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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Human Observatio (Star Trek Enterprise, 1/?) F, Eventual M.


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Hi ladies, gents and nonbinary friends!

My name is Sniff, I'm a long-time lurker, occasional commenter, and FIRST EVER fanfic writer. 

I have very recently (like two days ago), started watching Star Trek Enterprise (I had seen Discovery, then the movies, then TOS, and now here I am ^_^), and have been loving the characters. I love making stories in my mind, and have decided for the first time to actually write something down.

I decided to start with T'Pol, and then hopefully, if people enjoy it, I will expand from there. 

Normal Disclaimers: I don't own this. If I did, everyone would have more colds and allergies, and the pairings would be outrageous. English is my first language, but I didn't proofread this thing in anyway. 

So, thanks for reading,

Much love, Sniff. 


Chapter 1: On Vulcan Sneezing Behaviour.

It should have gone without saying that of course Vulcans sneezed.

Humans and Vulcans had been in contact for a little less than a century, but in that time, T’Pol observed, the earth-dwellers had developed some interesting, inaccurate, and mostly completely illogical preconceptions about the other species. She was curious why it was that, if they wanted to know something, they did not simply ask. Surely that would yield far more satisfactory results than idle gossip and rumours.

She had, of course, in the short time she had spent upon the Enterprise, heard a wide variety of rumours about herself, her superior hearing picking up whispers as she walked through the halls. They did not intend to be rude. Many of the humans had simply never met a Vulcan before, and their curiosity, while not enjoyable, was understandable.

“Did you know her blood is green? Like a lobster or something! How weird is that!” True.

“I heard that if they smile, it, like, short circuits something in their brain, and they go mad.” False.

“They have sex by holding hands. Kinky right? Don’t offer her a handshake!” Not true, just terribly misinformed.

“My sister told me they don’t sweat or sneeze.”

While it was true that Vulcans did not sweat, due to their internal cooling pathways and lack of sweat glands, the concept that Vulcans did not sneeze was founded purely in human illogic: because they had not seen it, it did not occur. Indeed, sneezing was a highly logical, valuable biological first-line immune defence for biological life form. However just because it was an important function, did not make it appropriate to indulge in public, and Vulcan children from an early age were encouraged to practice discipline and self-control to contain such functions to private occasions.

Which is where T’Pol found herself currently. Six hours into Alpha shift, the Vulcan woman had detected an anomaly within her respiratory system, situated inside her nasal cavity, resulting in an irritation. It had caused her little disturbance – annoyance was a distinctly human experience that was beneath her, and she had completed her shift, eaten her evening meal and returned to her quarters without incident.

 She changed into her meditation robes, the soft red fabric draping gently over her flawless olive skin, and took her position on the floor, lighting each candle in turn, pausing to reflect on the symbolism of each one. She closed her eyes and began to meditate on the events of the day, meeting every supressed feeling as it came, acknowledging it, and then allowing it to pass, distancing it from herself. Loneliness and homesickness, warmth and friendship, irritation and arrogance.

Finally, she came to her physical disturbance. It was not that she had been avoiding it, it was simply that no one need, emotional or physical, was more important than another. It had to wait it’s turn.

T’Pol sat in silence, noting the anomaly within her sinuses. As she relinquished her control, the feeling spread, as a small flutter, beginning deep within her nose. She took a deep breath in, focusing on the way the sensation bloomed into a tickle. She meditated on this sensation, imagining the silky sapphire feather of a lara bird slipping up her delicate nostril, finding its way to the deepest part of her nose, fanning the flames of the tickle that had plagued her all day.

With her next breath, the irritation spidered down, through her nostrils and along the perfectly straight slope of her septum, as if a family of a’lazb spiders had made their home weaving their impossibly fine webs along the length of her nose, before sitting at the very tip.


Her breath started to quaver. The long deep breaths of her meditation transformed into soft, tremulous hitches. Eyes closed, her full lips, quirked up at the corners, parted gently, her head tilting back. She allowed herself a moment to remain in this space.

“Heh…” One breath, soft and shallow between supple lips.

“…haaah…”  Two breaths, as her breasts expanded against the soft fabric of her garment.

“…aaaahh…” Three breaths, this one taking on a more vocal quality as the controlling grasp she held over her body faltered, and then diminished as she allowed herself to release.


