tea time when a butterfly landed on her nose. 


The princess giggled as the butterfly tickled her nose until it tickled more and more until the princess was certain she had to sneeze.




When the princess opened her eyes she was in shock as nearly everything in the garden was gone as if her big sneeze blew everything away. The only thing remaining were a few flowers with some of their pedals missing and the chair she was sitting on. 


Just then,toadsworth rushed in to see what was going on and was shocked to see the garden destroyed.


Toadsworth: "There you are princess. What on earth happened to the garden?"


Peach: "I...I just sneezed. And the next thing I knew, it looks like a hurricane hit!"


Toadsworth: "Oh my! That actually reminds me. I done some more research and it seems that the schnoz-room has another effect other than an enlarged nose. But I assume you've already figured that out."


Peach: "Extremely powerful sneezes?"


Toadsworth: "Afraid so your highness. However I can now confirm that the effects should wear off by the end of the day."


Peach: "That's good. Because if my sneezes really have become this powerful, I fear I might eventually destroy the castle!"


Toadsworth: "Oh I doubt we have to worry about that."


It soon became lunchtime for the castle's residents. The princess grabbed the pepper shaker intending to sprinkle just a little bit on her food. Unfortunately, the lid wasn't screwed on completely and so the lid fell off causing pepper to fly everywhere Inevitably finding it's way into peach's nose.




"Oh no! Everyone take cover!" Toadsworth said as he ducked under the table. All the other toads seemed confused believing toadsworth was overreacting. Meanwhile, the princess put a finger under her nose struggling to hold it in. But is was no use.




The Princess's sneeze was so big that not only did all the food went flying, but all of the toads as well! Fortunately, nobody got hurt. Nonetheless,the princess was so embarrassed that she walked out of the dining room crying.


A couple hours later, the princess was sitting on her throne still embarrassed about what happened at lunch when toadsworth came to comfort her. "Feeling a bit better?" He asked "I suppose a little. But I still feel horrible about what happened at lunch!" The princess said with a sigh.


Toadsworth: "I can't blame you princess. Some of the toads are still upset about the incident but I know you couldn't help it. Although, you should be happy to that the effects of the schnoz-room should wear off in just a few minutes!"


Peach: "Oh! Well that's certainly good news! I was beginning to think this day couldn't get worse!"


The happy moment abruptly ended however when one of the toads rushed in with some urgent news.


Toad: "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important right now but...BOWSER'S AIRSHIP IS APPROACHING THE CASTLE!


the princess and toadsworth had little time to react as almost immediately after the toad warned them, bowser bashed open the front doors with a few of his minions by his side. "YOU KNOW THE DRILL, PRINCESS!" Bowser said as he slowly approached her. As usual, Peach was naturally in no mood to get kidnapped. Especially not with the day she's been having! But then as one of bowser's Paragoombas flew over the Princess's head, one of it's feathers fell out and flew right into her nostril.


As peach's nose began to tickle once more, She knew she was about to let out another hurricane like sneeze! Still remembering the incident from however, she figured that this time, she could use the schnoz-room to her advantage.




princess peach nearly fainted from that sneeze. But her Idea proved crazy enough to work! Her sneeze was so big that it blew bowser along his army and airship all the way back to world 8 (or whatever bowser's kingdom is called.) On the downside, the sneeze also left a humungous hole in peach's front wall.


Peach: "Excuse me. (Sniffle) it looks like we actually dodged a bullet bill that time!"


Toadsworth: "you're certainly excused but it looks like that isn't the only good news."


Peach: "what do you mean?"


Toadsworth handed the princess a mirror revealing that her nose has finally returned to normal! 


Peach: "Yippee!"


Toadsworth: "you know princess, those schnoz-rooms may actually be the defense we've been looking for! Anytime bowser gets close to the castle, we can just feed you a schnoz-room so you can blow that beast right back to his own castle! Wouldn't you think that's a good idea?"


"I...may have to think about it." Peach said looking at the huge hole she caused.

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