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A Small Closet (Supernatural, Sam)


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A/N: This is a quick SPN fic I wrote because I'm rewatching seasons 1-5 and I forgot how utterly in love I am with early-season Sam. 😍 Kind of still a first draft, but oh well. 😅 This can take place in almost any season you want, I tried to not date it though I think of it as season 2 or 3, but that doesn't even fit as well as a few seasons later probably. Hope you enjoy! I might continue this with Dean later on too... 👀 if people would be interested in that.



“Oh, shit,” Dean whispered in surprise.

“It’s coming,” said Sam.

Giving the room a quick once-over, Dean rushed over, as quietly as possible, to a small closet. “Get in,” he directed simply. Sam looked at his surroundings and very quickly came to the conclusion that there was no better, immediate solution, and it was a moot point because there really wasn’t any time to even debate options. So, they slid inside the wardrobe. There was hardly enough room in there for both men – Sam was pressed into one side, his hands unable to move up without hitting a shelf, a wall of the closet, or Dean, who was in an awkward, almost-spooning position behind him. With an uncomfortable strain on his arm, Dean managed to shut the doors.

It seemed that they hid just in time, hearing footsteps into the room and horrible snarling almost as soon as the closet doors closed. As long as they were quiet, the werewolf shouldn’t know their position and they would be safe. Fortunately, Sam and Dean were accustomed to this situation due to years of hunting. Unfortunately, as Sam had climbed into the – rather dusty – closet, his face ended up near an old, fanciful hat that had a – rather dusty – feather that ended up deep inside Sam’s poor, already-sensitive nose.

A few seconds passed. Sam’s nose was twitching uncontrollably like that of a bunny rabbit and though he held back his breaths as much as he could, he still hitched softly. Quirking his eyebrows in alarm, Dean realized the situation and put his hand on Sam’s shoulder to signal that he understood what was happening. Sam’s face crumpled into a ticklish expression. Every minute movement of his or Dean’s caused the feather to tickle more and more of the extraordinarily receptive deep insides of his nose. God, he really wished that his nose would stop twitching – it just made it even worse, rubbing itself along the soft edges of the feather.

“Heh… heh… h-heh-hih…” Sam hitched dangerously, on the brink of sneezing whether he liked it or not. The sounds of footsteps outside the closest and a loud noise were much less than reassuring. Fuck, the dust in the closet made it itch so much more…

He couldn’t hold back his sneezes any longer, his body wouldn’t let him. He couldn’t even move enough to stop his sneezes with his fingers. Dean was panicking, trying to prepare himself for how to save both him and his brother – well, at least his brother, if it came down to it – having almost all their weapons and tools stolen from them earlier that day, aside from normal guns that wouldn’t be of much use against a werewolf.

“Hihhh… h-hih-heh! Uh’stchoo! Heh’ddtschhu! Hah…

The closet doors swung open. Both brothers drew their handguns on reflex and pointed them outside the door, ready to shoot.

Dean sighed before breaking out into a wide smile. “Bobby!” he exclaimed.


“Fancy seeing you here. You come here often?” Dean said.

“Get those damn guns off me already, ya idjits,” Bobby demanded, a little annoyed and a little on edge about Sam sneezing while pointing a gun at him. The kitsune – not a werewolf after all – lay dead on the floor outside.

Ah’tschhh! Nng, sorry,” Sam apologized, moaning a bit after sneezing again. Dean came out of the closet, giving Sam enough room to do the same and holding a hand out to help him out. Sam took it and got out before falling into a rapid, harsh sneezing fit.

“What in the hell has gotten into you, boy?” Bobby asked, concern clear in his voice.

“Some dumb hat with a feather,” Dean clarified.


“Oh, and a lot of dust,” Dean added, remembering.


“And he was kinda coming down with something already,” Dean added again.

Bobby sighed. “I leave you boys alone for one day,” he mumbled under his breath. Dean shrugged and gave him a smirk before turning his attention to his brother, who was hitching desperately.

“Huhh… hahh… h-hihh…”

“It’s okay, Sammy, you can sneeze now, the kitsune’s dead,” Dean teased.

“H-hehh… f-hh… fuck youhhhh… hahh… hah’huhtsdchuu!” The sneeze was so strong, it sent Sam bending at the waist, which he was too exhausted to support at this point, and he would have fallen if not for Dean quickly sweeping an arm under him.

“Woah, woah, woah… you okay, Sammy?” the elder brother asked, concern spiking.

“Y-yeah… I just… Uhdstchuu!” The younger man went stumbling again, coughing, but this time Dean was prepared and held him upright with both his arms wrapped around him.

“Dude, you need to sit down,” Dean breathed, running his gaze up and down Sam’s frame and once again for good measure. Sam nodded and sat down on the floor, legs crossed criss-cross applesauce – Dean almost made a joke along the lines of, “What are you, five?” but thought better of it and refrained.

“Ih’dtschhh! Heh’kshh!” Sam sneezed… again. It was a rather pitiful sight: the large man, sitting on the floor, sniffling and sneezing and rocking forward with each release, pawing at his red nose with his hand.

