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Out for a Good Time (MHA - Mina)


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Mina for the College Au this time~ I love women ❤️


Mina hums happily as she leads Denki through a crowd of people, arm in arm as they walk. Today’s Saturday; she’s been looking forward to this mall date all week and is so excited that it’s specifically with Denki.  Mina of course loves all her boys and enjoys hanging out with them, and any of them would indulge her in a mall date if she asked, but Denki enjoys fucking around in the mall just as much as she does and it makes it 10x better.  They already ate (she bought because she’s their sugar Mama and it makes Denki blush), and they both tried on dresses and makeup and suits and she was having so much fun picking out things for each other to try on.  Denki bought her a maroon power suit with a turquoise tie and sparkly collar clips, while she bought him a pretty little black skater dress and fishnets that they’ll rip up later.  She can’t wait to fuck him in that.  A sparkly pink planner in the window of a shop stops her, and she looks up to see the cutest little trinket shop.  Mina squeezes Denki’s arm and pulls.

“Denks~ that store’s so cute! Let’s go in <3” she giggles, and he laughs back while bumping her shoulder.  They’re both obnoxious with their PDA, it’s wonderful.

“No need to drag me around babe, I’m right here.”

There’s so many gimmicky little things inside that they definitely don’t need, but she just needs to pick up every sparkly or funny thing she sees. They move through the store, showing each other anything that catches their eye and trying not to laugh too loud when they make stupid jokes. She’s trying to talk herself out of buying a mug shaped like an alien that reads ‘I believe’ when Denki grabs her attention.

“Oh look, they have perfume samples.  Let’s try some!”  He says picking up a pink heart shaped bottle to read the scent name.  She bounds over to him, looking over all the pretty colored glass.  They sniff a few, nothing really peaking their attention, until Denki picks up a pretty purple bottle that looks like a gem under the store’s warm light. He sniffs it and his face lights up, bringing it down to read the ingredients.

“Oooh~ this one smells good!  Citrus Lavender, yeah it smells so fresh.”  He sniffs it again, spraying a little on his wrist so he can smell it better.

“Let me smell!” Mina chirps.  Denki brings his wrist under her nose, and she holds it gently just to watch him flush as she runs her nails lightly over his pulse.  It makes him giggle, and she smiles before taking a sniff. It does smell good, though the lavender’s a little stronger than she was prepared for.  She backs up a little and sniffles, rubbing her nose.  It tickles.

“It smells nice but...but it kinda...kinda-hah! At’chooh!” Mina sneezes lightly over her fingers, scrunching her nose as the little tickle doesn’t leave completely.  She hears Denki give a small gasp, and when she looks up he’s staring at her with wide eyes and pink cheeks.  She smirks, oh this will be good.  They’re in public, but they’re in the back of the store behind some product stands, she can play a little.

“Sorry about that baby, let me smell again.”  She says nonchalantly, grabbing his wrist again and brushing it under her nose, making sure it touches this time.  She feels him jump in her grip as she takes another, deeper sniff.  This time she doesn’t get time to enjoy the scent before her nose responds with a teasing tickle.  She presses her nose into his wrist as the sneezes take her.

“Oh-haah! At’chh! Ahk’Choo!! snf-!  Ahaha~ oops.  It smells good, but I think it makes me sneeze.”  She sing songs, playfulness dancing in her eyes.  It makes Denki groan softly, his face heating up further. He’s full red now.

“Mina...” he whines, and it just spurs her to tease him further.  He’s so cute when he’s like this.

“Aren’t you going to bless me, baby?”  She asks with fake innocence, fluttering her long lashes and pouting cutely.  It makes Denki squirm, and Mina loves it.

“B...bless you.” He says quietly, looking away from her.  She giggles in glee and grabs the bottle from his hand, putting it back on the display before grabbing a sealed one.  She says nothing as she starts to head for the counter, and she hears a quiet “huh?” behind her before footsteps hurry to follow her.

“Mina, what are you doing?”  Denki asks in a nervous voice.  She ignores him, greeting the cashier with a smile as she pays for the perfume.  She holds his hand and pulls them out of the store, skipping and continuing to ignore him as he tries to get her attention.  She leads him out of the mall, and when they’re outside and starting down the path back to the dorms she finally twirls around to give Denki her full attention.

“Denki~” she sings, winding her arms around his middle in a hug that he returns without much thought.  Their shopping bags swing against their backs as they stand their for a second, before Denki gives her a small “Yes?”  She smiles wide, and he gulps.

“Let’s have some fun when we get home, baby boy.  I have an idea I think you’ll like.”

Edited by Akahana
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  • 5 months later...

It's a shame no one commented on this because this is legit good and cute. I personally don't ship Kaminari with Ashido but hey to each their own. Well done and cute stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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