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Delight in Weakness (the Alienist)


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Season 1 spoilers. Set after Season 1.  (also, if anyone has seen Season 2 eps 1+2 and wanna talk about it, message me! and if anyone did the murder mystery by TNT before hand, let's talk about it :P

Part 1/?

Title: Hidden Passions

Subject: Allergic John, and fetish Lazslo + Sara

Summary: Lazslo and Sara tease John's very sensitive nose


"Lazslo, enough will that case already, you'll drive yourself mad," John was getting more irritated by the minute with his constant mumbling about a dead man. The case had been finished months ago, and Lazslo was still trying to understand the mind of that psychopath, "you have not eaten anything today, take a break and have some toast." 

Lazslo did pause and turn to him, but he had not heard what John was yelling about, "Why do you stay? It has come to my attention time and time again, that I bring you pain. I thought pain had long passed as apart of your pleasure-"

"I am NOT with you for that!" He blushed, remembering his time at the brothels when he used pain to stimulate himself during sex, "What are you on about?" he was truly flushed now.

"Why have you stayed with me all these years?"

John averted his gaze and stood up, going towards the window, not wanting to look at Lazslo or have him see his face right now, "you're my friend... my lover-"

"I am well aware of my standing with yourself and Sara, but that is the present, I am speaking of... before.. when the case had begun."

John adjusted his collar and cleared his throat, "Regardless of what I might have said then, I needed the criticism. You and Sara... You make me... want to be a better man." 

"Miss Howard got you to stop drinking-"

"yes, but she was not there for me during my withdrawal as much as you, and-" he seemed to have lost whatever courage he had and whispered, "I wanted to be useful."

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Lazslo heard exactly what he said, but didn't like all this mumbling. If John had something to confess, he needed to say it meaningfully and aloud.

"Damn it, Lazslo, I wanted to be useful!" he turned to him, "I wanted you two to find me useful!" 

Lazslo merely tilted his head, "Will you sit and play piano with me?" 

John was used to this sudden turn of events and took a breathe, "Yes, whatever gets up off this topic and you away from that dreadful case," he pinched his brow feeling a mild headache form.

Lazlo opened the piano and sat down on the left side, nodding his head towards the left, waiting for John. Once the larger man sat down, he picked up his right hand and put it on keys C, E, and F, "This is C major." He waited for John to play all three together, "now continue to play those three together at this rhythm," he knocked on the wood to show him and smiled when John repeated it on the keys, "Good, now keep it."

Lazslo began to play a melody with his left hand, which sounded light and beautiful, showing the skill of a learned player while being accompanied by a rather unsteady and sometimes not always on time, right hand. 

John's face looked focused but anxious, not wanting to screw up the rhythm but knew he had already butchered this to the point of no return.

Lazslo finally finished, the last bit as he stared at John's face. He thought it was adorable the way he concentrated and looked a bit uneasy. The poor thing was trying so hard. Music was never his strong suit. The moment he finished, he watched as John went from confused and focused, to sorry and relieved, but there was something that took his attention away. John's nose twitched slightly and now that he was seeing him in more natural light, his eyes were a touch red and the underside of his nose was the same. Ah, so spring has finally come. 

Snapping out of his stupor, he leaned over and kissed his shoulder, "See, you are not in the least bit useless."

John rolled his eyes, obviously not believing him, but moved over to kiss his forehead, "now will you eat something?" 

"in a moment," he pulled at John's jacket so he could reach him and kissed him properly. He put his good hand upon John's cheek and slowly moved up to feel for a fever he was sure was there, "hm." 

John pulled away slightly and leaned into the cooler hand, " 'what is it?" 

"You should have told me you were not feeling well."

"I am not ill, you cannot catch this."

Lazslo raised a brow, silently asking when has he ever been worried about that? Narrowing his eyes he touched John's forehead with the back of his hand, "I would not have suggested you  to such an uncomfortable couch."

"I am not ill, Lazslo, I am quite capable of continuing my day out of bed," he kissed Lazslo's wrist, "And it is a very comfortable couch."

Lazslo gently moved his hand down, letting his thumb brush against John's nose.

John immediately reacted, but as his hands were otherwise occupied, he stifled silently against Lazslo's wrist. He let out a soft moan/sigh, "Don't torture me." 

