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Still Friends- Jo & Laurie


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Hey, ya'll! I have been so ridiculously busy and haven't been able to write very much recently. But, I have been working on something and I have quite a large chunk of it done. It's a bit longer than my usual fics, so this is actually gonna be first fanfic with multiple installments. My spirits have been kind of down recently, and I think most people have felt the same way- so I figured a nice little teaser to the fanfic might lift some comfort-lovers hearts. Inspired by Greta Gerwig's 2019 adaptation of Little Women, here is "Still Friends" :) . 



Still Friends 


Jo March was not one to accept defeat. She liked to think of her life as a constant cycle.


Wake, Write, Eat, Drink, Visit, Work, Write, Work, Write some more, Eat, Drink, Sleep, Repeat. 


It was challenging, of course. But, Marmie had always said that she had the determination of father- never resting. She relished in it; a blessing rather than a curse. If there was one thing that a young woman was not to be known for, it was for being a go-getter. Jo March: she was the exception, and she took pride. She was always lucky as a child. That drive, that passion, that classic Jo March forceful disposition. Well, it was rare. It certainly took the people in charge by surprise whether that be her parents, her school teachers, or the wandering adult on the street, and it often resulted in Jo’s favorite part of the whole thing. 


Getting her way. 


Why did that have to change?


Jo stared blankly at the flickering candle dripping wax down the edge of her writing desk, and rubbed her aching temples with empty frustration. She had taken a seat in the hopes of venting her tribulations through her quill and ink, but the words were simply not coming. Not quick enough, at least. Besides, Jo was never one for “feeling.” She preferred to write through omniscient eyes, or even the eyes of a character that juxtaposed her completely. It was just far less painful. Far less taxing. 


It was hard to process in the first place. Everything that had gone wrong. Because so much had gone wrong, and so fast. New York didn’t pan out the way she assumed it would which was upsetting in itself, but it was merely the beginning.


Then, came Beth. Sweet. Loving. Talented. The best of all the sisters. Gone in the blink of an eye. It had been months, and Jo had yet to completely immerse herself in that news. And she had no intention to ever make it real. 


Then, came Laurie and Amy. At that point, Jo was too lonely and hurt and frustrated to even scream, or cry. She had no energy left to fight. Jo had never known the importance of love until she met Laurie, nor until she had to live without him. Of course it had to be Amy, it was always Amy. Jo avoided being resentful. She really tried. But, it was never, ever fruitful. While Jo worked for everything she got, Amy merely asked and received. It made her blood burn in the way Amy did Jo’s scripts. 


And finally, came her last chance of love. A new life, even. Someone she could understand, and relate to, and trust. A new place, a new start. Yet, the image of the train carrying Professor Bhaer- carrying her last chance- chugged through the night and her memory. 


Now, Jo sat at her desk, soaked to the bone in freezing rain, in the cold attic. It was almost ironic. Jo pinched the bridge of her nose with a raspy sigh, and leaned over to extinguish the dim orange glow of the candle, before she felt a slight prickle in the back of her nose. She leaned to the side in an effort to expel the irritation.


“Husch-eww!” Jo sneezed with a harsh frustration, bending at the waste in her chair. Shivering, she sat back up and scoffed. 


Great- now she had a cold, too. This was what being defeated was like. Her self pity was interrupted with a light knock on the door. It must’ve been midnight or later, but she figured it was her mother or one of her sisters. 


“Come in.” She called quietly, rubbing at her nose with the cuff of her sleeve as she refocused her eyes to her blank page.  


“Bless you.” A male voice echoed with care from the doorway of the attic- a voice Jo knew anywhere. 


She looked up to meet the brilliant, blue, beautiful eyes of her former best friend, now a man she could hardly look at without feeling a myriad of negative emotions. He stood dashing as ever, a kind of calm that she’d only seen in Beth before she met him. His mess of curly, chocolate hair cascaded down his face- shaped like a sculpture and illuminated by the dull glow of a lantern. His pink lips pulled up into a delicate smirk, but his eyes showed his true intentions- he was worried. 




There's your teaser! Please leave me a note so I know this is worthy finishing, and posting on the forum. I adore these characters, and I am sure there are many of you out there that feel the same way. Let me know what you think! ❤️ 

All the best, 


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I would love to see this continued. I can't remember who the characters are or what they are like but that's not important to me. I just love sick fics and caretaking

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  • 1 month later...

