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Matt Smith - Sickfic (cold)


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Hello guys! I hadn't written anything in a while before today because I had some sort of a writer's block. 
However,after watching the British TV series "Doctor Who" I finally managed to come up with something worth publishing (I hope). 
So,let me explain what my idea is: I imagined Matt Smith on set with a really bad cold/the flu in 2010/2011 while filming "Doctor Who", so this is the 1st part of a short story which is about the problems he needs to face having to deal with this rather annoying illness. Without further ado, let's start! Enjoy!

"Hello everyone!" Shouted Matt, arriving on set on that freezing, rainy winter day. He immediately regretted what he had done: he was in no condition to scream like that, as his throat was very raw and sore. He covered a couple of little coughs with his fist, sniffled wetly and then cleared his poor throat.
Karen heard him and she instantly noticed something was off: his voice seemed hoarse and a bit deeper than usual, not to mention that it also sounded ridiculously congested. Not only that, her friend looked extremely pale and his nose was bright red. 
"Hi Matt!" She exclaimed in a cheerful tone, attempting to ignore his pitiful state. 
She was about to hug him but he backed off a little and eluded her grasp saying: "Don't get too close!" It was not his intention to sound harsh or anything, he just didn't want her to get sick. 
Karen was utterly bewildered as he had never refused to hug her before, but she remained silent, trying to smile all the same.
Matt realised he had hurt his dear friend's feelings and mumbled, stammering a bit out of embarrassment: "I... I'b s... sorry". Since he couldn't help but notice the awkward stuffiness in his voice, he winced and sniffled thickly, producing a slightly gurgly sound, then sighed in defeat. 
Karen felt sorry for him, so she laughed and did her best to cheer him up: "Don't worry" was all she came up with, chuckling softly. 
In that moment, Arthur arrived and greeted them, smiling; as soon as he looked at Matt, he perceived that something was wrong with him but, unlike his co-star, he decided not to ignore it: "Are you all right, mate?" he asked, failing to conceal his concern. "Yep,man. I've never been better. Why?" "Well, you do look a bit ill, I'm afraid". Karen gave up and agreed with him, nodding her head. Matt tried to keep denying his sickness, but after a while he surrendered: "All right, you won! I must admit I have a bit of a cold". Right after he ceased speaking, a strong tickle developed in his sinuses: his nostrils flared and his breath hitched a few times, as his body was preparing itself to let out a massive sneeze. Although he tried so hard to stop it, at last he had to give in, so he turned away from his friends, closed his eyes and "AH... AAKKSSSHOOOO!!!" he sneezed into the crook of his elbow, which now glistened with snot. 
"Bless you!" Exclaimed Arthur and Karen, simultaneously. "Thank you... *SNIFF*" Muttered Matt, as he whipped out a clean tissue from his pocket, in order to give his nose a good blow, which turned out to be quite productive as well.
The "doctor" closed his eyes once again and touched his forehead, sighing, just looking soo tired and miserable.
"Are you sure you can do this?" asked Arthur, immediately followed by Karen: "Really, you shouldn't have showed up...". She was interrupted by Matt who smiled a bit and reassured them: "I'm fine, I promise". Actually, he WAS under the weather and he just wished he could have been in bed. 
Arthur and Karen looked at each other, perplexed by their friend's determination, and avoided to bring it up again, while he kept sneezing, sniffing and blowing his nose.

That's it for today! Stay tuned for the 2nd part. 

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I love this!! Matt Smith has always had a special place in my heart after his wonderful stint on Dr. Who! I remembered this article frOm around the time he was still playing on the show about him having the flu and going out for some medicine! I found it again after I read this, haven’t thought about it in years! Thanks and can’t wait to see more!!

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Hello people! Here's the 2nd part of the story.


P.S.: I'm sorry for the lack of sneezing in the 1st part,but I promise I will make up for it in this one!


Matt briefly popped to the loo and got a fleeting glimpse of himself whilst passing by the mirror: "Blimey! The make-up artists are going to have a hard time trying to cover the redness of my nose!" He thought; he was surprised as he really hadn't had the time to look at himself in the mirror that morning.

Suddenly, he sneezed loudly into his elbow again: "ASSSSHHHHOOO!!!"

That was so powerful that it felt like it had torn his throat up. He sighed and then sniffed lightly, touching his slightly messy hair. 

He whipped out a tissue from his pocket and blew: he was so stuffed up that he couldn't breathe through his nose at all so he had to keep his mouth open.

Matt rapidly revised his lines in his mind but he was very distracted by his appalling congestion and couldn't really focus: "I should've stayed home,I feel like shit" He observed.

The "doctor" walked out of the bathroom looking even worse than before: on top of that, all of a sudden his nose had started running a lot and now he had to sniffle every 5 seconds to get rid of all the mucus threatening to get out of his snotty nostrils.

It was about time he had his make-up done and, as soon as the make-up man saw him he exclaimed: "God! You look awful! No offence, I'm worried. Are you sure you're ok?" Matt sighed miserably: "Oh by... why is everybody making a fuss about it? It's just a cold, I'b fide! *SNIFF*" He remarked, wincing at how congested he sounded. Matt stifled a sneeze into his hands and then buried his nose into a tissue, to blow it quickly. The make-up man blessed him, the latter thanked him and then the former began to do his make-up.

When the visagiste started covering his red nose, Matt felt an annoying tickle developing deep in his sinuses: he tried so hard to hold it in, but then: "AAAACCHOOO!!!", he let out a massive sneeze, barely managing to cover it with a tissue. Unfortunately, he had ruined all the make-up artist's work, so he apologised, sounding truly contrite and gutted.

After that rather untoward incident, Steven Moffat and a few other members of the crew called him to shoot the episode: Matt was pretty out of it, so he also ended up being a bit late. 

Furthermore, he sounded stuffy all the time and kept forgetting his lines, which rarely happened; his nose was incredibly runny so he had to sniff as quietly as possible to avoid ruining the scenes. "Now! Back to the tardis... AH... AH... AKKKSSSHH!!" He was delivering his lines very convincingly, but his nose was so itchy that he had to give in and sneeze, although he did attempt to stifle it. "CUT!!" Shouted the director: "Bless you, Matt! Are you all right? You sound sick..." "Well,I am... It's just a cold, though. *SNIFF* Nothing to worry about" he replied, sounding extremely congested. "You should have stayed home. Working is no fun when you're ill..." Added the director. Matt didn't know what to say, so he just nodded and giggled a bit, dabbing at his nose with a used tissue and sniffing lightly.

That's it, guys! That was the end of part 2. Stick around for part 3! 












Edited by Zumil4702
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