"You like it."

The moan that came after wasn't exactly a denial. 

The door opened and Miss Howard came in, "I see I am not late for lunch, then." 

"I have been trying to get Lazslo to eat for the last three hours." John scrunched up his nose before standing up and walked over to greet her.

Sara smiled as John kissed her cheek, taking note of his appearance and thinking about going to make him a cup of tea.

"I thought it would be best to wait for you, Sara." 

"wonderful," John moved towards the door to the room, "If you will excuse me a moment, I expect both of you sitting and eating by the time I get back."

Sara smiled and sat down, "You know if you do not he will force you." 

"He will do nothing but pout," but Lazslo did sit down and served himself. 

"I assume you've noticed his appearance."

"Yes," Lazslo saw the look in her eyes, "May I suggest we finish quickly, then?" 

"Yes, you may."


Not many people know this, present company excluded, that John's nose was exceptionally sensitive to the point where anything touches it sends him into fits. He never touches his nose and excuses himself from the room whenever his allergies force him to tend to it. If anyone ever asked Lazslo why he finds this so interested, he would just say it was peculiar and that was his specialty, but in reality, seeing such uncontrollable weakness in the otherwise perfectly sculpted man had always attracted him to the larger man. He had always secretly enjoyed nursing John during a hangover, but he was relieved the man moved on from such unhealthy habits. 

The same could be said of Sara. She liked the idea of taking care of John instead of the other way around. She never wanted anyone to take care of her. She was always a dominant personality, and John was just so submissive, she couldn't help but be drawn to him. Beautiful, gullible John... 

After lunch Sara pulled John up from his seat at the table and moved him to the couch, gracefully sitting in his lap and giving him a few kisses while Lazlo made himself comfortable across from them. She gently let her nose touch his while they kissed. She immediately felt the hand on her side tighten and she was slightly surprised but mostly gratified to feel how strong his hands were. For someone so gentle, he had quite the grip.

"HItsch!" he tried to suppress it without touching his nose, directing it into his elbow, "forgive me-" he made the mistake of touching his wrist to the underside of his nose, "Heashiew." 

Sara leaned closer and started to kiss his jaw, "bless you, Mr. Moore." She could feel him shiver slighter as she whispered in his ear. 

John would never admit this, but he really liked the attention he got from both Lazslo and Sara with his fits, and he would let them tease him even after he was getting dizzy from sneezing so much.

Lazslo stood up and moved to close the blinds on the window and close the doors so they would not be disturbed. 

Sara bit the inside of her cheek when john moved to remove her hat, letting his hand brush against her cheek before putting the hat beside them. She understood he did that so he could see her face unobstructed, but she also realized her hat had a feather in it. Her heart skipped a beat. She was far too afraid to do anything so ridiculous as tickle John's already sensitive nose with its fine feathers, but just the thought made her feel warm and blush. 

"What's the matter?" John pulled her a bit closer, "You are not one to blush?" he looked a bit worried like he'd done something wrong.

"I have a ridiculous request," She bowed her head slightly.

"Nothing you ask could ever be ridiculous if it makes you happy." 

Sara was practically melting at how sweet John was and completely missed Lazslo moving to sit on the arm of the chair. 

Lazslo pulled the feather from the hat, understanding exactly where Sara would like to take it, and gently moved over the top of John's nose, surprising him slightly.

John barely had time to react, eyes already closing as he turned slightly away, coincidentally into Lazslo's leg, "Haatschiew!" he cleared his throat a little.

"I barely touched you," Lazslo paid no attention to the spray on his pants.

"I may be having a rather rough time today," he was referring to his allergies, albeit reluctant, "Hetsich!" 

"poor Mr. Moore," she kissed him softly after he groaned. He didn't like the false pitty. 

Lazslo, slightly jealous over the lack of attention, swiped between them with the feather, thoroughly tickling both of their noses. While Sara only shoed him away with a mock glare, John was thoroughly taken by it.

"HASH-hiuh" He brought his hand up, rocking into Sara with the powerful sneeze.

She was quick to hold him steady as he continued his fit into her shoulder.

"HItschiew! hihh'aschiew!" The ending was uncharacteristically high pitched and Sara had to stop herself from cooing. 

