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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Severus Snape's Allergies


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So I made a fanfiction cuz I was bored but I worn you I'm not good at it and there isn't many sneezes cuz I suck at spelling them. Feel free to continue the story if you want cuz I don't think I'll be able to, haha.


Severus Snape was sitting at his desk in the Potions Classroom waiting for the dunderheads (as he calls them) to enter his class. It was the second month of school and of course he was 'blessed' with autumn allergies, his allergies were the worst in the first month and he hated it, why couldn't he have spring allergies when it's the end of the school year instead of the beginning. He wanted to make a 'good' impression to the first years but no, he just couldn't go one sentence without sneezing his head off (not literally of course).

Speak of the devil he felt a tickle blossoming in his sinuses and he tried to rub his nose to coax it out, "Heh...heh...HEH-ATCHOO!" He sniffed and gently blew his nose, "Ugh, why me?" At that moment the first year Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws came in, thank god he didn't have to teach Potter until after lunch.

He got through most of the class without a single sneeze but as the class was coming to an end he felt a tickle creeping up on him and he tried holding it in as he was telling his students about the homework, "Since it's Friday you have the weekend to complete a 5 page essay on the Draught of Peace." He managed to finish his sentence before the sneezes came out, "heh...heh...HEH-ARSHOO....HEH-ASHOO!" He glared at the students daring them to bless him but they were too scared to think about saying it anyways. He got through his other classes with just a couple sneezes, he really didn't want to go to the Great Hall for lunch but Poppy would more than likely question him even if he was there. She didn't like the fact that he skips meals sometimes and neither does Albus, they worry to much and sometimes it's annoying.

He headed to the Great Hall once the last of his students left his classroom and thankfully didn't run into anyone on the way, when he got there he was about to enter when he felt that all to familiar tickle, "heh...heh...HEH-ARSHOO!" He wiped his nose and pocketed his hankerchief, walked in and sat down at the Head Table. "Good afternoon Severus my boy." "Good afternoon Albus." He wasn't really in the mood for a chat but this was the Headmaster, he was like a father figure to Severus when he was a student here. Poppy took one look at him, "Don't you look dreadful, have you taken your allergy potion Severus?" "Yes I did Poppy." He sounded rather stuffy for his liking and turned away from the table so he could lightly blow his nose but apparently that just caused a tickle to blossom, he really didn't want to sneeze right now, especially not in front of the whole school. He wanted to leave and go back to his office but Albus wouldn't let him go and neither would Poppy since he only had a few bites of lunch, so he decided to try and stifle the sneeze but it was too strong, "heh...heh...HEH'ASHOO!" He noticed it suddenly got quiet in the Great Hall and he had a slight blush on his face because he realized everyone just heard him. How embarrassing, he thought. He got up quickly and left the Great Hall barely hearing the Headmaster calling his name, he headed to his office and sat down at his desk.

He felt tired so he laid his head down and closed his eyes, he still had 30 minutes before lunch ended so he figured he could take a quick nap but that's not what happened. When he awoke he looked at the clock and realized he had 10 minutes before his last class of the day would arrive, he cursed at himself and wondered who took over his class while he slept. A second later the Headmaster came in, "Ah Severus I see you're awake, are you feeling any better?" "A little bit yes." "I took over your class while you slept, you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you but now that you're awake I can go back to my office." Albus walked out with Severus following after him and he went to his classroom and sat down to get things ready for his last class.

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1 hour ago, Usagi said:

This was still pretty/good cute I liked it! Im glad you tried, you should write more fics! You'll def get better with time! : 3


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