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Taking Care of Denki (MHA)


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More of my UA College AU ❤️


Denki groaned at the sound of his alarm going off. He had gone to bed with a headache and hoped sleep would help, but it seems it didn’t. Rolling out of bed he trudged to the bathroom to do his business, and when washing his hands he caught his reflection. He looked tired. Sighing he brushed his teeth and forced himself to get dressed before joining his classmates for breakfast.


“Wow Denks, you look tired.” Mina chirped as he passed into the kitchen. He wasn’t feeling very hungry but he knew he’d regret it later if he didn’t eat, so he grabbed a granola bar and some apple juice before slumping down into his chair next to his friends.


“I am tired.” Denki whined slightly, stifling a yawn and forcing himself to eat his meager breakfast.


“That’s what you get for playing video games instead of sleeping Dunce Face.”


“I wasn’t~ I had a headache.”


“From playing video games instead of sleeping.” Denki pouted at Katsuki before finishing up the rest of his juice. Eijiro chuckled before grabbing the electric blonde’s cup and bringing it to the sink for him. What an angel.


“Come on Bakugo, lay off him a little. I think he gets it.”


Hanta rolled his eyed and patted Denki on the head as he passed, coming back and practically dragging his out of his chair towards the showers.


“It’s too bad caffeine doesn’t work on you man. Maybe a shower will wake you up.”





He did feel a little better after a warm shower, and the first half of the school day went ok, but he really started to struggle after lunch. His headache came back worse from before, and he was starting to get stuffed up. About half way through Present Mic’s lesson he started sniffling constantly, trying to be as quiet as possible about it but Jirou kept side eyeing him so he probably wasn’t doing a very good job of that. He had caught Katsuki’s eye a few times too, so he definitely wasn’t being quiet enough. A sudden tickle in his nose made his breath hitch as he pressed hard against his nostrils, begging himself not to sneeze.


hiih-! Hahh...snf!


He tried his best to hold back but the tickle wouldn’t back down. He didn’t have any tissues on him and he knew these sneezes would be a mess, but there was nothing he could do about it. He sneezes were coming whether he wanted them to or not.


ah- IT’chk!! ak’thh! aH’CHhhuu!!” he tried to stifle his sneezes into his hands but the last one was too much to contain and squelched terribly. He felt his whole face heat up as Mic stopped talking and turned around to face him, the whole class following suit.


“Bless you Kaminari!”


“Th-thanks. Can I go to the bathroom?” He stammered out and refused to take his hands away from his face. At Mic’s nod he rushed out of the classroom to find solace in the nearest empty bathroom. After blowing his nose and washing his hands, he leaned heavily against the sink and whined pathetically to himself. That was so embarrassing!! He couldn’t believe he sneezed like that in front of the whole class, he knew logically that nobody really cares that much but still just the thought of it made him want to die! He stood bolt upright as another tickle teased at his nose and made him hitch, quickly bringing a hand towel up just in time to catch his sneezes.


at’chh! ...Hah! Ak’chuu!!


“You gonna live Sparky?” Denki jumped at the rough voice. Looking to the door he saw Katsuki lounging against the bathroom door. Oh god how long has he been there? He didn’t even hear the door open.


“B-Bakugo, what are you doing here?”


“Bathroom.” He said simply with a raised eyebrow. Denki fidgeted under the other’s scrutinizing gaze and jumped slightly when he planted his hand firmly on the others forehead. He felt it drift down to his cheek and then his neck, and blushed shyly. The other made a disapproving sound and Denki almost whined as Katsuki pulled his his hand away.


“We were sick just like, a month ago. How’d you manage to get sick again Denki?” The electric blonde flushed harder at the sudden use of his name before pouting at the other. It wasn’t like he got sick on purpose. Katsuki rolled his eyed before grabbing Denki’s wrist and dragged him back to the classroom. Opening the door he gazed straight at Mic and stated “Kaminari has a fever, I’m taking him back to the dorms.” Denki felt the need to hide behind the other as once again all eyes turned towards them, feeling exposed.


“Kami’s sick? I’ll go too!” Eijiro stood up from his desk as if to follow, Mina and Hanta looking like they were about to join him, but they were stopped by a disapproving sound from Mic.


