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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Wunschdenken (Psychonauts, Sasha Nein)


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Long time, no post! This game is one of my favorites, yet there's zero content out there for it. 😭 So for the handful of us that want this, I'm torturing everyone's favorite Psychonaut, Sasha Nein. Happy Holidays! 

Triggers: None

Spoilers: None (?)

Summary: Sasha has a problem. Milla has a secret. 

(a.k.a. Sasha/Milla with some fetishist Milla) 




Camilla Vodello’s sing-song voice rang out, bouncing off the large, barren walls of the lab. Though it would have been much easier to levitate herself down instead of walking down the large staircase, she chose to stay on her feet, giving her partner enough time to wrap up his work.

“This party’s coming to a close, darling, and you’ve overstayed your welcome!” She teased, a gentle reminder that his shift was over. “But don’t worry! We can always take it back to my place!” 

By now, Sasha would have usually replied to her with something undoubtedly serious and practical, oblivious to her party-themed analogies. But he kept his back turned to her long after she’d entered the room, and so far had only sniffled in response. Now only a few feet away from him, Milla hesitated to approach, worry working its way across her features. 

“Sasha? Is something wrong? I can leave you to your work, if I’m interrupting something!” 

“No--” Sasha managed, cutting himself off with a sigh. 

With their minds subconsciously linked, he easily felt Milla’s worry, and knew that her main concern was that she’d done something to irritate him. Had he the nerve, he’d tell her that her presence had never been one of inconvenience to him; but that was a problem for another day, as he was currently experiencing another. Rather than try to explain himself, he pulled off his goggles and swiveled around in his desk chair, looking up at Milla. It seemed to do the trick, as Milla’s hands flew to her open mouth, unabashedly surprised. 

“Oh, darling! What happened to you?” 

By all accounts, Sasha looked completely normal-- save for his long, broad nose, which was flushed an angry pink and practically shining under the fluorescent lights of the lab. Too tired to hide his frustration, he leaned heavily against the edge of his desk, rubber glove resting against his forehead. 

“I don’t know. I’ve been fighting with this-- itch for hours. It’s driving me mad.” 

“Oh, babydoll…” Milla cooed. “Have you tried making yourself sneeze? Looking at a light is supposed to help!” 

“I have,” Sasha nearly groaned. “Watch.” 

He removed his glasses, which was, in itself, an absolute rarity and a good measure of his desperation. He then turned his dark eyes, tinged with pink and brimming with tears, up to the fluorescent lights above him. The effects were immediate. 

“Ih.. Ihh..! Hh- Hh- Hh!” 

A gloved hand hovered in front of his face as his reddened nostrils flared, his broad chest expanding beneath his sweater with each gasp. Just when his breath had gone ragged, when tears slipped down his face and Milla thought, with some certainty, that he’d finally freed himself of what was clearly a deep-seated, monstrous tickle--


There was nothing. 

Sasha sighed again, his shoulders falling. “You see? I can’t get rid of it.”

Milla, on the other hand, remained silent, staring owlishly down at him. For in all the years she’d known Sasha, she’d never seen him sneeze. 

With his smoking habit, aversion to the outdoors, and exhaustive working hours, she’d always expected him to be sickly; but he was shockingly healthy, and no illness, allergen, or errant particle had ever garnered more than a sniffle out of him. She knew this was due in no small part to his desire for control, and she suspected that when the need arose, he either left the room, stifled, or staved off the urge completely. 

So she’d often imagined a scenario just like this, where he was at the mercy of such an intense, unwavering tickle that he couldn’t hide it from her. As much as she wanted to offer some piece of encouragement or word of advice, it was hard for her to act completely uninterested in his sudden plight, when this was all she’d ever wanted. 

“I know this is an odd request,” Sasha began again, looking back up to her, “But do you think you could… help me?” 

...In fact, this was exactly all she’d ever wanted. Milla’s heart suddenly began to race as she thought back to that afternoon, when she’d indulged in that little fantasy of hers. Was the burning in his sinus completely psychosomatic? An unconscious thought she’d planted there? 


“Sorry, darling! I was just thinking of how to help you.” She quickly lied. “When did you say this started, again?”  

“I didn’t. But it was this afternoon. After lunch, I suppose. Why?”

“No reason!” Milla waved it off, hoping her face didn’t look as hot as it felt. She took those last few steps, closing the distance between them. “Tell me-- do you have a tissue?” 

Sasha considered the question for a moment, then patted the pockets of his lab coat, eventually procuring a cloth. It wasn’t the silken handkerchief Milla had always imagined him carrying, but something thicker and coarser, meant for wiping down metals. He sensed her apprehension regarding the cloth, and was quick to defend himself. 

“What? I haven’t used it today.” 

“I guess it will have to do,” she begrudgingly agreed. She then levitated herself over to his desk, sitting on the edge and spinning his chair around to face her. 

“I think you just need to take a gentler approach,” Milla continued, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice. 

She took the cloth from his hand, pressing it against his face with little warning. She suspected that if she had described what she was going to do instead, he would have questioned it; and even now, he tried to protest.  

“What are you--” 

“Just trust me.” 

Starting at the bridge of his nose, she began working her fingers downwards, massaging the hot skin beneath the cloth in small, soothing circles. Sasha quickly relaxed, his lashes falling to his cheeks as he went slack-jawed in anticipation. His breathing was also much less frantic than before, coming out in deep, but soft gasps. 

As she worked her way down to his nostrils, Milla considered if the cloth was somehow better than a handkerchief. As she imagined each starched thread pressing firmly against his already sensitive nose, perhaps even brushing against his trembling inner membranes, his voice suddenly raised an octave, and he exploded into two loud, ticklish sneezes. 


Milla pulled the cloth away after catching them, unable to keep herself from smiling at his dazed, flushed face. 

“Again?” She asked, noticing the distant look in his eyes. 

He didn’t respond-- likely thinking the question over, in his typical, over-analytical fashion-- but he didn’t have to. She returned the cloth to his nose, a bit firmer as she rubbed at his still-twitching nostrils. This time, he erupted in a fit, each sneeze more desperate than the last.

“Hrr’sht! Ih’shht! Hh- HhH-ISHH! Ih-txh’shew! I’m-- s-sorry, Milla, I cahh-- can’t--” 

“It’s alright!” Milla assured him. “Just let them out, ok?”

Sasha only gave a slight nod before launching back into his fit. “Ih-H’kshew! Ih’shhew! Ih-kxt’shew! Hh.. Hhh! Ehh-t’schew!

Milla pulled away again, this time folding the cloth and using the unsullied part to wipe the tear stains from his face. Though he hadn’t said anything to indicate it, the relief she felt wash over him told her that it was over. 

“Thang--” Sniff. Thank you, Milla.” 

“It’s no problem, ” she smiled, levitating the rag into a bin labeled BIO-HAZARD. Then, despite her better judgement, she added: “I wonder what set you off!” 

“I don’t know,” Sasha admitted, “And I don’t care to. I don’t want to speak of this again ever again.” 

“Oh, I don’t know,” she teased, handing him back his glasses. “I think it was fun.” 

“Fun for you, maybe,” he muttered, smoothing his hair back into place.

If only he knew… 

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