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Breakfast Run (Harry Styles, Hay Fever)


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As you may or may not know, Harry Styles suffers from hay fever, making him a sneezy guy a lot of the time (see video)


I was... inspired to write a hay fever fic about him, featuring a fictional girlfriend, Chloe. 



Harry groaned to himself and reluctantly opened a sleepy eye. He could feel his nose already thick and itchy, reacting to the pollen in the air. 

Their apartment had a tendency to get boiling hot, so Chloe and Harry kept the windows open overnight, and for most of the day too. The sounds of cars and the wind also helped to lull the pair to sleep, helpful for Harry after a long and sometimes stressful day being a rockstar. 

Unfortunately, once April or May came around though, it made Harry’s hay fever act up. 


He frowned and twitched his nose around, trying to control the building urge to sneeze. Chloe was a light sleeper. She’d had a late night for a friend’s birthday, and he didn’t want to wake her with his angry nose. 


The irritating tickle grew stronger. Harry scrubbed at his nose, frustrated, but there was no relief to be found. “Heh...” he pushed a fist into his nose, warding off the sneeze. “Heh.... eh....” Once more, he shut down the sneeze before it could release into the air. “Heh... Snf.” Finally, Harry couldn’t hold back anymore. He plucked a tissue from the night stand and ducked away from Chloe’s sleeping body. 


“HehISSSUH!” He sneezed into it, trying his best to be quiet, but already more out of control than he’d like to be. 


“Bless you.” Chloe yawned and opened her eyes. 


“Sorry fo.... for... snf. for waking y... Heh... ISSSSHUH! HehISCHHUH! Fuck’s sake. snf. Sorry for waking you, Chlo.” 


She sat up and rubbed his back. “Bless you. It’s okay, you can’t help it.” She played gently with his curls. Harry sniffled wetly and grabbed a new tissue to blow into. 


“Ugh.” He said, and discarded them on the bedside table. 


“Feeling grumpy today?” Chloe smiled. The two lay back down and adjusted themselves to cuddle, Chloe’s head resting on Harry’s peck. 


Harry sniffled again. “My hay fever is just so annoying.” 


Chloe kisses his cheek and nestled into him comfortingly. “Good thing you have the day off today!” She said. “You can just relax and do whatever you want.” 


That did make Harry happy. He smiled at his girlfriend and brought a hand up to stroke her hair. “Snf. I’m glad you’re home with me today, love.” He geared up for another sneeze, eyes fluttering and breath hitching. 


“HehISCHUH! Thanks.” He accepted a tissue from Chloe’s waiting hand. 


“Bless you. I’m glad to be home with you as well.” She said. Harry blew his nose again, with such a full sound, it was like he’d been letting his nose run for hours. 


“It’s so itchy.” He complained. 


“I know, love.” She kissed his cheek tenderly. “Why don’t you take a nice hot shower. That might clear it out a bit.” 


Harry sniffled. “Yeah. In a bit.” He yawned. “Just want to snf. Stay in bed with you for a bi... heh... HehISHHUH! HehISHHHHUH!”


“Bless you.” She kissed the tip of his adorably red nose and lay back down on his chest. Harry dabbed at his drippy nostrils. 


He felt terrible. His throat, eyes, and nose all felt horribly itchy, and the urge to sneeze was an ever-present wave, winning, despite his best effort, every few minutes. 


“I’ll go make some coffee.” Chloe offered, starting to lift her head. 


Snf. Heh... HehISHUH! Snf. No babe, I got it. Stay in bed.” He kissed her pink lips and got up. 


Chloe smiled to herself, enjoying the steamy view of Harry, his mussed hair, tattoo covered torso, and boxers covering that adorable little ass, as he exited the bedroom.


“HehISHHHUH!” His head bobbed and he brought his fist up to cover another itchy sneeze, as he scooped coffee grounds into the French Press. He scrubbed at his nose. 


“Bless you!” Chloe called from the other room. 


Snf. Thanks babe.” Harry sat down at one of the barstools at their marble kitchen island and squeezed the bridge of his nose. “Snfff.” He sniffled thickly, the added pressure giving him some relief. “Heh... HehISHHHUH! HehISHHHHUH! Ugh.” He groaned, and plucked a tissue to blow his nose. 


Chloe came out from the bedroom, looking pretty in her silk pyjamas, and slung her hand around Harry’s slight waist. 


“HehISHHHUH!” She hugged Harry from behind, as another sneeze escaped. 


“Bless you.”  


“Thanks love.” Harry said and fit up for a tissue. “That garbage is going to be overflowing by the end of the day.” He muttered, as he tossed the snotty tissue away. 


Chloe perched herself on the adjacent stool as he returned to the island. Harry gave her a peck on the cheek and sat down. 

