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Sick, sneezy, sniffley (Attack on Titan, Levi (M))


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So, I have a fanfiction blog on tumblr. I got a request for Sick!Levi x Caretaking!Reader. I do not interact with snz stuff on that blog since it is Attack on Titan based. Therefore, I did not tag it with any sneeze kink stuff, but one of y'all found it and reblogged lol. You caught me! 😅 I suppose it was just a suspiciously well-written sickfic. Anyways, figured I should post it here too. 

Day 2 of medical training under Section Commander Hange. Yesterday was pretty easy: how to apply tunicates, how to administer CPR, how to change bandages. But today was the real deal: on your own manning the infirmary. Considering the chill of late fall but also the lack of combat and thus lack of injuries, you were particularly grateful for some good timing. It would be a relaxing day compared to the demanding drills you normally faced. In a light mood, you met Hange outside the infirmary to sign in.

“How are ya? Great to see ya!” Hange flashed a grin.

“Good afternoon, Section Commander! I am excited for today’s training,” you met their enthusiasm.

“Listen, research is calling so I’ll keep it brief! The good news: you’ve only got one patient for your shift! The bad news: he’s a handful!” Hange swung open the door and pushed you inside, giving you no time to read the roster of who exactly this handful was. Hange loudly slammed the door on the way out.

It was about 3:00 in the afternoon, so the sleepy grumble from the corner of the room threw you off. How could anyone be sleeping? The commandants were screaming orders at trainees just outside. Midday sun was glaring through the window. You bit your lip to keep quiet, but he was waking up regardless of your efforts.  

 what the hell?” Levi brought the inside of his elbow to his eyes, shielding them from the harsh sunlight.

Pretending not to hear him, you held your breath and held still. Maybe he would just go back to sleep?

Levi lifted his arm slightly, revealing his steel squinted eyes, “Hey? Who are you? What are you doing in here?” His voice was weak but terse.

Voice stuck in your throat, you stuttered, “Recruit (Y/N), sir. I- I’m here for part of my medical training.”

Levi sniffed and let out a tired sigh, once again covering his eyes. Only his head peeked from underneath the covers, but you could clearly see a flush. You searched for more clues about his current state. A trash bin at the foot of his bed held only tea bags and tissues, a few of which were scattered about rather than in. A small nightstand had a teacup, a box of tissues, and a few more used ones. Various articles of clothing were spread on the bed and the ground. All signs of a bad cold.

Cautiously, you moved a little closer to your captain, trying to assess the situation. There was no question that he was awake considering the consistent pattern of sniffling and quiet groans. You whispered, “Is there anything I can get you?”

“N- N
” Levi stopped mid-sentence and silently stifled two sneezes into his shoulder, “No, I’b fide. I cad assure you I dod’t need your helb.” With mocking timing, he snatched a tissue from the box, but another did not pop up. After a stuffy nose blow, his glassy eyes looked up to yours, ashamedly and wordlessly pleading for you to fetch the next box.

Holding back a smirk, you nodded, “Right on it, Captain.”

The supply closet of the infirmary was walk-in. It made sense. The Survey Corps had no shortage of injuries and could afford no shortage of supplies. However, you quickly realized the common cold was the least of their concerns. All you could see were bandages, casts, gauze, painkillers, all neatly organized and labeled, but tissues nowhere to be seen. You shut the door behind you and began to dig. The more time it took, the more hasty you became. It had only been a few minutes and Levi was clearly in a bad mood. This was your one job, you wanted to do it right. Strangely enough, as soon as you shut the door to the closet, the louder his symptoms became. He cleared his throat deliberately and sniffled multiple times. The most notable change was his silent sneezes from before were now audible. You could even hear the tickled build-ups.

 k’kshu! Hih
kk’shu! Hah’ish!! Nguh

The more he sneezed, the more frantic you became in your search. You felt an increased urge, not to do well in the training, but to help your patient. You had to find them!

But despite your determination, tissues were nowhere to be found. You suddenly recalled– you always kept a few on you, but just that, a few. Five at most. Not enough to hold him over for the hour probably, definitely not the entire day. Bracing yourself to bear the bad news, you left the closet, knit your hands behind your back, and began towards his bed. As soon as you opened the door, his symptoms quieted again, as if he was trying to contain himself in your presence.