T’Pol gracefully fell forward with the gentle force of the sneeze, before righting herself and allowing a second, and third release of the same kind.

Heh…kisssh! Eh…kISSH’u!”

The Vulcan woman remained there for a few moments, appreciating the sensation of relief that the sneezes brought her, feeling the days tension release from her body, and be replaced by serenity. Though she would admit it to no-one, she found the sensation satisfying - pleasurable, even. 

She allowed her mind to wander to the humans aboard the Enterprise, and wondered what the experience of sneezing was for the people around her, as it was something she had never had the time, interest or opportunity to think about before now. She made a mental note add this to her human-observation practices going forward, and wondered what she would discover watching the humans of the Enterprise.


TBC if you like?

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First off, the fact that there's been a rash of people trying and liking Enterprise recently fills me with joy. I think the show deserves more love than it generally gets, and the more fans (fetishy or otherwise) that come along, the better.

That being said, a word of warning to anybody in that boat (particularly @snifflechick, @MeForever, and @anikadicara, since you've all recently said you started the show); Enterprise used to be the last Star Trek show that aired before the franchise was put on ice in 2005. And the producers of it had been working on Trek shows since The Next Generation. As a result, even though it's supposed to be set before TOS, the show occasionally makes references, or call-forwards, to the "future" shows. I don't think there are many references to Voyager, but there are definite connections to TOS, The Next Generation, and Deep Space Nine, particularly starting in Season 4. I don't think it'll ruin your enjoyment per se, but knowing the references can make things a bit richer. So while I wouldn't necessarily advise putting Enterprise aside to check out the other shows, especially if you're enjoying it so far and have gotten into a groove, you may want to keep that in mind as you near Season 4.

Anyway, though, to comment on @snifflechick's actual fic; if this was your first ever fic, then you have a very bright future ahead of you. T'Pol's characterization feels true to the show, your made up sci-fi words sound on-point, and your sneeze descriptions are delightful. You've also set up a story idea that can serve as a series of standalones while also having an overarching plot, and can either tie into canon or be entirely your own, which is excellent story design. Excellent work all around!

I really look forward to seeing where you go from here. Happy watching and writing!

(By the way, have any of you seen that episode yet? What did you think?)

Edited by Wig_Powder
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@Wig_Powder Don't worry, I have fully watched TNG and DS9, I still need to get around to TOS but I understand most of it. Thanks for the concern though!

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Wow guys, thanks so much for being so welcoming and helpful! I am on a run of shifts atm, but I'm hoping to do a second part on Thursday or Friday to go up by the weekend.

If there is any character or situation you would particularly like to see, please let me know, as I'm just getting into writing, and I do love a challenge!

@MeForever Yay, I'm so glad. I was worried about trying to write someone so complex. 

@anikadicara It's so good! I'm glad you're enjoying it, and I'm so glad you liked my story. 

@Wig_PowderThank you so much for your feedback, it means so much. I tried really hard to use all the things I enjoy in fics, so I'm glad it worked. I'll definitely check out the other Treks before I hit season 4, because I love when shows have complex references within itself. I'll be honest, I actually started watching because I'd read your fic and found out about Malcolm's canon cold and needed to see for myself. Thank you for that!  😀

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8 hours ago, snifflechick said:

I'll be honest, I actually started watching because I'd read your fic and found out about Malcolm's canon cold and needed to see for myself. Thank you for that!

You are very welcome, and thank you for telling me! It's always nice to hear I've had an impact, even if it's in a small way.

And on a related note...

8 hours ago, snifflechick said:

If there is any character or situation you would particularly like to see, please let me know, as I'm just getting into writing, and I do love a challenge! 

I think we know the obvious answer is I'd love to see someone who isn't me write Malcolm sneezing. The obvious idea would be to have T'Pol observe him during the time of his canon cold, but I'd also love to see something that plays with the canon allergies it's mentioned he has. But go with whatever strikes your fancy!

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No sneezing in this chapter, I'm so sorry. I am still working on my actual second chapter, but while I was working on it I thought up this little teaser for what's coming up. 

I wanted to thank everyone for being so encouraging and helpful. 


Chapter 1.5: Conferring with Colleagues.