“Feel like some croissants for breakfast? I can run out to the bakery.” He asked her. 


“Sounds great!” She said, pressing the coffee maker down. “You don’t mind taking the trip yourself?” 


He shook his head. “I don’t mind at all.” He took two mugs down from the overhead shelves. “I’ll go after my coffee. Snf.” 


“Shall we drink this in bed?” Chloe asked, placing her hand on his shoulder. 


Snf.” Harry nodded and followed behind her, sipping at his cup. He climbed in beside his girlfriend and she lay her head on his bare shoulder. 

He took a thoughtful sip of his coffee. It was 9:30. Most days, he’d be long gone, for work. Press, shoots, recording sessions. “It’s so nice to be in bed.” He grinned at Chloe. 


“It’s a really comfy bed, isn’t it.” She mused. 


“It is. Snf. Kinda want to spend the whole day here with you.” He kissed her forehead. “Ah... HehISHHHUH!” He ducked to the side, sneezing into his fist.” 


“Bless you.” Chloe reaches over for a tissue and dabbed at a small coffee spill in the sheets. 


“Thank you.” Harry sniffed. His stomach began to grumble. Chloe laughed. 


“Better get a move on with those croissants.” He smiled at her. Throwing the rest of his coffee back, he sprang up and headed to the bathroom. 


Much to Harry’s dismay, his allergy medication had been used up last fall, and they had forgotten to restock over the long, grey winter. “Shit.” He cursed. 


“What’s up?” Chloe called. 


“Out of meds.”


“Ah babe, why don’t I go to the store? Or we could order in?” She suggested. 


He shook his head stubbornly to himself. “Nah babe, I’ll be fine. Snf. I’ll see you... Heh... soon... HeHITSCHUH!”

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This is so cute!! I haven’t seen a Harry fic on here in forever. Please continue 😍

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Thanks for your support! Glad to hear you’re enjoying reading it as much as I am writing it :) 

Harry pressed his fist into his nose to hold himself back as much as he could. He had protected himself with sunglasses and a baseball cap for his run out into the London streets, in search of croissants and allergy meds. 

He stepped out of the elevator into the lobby, where he was immediately hit with an even stronger urge to sneeze. “Heheh.... heh...” he sniffed, which only made things worse. “Heh... HehISHHHUH! HehIschhhuh! ISHHHCHUH!” 

The powerful sneezes came tumbling out of him. He sniffled miserably. 

“Fuck.” He mumbled and pulled a tissue out of his pocket to blow into. “Haven’t even left the building yet.” He sighed to himself, after a productive blow. 

It was a gorgeous, rare sunny day in London. Little shoots were starting to poke their heads through the soil, and of course, all the street markets were spilling over with fresh flowers. 

“HehISHHHUH! HehISHHHUH!” Harry sneezed as he passed one such market. He blew his nose quietly, already self conscious about making so much noise in public. He prayed that he wouldn’t be recognized or stopped, as he thanked a few strangers who blessed him. 

The bakery wasn’t far, but the flowers were driving him crazy. Behind his shades, his green eyes were watering and itchy. 

“Heh...” his rebellious body geared up for yet another sneeze, much to his dismay. Determined not to let it out, he brought his fist up again, and pushed hard into his reddening nose. “Hehh...” He felt some stability, and moved his hand for a moment. Immediately, the tickle was present again, and stronger than before. “Hehhh... hah...” Harry slammed his fist back up, stubbornly. 

In front of him, a group of younger girls seemed to be headed out to eat. They talked to each other excitedly about their brunch plans. 

At last, the tickle overpowered Harry, and ripped out of him with great force. “HehISHHHUH! Heh... Hehischhhhuh! HehISHHHUH! HehISCHHHHUH! HehISCHHHUH!” He sneezed into his fist, as politely as he could, but disgusted with himself. He felt it in his abs. “Ugh.” He brought a fresh tissue to his face to relieve himself. He looked up to find that the girls had turned around, and clearly recognized him. Their faces lit up, they whispered to each other, and had stopped on the sidewalk to watch him. 

Harry felt his face grow hot from the unwanted attention. 

“Bless you, Harry!” One called. 

“Thank you.” He called back quietly. He wished he hadn’t left bed with Chloe, and was comfortably itchy in her arms, in the privacy of their home. 

Instead, the girls approached him. Despite his embarrassment, being caught in this less than glamorous moment, it touched him to see how excited they were to see him. 

“Can... can we get a picture, Harry?”

Harry sniffled and brought his fist back up. “HehISHHHUH!”

“Bless you!” They said in an excited unison, fangirling. 

“Excuse me. Of course I’ll take a picture with you.” 

“I love Fine Line!” One said, as he wiped his nose on his sleeve, trying to be discreet. 

“Thank you very much.” He smiled at her, exposing his radiant teeth and trying to turn on his expected charm, but struggling. 