“I don’t think you guys can afford to miss the rest of class Kirishima. I know he’s your friend but you’re gonna have to wait until after school to see him, sorry my man. Bakugo make sure he gets there all right, I’ll let Aizawa know where you two are for training.” Eijiro groaned as he made sad puppy eyes at Katsuki, but the blonde just shrugged before turning and dragging Denki back to the dorms. Denki stayed quiet except for a few coughs and sneezes on the way back to the dorms, was quiet during the elevator ride, and was quiet as Katsuki left him sitting on his bed to go get his mask. When he finally had a moment to himself he fell back on his bed and covered his red face with his hands, groaning. This was all so embarrassing!! Making a scene in class and then having to be escorted to the dorms; what was he 5?! He peaked through his fingers as he heard the door open again; Katsuki had come back with a mask and a thermometer.


“What are you sulking about Dunce Face? Sit up.”


“I’m not sulking!! That was just so embarrassing I hated it.” Denki whined, sitting up and scooting up his bed to make room for the other.


“Embarrassing? You love attention.” The blunt statement made Denki blush, even if it was true hearing it out loud made him feel self conscious.

“Well...yeah but not like that!!”


“I don’t get it. Shut up for a second and hold this under your tongue until it beeps.” The electric blonde pouted as the device was shoved in his mouth, and he crossed his arms like a child while he waited. Katsuki pulled out his phone to text someone, and a moment later a ping went off on Denki’s phone so it must have been the group chat. Only a few moments into the wait Denki felt a tickle start to tease at his nostrils and sniffled to try and stop it. When it did nothing but make his breath hitch he whined and rubbed at his nose while it twitched. His hitching must have caught the attention of Katsuki because suddenly there was a firm pair of fingers pressed up against his nostrils and red eyes staring into his.




“Kat-hah!! Katsuki I...I cahhn’t!




The explosive blonde’s touch stayed firm as he started to rub back and forth under Denki’s twitching nostrils. This was the exact kind of scenario Denki dreamed about, though it was usually the other way around, but actually being in it was way more embarrassing than he anticipated as he hitched and whined and tried not to sneeze into the other’s hand. Finally after what felt like an eternity the thermometer beeped and it was quickly switched out with a tissue pressed to his nose, still help by Katsuki.


AH’TChhhu!! It’chh! Hhah- ih’xsh! ig’thh! N’gtchu!! snf-” Denki tried to stifle his sneezes to stop the mess, but they came out wet anyway and now his head just hurt. He felt Katsuki pinch and wipe at his nostrils before throwing it in his almost full garbage can next to his bed.


“Don’t stifle stupid, no wonder you have a headache.” He said softly, pushing Denki to lay down while he read the thermometer reading they worked so hard to get. The sigh from the other told him it was exactly what he expected.


“39 Celsius, you got yourself a fever.” Denki groaned at the news, yeah that’s what he expected. A mild fever and a stuffy nose. They had avoided the fever last time so it’s no surprise that it caught up to him this time. He eyed the other as he got up and ran a gentle hand through Denki’s hair, whining pitifully at the unexpected tender gesture.


“Get out of your uniform, I’m grabbing you medicine.” And with that he left the room, leaving Denki with little choice but to do what he was told. Picking out his warmest pajamas, he buried himself into his cover as he felt chills start to set in. In just a few minutes he was shivering and sniffling and pawing at his nose as it twitched. And of course Katsuki opens the door just as Denki shudders with more sneezes.


Ik’tchUh!! hah’KTchuu! Hiih...ih! IT’CHhhuu!!” The sneezes wind him, and Katsuki once again plucks a tissue and wipes at Denki’s pink nose. The electric blonde flushes red again at the attention, embarrassed that it’s happening but also embarrassed that he’s enjoying it so much. He gets lonely when he has a fever, but Katsuki’s being so unexpectedly attentive that it makes Denki feel all fuzzy inside. If he thinks about it too hard he might cry.


“There you go idiot, hurts less when you don’t stifle huh?” Katsuki reached over and measured out the awful tasting cold medicine that Denki was expected to take. He whined when it was handed to him, though it did nothing but get him a glare from the other.


“Take the fucking medicine yourself or I force it down you, your choice.” Katsuki’s voice was calm but Denki knew he was serious. So he held his breath and downed the medicine in one shot, immediately grabbing for the glace of water Katsuki had graciously brought with him to chase down the taste. Groaning he set down the empty glass and buried himself back into the warmth of his comforter. Katsuki rolled his eyes at the other’s antics and gathered up the stuff while Denki yawned dramatically.