The human method of gathering information was most confounding. To call it a method at all was generous. It was more aptly described by one of Commander Tucker’s metaphors – a “stab in the dark”. They seemed to think that if they groped around aimlessly for long enough, the answer to their question would merely show up in their hands.

The fact that they wondered why the Vulcans were reluctant to allow them to aimlessly grope their way around the universe showed they not only lacked logic, but also self-awareness.

T’Pol commenced her research into the phenomenon of the human sneeze, logically, by perusing the Vulcan knowledge database for the research findings of others. She did not recall any mention of sneezing when learning about humans, nor could did she remember any significant research in the field.

 The Vulcan database revealed much the same: as far as it had been recorded, the Vulcan database was aware that humans had been observed to sneeze on at least one occasion.

This, of course, was not useful information to T’Pol, but it did give her a place to start her inquiry. She now knew there was no previous Vulcan research to base her observations and would need to find her information elsewhere.



Dr. Phlox sat at a table in the commissary. He’d had quite the morning. Ensign Mason from engineering had half-severed a finger while trying to calibrate the compression coil catalyzer, young Miss Byers from stellar sciences was spending the day in the decon chamber after she came to him, quite embarrassed, about a rash “in the shape of Canis Major,” and his Zeobug from Betelgeuse Lambda had tried to eat her mate rather than reproduce, which would have been very inconvenient.

As the Denobulan sat down to enjoy a peculiar dish that the chef had called “gumbo”, he was grateful for the simplistic nature of human anatomy; otherwise, he may have been busy.

“May I join you?”

Phlox looked up, delighted to find that the voice had belonged to T’Pol, and gestured towards the chair across from him merrily.

“By all means. To what do I owe the pleasure?” he lilted.

“I have developed a curiosity about a human biological function,” she began, “and I believe you may be able to help me. What can you tell me about the human sneeze?”

If a human had been listening to this conversation, they may have been confused by the strange-seeming conversation, but from one non-Terran academic to another, the question was simply one of scientific interest, and Dr. Phlox lit up, keen to share what he knew.

“Goodness, that is quite a question. I could talk all day on the subject, it is rather interesting. As humans are such fragile beings, they have quite robust first-line immune responses. And yet, unlike most other humanoid species I have encountered, who exhibit uniform behaviours, their sneeze varies so widely from human to human. Volume, sound, force, wetness; everything about how a human sneezes is varied by a strange combination of genetics, culture, and personal experience. Even the reason – illness, strange sensitivities to benign substances, and sometimes for no reason at all!”

As the man across from her continued to speak, whether he was being listened to or not, T’Pol sat, pensively eating her lunch. She had hoped that speaking with the doctor would provide clarity, and yet now she had more questions than when she began. She would have to continue her inquiry with first hand observation when the opportunity arose.

She was unaware that her first opportunity would arise sooner than she anticipated.

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16 hours ago, snifflechick said:

She was unaware that her first opportunity would arise sooner than she anticipated.

Oh ho ho, I think I know where this is going...I may end up being surprised, but I've got a feeling about what this means, and I'm looking forward to it.

As for the rest of the chapter, you continue to do a good job with sci-fi trappings and characterization. Phlox's enthusiasm and T'Pol's mild frustration with humans feels right to me. I'm interested to see you tackle the rest of the Enterprise crew, whether there's sneezing involved or not. Though given this forum, there probably will be...

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This is really well written!! I haven't seen this show and had to look up the character. I'm almost never even into female sneezing outside of a few exceptions but I wanted to comment and read because I'm also a first time fic poster on here (well, first time fetish fic, I'd written fanfic haha). 😄 good work!!

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I'm back! Man, writing this chapter was HARD. 

@Wig_Powder Thank you so much. This chapter got WAY harder. Hopefully I did okay, but I'm sorry if I don't get them quite right. 

@gingerbreads Thank you! I'll admit that for the most part, female is not my thing either, but I really enjoyed the idea of a non-human "researching" the humans, so it just felt right. There will be some male goodness coming up in this new chapter though!

@fraggle Yay, thank you! 


Ok guys, I am pretty excited, but also nervous. It was really hard to get sneezing + plotline + scifi+ characters, so hopefully you guys enjoy, even if it's not perfect. So without further ado, here we go!