“Would you take our picture?” One of the girls asked an older passerby. 

The girls crowded around him for the picture. “Heh...” Harry started to hitch again, but managed to ward off his allergies until after the picture. 

“Thank you so much for talking to us!” A girl exclaimed. 

“It’s my pleasure, ladies. Thanks for your support.” He smiled at them. “Heh...” 

“Feel better soon, Harry!” Another squealed, as they headed back on route to their brunch. 

“HehISHHHUH! HehISHHHUH! ISCHHHUH! Ugh...” He allowed himself to release once they were a few metres away. He took a minute to compose himself and blow his nose. 

Luckily, the bakery was right there. He prayed that his nose wouldn’t go off inside the small store. 

The bakery was he and Chloe’s favourite in the area. Both of them had a wicked sweet tooth, and loved to cuddle up together with a fresh pastry or two.

Harry opened the cheery door and stepped in. He sighed in relief. The smell of fresh bread was one of his favourites in the world. 

“Good morning, Harry!” Diana, the owner greeted him. 

Harry sniffled. “Good morning, Diana. How’re you today?” He smiled at her, then bent down to admire all the goods in the case. 

“I’m great! Yourself?” 

He brought up his fist and successfully killed off another growing tickle. 

“Can’t complain.” He grinned cheekily. “Your shop smells so good.” 

Diana smiled. “Well thank you. What can I get for you today?” 

“Two croissants...” he browsed the window again. “Ooh, and two of those raspberry danishes, please.” They looked far too good to pass up. 

Harry’s breath started to hitch. Frustrated, he brought his fist up again. “Heh... hehISHUH! HehISCHHHUH! Heh... HehISHHHUH!” He ducked away from Diana and the storefront. 

“God bless.” She said kindly. 

Harry pulled out a fresh tissue. “Thank you.” He said as he wiped the moisture away. “I get really bad hay fever.” He admitted. 

“Ah.” She sympathized with a smile. Diana set the filled box on the counter and Harry walked over to pay. He peeked inside to look at the delicious goods. 

“Breakfast and dessert.” He said. “I can’t wait to eat these.” 

Diana laughed. “Glad you love my baking so much. It’s always a treat to see you and Chloe in here.” 

Harry smiled. He left a generous tip. 

“We’ll see you again soon, take care!” He called on his way out. 

“HehISCHHUH!” He sneezed again, as soon as he was out the door. He struggled to wipe his nose while holding the bakery box. 

“I’m so hungry.” He said to himself, and headed back home.


Hmm... did he forget his meds? 🤔 

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I haven’t visited the forum for a while so this was a really good surprise to be met with! Harry is a gem with both hay fever and a tendency to catch colds 🤩 I'm looking forward to read more about Harry 👌

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Awww this is so sweet, I'm actually seeing Harry in concert in November, which happens to be Spring in Australia 😉

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2 hours ago, Feo said:

@cupcake I thought all of his concerts were delayed? @Missxxch I'm regurlary checking this story for updates!

So far it hasn't been delayed in Australia, I just have to wait and see, but for now it's still happening 

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@Feo @cupcake @sneezelover3 

Thanks so much for your kind words! I’m so glad you like my story. Hope you get to see Harry, @cupcake!

Without further ado, here is part 3!


“Heh... Itschhhuh! HehISHHHUH! Heh.. HehISHHHUH! Ugh. Fuck. Hi babe.” Harry groaned as he opened the door. 


“Hi love, bless you. Got everything you need?” Chloe walked over to greet him and took the bakery bag from his hands. 


Harry sniffled and wiped his nose with his sleeve. “Yep. Picked some danishes too... huh... HehISHHHUH!” 


“Better get that medicine into you, you sound miserable.” Chloe said warmly, passing him a tissue. 


Harry’s eyes widened. “Shit! ... I forgot the medicine.” He grunted. “I’m such an idiot.” He blew his nose harshly. “The pollen is bad today. I’m so itchy.” He whined, scrubbing at his eyes. 


“Aw Harry, I’ll get it for you. You stay here and just relax.” She played with one of his curls gently, as the pair headed over to the couch. “Looks like you’ve had a bit of a morning already.” She said mischievously, referencing his cherry nose. 


“Oh, I have. Heh... hehITSCHHHUH! HehISHHHUH!” 


“Bless you.” She bent over to kiss his cheek. “Pastries look delicious though.” 


Harry practically drooled. “A fresh croissant is exactly what I need right now.” He sniffed. 


Chloe got two small plates down from the cabinet and put a croissant on each. “Made some more coffee too.” She smiled at Harry. 


“Mm, thank you.” Harry hugged her waist, pulling her onto his lap. He took a bite of the delicious, buttery croissant. “Chlo, it’s soooo good.”


