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Sick in quarantine - Ashton from 5sos


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Quick note: I chose to not name Ashton’s girlfriend because I felt weird about including his real life girlfriend’s name idk... other than that enjoy! 


It’s day whatever of quarantine. It seemed forever ago since 5sos had released their 4th album CALM at the end of March. The band had rescheduled their No Shame tour for 2021.  


It had been weird for Ashton to not do promo for their album. No radio interviews, no meet and greets with fans, no drumming in front of thousands of people. He could barely even celebrate the album release with his own band. Release night was done over Zoom and Instagram live rather than together and with the band’s closest friends. 


The drummer had woken up later than usual on this particular day. He usually tries to get up before 8 AM to get some yoga time in. Ashton’s a big believer of meditation and early rising. However, today was different. 


Ashton rolled his aching body over to check the time. It was 10 AM. He sighed and forced himself up to a sitting position. It was then he truly realized how awful he felt. 

He had a splitting headache, his head felt like it weighed 10 extra pounds. His ears were clogged and made him feel like he was under water. Ashton had a perpetual itch in his stuffed nose. He felt like he was on the verge of a sneeze. 


Unfortunately for Ashton, who had now realized that his slight lethargy for the past few days had been building up to this awful cold, he couldn’t take today to rest.


Today, 5sos were meeting to do a short acoustic performance over Instagram live. 


Ashton sniffled and massaged his sinuses. He felt like crap. Normally he would call his girlfriend to have her come over and comfort him, but she had been planning a short trip to San Diego to visit her sister for a day. Ashton knew he couldn’t ask her to stay behind just because he had a stupid cold.


His phone ringing had snapped Ashton out of his miserable thoughts. Ashton grabbed his phone, knocking over his glasses in the process. 


“H-ello?” Ashton answered, his voice rough and cracking. 


“Ashton? Mate, your voice sounds weird. Are you okay? Where are you?” Calum asked.


Ashton realized he was running late to the band’s warm up before their performance. Shit.


Ashton sniffled before answering. He was fighting off an incoming sneeze that was really hard to contain. “Nguhh... I just woke up. I’m ru-huhh... I’m running late. I have a cold,” Ashton managed to get out in between hitching breaths. He barely gave Calum enough time to respond when the sneeze broke through. “Uhh’ETCH’oo!”


“Jesus Christ, I’ll tell the guys you’re sick, just try to get here soon,” Calum said, slightly surprised by Ashton’s sneeze.


“I will,” Ashton sniffled. He hung up and quickly got himself ready. He pulled on some jeans and a tour hoodie, grabbed his glasses from the ground, brushed his teeth then flew out the door.


In the car, Ashton tried to control his ever-tickling nose. It was like a ticking time bomb waiting to blow. He sniffled and groaned at the LA traffic. 


Ashton had been battling a particularly big urge to sneeze when he received an incoming call. He answered the call through Bluetooth.


“Hey babe, how are you?” 


Ashton’s mood increased when he heard his girlfriend’s voice.


“I’m a little-nguh... under the weather,” Ashton answered, trying his hardest not to sneeze.


“Aw, Ash, you should’ve called me! I’m not that far from LA, I can cancel and stay with you.”


“No-hhhuh...” Ashton tried to answer, but lost his battle to his nose. “HEH’ixchUU! ESH’hoOO! Ah...nguh... AH’ekxCHOO!” He groaned and sniffled, silently cursing himself for not bringing tissues into his car.


“Shit Ashton, you sound horrible. I think I’m going to turn around,” his girlfriend said, gentleness yet concern laced her voice. 


“Babe, it’s ok. You’ve been planning this visit for a while. I’ll be fine. I’m a big boy,” Ashton chuckled nasally. He finally got through the worst of the traffic and was a few minutes from the band’s rehearsal space.


“Are you sure? It’s really not a big deal to reschedule-“


“I’ll be fine,” Ashton repeated soothingly, cutting off her nervous rambling. “I’ll be waiting for you when you get back. It’s just a nasty head cold, nothing I’ve never had before.”


There was a slight pause, only filled with Ashton’s sniffling.


“Okay,” she agreed, “but expect some chicken soup and cuddles when I’m home.”


Ashton smiled, pulling into the parking lot of his destination. “I love you,” he said. 


“I love you too, go easy on yourself.”




Ashton could hear guitar riffs and bass lines as he made his way into the building. 


He brought the back of his hand to his quivering nostrils as he felt another impending sneeze. He stood outside the studio door, eyes fluttering as he caught the sneeze in his sweatshirt sleeve. “Uhh’akchOO!” 


With another sniffle, Ashton opened the door to greet his bandmates. “Ungh.. ugh... sorry I’m late,” Ashton said, voice raspy and congested. 


