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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Even cyborgs sneeze (One Punch Man, Genos)


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This is a story I had in my mind for a loooong time, ever since I watched One Punch Man (which was last year or so). It's pretty short and only for the sake of enjoying some cyborg sneezes, I was really curious of how it would work on Genos lol. So yeah, I hope you like this simple story with simple writing as much as I liked writing it :D


 Saitama let out a sigh as he lowered his fist with a disappointed expression. After hearing the news about that monster, he, somehow, had his hopes up, but it was a common rival after all. Despite all that, the monster managed to defeat a lot of heroes from Class B and A, and he punched Genos so hard he flew away and ended up covered in a pile of gravel and junk. When he remembered that, he immediately ran over to the pile of rocks to check up on him.

“Genos?” he asked to the mass of pebbles, gravel and dust in front of him. “Are you okay?”

 The cyborg emerged from the pile with his usual, frowning expression, seemingly alright after he almost got beat up in fight. In fact, his body was intact. Aside from some scratches, not a single arm or eye was missing. Saitama was a bit surprised by this, but he felt relieved.

“I’m sorry, Sensei,” Genos said, standing up as he brushed off the gravel and dust from his shoulders. “It seems like I let my guard down again.”

“No worries, that monster was very tricky. I mean, it even beat an A-Class hero,” Saitama explained while looking over to the dead monster. “Well, we should head b-”


 Saitama blinked a few times, confused. That was a sound he had never heard before, it was like a sudden burst of air coming from a machine. His eyes locked onto the cyborg, who looked the same as before.

“What was that?”

 Genos raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“That sound just now, wasn’t it y-”

“Huh’TZSHHH!” Genos turned away from Saitama and released, what seemed to be, a sneeze into the air, and a puff of dust came out of his nose. He quickly opened his eyes again without batting an eye. “I’m sorry, Sensei, I had to sneeze.”

“Wait, you can sneeze?” Saitama blurted out without giving it a second thought. He was genuinely surprised by the fact Genos had the capability to sneeze, he just assumed he didn’t need to since, well, he was a cyborg. At the confused face Genos was giving him, Saitama changed his words. “No, scratch that. How come you are suddenly sneezing? I’ve never seen you do it before.”

“When the monster punched me over here, a lot of dust and gravel got into my system. By sneezing, I try to clear out all of the...” he trailed off as his eyelids fluttered in anticipation. His eyes closed and he turned away from Saitama again, raising his robotic arm to serve as cover, before taking in a slight breath. “Hh’TZSHHH!”

 Saitama couldn’t keep himself from staring, bemused, at the puff of dust and gravel that was expelled from the cyborg’s nose. Even though his sneezes didn’t have any voice to them and were just a blast of air, they served the same purpose as normal, human sneezes. He found that quite interesting.

“Uh, bless you?” Saitama offered as he rubbed the back of his neck, and the cyborg gave a nod of acknowledgment. “So, you only sneeze when your system gets dirty? How much time does it take to clear all that up?”

“It depends on the amount. Based on my calculations, it should stop soon,” Genos affirmed, his expression as neutral as ever.

“Well, let’s go home for now, maybe the wind will help clear out the dust in your body.”


“Bless you.”

 Genos followed his Sensei out of the danger zone, leaving the monster behind, while still sneezing regularly. Thanks to the amount of junk in his body, it was a bit difficult for him to breathe correctly, and his sneezes got more frequent the more they approached the city.



“Bless you again,” Saitama sighed. The sun was starting to set in and Genos was still having constant sneezing fits every 5 minutes. Even though Saitama found it a bit amusing at first, now it was getting repetitive. “Hey, are you really okay? You’ve been sneezing all the way here.”

“I seem to have miscalculated the amount of dust in my body, the sneezing should have stopped by n... Huh’TZSHHH! By now,” the cyborg seemed to be thinking of something, unaware of the confused stares he was receiving from the people passing by the streets who noticed the puffs of dust and gravel expelled from his nose with each sneeze. Saitama looked weary.

“Genos, do tissues work for you?” he asked. Genos raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, Sensei, but why do you ask?”

“Look,” Saitama pointed over a small convenience store next to them. “I think I will get you a pack of tissues.”

“I don’t want to be a burden, it’s not necessary, Sensei,” the cyborg said, but by the time he finished talking, Saitama had already disappeared into the store. All Genos could do was close his eyes and wait patiently for him to come out.

 He leaned against a wall with his arms crossed, still feeling the need to sneeze. As a cyborg, he didn’t experiment that sensation the same way as humans did, he only felt a need to inhale involuntarily and close his eyes, which was his only warning before the sneezes sneaked up to him. Genos found that a bit annoying, especially since it was difficult for him to cover his mouth in time.

 After waiting a solid 6 minutes outside of the store, trying not to attract unnecessary attention from fangirls thanks to his sneezes, Saitama came out with a pack of travel tissues in one hand and a bag full of groceries in the other.

“Hey, sorry to keep you waiting,” he said before he handed him the pack of tissues. “Here, take them.”

“Sorry for the trouble, Sensei,” he apologized as he took out a fresh tissue and gingerly covered his nose with it.

“Don’t worry, it’s better than sneezing your head off, right?”

 Genos nodded, then took in an unexpectedly deep breath that made Saitama blink in surprise. The cyborg waited a few seconds before pitching forward into the tissue with a powerful blow from his nose, and a great amount of dirt came out. The tissue seemed to be a bit useless since most of the dust went out of it, but it still ended up covered in junk. Saitama’s face twitched.

“Uh, did it help?” he asked.

“Yes. It looks like most of the dirt got cleaned out,” Genos affirmed. “But there’s still some left...”

“Well, at least you will not be sneezing that much now,” Saitama smiled at him. “I’m glad I got you those.”

“Yes. Thank you, Sensei,” after saying that, Genos’s eyes closed again and his brow furrowed. He covered his nose with another tissue and turned his head away; Saitama already knew those movements well. “Huh’TZSHHH!”

 This time, the puff stayed in the tissue and didn’t attract any attention, which was a relief. From far away, it would look like a normal, everyday sneeze and not a weird expulsion of dust.

“Bless you,” he said, closing his eyes with a tiny smile. “This surely is something that doesn’t happen everyday.”

“I’m sorry, it must be annoying,” Genos apologized again before another expulsion overtook his body. “Hh’TZSHHH!”

“It’s alright, let’s just go home for now, okay?” he started walking and Genos quickly followed him. “I think I will make a salad tonight...”

 Soon after he got the tissues, Genos’s sneezing fits came to a stop, and that day became a peculiar and amusing memory for Saitama from now on. He was sure this wouldn’t be the only time he could see his sneezes, after all, they got in a lot of fights regularly. He was kind of expecting to see more of the cyborg’s weird functions in the near future.

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3 hours ago, 2SHY222 said:

I am soooo happy 🥰. I absolutely love this anime and this made my entire day ❤️. Please write more!

Thank you so much! I also love the anime with all my soul :D

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I would’ve never thought of writing about a cyborg sneezing, but I loved this!

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FUCKING NICE YES this is exactly what I've been thinking about lately!!  Absolutely wonderful thank you for sharing this with us I love it ❤️

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