I’m so sorry it took so long guys! Tbh, I forgot that I had put this on the forum already LOL. Anyway- here’s part 2, my dears. 


“Laurie? What are you doing here?” Jo asked, confused. He was never awake this late. Of course, last time she was with him they were just kids, but he wasn’t one for late nights. 


“Oh, I couldn’t sleep. Besides, I felt like we needed to talk about… well, a couple of things.” Laurie prodded carefully as he gingerly walked to the opposite side of the room, shrugging off his coat and gently placing it on the chair across from Jo’s bed. 


“A couple of things, huh?” Jo replied, a hint of sarcasm shining through her tired voice as she gave a quick rub to the tip of her nose- the itch still not entirely relieved.


“A couple of things..” Laurie warmly met her gaze. 


The two of them bathed in an awkward silence for a moment until a rogue shiver wracked Jo’s torso, and she couldn’t help but bring her arms around her chest in an attempt to warm up. Laurie observed, and tilted his head as he took Jo’s appearance in. “Jo, you’re soaking wet.” Laurie said, gently enough to make her heart ache. 


“Oh, you know me, when I get an idea, I have to write it down. I’m so forgetful these days.” Jo laughed a bit, trying to convince Laurie that she was writing a story or something- not some wallowing diary entry. He cocked an eyebrow, but thankfully didn’t pry. 


“Well, no wonder you’re shivering! You’ve been sitting in those wet clothes for hours now, you’re gonna catch pneumonia at that rate.” Laurie frowned as he swiftly grabbed his coat from the arm of the chair and walked it over to Jo. 


“Oh goodness, don’t worry so-” Jo cut herself off as Laurie’s warm hands draped the coat over her shoulders, filling her stuffy nose with the scent of cologne and vanilla. It was a scent she had missed. She breathed deeply and nodded a thank you, before the cologne aggravated her nose once again. Jo held a finger towards Laurie and ducked to her side before sneezing with a bit less ferocity into the crook of her elbow. 


“Hii-xtchiew!” Jo sneezed in an attempt not to wake the house or concern Laurie, but it just made the tickle worse. As Laurie absently blessed her, his hands still resting on her shoulders, her breath hitched once more. 


“ Hi-.. Hutx-chiew!” Jo groaned quietly in frustration, running her hand over her aching sinuses. 


“Bless you..” Laurie uttered with sympathy, never taking his eyes off of her. Giving her shoulders a tight squeeze, he paced to face her. 


“Thank you.” Jo replied muffled by her elbow, still. Laurie wordlessly fished through his pocket and passed her a crisply folded white handkerchief. 


“Jo, as much I adore your attic, would you like to continue this conversation over at my house? I can make you a cup of tea, and we can get you somewhere warm.” Laurie carefully asked, folding his arms comfortably over his chest as he leaned against the wall across from her desk. 


“Oh, that’s kind of you but I’m really busy with what I’m writing. Maybe tomorrow?” Jo lied, as they both glanced at the empty piece of paper on the desk. Laurie tried to look her in the eye, but she avoided his gaze at all costs. She was certain she would cry if she didn’t. 


“Please, Jo. I can’t let you sit in the cold, alone like this. Especially, not when you’re falling ill. No matter how long it’s been, you’re still my best friend. And you still hold a part of my heart that no one else ever will. Please,” Laurie pleaded, sadness echoing with his words. She could tell he was genuine, and she really did need someone. 


“...You’re certain Amy won’t be upset?” Jo asked. Why did she care anyway? Amy never took her feelings into consideration. 


“Amy would want you to- god bless you- to be taken care of.” Laurie assured her, pausing halfway to bless a sneeze that Jo stifled completely. It looked painful. 


Jo groaned, and met his gaze. His eyes glistened with both kindness, and a longing to fix her. Whether that was for her sake, or his, she was unsure. 


“Alright, fine. If you absolutely insist; tea sounds nice.” Jo smiled weakly to appease him, and pulled his coat around her shoulders.


“Thank you.. Alright, come on then, let’s get you warm.”


Part 3 is coming soon, lovelies! Let me know how you’re liking it so far! ❤️ 


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