Chapter 2: Volume.

“I spy with my little eye, something beginning with” Ensign Mayweather looked wildly around the bridge …’D’!”  

The bridge crew groaned in chorus. It had been two hours since the one of the space/warp propulsion units had dropped offline for seemingly no reason, and there were only so many things Travis could “eye-spy” on the bridge.

“Dashboard?” asked Hoshi.

“Data feed,” supplied the Captain Archer.

“Dying of old age before Commander Tucker ever gets us moving again?”

The last voice belonged to Lieutenant Reed. In their initial stages of acquaintance, T’Pol had taken the Armory Officer’s mannerisms as a sign of unpleasant character. She had since come to understand that what they called “dryness” was considered a regional variation of a human sense of humor. While she understood the sociological purpose of this, facilitating social bonding, and the promotion of psychological coping, the experience of human humor continued to elude and confuse her.

At very least Mr. Reed’s “dryness” was far more tolerable than the visceral quality presented in some of the crewmen’s anatomically-derived amusements.

Captain Jon Archer shot him an admonishing, but amused, look before pressing the intercom button on his chair.

“Archer to Engineering. What’s happening down there, Trip?”

“What’s th…. ‘n? Ah heard the… an’ th…..,” came the engineer’s response, chopped with static. Archer pinched the bridge of his nose between his eyebrows and sighed. Could this afternoon get worse?

“Captain, we seem to be having multiple system disruptions,” intoned T’Pol, studying the instruments in front of her. “As well as the space/warp propulsion unit and the onboard communications system, there are lighting outages on E deck, section seven, and a gravity disruption to the sleeping quarters on deck C.”

Captain Archer frowned. Turning back to his bridge crew, he began to give orders.

“Hoshi: implement Code Gray protocols and send messages to all departments for alternate communications. Malcolm: keep scanning our systems for further outages. If there are any disruptions to our defense systems, let me know. I don’t want to be just sitting here unarmed if any new friends decide to drop in on us. T’Pol, let’s go down to Engineering and see what the heck is going on down there.”

As the bridge crew set to work, T’Pol wordlessly followed her captain from the bridge.


They arrived in Engineering to find the department in a flurry of activity. Everywhere T’Pol looked, there were humans rushing around, opening things, closing things, passing tools around, pressing buttons. She found it impossible to follow the activity to logical source of the problem.  The Commander himself was nowhere to be seen.

The Captain was looking around, seeming to be similarly overwhelmed by the disarray in front of him, and stopped the first person who walked past him.

“Ensign Hathaway, status report, what’s going on here?”

The young woman stopped dead in her tracks. At just twenty three years old, Abigail Hathaway was the youngest engineer on staff, and as she looked up at the Captain, eyes wide, color draining from her cheeks, she clearly wished he had called on literally anybody else.

“W-well you see, Captain…” she stuttered, tripping over words as she tried to make a cogent answer, “the compression coil catalyzer was improperly calibrated this morning, so when we tried to reroute the power supply to the nacelle, it blew, and took a few other grids out with it.”

“I see,” replied Archer thoughtfully, “and how long until we’re up and running, ensign?”

“Well we have already fixed the smaller grids, so most of the system disruptions should be corrected shortly, and Zithembe is working on the repairs to the communications systems as we speak. The space/warp propulsion units are ready to go back on line, so we’re now just waiting on the Commander.”

“And where is Commander Tucker?” enquired T’Pol, arching one perfect eyebrow.

Looking over at the Vulcan, Hathaway’s eyes grew, if possible, even wider, as she wordlessly pointed her finger towards a pair of long legs sticking out from underneath a piece of engine.

“He wanted to install the new compression coil himself.”

Archer looked from the ensign, to T’Pol, and back. Smiling warmly, he said, “Thank you Miss Hathaway. Please return to your duties.”

The young woman didn’t need to be told twice and moved as quickly as possible out of the sight of the Captain, bumping into a few people in her path, hoping to not be asked any more questions.

Archer and T’Pol moved quickly down to where the pair of legs lay, and the Captain squatted down to see inside the space where the Commander worked.