As you neared his bed, you lifted your gaze from the floor to Levi. He had since sat himself up, a pillow sandwiched by his back and the wall. His sheets had slipped down to his hips, revealing his chest and abdomen. Both of which were barely covered by an unbuttoned cotton long sleeve. You realized, this was the shirt he usually wore underneath the tan jacket of the uniform. Come to think of it, the clothes thrown around the room were the rest of his uniform. No pajamas?

“Captain Levi,” you reached into your breast pocket, “I’m sorry but
 this is all I could find.” You gestured your small stack to him.

Levi coughed slightly into his sleeve, “This is all we have?” His voice was rugged.

“Actually, it’s all that I have. I believe the infirmary doesn’t carry cold and flu supplies
 only injury materials.”

The disappointment and exhaustion on his face made your heart pang.

 Well, thanks, but I really should be getting back to my room.” Levi began buttoning up his shirt.

That wasn’t in the instructions.

“B-but sir
 if you need help, I have to stay here so
” you crossed your legs nervously.

“Like I said, I don’t need your help. Hange insist-” Levi’s nose tickled, but it was quickly stopped by a deep sniffle, “guhh
 Hange stuck me in here, claiming it’s for quarantine, but I think they just wanted to see me suffer.”

His trademark glare combined with the pink flush across his face gave you contradicting chills. He did have a point, though. The bright sunlight, the noise from outside, the lack of appropriate medicine, being in the infirmary may have been doing him more harm than good.

“I have tea and-” Another tickle. “nghh
 all I need in my room, as well as some curtains. This sun is killing me
” He held his head and knitted his eyebrows together.

During this time, you had still been frozen with crossed legs and folded hands, listening intently while trying to piece together the best plan of action. You had no actual authority in keeping him here and he knew it. He threw off the rest of his blankets, preparing to get up, but also revealing his lower half: a charcoal pair of boxer briefs that contrasted the colors of his white sheets and pale skin. He didn’t seem to think anything of it, but you clenched your teeth, holding back the shock of seeing your captain so undressed. It had already been strange enough seeing him so weak, but his outfit, or lack thereof, only threw you off more. A half-buttoned shirt, tight dark underwear, the flush on his face, his body sprawled on white bedding
 for a brief second, your mind wandered to a different context. Such a dominant man in such a submissive position made you visibly shudder through another round of chills. You bit your lip, and bit back your daydreaming.

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any more nerve-wracking, Levi stood up, wobbling slightly. There was an audible wince as he held his head in one hand, the other hand clutching the bedpost for balance. He cursed to himself and took a deep breath.

This whole time, you had been keeping your distance from him, but when you saw him lean forward a little too far, you instinctively took a giant step and sprung your arms out to catch him. He was so fatigued and unbalanced, he could not deny your help even if he wanted to.

. S-sorry.” Even in your arms, he was swaying slightly.

“Hey, it’s okay
I’m here. I’m right here. You’re fine
” In this moment, you were intensely grateful that your earlier training had covered how to hold up a soldier. “How about we set you back on the bed for now?” He nodded against your neck in agreement. You gently sat him back on the bed, legs hanging over the edge. You knelt in front of him.

You had made up your mind. Who cares what the rules say? He had to go where he’d be most comfortable. He had to go to his room. You would plead your case to Hange later.

“I’m sorry to trouble you but I have to get to my room. I can write an audit to excuse you later.” Levi continued rubbing his head.

“No no no! Don’t worry, Levi.” It was subconsciously the first time you called him by his first name, it was met without protest. “I’m here to help. We’re gonna go to your room, okay? We just need to get you dressed first.”

Levi opened his eyes slightly from underneath the shade of his hand, a look of disbelief yet also a tinge of gratitude for your compliance. You maintained sincere eye contact with him as you felt around the floor for his pants. The rest of the uniform could be folded and carried, but he could not walk around the barracks in his underwear. When your hands located his pants, you bunched them up at the ankles and encouraged him to slide his feet in. So focused on caretaking, how much you would miss this view didn’t even cross your mind. You slid the right leg up to his mid-thigh, but as you pulled the leg of the left side up, he waved you off with his hand, eyes fluttering shut as he brought an elbow to his face.

“Hih’tch! Hit’chu!
” Levi tilted his head back, trying to bait the last one out, “hih!
 hih’kshu!!” The last one made his body shake.

“Bless you.”