The drummer had brought a mask with him just in case he’d be a sneezing mess, which he still was. He took it out of his pocket and slipped it over his mouth and nose. “Precautions,” Ashton said, alluding to his getup.


“Glad you’re here, Ash,” Calum said. The four band mates gathered around to talk about their performance. Three stools and an acoustic box drum had been set up in front of a black curtain. 


As lousy as Ashton felt, he was still extremely glad to be back to doing what he does best; playing music. 


“So the setlist is Red Desert, Old Me, Best Years, Wildflower, then Easier?” Michael confirmed. 


“Sounds good to me,” Luke agreed. 


The boys fiddled around with their instruments as Ashton sat on his drum, half practicing the drum beats and half spacing out. His head felt clouded and all he wanted to do was lie down.


Luke walked over to Ashton with a mug in each hand, his guitar hanging around his body. 


“Thought you’d need some tea,” Luke said, handing him a cup. Ashton gladly accepted it. “Thanks, man.”


Ashton brought down his mask and pushed back his sweatshirt hood. “I know I look amazing, you don’t need to say anything,” Ashton lightly mused. Luke laughed. “Ah, you look red carpet ready.”


After taking a few sips of tea, the tickle returned to Ashton’s nose, except stronger than before. He put down his tea, clumsily stood up from his box drum, knocking it over in the process, as he turned around to avoid spreading his germs. “Huhhh... HA’itchU! ESHOO! Heh’ECHuu! Nguh... uh... aKX’hOO!” 


“Geez, bless YOU!” Michael exclaimed from the other side of the room. 


Ashton groaned and rubbed his eyes. He turned back around to find Luke holding out a tissue box. “We came prepared after Calum told us that you’re sick. After touring together for years, we know what your colds look like,” Luke said. Ashton took the box and blew his nose. Luke patted him on the back and went to set up his phone for the livestream. 


After Ashton had cleaned his nose up, he slipped his mask back over his face and finished some last minute practicing before the other three took their places. 


Luke put his guitar down and went up to start the livestream. “Is... is it working? Can you hear us?” Luke asked the camera. The chat immediately filled with excited fans, emojis and comments in all caps. 


“Alrighty, I think we’re in business,” Luke said to his band. He took his seat and strummed a few times on his guitar. 


“How’s everyone doing during quarantine?” Luke asked the band. 


“Not bad,” Michael said. Calum nodded in agreement, quiet as usual. Ashton put a thumbs up.


“We really wish we were playing live right now, but it’ll happen.”


Ashton coughed lightly after sniffling. “I miss playing shows,” he spoke up, his voice slightly whispery. He cleared his throat.


“Oh yeah, this bloke over here decided to catch a cold in the middle of a pandemic,” Luke referred to Ashton.


“I don’t have a fever or a cough, don’t worry,” Ashton raised his hands in self defense, “it’s all in my nose.” Just as he finished his sentence, he felt his nose begin to run. He grabbed a few tissues, took down his mask, and blew his nose away from the camera. The boys continued to make light banter as Ashton entered another fight with his sinuses. Blowing his nose had caused it to become irritated again. He tried to suppress the inevitable itching. 


“Anyways, let’s start.” 


5sos launched into their performance. Each one of them had missed playing with each other. Although it wasn’t the same as playing in front of a live audience, it was still refreshing to perform as a band again.


The first half of the performance Ashton could barely focus on his drumming due to the incessant tickle growing larger in the back of his nose. His breath hitched a few times. He tried to rub his nose against his shoulder to suppress the feeling. Eventually, Ashton gave in. He tried to keep the beat going as he built up. 


Uhh... ugh...” 


Ashton took one hand away from his drum and  cupped his nose over his mask. At last: “agh... uh-A’ikxch’HOO!” His loud sneeze caused his band mates to look over at him. Another sneeze building up caused Ashton to cease drumming entirely. He waved at the rest of his band to keep playing without him. 


He tipped his head back then shot forward, shoulders jumping, as he sneezed harshly into his arm. “AKXSHOO!” 


Ashton stood up and took a few steps before doubling over as a sneezing fit took over his body. “Eh... guh... hah’ATCH’iew! ESHuh! Huh’ETCH! hih’ITSH! Hih’ITCHOO! Ugh...”

Ashton moaned in complete defeat and exhaustion. He sniffled and returned to his seat atop his drum, blushing with embarrassment.


After the song, the band took a short talking break. “Ash, you good, mate?” Michael asked. Ashton just waved him off, exhausted. 


“That was something,” Calum remarked. 


“I’m so sorry. Ugh, I feel awful,” Ashton sighed. 


“How about we call it a day,” Luke suggested. They had gotten through most of their performance and anyone with eyes could tell Ashton was barely pulling through. He was starting to sweat and shake simultaneously, and his sniffles became thicker. 


