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Yuri On Ice Ficlet (M, Victor)


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Just like last year, I wrote myself a little drabble as a birthday present woo 🎂 Hope you all enjoy. 


“You look like shit.” Yuri sized Victor up and down as the older man came to a stop by the boards, setting down his bag and water bottle without so much as a glance in the fifteen-year-old’s direction. 

 “Don’t use that language in front of me, Yura!” Yakov snapped, his forehead vein pulsing. “Go do your figures like I told you!” 

 Once Yuri had sulked away sufficiently out of earshot, Yakov gave a grunt. “But he isn’t far off, Vitya. Your color is terrible.”

“I’m fine,” Victor said, his voice quiet and scratchy. He placed one leg atop the board to stretch out his hips. “I just didn’t sleep well.” 

Yakov opened his mouth to point out that anyone with eyes could see the horrendously dark circles under Victor’s eyes and deduce that for themselves, but he was cut off by a harsh sneeze from his student. 

“Heh’KTSSHH’uhh!” Victor clamped a hand over his nose and Yakov, taking his cue, nudged the tissue box over to him. Victor took one and blew his nose as softly as he could, but even still Yakov could hear it.

“You’re congested.”

“I’mb--” Victor cut himself off to clear his throat. “It’s just a bit of the sniffles.”

“Your throat sounds sore.”

“It’s really nothing.” Victor closed his mouth around a cough, only half-succeeding in stifling it.

“Stupid boy.” Yakov shook his head and waved Victor over. “Come here.” 

Dejected, Victor stopped his stretch and skated over. Yakov pulled off his glove and palmed Victor’s forehead, then his cheek, before taking his hand away and scoffing. 

“How are you going to explain away your fever, then, hmm?” The coach shook his head again. “Victor, this is enough. Go home.”

Yuri, who by this time had had enough of his figures and had skated over, stuck out his tongue at Victor to say “I told you so”  and told himself he wasn’t worried that Victor offered him nothing in retaliation. The older skater merely collected his belongings and skated away silently, save for his blocked-up sniffles and the sounds of his skates on the ice.

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  • 1 month later...

This is really good! I so hope you write more. I love YOI :wub2: thanks so much for writing this. 

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