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Gulliver's Travels (a Lilliput scene reimagined)


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Hello all!

It's been a while since I made a contribution on here (I need to revisit and add onto my original fic, The Definition of a "Gentle Giant"), because life has just been crazy busy for me, but the other night I was rereading one of my favorite excerpts from Johnathan Swift's classic. Just for a little context, Gulliver, being a giant in comparison to the Lilliputians, had been drugged by them and is being transported to their capital city. The following is the actual excerpt from the book:

"About four hours after we began our journey, I awaked by a very ridiculous accident; for the carriage being stopped a while, to adjust something that was out of order, two or three of the young natives had the curiosity to see how I looked when I was asleep; they climbed up into the engine, and advancing very softly to my face, one of them, an officer in the guards, put the sharp end of his half-pike a good way up into my left nostril, which tickled my nose like a straw, and made me sneeze violently; whereupon they stole off unperceived, and it was three weeks before I knew the cause of my waking so suddenly."

(borrowed from this link, where the entire book has been posted: https://gutenberg.org/files/829/829-h/829-h.htm  )

Now, I don't know about you guys, but as someone who LOVES giant sneezes, that sent shivers up my spine just reading and imagining that. I have, however, found that I wanted more description about the scenario, and so I was hit with the idea to embellish on the narrative a little myself! I'm quite proud of it, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it! 😊



“There is no reason to fear, for he is sound asleep!.” The young officer said to his underlings as he stamped his foot on the sleeping giant’s forearm so as to prove his point. It had been a few hours of marching alongside the man mountain, and the procession was currently stopped in order to make a repair to the carriage. He felt it was the perfect time to investigate the being and sate his personal curiosity, and so he was working to convince some of his men to join him. 

Upon seeing that the giant, indeed, did not stir under the touch of their senior, two of the ranks tentatively joined him. One was of the analytical mind, and the other was young and timid, but curious. Together, the three progressed onto the sleeping man’s chest. 

“This is unreal…” said the youngest as he felt the body rise and fall below him with each breath. “To think, we must feel like bugs to him as we tread here.”

“Then we best be glad they laced his drink and restrained him, lest he swat at us in his sleep.” Replied the analytical one, making the other shudder with the thought. 

“Let us behold the face of this man mountain, while we may do so unhindered.” The officer said as he boldly, yet softly, walked along the bare skin of the giant’s neck, then grabbed onto his chin and hoisted himself up. Both of his underlings followed, although the youngest chose to remain on the neck, for he felt he was already trespassing enough.

Stepping over slightly parted lips, of which came a rhythmic inhale and exhale, the officer stepped up to the colossal nose before him. “Check out the size of these caverns!” He said to his two men as he crouched down before the set of nostrils.

“He’s certainly remarkable.” the second added as he eyed them for a moment, and then stepped gently beside the man’s nose, resting his hand on the bridge and staring at his closed eye, slightly concerned that it might open at any moment.

“Let us have some fun and test how far they reach.” Said the officer with a smirk, taking his half-pike and slowly entering it into the left nostril.

“Sir! You might wake him!” called the youngest, peering up over the giant’s chin with wide eyes at the seemingly stupid action of his superior officer.

 “Calm yourself! Even if he were to wake, he can’t do any harm.” The officer said with determination, feeding more and more of the weapon’s length into the orifice. Although he felt no resistance yet, he was unaware of the many nose hairs he was brushing past in the process, sending a tingle up the sleeping man’s nose.

“Um, sir. I think you ought to stop.” Said the other guard, noticing a slight furrow in the skin of the giant’s brow.

“I-I am in agreement, sir!” the timid one added, nearly falling forward as the jaw he was leaning on closed with a gulp.

“You two are of no rank in which to give me orders!” The officer barked, and at this moment he felt himself hit the back of what was the giant’s nasal cavity. “There! Almost the full-length!” He exclaimed in wonder. Just as he began to withdraw the weapon, he was met with a violent suction of air as the giant sniffed. Being taken by surprise, he stumbled forward, sending his weapon plunging into the dark space and scratching the blade along the inside, causing a shudder to ripple along the entirety of the quickly waking man.

The second guard felt the bridge of the nose his hand was upon wrinkle and withdrew it immediately. Noticing the eye he was studying open briefly, only to flutter closed once more, he had a feeling of dread pass over him. “Sir, we must go!” He said as he turned on his heel, helping the stunned officer back to his feet just as the giant’s mouth reopened behind them and audibly gasped for breath.

Making the decision to forget the weapon, the two carefully jumped over the open maw and dropped down from his chin to his neck, where the third was watching in terrified awe. They forced him to duck down as they felt the air coursing below their feet. It pooled in his rapidly expanding chest, causing some of the restraining ropes running across it to snap. His arms attempted to reach up to cover his irritated nose, but were tied too well to budge. Hearing his struggle, the remaining entirety of the guard readied their arms in expectation that he was trying to break free once more.

After one final inhale, the three guards felt the body below them go rigid with tension, only for it to be shattered a moment later with a mighty “HREEHHH’SCCCHOOOOUUU!”. The head of the giant snapped forward  just enough to send them tumbling off and onto the wooden platform below. All birds resting nearby took flight in alarm, and those soldiers who had not collapsed in fright were still with shock from the deafening volume. With great haste, but more than a little disorientation, the three quickly rejoined their previous ranks as though nothing had happened...

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

“Ah, so that is what occurred that day...” said Gulliver to the young Lilliputian guard sitting in his hand who had told him the story.

“Aye sir, I give that to you as my honest truth.” replied the guard with a nod.

“How ridiculous. I simply remember waking up at the presence of a sharp, tickling sensation in my nose with the urge to sneeze, and nothing more. What became of that officer? I should hope that someone found to be instigating something so reckless should be punished.” The giant man asked.

“I can report that he has been demoted for his reckless behavior in disturbing your person, sir. If you should wish it, I am certain he could be summoned for you to do with as you wish.”

Gulliver shook his head. “That is generous, but unnecessary. I am sure the shame he faces is punishment enough. I thank you for sharing this with me, and am glad you were unscathed from the experience.”

“Aye, sir. I am grateful for having had the opportunity to share my account with you now that you better understand our language. Might I jest with you?” Said the guard with a tone of caution.

“By all means.” replied the other man as he looked down upon him.

“I am also grateful that you keep a handkerchief on your person.” The young guard, timid no more, said with a smile, and the two shared a laugh.

~ The End ~

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