Chloe giggled and took a bite of her own. “It is.” She purred. 


Just then, Harry was overwhelmed with an urgent need to sneeze. “Heh...” he started to build. “Chloe... heh... I’m gonna... HehISHHHUH! HehISHHHUH! Heh... HehITSCHHHUH! ISCHHUH!” He exhaled, exhausted. 


“Bless you!” Said Chloe. 

He had sprayed down her neck and back, exposed in her silk camisole. She nonchalantly took a tissue, and wiped up the mess. 


She was used to him going off like this at certain points in the year. She stayed close to him as he gave into his allergic attacks, making sure he knew just how sexy he was, despite his frustration. 


“Ugh, did I get you?” Harry cringed, reaching over to get his own tissue.


“S’okay babe. I don’t mind at all.” She nuzzled her head against his chest and felt the vibrations as he cleared his nose. The two of them continued to eat. When Chloe had finished her breakfast, she lay across the couch, head in Harry’s lap. 


“You’re so beautiful.” He murmured, lightly stroking her long hair. She took his hand and pressed it to her lips. These sleepy mornings were treasures. 


Harry reaches over to pluck another tissue from the coffee table, and blew wetly again. “It’s so annoying - I wasn’t even gone an hour.” He complained. 


“Do you want me to go to the pharmacy now?” She asked gently. He was overdue for some relief. 


“No babe, stay and hang out with me for a bit. I’m alright.” Chloe nodded and pulled herself up to lay higher, on his chest. “Heh...” Harry’s breath started to hitch again, underneath Chloe’s body. The thin silk made her feel even closer to his skin. She bit her lip. 




“Bless you.” She grabbed a tissue herself, and wiped her lover’s irritated nose. 


“Just say when.” She offered. “I won’t be more than 10 minutes, door to door.” 


“I know,” he groaned. “Feels nice to be held when I’m feeling gross though. I don’t want you to go.” He stroked her hair. 


“You’re so stubborn.” Chloe laughed. “Finish your breakfast, darling.” She ordered. 


But Harry’s breath began to hitch again. “Heh.... He.. Hheh... HehISHHHUH! hah... HehTschhhuh! Hehitschhhuh!” 


“Bless you.” By now, the borders of Harry’s nostrils were chapped and raw. He cringed when Chloe brought a tissue up and started to wipe the streams of moisture. 


“I’m being as gentle as I can. I’m sorry.” She said. “Blow it all out.”


He did, using great force. Chloe caught it all in the tissue and disposed of it. “Little clearer?” She asked. 


Harry sniffed. “Much better.” 


“Would you like me to draw you a bath?” 


Harry shook his head. “That’s okay.” He noticed the look on her face, concerned, like she was studying him. He laughed. “Darling, I’m fine. This happens to me all the time.” He sniffled. 


Chloe sighed. “I know.” 


Harry climbed on top of Chloe and proceeded to tickle her. 

“That’ll take care of that serious expression.” He whispered smugly. He felt like garbage, but, he didn’t want her to know that. Of course, Chloe saw straight through it. 


She stood up and took her boyfriends face in her hands. “You don’t have to be so tough all the time.” She kissed the reddened tip of his nose. 


Harry sighed. He liked being looked after when he was sick, but to be fussed over, more-or-less 6 months out of the year was too much for him. He always approached allergy season with a stubborn determination, like it was some kind of opponent for him to overcome. 


“I know I don’t, babe. Thanks for looking after me.” He said sincerely, his green eyes smiling at her. “What are we doing todayhhheh... Heh... HEHITSCHHHUH! HEHITSCHHUH! HehISHHUH! Heh... HehITSCHHHUH!” 


“Bless you.” Chloe’s eyes narrowed. 

“I’d love to go out to that new restaurant for dinner, but only if you let me go to the pharmacy.” 


A trendy Italian restaurant had opened down the street. Chloe and Harry had had their eyes on it for weeks, as it was constructed and eventually filled with furniture. It had just opened for business a few days ago. 


Harry’s eyes lit up just thinking about a pasta-centred date. Wearing clothes that made him feel great and sharing a delicious meal was just what Harry needed today. 


“Alright, but come back soon. I’ll keep your spot warm.” He said, patting the couch cushion. She chuckled and headed out of the room. “Chloe!” He called. “Thank you so much for going for me. I really appreciate it.” Harry sniffled. 


Chloe stepped back in for a quick kiss. “It’s absolutely my pleasure, handsome.” She walked to the door and slipped her sneakers on. 


Harry heard her lock the door. Suddenly,  nose started to itch with great potency. “Fuck.” He muttered to himself. His eyes darted to the window, as he let the incoming sunlight trigger the release he needed. “Heh... HehITSCHHHUH! HehITSCHHUH!” He groaned and let himself sink into the couch.

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