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Sons of Anarchy- Sick Juice


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Hello all, since I couldn't find any SOA content I decided to try to create my own. I'm not a good writer but I'm trying my best. This is part one. Not much sneezing in this part, just setting the scene!

The story is set at an undetermined time but Jax is the current President of SAMCRO


Juice shivered as he entered the clubhouse. It was barely lunchtime but he ordered a whisky and sat down at the bar.

“Juicy-Boy!” Chibs exclaimed throwing an arm around the younger man. “Can’t beat a good Scotch!”

“Yeah.” Juice mumbled, trying to hide the tiredness and congestion in his voice.

“We’ve got Church at 1. Get it doon ya boy”. Chibs got up from the bar and went to sort out Tig who looked like he was having some trouble with a Crow-Eater.

“I said you looked peaceful! LIKE you were dead, not I WISHED you were dead!” The Crow-Eater slapped Tig and Chibs couldn’t help but laugh at another failed attempt.

“What?” Tig shot at Chibs. “I can’t complement the girl I just woke up next to?”

“Not when everyone knows your proclivities!” Chibs remarked gleefully. Tig playfully put Chibs in a headlock and they spilled onto the floor in fits of laughter.

Juice sipped the whisky and tried to ignore the burning as it slid down his sore and swollen throat. His breath caught as he swallowed the last sip, the burning moving from his throat to his nose.

“Huh’NGXT” He stifled a sneeze into the collar of his tshirt, praying no one saw.

Juice felt awful. Yesterday there was just a little tickle in his throat and a slightly runny nose but after a busy night doing what they do it had developed into the flu. Juice had never been this sick in front of his brothers. He felt like he had to be extra strong all of the time to make up for his youth and the anxiety that bubbled under the surface. He put the rocks glass down and tried to steady his hands before getting up and heading to the toilets. Juice had to weave his way through brothers and Crow-Eaters who were still passed out in the bar in various states of undress. He slung a blanket over a girl he’d seen a handful of times before, partly to save her modesty and partly because he himself felt so cold. With a glance back to the room he headed into the toilets. Clutching onto the sink he assessed his face. He was pale and there was a small sheen of sweat clinging to his brow, a pink tinge was beginning to form around his nose and his cheekbones. He splashed water on his face and blew his nose, hoping that no one could hear him.

Juice was startled by Bobby slamming metal trays together and yelling at people to get up and leave. It must be nearly time he thought, taking one last look at himself. By the time Juice had willed himself back into the bar, the Crow-Eaters were gone and his brothers were sat waiting to be called into Church, laughing and drinking their “breakfast” beer. Jax wasn’t there yet. Small mercy he thought to himself. He’d have a few more minutes to gather himself. He stared longingly at the now discarded blanket he had covered the girl in. He was so cold.

“Juicy?” Chibs whispered, a hint of worry in his voice. “Juicy!” He said again a little louder, tapping the young man on the shoulder. Juice woke with a start. He hadn’t realised he’d fallen asleep.

“Rough night, Lad?” Chibs asked, keeping a steady eye on the boy.

Juice nodded and tried to clear his throat quietly. A small cough escaped rattling his ribs and ripping through his already ragged throat.

“Time to go lad, its vote time.”

Chibs watched as Juice rose from the chair and walked to the Chapel. He sensed something was off when Juice reached out a hand to steady himself on the way. He brushed it off for now and followed him inside, closing the door.

Edited by cara
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  • 4 weeks later...

I've never seen SoA, but I enjoyed this all the same. Do you plan to continue? I'd love to read more!

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I completely agree with Spirkestiel! This is a great story, and I hope you write more ❤️

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  • 1 month later...

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