From inside the crawlspace, came a noise. It sounded like Commander Tucker’s voice, but combined with the sound of the roar of an Eridani sub-lion. T’Pol had been living among humans for some time now, and nowhere in her lived experience, nor in her academic studies did she find roaring to be a part of normal human behavior. That being said, Charles Tucker was hardly a specimen for normal human behavior.

As the roar emerged again from within the small space, T’Pol allowed her curiosity to get the better of her. As she crouched down to look, the Captain nudged Commander Tucker’s leg with a foot.

“How’s it goin’ in there, Trip?”

Trip struggled for a brief moment, before emerging from the crawl space. When he did, Archer burst into a chuckle at the sight of his friend. His coveralls, once navy, where almost gray from the waist up, as dust covered every part of the commander.  It clung to his face, streaked through his golden hair, and even stuck to the tips of his eyelashes, falling into his clear blue eyes each time he blinked. Which would explain why they were so red.

T’Pol was still studying the state of the commander when his expression changed to something she didn’t recognize. His eyes became unfocused, as if he were looking at something simultaneously right in front of him, but also quite far away. He scrunched up his nose, and squeezed his eyes shut as he passed a hand firmly down the length of his nose. She assumed the purpose of this was to clear the dust irritating his face, but, as his hand was also coated with the grey particles, all it accomplished was to track dusty marks across the perspiration on his face.

Trip’s head tilted back, forehead creased gently. His nostrils twitched fiercely, and his mouth opened slightly, so T’Pol could just see the white fleck of his top incisors where his lips parted. On observation, it appeared to T’Pol that the Commander may sneeze. She looked on in interest, but what occurred next was unlike any Vulcan sneeze she had ever witnessed. Though she had not seen many, due to being a private function, she did know that a Vulcan sneeze was restrained, gentle and quiet. It never used any greater volume or force than was absolutely logically necessary. The sneeze that emerged from Commander Charles Tucker could not have been any less Vulcan if he tried to do it on purpose.

Still sitting on the metal floor of the engine room, Trip cupped his dust-laden hands around his mouth and nose, and, drawing in a huge breath, bent almost in half with an ear-splitting roar.


T’Pol recoiled ever so slightly from the noise, watching as the man sniffed liquidly, and muttered “’scuse me,” before dropping his hands and meeting Archer’s warm eyes with his own watery ones.

“God bless you,” laughed the Captain, “a bit dusty down there, huh?”

Trip smiled, brushing some of the dust from his left sleeve with his right hand, as if it made any difference. “I don’t even know how we got so much dust on an…heh…” Trip pressed a dusty wrist to his twitching nose, apparently intent to finish his sentence, “…airtight…heh!…”

“EHKCHOOOH’uh” Trip doubled forward into his sleeve, earning another soft ‘bless you’ from Archer, and proving the only thing more stubborn than Charles Tucker III was his own sneeze.

“Approximately 80% of dust is comprised of dead human skin cells,” stated T’Pol evenly.

“Well that’s kinda gross,” he drawled, going back dusting himself off, this time running both hands through his flaxen hair, sending particles drifting everywhere.

“Well I just finished, snff, getting that there compression coil in, snff. It took its sweet time synthesizing, sniff, but now all I gotta do is run a coupl’a, SNFF, diagnostics, and we should be runnin’ smoother than ever under an hour, sir.”

Captain Archer stood up, offering a hand to the commander and helping him haul himself into a standing position.

Just as he got to his feet, Trip snapped forward with another wrenching sneeze.

AHKCHUUUH!” As he straightened up, his eyes squeezed shut as he doubled forward for a second, even louder, “EEEH’HEEAKTCHUUU!” into his cupped, filthy hands. Trip opened his eyes to see Archer offering a clean white handkerchief, which he accepted with a nod of thanks, grateful to wipe his face with something not covered in dust, and blew his nose heavily into the soft fabric.


T’Pol watched, in a combined state of disgust, curiosity, and something else. A feeling she didn’t recognize or understand, and so she repressed it, making sure it was sealed securely. When he had adequately recovered, she asked, unabashedly, “does the dust cause you to sneeze?”

“Pretty sure dust makes everybody sneeze. It’s kinda what dust…heh!....does….HEATKCHOOOOO!” Commander Tucker launched forward violently again, this time burying his nose in the folds of the handkerchief.