5sos had wrapped up their livestream then packed away their instruments. 


“I’m so sorry guys, I kinda ruined the performance,” Ashton apologized, obviously beating himself up over it. 


“Mate, it’s all good. We’ve all had to play through shit,” Calum reassured.


“How many times have I fallen on my ass during a performance?” Michael asked seriously. Ashton laughed lightly as not to hurt his headache any more than it already hurt. 


“But really Ash, go home, get some rest. Try not to die in the process, cause right now you look like you’re on death’s door,” Michael said. Ashton rubbed the bridge of his nose and said goodbye to his band mates. 


He couldn’t wait to get home. 




Ashton made it home successfully, but not before a sneezing fit had almost caused him to swerve his car into the next lane. 


Once inside, Ashton took a couple ibuprofen, got out a new tissue box, then trudged to his room. He threw off his hoodie, changed out of his jeans and into sweatpants, closed the blinds and crash landed in his bed, sighing with relief and exhaustion. 


He let out a groan for no particular reason other than he felt like crap. It was around noon and Ashton wanted nothing more than to sleep. He took out his phone and posted a quick thank you to the fans for watching the livestream. He debated texting his girlfriend, but decided not to as not to worry her. She was with her sister and he really didn’t want to bother her.


Rolling on his side, Ashton tried to get comfortable but found it harder to breathe due to how congested he was. He sighed and rolled onto his back. The motion caused a thick sniffle and a very familiar itch. 


Nguhh... ugh, not again,” Ashton said to himself as he felt the impending sneeze of doom.


He grabbed a handful of tissues and cupped them over his nose. He breathed heavily, trying to coax the sneeze out. Finally, his breath hitched and he sneezed hard enough to shake his bed. “Ah’xchUU! Uhhh...


The sick drummer sniffled as his flare up died down. More exhausted than ever, Ashton closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.






Ashton slowly opened his eyes. He felt weighted to his bed. His muscles ached as he shifted his body.


“Wha-“ Ashton started before he realized his girlfriend was sitting on the edge of his bed, eyebrows furrowed in concern. “You’re back!” He weakly exclaimed, his voice hoarse. He pushed himself up to sit against his pillows. “Wh-what time is it?” He asked, not having any concept of time. The man was out cold.


“A little after 6,” his girlfriend said after looking at her phone. Ashton’s eyes widened. “I’ve been asleep since noon,” he said. He stretched his sore muscles then reached for a tissue. He blew his red-tinted nose then tossed it in the small trash can next to his bed.


“Have you eaten at all? I brought some soup.”


Ashton shook his head and mouthed a thank you. They both got up and headed for the kitchen. Ashton grabbed a hoodie, his glasses, his phone and the box of tissues. 


He settled himself on a chair and gratefully accepted the cup of soup. It was still warm.


He began to eat as his girlfriend felt his forehead. “You’re a little warm, Ash. Did you check if you have a fever?” She asked gently.


Ashton sniffled before answering. “I don’t have one. I’ve just been sneezing my ass off all day.” 


“Well it’s a good thing your sneeze is cute,” she said, a slight smile on her lips. Ashton chuckled lightly. “It most certainly is the opposite of cute,” he said, “I think I pissed even myself off by my sneezing today.” 


As if on cue, Ashton’s nose quivered and he quickly brought a hand up to cover his nose and mouth. “Ah’kshoo!” 


“Aw, bless you,” she frowned. She handed her boyfriend a tissue, which he accepted and blew his nose. 


“I hate this,” Ashton said. He ran a hand through his black hair and pushed his glasses higher up on his nose. He got up to throw away his soup container and tissues, then to take a couple more ibuprofen. 


Ashton had the idea to go watch a movie, so the two of them settled on the couch and picked something on Netflix. Ashton briefly described the way 5sos’s livestream had went and she chuckled at the description of his sneezing fit. He made it very dramatic. “They can’t blame you though, a cold is a cold.” 


Ashton sighed. “Yeah, still was fucking embarrassing though.” 


Ashton leaned his aching head against his girlfriend’s shoulder. The day felt like an eternity, but it was all worth it to spend the night like this.

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4 hours ago, EnbySneeze said:

This was really cute! Nice job!

Thank you! I’ll hopefully work on another one soon! 

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Wow I love this so much!!! It sure would be a shame if there was some contagion to the other boys in the next chapter 😉

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On 8/14/2020 at 9:05 AM, ThatSneezyGirl said:

Wow I love this so much!!! It sure would be a shame if there was some contagion to the other boys in the next chapter 😉

What a great idea! Debating whether to start a whole new story or roll with another chapter

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On 8/15/2020 at 6:14 PM, spicy said:

What a great idea! Debating whether to start a whole new story or roll with another chapter

Why not both 😀

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