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Castlevania: Sypha's Sneezes


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So I recently finished watching all series of Castlevania on Netflix – I based this fic on Season 3. If there are any talented artists out there (and I know there are) I would love to see some Castlevania inspired sneezy artwork :D 


Castlevania: Sypha’s Sneezes


Sypha pinched her nose tightly, holding her breath so as not to inhale more of the dust which rose like a grey tide from the floor of the church. She blinked her blue eyes, the allergic tingle making them water and her nose twitch in the midnight gloom of the catacombs to which they descended. Trevor led the way, his heavy footfalls echoing against the dripping stonework.

                ‘They sure as hell weren’t going to make it easy for us,’ Trevor growled, pushing through a dense clump of cobwebs; more dust coruscating into the air and straight into Sypha’s already tortured nose. She nodded, and not getting the affirmation her expected, Trevor turned and in the light of his torch caught her clasping at her nose, the inception of a sneeze already coiling up her nostrils.

                ‘Er, Syph... you’re not actually going to...’

                It was no good. Sypha was going to sneeze; there was no magic that could stop it. She raised both hands to her nose and commenced a violent series of hitches, ending in...


                Her sneezes rang through the chamber, echoing off the rough stones. Trevor grimaced, holding out the flaming torch so as to see deeper into the gloom that lay ahead. He turned back, checking that Sypha had finished, catching her rubbing her nose furiously as the tickle continued to tease her as the dust swirled unrelentingly around them.

                ‘If you’re going to sneeze like that, maybe we should just shout out to every night creature that we’re on our way,’ Trevor said. Sypha could not tell if he was joking, one of his many annoying traits. Why did she find this man so attractive? With the dust setting her nose afire with its devilish touch, she didn’t have long to dwell upon this thought. She pulled her cloak up so that she could bury her twitching nose into its soft weave. The tender touch of the wool only made her want to sneeze again, even more violently than before and she held her breath.

                Trevor was striding ahead, flame from his torch licking at the cobwebs. He had drawn his sword, firelight glinting off the blade as the stairs they were descending levelled out into an equally bleak corridor, leading away into the inky night.

                ‘Where the hell is Saint Germain? He was supposed to be here,’ Trevor muttered, the darkness eating up his words. Sypha tried to nod, tried desperately to keep her expression neutral, but another round of sneezes were cascading up through her nose, and no amount of magic was going to keep them contained. She commenced a frantic build-up.


                ‘Not on my watch,’ Trevor said, and moved swiftly towards her and pressed a gloved finger beneath her wildly flaring nostrils. The surprise of his action momentarily forced the sneeze to withdraw and Sypha gasped, helpless and weak from the certainty that she had been about to sneeze. ‘If you go for another bout, there are certain to be any number of night creatures descending on us... and that’s something we do not need right now.’

                Trevor looked over his shoulder, down into the depths of the tunnel before them. Torchlight glinted in Sypha’s wide eyes, his finger still pressed insistently against her nose.

                ‘It’s no good Trevor... once I start, I just gotta...’ she whispered, and sure enough she felt the sneeze gaining uncontrollable momentum. Her head reared back from Trevor’s hand, her mouth falling open and....


                ...Sypha sneezed hugely, bending forward at her waist and desperately turning so as not to catch Trevor with the full force of her sneeze. The echo rang through the tunnel, a rolling vortex of sound. She began to wish she had never come; had instead waited in the village and kept watch, where such colossal sneezes could have gone unnoticed or excusable.

                ‘Well that certainly was a surprise,’ came a voice, and a figure appeared from a hidden alcove. Saint Germain! He had been hidden the whole time.

                ‘There you are, you bastard,’ Trevor growled unnecessarily, withdrawing his hand which had so ineffectually stifled Sypha’s sneeze. The curious man stepped into the globe of light cast by Trevor’s torch, rubbing his beard nervously.

                ‘If you’re going to be sneezing like that the whole way, we may as well have just announced our intentions to the bishop and all who can be found here,’ Saint Germain announced rudely, tossing his cloak across his shoulders. He raised an eyebrow at Trevor’s furious expression. ‘Don’t get angry at me boy, have you forgotten that you will be needing me rather sooner than later...?’

                Trevor grunted, and gestured towards the tunnel beyond, inviting Saint Germain to lead on. He turned back to Sypha, who was holding her nose tightly, the unmistakable sensation of a building sneeze making her eyes squint, her breath to come in quick, hitching gasps. ‘I’m sorry Trevor, I think I’m going to...’

                There was a sudden howl from deep within the darkness in front of them, an inhumane wrenching screech that spoke of the very depths of a tortured hell. The trio froze, feeling the sound of the cry dredge their very souls; a rage from another world.

                ‘They’re upon us,’ whispered Saint Germain. ‘Not a sound – to betray our position now would be the end.’

                Sypha felt the sensation of the building sneeze sliding up through her nose, her blue eyes rolling with the unstoppable feeling. She knew that at this point a sneeze was impossible to deny. Dust seemed to whirl in a tantalising mist about her, a spell of cataclysmic sneezes funnelling directly into her trembling nose, and she realised to her horror that this had been the plan all along; that some magic trap had been placed to disable her as their Speaker and magician. As Sypha reeled back to sneeze, the hell creatures launched their assault.   




                Sypha sneezed a triplet of sneezes, convulsing with their force and utterly unable to defend her friends from the slavering night creatures which suddenly filled the tunnel. Between frenzied sneezes, she say Trevor draw his whip, saw Saint Germain dive for cover. She raised her hands to conjure fire, but all she could do was sneeze again, in a blaze of light that was half-sneeze, half-spell.


                Trevor drew back the whip and launched into his counter-attack against the creatures, a grim smile on his face.


The End.... unless I get inspired...  

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