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Power Through (April Kepner/Jackson Avery GREYS ANATOMY)


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Hello! Welcome to my first fic (that I'm posting... lol). I haven't seen much grey's stuff on here, and I'm a SUCKER for April Kepner, so I figured I would contribute. Please let me know if you want me to continue, I'm really just testing the waters here! 


He dragged himself into the hospital, clearing his throat and adjusting the backpack on his shoulder. He felt okay - for the most part - and he was sure that he could make it to five o’clock, which was when his shift was over. As long as he wasn’t pulled into some emergency surgery, and he could actually leave when his shift was scheduled to end, he would be just fine. It was April that he was worried about. 


Their daughter, Harriet, had brought something home from school, and April caught it first. She had been trying to push through at work, but Jackson could see that she was suffering. Her face was buried in tissues every few minutes, and her coughs could be heard from different rooms around the hospital. Nonetheless, she was still at work, focusing on paperwork so she didn’t have to be in the ER or OR. 


Jackson held Harriet’s hand, leading her to the daycare that was just up ahead. She only ever went to the daycare when both him and April worked on weekends, which was often. Once they were outside the door, Jackson crouched to his daughter’s height, handing her her jacket and a ziploc bag with some snacks in it. 


“Mommy or I will come pick you up in a few hours, okay?” He said, kissing her forehead. “You shouldn’t be here too long.”


Harriet nodded, before heading into the daycare, immediately greeting Sofia and Zola, and Jackson smiled. He turned and headed for the attending's lounge to drop off his bags before catching up on rounds with the interns. 


He immediately saw April, curled up on the couch, reading over a research paper. He smiled, walking over and kissing her forehead. 


“Hey,” April said, her voice raspy. “How do you feel?”


“Not bad,” Jackson answered, “Harriet seemed fine this morning - that’s why I came in. How do you feel?”


April shrugged, sniffing and sitting up on the couch. “Okay, I guess. My throat’s still a bit sore.”


She turned to the side, covering her face with her hands and sneezing. “Hah-nxgt!”


“Babe,” Jackson said, sitting beside his wife. “Why are you here? Go home - Harriet can stay in daycare and you can go home and sleep.”


April shook her head, gesturing to the papers on the table. “Bailey asked me to read these over for her - she’s looking for something that shows that this enzyme could help with arrythmia’s, but she doesn’t have the time to read them all herself.”


“Okay, well, I can talk to Bailey and tell her that you’re not well enough to do that,” Jackson suggested, “You’re never gonna’ get better if you keep pushing yourself, April.”


April leaned on his shoulder, closing her eyes for a second as Jackson brought his hand on to her thigh, rubbing it lightly with his thumb. April turned and buried her face in his shoulder, stifling a sneeze before practically climbing into her husband’s lap. 




“Bless you,” He whispered, rubbing her back and motioning for her to lay her head in his lap. 


April did, and Jackson could feel her shivering. He grabbed his jacket from off the floor, draping it over April and leaning down to kiss her temple. 


“I’m taking you home,” He said, and April nodded, too tired to put up any fight. “Stay here.”


Jackson moved her head gently, before standing and heading down to the ER, hoping to see Bailey there. He also hoped that Callie, Arizona, Meredith or Derek would be down there, so he could ask if any of them would be interested in bringing Harriet home whenever they were done their shift.  


His hopes had been answered when he saw Bailey and Callie talking at the nurses station, and he made his way over to them. 


“Avery?” Bailey asked, “You’re not supposed to be in today.”


“I know,” He said, glancing between the two of them. “I have favours to ask both of you.”


They raised their eyebrows, and Bailey pursed her lips. 


“Nothing huge, okay,” Jackson teased, “April needs to go home - she’s killing herself being here. Can’t you get some intern to read over those papers for you?”


Bailey chuckled. “Don’t you think I tried?”


Jackson went to say something, but he just closed his mouth. “I should’ve assumed you did.”


“Tell her to get some rest - I’m tired of doing her share of surgeries.” Bailey walked off, and Jackson chuckled. 


He turned to Callie. “Would you or Arizona mind picking Harriet up whenever you get off work? You can just drop her off at our place whenever - I just want April to have chance to sleep without being bothered.”


Callie nodded. “Of course! Sofia will be overjoyed to have her in the car ride home. I should be off around seven, does that work?”


“Yes, that’s great,” Jackson said, “Thank you!”


He made his way back to the attending’s lounge, sighing when he saw April once again reading the papers. “Come on.”


April stood, taking off her lab coat and slinging it over her shoulder. “I’m gonna’ go change.”


She left the room, and Jackson began packing up her bag and organizing the clutter of papers on the coffee table. April came back to the lounge a few minutes later, ready to leave. Jackson laced their hands together, letting April lean on him as they walked. They stopped by the daycare, and Jackson motioned for one of the employees to send Harriet outside. 


“Mommy!” She exclaimed, racing to hug April, who smiled and leaned down.


“Hi baby!” She said, leaning down and wrapping her arms around her. 


Jackson leaned down as well, taking Harriet’s hand so she would look at him. “You’re gonna’ go home with Sofia today, is that okay?”


Harriet nodded, before hugging him. 


“Do you have enough snacks?” Jackson asked.


“Yes,” Harriet answered, “Can I go back to Zozo and ‘Fia?”


Jackson and April grinned. “Of course, baby.”


She ran back into the daycare, and Jackson and April started walking towards the front entrance, passing a few other doctors who smiled and waved as they left. Jackson opened the car door for April, helping her into the seat before climbing into the drivers seat. He turned the key in the ignition, pulling out of the parking spot and towards their apartment.

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Oh my gosh! I love this!!! I always loved Japril!! Would love to read more!! 

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