“I’m gonna make you something to eat, try to sleep while I’m gone.” The explosive blonde told him before bending over and kissing Denki’s forehead through his mask. Denki practically melted at the affection, he never knew the other was such the coddling type but it made him hot and fuzzy all over.


“God Katsuki, I’m seriously gonna fall for you if you keep this up~”


“You say that like you haven’t already fallen for me, Dunce Face.” Katsuki chuckled as he headed towards the door.


“Tell anyone about this and I blow your ass up, Denki.” And with that he was alone. He felt his eyes droop as the warmth of his blanket and the affection pull him into sleep, and he could say with confidence that this was the first time since he left home he felt so safe and cared for.


Denki woke with a start as he felt something way down heavily on his chest. He opened his eyes to a mess of gelled red hair and chuckled as Eijiro squeezed him in his arms.


“Borning Kiri- snf!


“Denki! I’m sorry you’re not feeling good man, I came here as fast as I could!! Mina and Hanta wanted to be here too but they had to stay after class to talk with Aizawa about our assignment so they’ll be over later.” Denki chuckled stuffily at his friend’s excitement and blushed when he felt lips on his forehead.


“A fever huh? Oh Kami, don’t worry!! I’m here to help Bakugo take care of you!” The red head exclaimed with a wide grin, and Denki couldn’t help but smile back.


“I told you to put a mask on first Shitty Hair, I’m not taking care of you if you get sick.”


“I won’t get sick, I’m healthy as a horse!!” Eijirou scooted over to give Katsuki some room as he came in with a bowl of something steaming, and helped Denki sit up so he could eat.


“Yeah sure, whatever you say.” Katsuki snarked as he stirred the soup before setting it carefully in Denki’s lap. And Denki almost teared up realizing that he had the best friends in the world.

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Ahh!!! This college AU! I've been reading your fics as you post them, and they're all so sweet ❤️ I love Katsuki's gruffly caring ways >w< and Denki's embarrassment, so cute!! Thanks so much for posting and sharing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys, I'm glad you're all enjoying my stuff!!  Here's a little extra for this one ❤️


“Ok Denki, say ahhh~” Eijiro sang as he brought up a spoonful of Katsuki’s handmade soup. The explosive blonde had left the red head to take care of Denki while he cleaned up the kitchen, and Eijiro had immediately started to coddle him. Denki blushed and opened his mouth to be fed; he didn’t know if his friend was always like this or if the other just knew he loved the attention. Either way was both wonderful and embarrassing. Katsuki’s soup was savory and delicious even with his stuffed nose, and the warmth was soothing on his throat. His sneezes had started to strain.


“Kiri, I can feed myself you know.” Denki mumbled before accepting another bite from the other. Eijiro flashed his sharp teeth at him in a knowing way that did nothing to help the heat in his face. He hoped the other would chalk it up to his fever.


“Of course I know that, man. I want to! Also it’s Eijiro when we’re alone Denki, you know that.”


“Ok, whatever Eijiro.”




It didn’t take long for Denki to finish the whole thing, and then it was just to two of them in his quiet room. He started to squirm and sniffle as Eijiro massaged his knee from under his covers, and he quickly snatched a tissue to hide his expression as a tickle made itself known.




Something about Eijiro being the only other person in the room made sneezing a more embarrassing affair, even more than with Katsuki. The red head was just so attentive and the knowledge that he was seeing Denki’s tickly expressions made his cheeks feel hot all over again.


IK’tchu! ‘tchu!! haaah… aK’chhu!


“Bless you, bless you, bless you!” Eijiro chirped, and Denki couldn’t help but groan before blowing his nose. For some reason the red head had really caught on to that particular English phrase, and he was very persistent. He remembered one of Hanta’s worse allergy days (a very distracting day for Denki) that happened after the lesson the phrase had come up in, and Eijiro had not missed a single opportunity to say it. Every time Hanta tried to dissuade him, he just flashed his charming smile and continued the same as before.


“I wish Mr. Mic had never taught us that phrase.” Denki whined, sniffling and letting his hands fall to his lap. He didn’t throw his tissue away yet as he twitched his nose again, and Eijiro giggled beside him.


“Well he did, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me now!” His smile took on a distinctly mischievous tilt as Denki’s nose twitched again. Without any warning he planted his strong hands on the bed besides the blonde’s hips and pecked a light kiss on the other’s tickled nose. He didn’t pull away as Denki’s nose immediately scrunched with a desperate breath and ducked into his already used tissue.


hAHH’ AT’CHUuhh!!


“Bless you Denki~”

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