” His stuffy mispronunciation of “thanks” was heart-wrenching, both cute and pathetic at the same time. After using one of your gifted tissues, Levi grasped the waistband of his pants and pulled them up all the way. It was time to go.

You sat on the bed beside Levi. The sheets were so hot. You looped your right arm around his back and beneath his underarm. On his own, he wrapped his left arm around your neck, understanding the position you were aiming to support him with. He had been on the providing end many times with his years in the Survey Corps, but perhaps this was his first time on the receiving end of this stance. Together, you both rose from the bed. Though he was relying on you heavily, his physical weight was light. It would be no problem walking him to his room. The most notable difficulty was the heat radiating from his body, he felt a million degrees. This close, you could see the glimmer from his cold sweat, no wonder he had stripped himself down so much. You made a mental note to come back for his belongings later, but you couldn’t have predicted how much later that would be.

// // //

Upon meeting the door to his suite, Levi slowly reached into his pocket and fumbled the key into place. Given the state of his cot in the infirmary, you expected his room to be even messier. But when he opened the door, everything looked pristine. Hange must have quarantined him right at the start of his illness. A smart call, but the quarantine had to be relocated. Unlike the infirmary, his windows had shades, shutting out the headache-inducing sun.

Levi cleared his throat, “Can we go to my desk? I just want to
” he sniffed, “nghh
 sit up for a while.”

His headache in mind, you whispered, “yeah sure.” When he was within arms reach of the desk, he ducked out from your support and used the desk to steady himself, pivoting around the corner to collapse in his chair. He let out an exhausted sigh and held his head in his hands.

With this sight, you finally realized how bizarre all this was. All throughout your orientation, you had only seen Captain Levi in tiptop shape. Always dressed to the nines with his couldn’t-care-less stare. In addition to his stark appearance, there were the countless rumors about his life in the underground, titan kill count, and disciplinary attitude. Your prior impression of him was all but daunting. Yet, here in front of you now, was a sick and fatigued version of the authority you thought you understood.

A feeling of helplessness unknowingly crossed both of your minds. His was of the desire to be self-reliant, to avoid relying on a fresh recruit like you. Yours was of the desire to aid him, but having no clear idea how.

His labored and congested breathing, you couldn’t help but ask, “Is there anything I can get you? Some soup, tea, an icepack

Under his cupped hands, Levi spread his fingers to reveal watery eyes, “

You chuckled. Even in his misery, his characteristic humor was unwavering. You poured some water into a tea kettle, some chicken stock into a pot, and began boiling both. Something was boiling within you as well, a feeling you had never felt before, a deep responsibility to take care of the poor thing. Every cough, sniffle, throat clear, sneeze
 every sign of weakness only fueled your burning desire to nurse him back to health. The fact that this was part of a mandatory training had vanished from your mind. Sure you were on duty, but even if this was not required, you couldn’t imagine anything else you’d rather be doing.

Throughout the duration of your cooking, his sniffling had gotten louder and more persistent. Something was certainly itching his nose. When the tea whistled and the soup bubbled, you poured them into a cup and bowl respectively then walked carefully towards your patient. They were burning your hands, but you didn’t notice. All of your attention was on his well-being. Without a clank, you set the hot liquids right in front of him. The steam emitting from both was dually clearing his congestion but also irritating his nose. Foremost, he wanted to thank you, but he’d first have to fight off the itch in order to do so.

Hey.. th
 hahh thanks for
 ahh!” He brought the back of his hand to his twitching nose, “th- thanks for
” His lips slowly parted. His gaze was wavering.

Your heart felt sorry, but your deepest sense of sadism caused a satisfied smile. “Don’t worry about it.” A double meaning regarding both his thanks and impending sneeze fit.

Levi nodded, either in acknowledgment or in preparation for the inevitable, and finally submit “
kk’shu! Hah’kshh!...nn
.’tshu! Nguhh

His watery eyes fluttered open, aimlessly feeling around his desk for his box of tissues, another bout already coming on. You rapidly snatched two tissues and brought them to his nose. He wouldn’t make it in time with his blurred vision and slowed movement.

“Th-Than- hit’ch! Hih’tsh!” He sneezed twice more. “Gahh, I’m so gross
. Excuse me.” He blew softly into the tissues you clutched.

“It’s okay. It’s not your fault.” You removed your hand from his reddened face. You couldn’t tell if the blush was from his cold or from his embarrassment, maybe both. For such a deep voice, his sneezes were so cute.

