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Christmas in July (Batfamily) (Part 2-?)


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Hello! It has been quite some time since I have written anything and this has been visiting in my dreams and so I thought I would share. :D A little Batfamily whump. I don't know how many parts this will end up having but meh lets see where it goes. PM me if you have any specific wants and I will do my best to include them. 

Part 1

Dick Grayson parked his motorcycle in the multi-car garage of Wayne Manor. Alfred had hung a small wreath on the garage door with a small garland extending its length and it had made him smile. Small bits of warmth to the grey stone that loomed against an even greyer sky. Entering the backdoor that led to the kitchen, Grayson found Alfred sitting at the breakfast table drinking a cup of tea. “Hey, Alfie. Nice garland on the garage.” Dick shrugged off his coat and hung it on the peg but left his scarf in place. The elderly gentleman smiled. “Welcome home, Son.”

Christmas. Snow falling and resting on the top of the two gravestones marked as Martha and Thomas Wayne in the backyard. Alfred had just been staring at them when the eldest of the Bat family had walked in. “Tea or coffee, Master Richard?”


“Cookies, too, I presume?” The British accent holding a bit of a smirk in it knowing full well that Dick Grayson was not going to refuse chocolate chip cookies.

“I suppose.” Grayson smiled softly and then chuckled faintly. “Good to see you, Alfie.” He wrapped his arms around the butler’s shoulders and embraced him. “Where are the others?”

“Upstairs. Master Timothy is finishing up the last of his assignments and Master Damian is most likely plotting someone’s death. Master Bruce will be gone for the holiday.”

“No surprise there, is it Alfie?”

“Not even the slightest.”

Dick grabbed three cookies and dashed upstairs while the coffee was being brewed.

Timothy Drake heard the loud thunderous footsteps coming up the stairs before his door banged open with an even louder “’Sup, Tim?”

“I know Alfred told you I was doing homework.” Tim muttered sourly.

“Yeah, but he didn’t say you didn’t want a cookie…” Grayson waved one under Tim’s nose.

“Cut it out. I need to finish this assignment. Go bug the brat.” Dick’s smile stayed glued in place despite the harsh tone.

“Ok, but then no cookie for you,” Dick took a bite of Tim’s cookie and left. ‘Meh, one brother in a bad mood is not the end of the world.’

Knocking on Damian’s door, Dick waited outside until he heard, “Enter.” Last time he came into Damian’s room without knocking he ended up with a knife next to his ear embedded in the door and two stitches on his cheek where said knife grazed him before the door.

“’Sup, Dames. Brought you a cookie.” He handed the smaller boy the round and lumpy chocolate chip cookie. The kid grabbed it and took a bite returning to whatever it was that had him pre-occupied on his computer.

“What ya looking at?” Dick tried to glance over Damian’s shoulder.

“Christmas presents for Father. Since he is out of town for the holiday, I have extra time to get his.” Dick stared at the back of Damian’s head in disbelief. “Don’t be so quiet, Grayson. I do get presents for people.”

Dick laughed out of awkwardness. The small child that had arrived a few years ago was getting a small soft spot in his heart for more than just animals. “Well, I’ll leave you to it.” Dick decided he could go put his bags in his old room and help Alfred with dinner/ watch Alfred cook dinner.


Dinner came and went, and the boys settled down to watch a movie. Too early to patrol, they settled on something simple. As Tim laid back on the couch, Damian grabbed the pillow his head was about to lie on, “What the hell?”

“Like you need it for your giant brain.”

“Like you need it for your lack of brain.” Tim retorted.

“Good one, Drake.”

“Give me back the pillow. My head hurts.” Damian starred at him for a brief moment causing Tim to avert his eyes.

Damian threw the pillow back at Tim hitting him in the face. Dick walked in with a bowl of popcorn oblivious to the argument that had just transpired. “What movie are we watching?”

“No clue,” Tim was texting on his phone.

“You agreed we were watching Forensic Files,” Damian flipped through the channels.

“No, I said if you can’t find a decent movie then we could watch Forensic Files,” Tim continued texting.

“No, you said…”

“Ok, enough. Put on Forensic Files and stop fighting.” Dick shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

“Does doing all that texting on your cellphone help your headache,” Damian jabbed.

“Yes, because it helps me ignore your voice.” Tim rolled so that he was facing the back of the couch, pulling the blanket that was on the back over himself.