“And the volume, “ she continued, “does it serve a purpose? Is it of cultural significance, or is it supposed to be a show of dominance? Surely such a noise has no impact on the efficacy of removing an irritant.”

The commander stared at her blankly for a moment, not quite sure how to respond. Trip knew his sneezes were loud. His friends would tease him about it, and he’d occasionally startled a skittish ensign or two when he’d been overcome by a sneeze without warning in the engineering bay. But he was stumped if he knew why he sneezed that way. He just did.

As he opened his mouth to respond, whatever answer he might have come up with died on his lips. He gasped, holding the handkerchief to his face again, and fell forward with an almighty yell.

Heh.. H’AAEKTCHUUU’uuh… sorry, once something get’s me going, I can’t seem… heh… to… HEH!...AAKTCHUUU’H!...ugh… stop.”

“You know what?” Archer interjected. He had been watching this scene for too long and decided that it was time to step in. “I’m pretty anxious to get moving. The longer we sit around in one spot, the more likely we are to run into some unfriendly neighbors. Why don’t we let Commander Tucker run his diagnostics and, uh… do some dusting.” The captain gave his friend a teasing smile.

“Seven billion dollars wortha starship, you’da thought they could include at least one Roomba, huh?” drawled Trip with a laugh.

Archer raised an eyebrow at that. “I thought Roombas were banned in Starfleet ten years ago after a couple of engineering cadets were running an appliance-bot fighting league. “

Trip shook his head ruefully. “Damn shame. Bad influence, them kids.”

“I heard that was you.”

The corners of Trips’ mouth curled into a sheepish smile, as he continued to shake his head. “Damn shame, Capt’n….HE’AEKCHUUU’uh!”

Archer laughed. “Alright, get to it. I want to be moving in an hour. Then do us all a favor and go take a shower.”



T’Pol sat in front of the monitor in her quarters.

“Computer, record.”

“Personal log, July 12, 2151.

Subject: Research into the Human Sneeze. Subheading: On The Topic of Volume.

Based upon my observations of Commander Tucker today, I have determined that human sneezes are much louder in volume than that of the human sneeze. There does not appear to be a biological function for this volume, nor do the humans seem to be aware of it’s purpose, unless it is something they are unwilling to discuss.

Upon conferring with medical colleague Dr. Phlox, it appears that volume is one of the many variables in human sneezing behavior. I am at this stage unsure where on the spectrum Commander Tucker falls in terms of volume. I will require further observation in order to obtain a clear understanding of this matter. End recording”.

The room fell into silence as the Vulcan woman sat pensively for a moment.

“Computer. Define ‘Roomba’”.


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And here I thought you were setting up T'Pol reacting to that bit in canon. You threw a curveball at me there!

That aside, this was another good chapter! I can absolutely see Tucker sneezing like that; it fits with his boisterous personality. I also think your technobabble is canon compliant, and the characterization of everyone feels about right so far. Maybe a little exaggerated, but still within parameters, as the Vulcans would say.

I also like the small hint that T'Pol may just be a little bit into sneezing; kinks are both logical and illogical, so I'm curious to see if this gets expanded on.

And both the jokes about the roomba were great; T'Pol's confusion and Tucker's mischief added just the right amount of humor.

Can't wait to read more!

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I keep looking up these characters to see what they look like lol. I loved this bit, this is such a fun idea to play around with. 

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@Wig_Powder There is a bit of a clue in the date of T'Pol's log entry (I did my research). It is still coming. Malcolm's my fave so I wouldn't miss it ❤ (though I kinda want to have a play with his allergies as well). As for the characters,  I'm still getting the hang of nuance in writing, but Trip kinda felt like a 'go big or go home' kind of person to write so I had a bit of fun with him. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far, thank you so much for your feedback!

@gingerbreads Yay! I'm glad you're still here! If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. Especially if it's male sneezes you're into, the episode 'Sleeping Dogs'. It's just one short scene, but I hope to expand on it here in a later chapter. 

@fraggle I'm glad you're still here and enjoying it. Trip is kind of incredible, and a really fun guy to write. 

I'm going to start writing part 3 tomorrow. I have a few ideas, but I haven't decided where to go next. I'm thinking maybe Hoshi. 

Let me know if there's something you're particularly keen on seeing.

Thanks for the love!

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