"God Bless you, John," Lazslo ran his fingers through John's hair, "perhaps we should take a moment?" 

"I'm fine," he leaned back and scrunched up his nose, desperately wanting to rub it, but didn't want to induce another fit.

"At least have some water?" 

John was going to protest, not wanting either of them to leave to get it, but his already itchy throat betrayed him and he started coughing instead. 

Sara jumped up to get him some water, leaving John's lap empty.

Lazslo sat next to him and slumped his legs over John's lap as John's coughing fit stopped, "Come here." 

John rolled his eyes and leaned down to half cuddle as he buried his face in Lazslo's neck, "You were jealous."

"I am never jealous."

"Hah" John huffed a laugh, "Then shall i chalk it up to concern for my health?"

"I am always concerned about your health, John."

"I know," he rubbed his nose against Lazslo's neck, letting the beard tickle him farther, "Hemph!" he attempted to muffle into his neck which only further aggravated his nose, "HEaschiew!" he pulled away slightly to make sure nothing touched his nose, "ITschiew! hih'aschew! Head'chuh.." He tried to stifle that last one but it failed, "hiih...Head'schiew" Another higher-pitched one.

Sara laughed a little, "That was adorable."

"I don't know what's gotten into me."

"Pollen, mostly," Lazslo ran his fingers through his hair again, "and possibly some dander."

"I meant why I am sneezing like that."

"Perhaps we should do an experiment, then?" 

John started to sit up, "What kind of experiments?" 

"We would have to rule out common flowers first, to see if it is the feather that's causing this." Sara started writing on the board.

"HAHSchiew!" John bent forward into cupped hands with a loud sneeze that startled Sara, "Forgive me... continue." 

"we would probably need to acquire a cat."

"Absolutely not!" John looked a bit defensive and clutched his throat like it was bothering him more now, "besides, I haven't been near one." 

"Fair point," Sara turned completely towards them, "Then shall we start in the park then?"

"and be so public?" John fixed his tie.

"Just for a walk, nothing so scandalous." Lazslo wiped his neck with his handkerchief, "Just to see if your sneezes stay the same.

"Maybe if we find a secluded spot, be a little scandalous," Sara smirked.

Lazslo didn't hide his enjoyment at the idea, "you would need to stop suppressing them."

"I don't wish to be rude-"

"Sneezing is not rude, John. Suppressing them will only make the experiment continue longer and may impede our results."

"fine," John got out his handkerchief and began to blow his nose, "Hmph'schiew-Istchiew!" he blew again, "Ahschiew" he didn't touch his nose after that, settling on a quick sniff and wiggling his nose.


Not thirty minutes had passed as they walked through the park did John's eyes start to get itchy and water. He was constantly wiping tears from his eyes as they made their way towards a secluded area. He wasn't sneezing so much as he was coughing. He probably looked terribly ill considering others walked in the grass just to be away from them. It was dreadfully embarrassing and John wanted to just call this off and go home and into a bath. His throat was so itchy.

Thankfully they were alone and the embarrassment started to wear off. His only saving grace was the steady arm attached to his belonging to Sara. He thought he would have died from embarrassment before. 

"You look miserable." Sara moved him towards a seat and checked his forehead, "and your fever is getting worse."

"Explains why I feel chilled," He leaned back and soaked up the sun's rays. 

Lazslo gently put his good hand against John's throat, feeling his glands, "You haven't taken your medicine today."

"I ran out and the apothecary could not get me any until tomorrow."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Sara's eyes widened, all enjoyment lost.

"Nothing could be done. Besides, you two enjoy this." He pulled her closer and kissed her hand, "I'm fine, really." 

"Then you would not mind sitting in the grass with us?" 

"Considering I'm not allergic to grass, fine," he got up and laid down on the grass, already tired from their walk. Lazslo picked up on this and joined him in laying down, followed by Sara.

"Rest a bit, we will conduct our experiment once you've regained some strength." Lazslo realized as he finished his sentence that John had dozed off. 

"Oh, John..." 

"Let him sleep. Studies show exposure does well to lessen later attacks." Lazslo took off his jacket with Sara's help and laid it over John, "we can do our experiments later."







Edited by WolfsBane
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