“What are you doing here, anyway, Bobby? Why’d you come?” Dean inquired.

“Aren’t you glad I did?” the older hunter replied with raised eyebrows.

“Well, yeah – thanks for that, by the way –”

“I came because this is a dangerous hunt and you two bozos –” he paused to smack Dean on the back of his head, causing the green-eyed man to flinch and pout defensively, “—were rushing in without being sure of what you were really hunting.”

“We were sure! The hospital data was incomplete, and we never saw the thing – it’s totally fair to assume it was a werewolf,” Dean protested while Sam continued sneezing.

“But you were wrong. Silver don’t work against kitsunes, you need to stab ‘em through the heart to kill it. Plus, with Sam catching cold last night, he wouldn’t be at his best to deal with your dumbass, rookie mistake that could’ve gotten you both killed.”

“I mean, I-I wasn’t sick last night,” Sam corrected in self-defense. Bobby and Dean both raised their eyebrows at him but stayed silent. “… actually, now that I think about it, I was. How did you two…?”

“We’ve been around you for a while, boy, we probably know you better than you even know yourself in some cases,” Bobby explained with a small, comforting smile.

Heht-tsdchh’huh!” was Sam’s only reply to that.

“And here, take these,” Bobby said, holding out a travel pack of tissues that he had brought for the sick man.

“Thanks, Bobby,” Sam said sincerely, congestion evident in his voice, before taking the tissues and blowing his nose with a few of them.

“Come on, Sammy, let’s get you back to Bobby’s place,” Dean said, gesturing for Sam to get up and wrapping an arm under him to support him and make sure he kept his balance.

“Huh’tschuu!” Sam sneezed into his elbow again, bracing against Dean’s arm before leaning into his brother’s torso for support.

Dean shook his head. “You better not get me sick, man…”


Dean rolled his eyes and the three continued to walk out to their own cars – Dean, with one arm around his little brother and one arm carrying hunting supplies – Bobby, with his own hunting supplies and a fond smile – and Sam, with a twitching red nose and some sneezes with a few dry coughs mixed in. Sam got into the passenger seat as Dean threw the duffel bag into the trunk, closed it, and got inside the car.

“I swear, if you get me sick, Sam…” Dean warned with a finger pointed at his brother. Sam threw his hands up in mock defense. “Oh! And one more thing,” Dean added as he pulled out of the parking lot.

“What’s that?” Sam asked.

“Bless you.”

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Oh. My. GOD. What was this?? My heart is literately fluttering in love for this story, for my sneezy Sammy! Thank you SO much for taking out the time to write this beautiful story and share it with us!


....aaaand.... going to re read it again and then playing the scenes in my head. So much love 💕 thank you ☺️ 

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5 hours ago, Coffee Mug said:

Oh. My. GOD. What was this?? My heart is literately fluttering in love for this story, for my sneezy Sammy! Thank you SO much for taking out the time to write this beautiful story and share it with us!


....aaaand.... going to re read it again and then playing the scenes in my head. So much love 💕 thank you ☺️ 

Aw, reading this made me really happy!! Thank you for taking out the time to reply to this thread and be so kind. I had fun writing this -- it involves a few SPN snzfic tropes I really love and, of course, Sam, who I also love.

I'm considering continuing this fic with Dean catching Sam's cold and Bobby somewhat taking care of the two of them (+ the two brothers taking care of each other a bit) and then maybe something along the lines of Sam and Dean going on a hunt or getting captured by a creature while both sick. I'm also open to other ideas. Depends on what y'all want :)

I also have some plans for other SPN fics. I've never actually written Sastiel even though I think it's an adorable pairing (not canon, imo, but cute in fiction and theory), so I'm probably going to write a Sastiel snzfic or two, probably involving feathers from Cas's wings or a cold or Castiel not understanding allergies well and accidentally exposing Sam to allergens (probably flowers because I'm a sucker for pollen allergies) and being slightly confused and concerned when Sam keeps having sneezing fits. I also kind of want to write something Dean-centric and maybe a Cas fic too. I've really been getting back into SPN lately. 😅 Taking suggestions/requests into consideration, though!

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This is so cute! i love your writing!

17 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

What in the hell has gotten into you, boy?” Bobby asked, concern clear in his voice.

“Some dumb hat with a feather,” Dean clarified.


“Oh, and a lot of dust,” Dean added, remembering.


 “And he was kinda coming down with something already,” Dean added again.

Especially this bit :) 

6 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

I'm considering continuing this fic with Dean catching Sam's cold and Bobby somewhat taking care of the two of them (+ the two brothers taking care of each other a bit) and then maybe something along the lines of Sam and Dean going on a hunt or getting captured by a creature while both sick. I'm also open to other ideas. Depends on what y'all want :)

And this sounds like a great idea! but don’t feel pressured--i’d love to read anything you write!

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New spn fic!!!! This makes me so happy :))) anything with allergies is 🔥🔥🔥. Thank you so much for posting this :)

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