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Bucky's no good very bad day (falcon and the Winter Soldier)


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On 4/10/2021 at 10:08 PM, MyOwnPrivateSFC said:

Aw! I liked this part a lot! 😍

Thank you so much for readingXO

On 4/17/2021 at 3:02 PM, Papetite said:

I think this is the best part yet!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

You are so sweet! XOXO

On 4/19/2021 at 3:28 AM, Jettous said:

The h/c is just top notch. I love all the stories Bucky has. 

Thank you so much! 

On 4/20/2021 at 11:08 PM, spicy said:

This is so amazing. Definitely what I needed after binging all three captain America movies. Please continue!

Thank you! i'm so sorry this is the last part of this fic. But I have drabbles that are always active if you wanna request something!

On 4/21/2021 at 7:04 PM, emten10 said:

This is so good!! I just started the show and I quickly watched the second episode so I could read this. 😂 I’m really happy I did because this is great!

DID YOU LIKE THE SHOW???? Thank you so much for commenting and reading XO


On 8/2/2021 at 4:49 PM, SneezeKitties said:

Hello! I read this way back when you were posting it, I couldn't leave a comment because I was waiting for validation, anyway it finally happened soooo....

HOLY MOLY THIS WAS SO GOOD!!!  The way you wrote Bucky and Sam were just perfect!! I loved the show and reading this was just the added bonus I didn't know I needed!!! I can hardly ever find a good fic on sick bucky, so thank you so much for taking the time to write this! :) hope more come in the future! 


You are literally the reason I made this last part! thank you so so so much!


Hello! i'm so sorry i left this unfinished. I hope this ending is satisfactory. If you guys want to see anymore Sam/Bucky or Steve/Bucky or whatever, don't be afraid to message me or follow the Drabble thread I started a while ago. I always take requests. XOXO


Final Part: 

Sam knew Bucky was awake when he heard a crash coming from the bedroom and knew Bucky somehow fell off the bed. 

"Still not used to it?" he yelled over his shoulder, laughing. Soldiers usually had trouble sleeping in a proper bed, having been accustomed to floors, and it seems Bucky was having more trouble than others.

"Can I go back to sleeping on the floor?" 

"Nope" Sam popped the P and grinned at him, "morning sleeping beauty." 

Bucky just groaned and went over to the coffee pot.

"hey hey," Same gently slapped his hand away, "you're drinking Tea and Tea only," he handed the honey to him, "and make sure you got a lot of that too." 

"Why can't I have coffee?" 

"Cause you're sick and sick people don't get coffee." Sam took his pan off the heat and slid two perfect sunny side up eggs onto a plate, "thought you were a morning person?" 

"He lied." Well, that wasn't true. He used to be a morning person. Getting up early and running before coming home to Steve and making breakfast. But with Hydra, waking up meant another mission or more torture, so needless to say, he hated waking up. 

"uhuh.." He put the eggs in front of Bucky and handed him a fork, "I ate earlier. Figured you'd be up soon." 

"were you watching me sleep?" Bucky looked at him funny before seasoning his eggs.

"No," Sam laughed and poured himself some Coffee, "You're just a creature of habit, and if you weren't up by the time I was done, I was gonna wake you up." 

"Thought I was suppose to be sleeping this off?" 

"you could sleep it off after you eat somethin'" he came back to the table and put a hand on Bucky's forehead, "Fever's gone." 

"Does that mean i get my coffee?" 

"not a chance," Sam drank the coffee, almost as if to spite him. 

Bucky just rolled his eyes and finished his eggs, before starting on his tea. It was super hot and he probably should have waited, but it didn't bother him too much; he'd been through worse.

"Woah, try not to burn yourself," Sam took the cup and winced at how hot it was, "you sure you're ok?" 

"You told me to drink it." 

"yes, drink it... not be tortured by it," sam put an ice cube in it to quicken the chilling process, "Just cause you're a super soldier and got fancy healing abilities, doesn't mean you can hurt yourself on purpose." 

"hmph." Bucky had his head resting in his hand, elbow on the table, eyes closing.

"You still feeling lousy?" 

"'m just tired.." 


"and what?" 

"You're not just tired, Buck. You got a headache?" Sam gave him back the tea and lowered the shades so the sun wasn't in Bucky's eyes.

"it's nothing." 

"You're sick, it's something." Sam grabbed some ibuprofen, "want to try this?" 

"Not taking medicine," Bucky slowly got up out of the chair.

"ok grumpy, are you going to lay back in bed or sit on the couch?" 

"'m not grumpy," Bucky took a sip of tea and moved the hair out of his face, "couch." 

"ready to watch another movie, or nap?" 

"I just woke up," he sniffed and winced at the light.

"Movie will probably make it hurt more," Sam started cleaning the pan, "why don't you go lay down and i'll bring a compress for your head." 

"I can get it-" 

"I know you can. let me help you." 

"you have.." Bucky held the tea close to his chest, "Sam.." 

"Don't worry about it," Sam wiped his hands and grabbed the compress, "I gotcha." 


Sam and Bucky ended up spending the entire day watching movies and napping. Well, Bucky did most of the napping. He seemed to be feeling better by the time it was getting dark.

"Spend one more night," Sam was already wrapping another blanket around Bucky, "you're still not 100%, I don't want you relapsing alone in that crappy apartment of yours." 

"I'll be fine," Bucky tried to shrug it off but Sam was persistent, "you fell asleep through the Godfather.. the gunfire didn't wake you up." 

"There was gunfire?" 

"yeah," Sam frowned. Usually loud noises would wake Bucky up and have him alert as if they were in danger, "clearly you need more rest." 

"I hate that word.." Bucky gave in and took the blanket. He was feeling cold. 

"Rest?" Sam rolled his eyes, "of course you do." 

"Was Godfather the movie with the dead dog?" 

"That's Marley and Me, and let's not mention it," Sam shook his head. It was Bucky's pick. He wanted something to sleep through and the picture on the front made him believe it would be some easy movie about a normal family. He didn't expect to cry at the end of that. 

"You pick a movie, I'll stay awake." 

Sam chuckled, "Sure you will," he wrapped an arm around Bucky and let him lay down in his lap.

Within the first 15 minutes of Wizard of OZ, Bucky was snoring softly. 

"Thanks for letting me take care of you, Buck," Sam smiled down and gently stroked his hair as he turned the tv's volume down. This was a huge step for Bucky in his recovery, mental and physical, and their friendship, "Steve would be really proud, man." 

As if he could hear him, Bucky stirred and his flesh hand came out from under the blankets and grab Sam's leg as if to ground himself. 

"you're safe, Buck," Sam shushed him and gently rubbed his back, "I got you." 

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OH MY GOD AHHHHH!!!! I was just logging on when I saw you updated this, and my heart stopped!! OMG!! This was so good! I cannot put my love into words. The sweet and tender love of Sam and bucky still being grumpy and hesitant! EEEK. I could really see this happening, as always the characters were perfect! This ending was amazing and I love the way you tied it all together!! Thank you so much for finishing it, I hope your bucky fics continue!!

PS. I'm now gonna go and have a look at your drabbles! hehehehe

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