“Yes, because it helps me…” Damian mimicked.

“Oh my god. Both of you quit it or neither of you are patrolling tonight.” Dick rolled his eyes.

“Whatever, Grayson, you can’t ground me.” Damian huffed.

“Like hell I can’t. Last I checked I’m Batman tonight and I get a say which Robin goes out,” Dick grabbed the remote.


“Suck it!” Dick laughed.

The boys settled down as they got involved in the case on the television. It was not long before slight snoring was heard from Tim Drake. Both Damian and Dick looked at each other and then back at Tim. No that was not the Tim they knew. Dick approached the blanket lump formally known as Tim. “Has he been low on sleep trying to finish out his school work the last few days?”

“How should I know what he does with his spare time?” Damian was back to watching TV.

“He said he had a headache, right?”

“Yes.” Affirmation. “You know, it’s not unusual for people to sleep off pain in this house.”

Dick could not shake the gut feeling that something wasn’t right. Damian would never admit it, but he could not either.

Okay, here we go. Just a tad more. Starting to get to some good stuff.

Part 2


“Tim, time to get up. We have to go.” The voice seemed muffled.

“Eww, he’s drooling.”

“Go away, Damian.” Tim knew that voice instantly and swatted at the annoyance.

“Go get ready, Damian. I’ll get Tim.” The muffled voice cleared and Tim realized it was Dick. “Hey, Little Wing, you up for a fight tonight?” Dick’s face came into view.

“Yeah, I was just getting a little R&R from doing those assignments,” Tim pushed off the couch knocking the blanket to the floor.

“Okay, I’ll see you downstairs,” Dick picked up the blanket noting how warm it was as he folded it and put it back on the couch. ‘Yup, definitely going to have to keep an eye on him,’ Dick confirmed to himself.


“Red, fix your hair. Do you have no respect for the uniform you wear?” Robin crouched down on the ledge of the building scoping out the surrounding streets from his viewpoint.

“What’s wrong with his hair?”


“Batman.” Dick and Jason nodded to each other as Red Hood joined their stakeout point. “The old man out of town.”


“Yes.” Tim and Damian nodded in agreement.

“Oh good,” Jason let out an audible sigh. “This ought to be a good Christmas.”

Ishh-xxt! Tim stifled the small sneeze unable to contain the small shiver that rain down his spine in the chilly December air.  “Ugh damn snow.” Tim’s breath fogged the air.

Damian glanced at Tim out of his periphery, no sheen of sweat on his forehead, no redness on his cheeks or nose, and the domino mask covered if there was any dark circles under his eyes so for now it was merely a sneeze but his deduction.

…until it wasn’t just a sneeze. It was multiple sneezes and a slight cough. “Geez! Cover your f-ing mouth, Red. Nobody wants your f-ing germs,” Hood had enough after hearing 2 hours of misery coming from the small corner of the building that Tim had claimed.

“It is covered,” Tim snuffed. It had been a sniffle 2 hours ago, but now it was definitely a snuffle because he had no tissues, he had been rubbing his nose with the roughness of his glove and it was considerably raw at this point.

“For f***’s sake, go home. You are clearly sick and it is cold and flu season. Either suck that shit up or stop contaminating all of us.”

“I’m fine,” Tim growled. Dick watched the exchange carefully. “Go home, Red. If it is just a cold, you can come back out tomorrow night.”

“Why are you doing this?! You all have been out here in worse condition than this.” Tim stood up.

“Now.” Dick used his best Batman voice he could muster.

“Or what?” Tim glared. Gunshot was heard in the distance. They were moving to the next few buildings over to get a better look at the situation.

“Go home.” Dick pointed back in the direction of Tim’s motorcycle.

“You go home.” Tim whispered angrily as they crouched down watching a specific storefront that they had noted mild activity.

“Oh surprise. One of us being stubborn,” Hood rolled his eyes and clicked the safety off of his Glock.

“No guns.” Dick moved closer to the ledge. Hood rolled his eyes again. “I’ll probably pull a muscle rolling my eyes so hard tonight.”

“Hush all of you.” Damian crept closer to Dick.

Edited by aussieblokeintexas
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Sorry i figured out how to copy and paste into the original text.

Edited by aussieblokeintexas
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My internet is down (I’m posting this from my cell) so as soon as I can get it up I’ll post the next five parts.

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