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The good place (Sickfic)


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Hi there! So,I'm currently watching "The good place" and I love it!

I've wanted to write a sickfic about it since the 1st episode,so here we go!! 

This story is set in the very beginning of the series,long before the plot twist (you know what I'm talking about,NO SPOILERS).


It was a wonderful day in the good place (as always) : the sun shone bright in the cloudless,blue sky and the birds were chirping cheerfully on the trees.
Tahani was peacefully sleeping in her elegant canopy bed when,all of a sudden,she woke up.
She yawned loudly and looked outside the window : what a delightful morning it was!
Well,little did she know that she was wrong.
At one point,she noticed she had a violent headache,her throat felt sore and scratchy and her nose was terribly tickly.
The itch in her sinuses increased more and more,she tried to fight it off but she gave in and finally sneezed into her hands.
"Huh...Huh...Eeesssheeew!!" The sneeze sounded very cute and feminine but also unstifled.
"Oh God,am I getting sick?" She asked herself out loud,in her dinstinctive British accent (sounding a tiny bit stuffed up).
She groaned and sighed miserably at the thought : how could she be getting a cold in freaking Paradise,for heaven's sake?? (Pun intended).
Tahani sniffled wetly,realising her nose was also quite blocked up.
She reeeaaally needed to blow it,as it was dripping an awful lot.
"Janet!" She cried out,coughing slightly.
"Hi there,I'm Janet!"
"Hi,could you please get me a tissue box? Huh... Huh... Ettsssheeewww!!"
She pinched her nose,trying to stifle the sneeze,but she clearly ended up failing that attempt.
When she opened her eyes,Janet was back with the tissue box she had requested.
"Thag you,Jadet. You cad go dow."
She winced as she heard the congestion in her voice,grabbed a tissue and blew her nose productively into it.
She threw the used,soggy tissue into a rubbish bin next to her bed and sighed again.
"Ugh,how is this possible?? I'b throwig a party todight add I soud absolutely terrible! *SNIFF* How ab I supposed to give a speech? Eeeh... Eeeeekkkssssheeww!! Add I caddot stop sdeezig!"
She started crying and her nose was running even more than before,so she sniffled and blew her nose a lot.
She hadn't had a cold in ages,so it was really weird!
She HAD to get rid of it asap.
The posh girl finally got up and,after drinking her morning tea (which was more than needed because of her annoying illness) and grabbing a bunch of tissues,she rushed to Chidi to ask for help.
On the way,she met Michael : "Hi Tahani! How are you,dear?
Today is a gorgeous day,isn't it?
I'm happier than usual!"
"Well... I... Huh...Huh... Haaattssheeww!!!"
"God bless you Tahani! Wait,are you sick?"
She nodded,dabbing at her nose with a tissue.
"How is that possible? I'm sure it's just a small glitch in the system of the neighbourhood. I'll fix it as soon as possible,I promise."
"Ok,thag you... HEEEKKSSHIIEEWW!! Oh dear! I just caddot stop!" She complained.
"Hi Tahani,what are you doing here?"
Asked Chidi,when he noticed she was loitering at his door.
"Chidi listen,I deed your help."

That's it for now,folks!

I surely hope you enjoyed the 1st part of my fanfic.
Please let me know if you liked this and if you want me to continue.

I still have loads of stuff in store so stay tuned!



Edited by Zumil4702
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I love the show and this fic so far! Not gunna lie, was hoping this was about Eleanor but I still really enjoyed it! I'll be reading all the entries for sure!

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Chidi was very surprised to see Tahani in such an awful state : she always looked rested and healthy,but that day there was clearly something off about her.

Her nose looked all red and she just seemed absolutely exhausted and fed up. In other words,she looked unwell.

"Wait,are you alright?" He asked,sounding quite perplexed and worried at the same time.

"I'b afraid dot,I'b sick! Sobe... Huh-ssssheeeww!!! Ugh,sobehow..."

She blew her nose loudly and messily.

"Bless you! I'm so sorry,I can't believe you fell ill in heaven! How is that even possible?"

"Well,I was wodderig the exact sabe thig *SNIFFF*,Michael said it must be a glitch. Dothig to worry about. ACCORDIG TO HIB. I feel horrible!"

"That IS a bummer!"

"Do you kdow ady rebedies??" 

Asked the dishevelled,cold-ridden girl.

Their conversation was interrupted rather abruptly by Eleanor,late for her moral philosophy lesson. 

"Hi Chidi! Sorry I'm late!"

Exclaimed Eleanor.

At one point,she heard a stifled sneeze coming from her left,as well as an incredibly miserable groan.

"Huh-ssshgggh!! Ugh..." 

She glanced in that direction,acknowledging Tahani's presence.

"Hi there,Tahani! I didn't see you.

Gosh,you look terrible!"

"Thags a lot! First,you dod't eved dotice be,thed you idsult be. Huh... huccchheeeww!!!" 

"Wow! The perfect Tahani,who's always super healthy and at the top of her game,being sick with a cold? Hahahahahah,that's hilarious!" 

Laughed Eleanor.

Chidi told her off immediately,raising his voice : "Oh my,Eleanor! And you wonder why you still need my lessons! You're making fun of a friend in need,who's suffering from an illness. How is that supposed to be ethical? You should be ashamed of yourself."

Tahani looked at Chidi in awe,nodding in agreement.

"He's right,I'b the ode who's sufferig here!" She shouted.

Eleanor scoffed and chuckled again,but decided to shut her mouth.

"Let me see,how can I help you?" 

"Well,I'b throwig ode of by abazig parties todight add I'b supposed to give a speech but by voice is id ad appallig state. What should I do?"

She moaned in despair,while Eleanor rolled her eyes at her frenemy's whimsical sounding voice and her self-centered comments about her own party.

"I'm not sure,I'm not even a doctor.

Philosophy doesn't help people feel better. Not physically,at least.

I guess you could take a shower to ease the congestion a bit and swallow a spoonful of honey to soothe the sore throat. 

That's all I can do,sorry."

"Aaaww,thags Chidi. You're always soo thoughtful! Aaaccheeww!!!! I wanted to ask my soulbate for help but,as you kdow,he doesd't speak. Pip pip!"

She left,sniffling all the time.

"So,today's lesson will be about the concept of empathy,since you don't even know what that word means,going by the way you just treated the poor Tahani." 

Started Chidi,writing the word "empathy" on the blackboard.

Meanwhile,Tahani came back home to find her silent soulmate sitting on the ground,meditating.

That's it for today,guys! Hope you liked this. Please leave a comment if you enjoyed it and if you want me to continue this story.



Edited by Zumil4702
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