Levi sniffed once, his nose finally settled, “I was trying to say thanks.”

“It’s nothing really, I just want you to feel better
” This time, your smile was wholeheartedly genuine.

His usually cold stare was instead warm with gratitude. He gingerly began sipping his soup and tea. Despite their boiling temperatures, he was still shivering. You wandered to his perfectly-made bed and took off the top layer. It smelled nice. A clean freak after all. Eyes closed, he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the meal. When you came behind his desk chair and draped the blanket around his shoulders, he twitched in surprise, but the shivering gradually came to a stop. As you blanketed him, you yourself were also blanketed in fulfillment. The annoyed, helpless, lonely Captain Levi from before was now warm, fed, and accompanied. Boasting wasn’t really your thing, but you couldn’t help but feel it was all thanks to your care and actions. Seeing him so adorably bundled, sipping fluids, symptoms improving
. you were internally gawking at the result of your hard work.

After emptying the teacup and bowl, Levi looked up to you through his bangs, “That was the best meal I’ve ever had.”

You giggled, flattered. “Yeah, I’m a real expert at heating up liquids.”

For the first time all day, the first time you’d ever seen in fact, Levi twitched a cheek up into a half-smile. The two of you met pleasant exchanges for a moment, but his face dimmed shortly after.

“I’m sorry about all this.” Levi broke the stare by looking down to his lap.

“Oh, really
 it’s nothing!” You held your kind expression.

“You were stuck with me. I’ve been so pathetic, so useless, so -”

” you interrupted.

“I ruined your day.” A tinge of angst in his flaking voice.

“It was
. I was umm
” You awkwardly tried to hide your true feelings, a fear of coming off too strong. But with all the time together and all you had helped him with, why not be honest at this point? You swallowed your pride, “It’s been my pleasure to help.”

“Your pleasure, huh?” Levi unveiled an interested tone along with an equally interested smirk.

“Yep, my pleasure.” You winked for a split-second. It felt right in the moment, maybe you would cringe about it later
 but considering his low chuckle, Levi seemed to like it.

“And... if I could ask you for one more thing

“Anything.” You truly meant it.

“Would you
 scratch my back?”

Your mouth wavered, trying to come up with words but ending up speechless.

“It’s just
 I think I need to go back to sleep, but my insomnia makes it hard. I think it could help?”

.No, yeah.” You kneaded your hands together, “It’d
 be my pleasure.” You bit down on your grin, trying to stay grounded.

Levi rose from his chair, mindlessly unbuttoned his shirt and zipped down his pants. Now down to just his underwear, he folded his clothes neatly on his nightstand. You politely averted your eyes, this wasn’t the time to admire the art. He crawled into bed and under the sheets. His position facing the wall, he turned his neck and pat the side of the bed next to him, encouraging you to hop in too.

With haste, you removed your belts and shoes and joined him, promptly starting to scratch his back, more toned than you could have ever imagined. Before turning back towards the wall, Levi glanced at you thoughtfully.

“With the amount of time you’ve spent with me, the close contact of catching my sneezes, lying with me, scratching my back, and all


“Who knows? Maybe we’ll have to quarantine you in here too.”

. was that an invitation?

He teased further, “Captain’s orders.”

“I would take this over the infirmary I suppose
” You tilted your head playfully.

As you scratched his back, some barely audible moans escaped his lips. His breaths were slowing, growing sleepier and sleepier. It sounded like you were doing a good job



“I owe you one.”

“Please, there’s nothing I’d rather be doing.”

An uncertain amount of time passed. Five minutes? Ten minutes? Twenty minutes? You couldn’t tell. You didn’t care. However long it was, he had finally started snoring. You wondered if he always did, or if it was just due to his congestion. Despite his stuffiness, his snoring was light as his shoulders rose and fell. Any time you tried to lift your hand from his back, his breathing became irregular and he squirmed slightly. You recalled his mention of insomnia. If he woke up now, when, if ever, could he go back to sleep? There was no way out for you, not until he woke up naturally at least. You accepted your fate, you were stuck in this bed for as long as he was, not that you minded. You yourself began to feel tired and stared up at his ceiling, thankful for the relaxing shift it indeed turned out to be.

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I don’t know the fandom, but you had me at caretaking. â˜ș love that stuff.  This is great. I’d happily read more like this. 

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