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Powerful Words (The Magnus Archive)


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I just finished the first season of The Magnus Archives and I’m hooked. So I decided to try my hand at writing a fanfiction for the fandom! Enjoy!



JONATHAN: Hih’ISSshiew! Ngk…[Pauses to rub his nose sniffling curtly, before clearing his throat] Apologies it appears among my predecessor's many flaws in her filing, cleanliness was also wasn’t one of her strong suits, and I forgot to take my medication, so I ask you, please bear with me. [Sniffle, followed by the shuffling of papers] Statement of Elizabeth Carlyle a Story regarding the case of  Powerful Wor-hih-Words. [sniffle] Taken from the subject on the 16th of May, 1996, read by Head Archivist Jonathan Sims.

NOTE FROM TRANSCRIBER: Tissues are recommended to have on hand for this particular statement as though the subject may not be present, her words may still hold some power over the reader when read allowed.

JONATHAN: [rubbing the bridge of his nose, sighing] Statement begins. I know you won't believe me when I say this, but I could make things happen with my words. I know it seems silly, but It’s something I’ve always been able to do from a young age, I just hadn’t realized it until I was older and things I said or wrote down happened.

Not everything, of course, that would be a bit ridiculous, only certain things, and only if I wished hard enough for them to happen. …I can see from your face that you don’t believe me. After all I must sound like a nut, so perhaps I can prove it to you in some way…if you’ll let me.

Don’t worry, I won’t make you do anything too embarrassing…perhaps just something simple…a snee-huh-sneeze. [rubs nose] Yes, that should be easy enough.

[clears throat] Picture yourself lying on your stomach in a field of flowers, lazily soaking up the sunlight. You’ve never been particularly allergic, or so you thought, with so many varieties, it hard to tell if that’s true anymore. It starts with a small feeling in the back of your nose, almost like a gentle buzzing.

Just enough so that you start to lose [sniffle] your focus a little, to that nagging feeling. You rub your nose, but the tingle is too far back and just out of reach. [absentmindedly rubs nose]

After a few good rubs, you give up, ignoring the feeling hoping it goes away, resting your head on your folded arms once more, failing to notice as a str-heh-stray blade of grass touches your no-huh-nose just brushing the inside of your left nostril. You sniffle in response, drawing the tickly pollen cov-heh’huh-covered blade furthering in sending a bur-huh’hah’-ning itch cascading up you-your [sound of tissues being tugged from a tissue box] HUH’ RUSSshiew! ‘AShiew! ‘Ngxst! Hih’Gshxt! HUH’HgxnSShiew!

St-tatement En-huh-ds HAH’ASSHIEW!

[noseblowing can be heard] I hard-hardly hih’huh’ think there’s any proof in th-this statement. Clearly, I was al-already in a sus- Huh’HURSHiew! Ngh- susceptible state. [sniffle] More research will have to be done to discern the tru-huh-truth of this statement. Either way, this will undoubtedly be in-interesting.

End Re-huh-Recording


Edited by ChickyNuggetOfJustice
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Oh, this is a really cool idea! I love the concept of the words (and also, Jon being so stubborn about it, because naturally he totally would be!) And I like how you set it out like an episode, too! (I'm a few episodes into season 2 of TMA, and I'm pretty obsessed, so...I came running when I saw a fic for it :rofl:)

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On 3/31/2020 at 6:35 AM, Usagi said:

I do love the way you write friend! Good stuff! 

Ahhh thanks! This is my first time doing a transcript for of writing I’m glad you like it!

9 hours ago, MaiMai said:

Oh, this is a really cool idea! I love the concept of the words (and also, Jon being so stubborn about it, because naturally he totally would be!) And I like how you set it out like an episode, too! (I'm a few episodes into season 2 of TMA, and I'm pretty obsessed, so...I came running when I saw a fic for it :rofl:)

Lol thanks. Poor Jon, he’s so stubborn sill man! I’m glad you liked it, I just started season 2 as well. :) 

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So after watching a few of these little episodes I have to say it's growing on me a good bit. :) Given I had some persuasion. It's something I have to actually sit down to but I love it all the same.

Great job, Chicky! (If that nickname is okay?)

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3 hours ago, Pyrus_Fangmon said:

So after watching a few of these little episodes I have to say it's growing on me a good bit. :) Given I had some persuasion. It's something I have to actually sit down to but I love it all the same.

Great job, Chicky! (If that nickname is okay?)

It can be a bit exhausting to listen to Jon go on and on, but they're good to listen to while I'm doing other things, and they do pick up. Wait till you hit episode 39-40 ;) things get...well a little crazy. Anyway, thank you for the comment and the nicknames fine! :P 

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Nice!!! Very well and original! I like how you write and love the sneeze spellings 😌☺️

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2 hours ago, Coffee Mug said:

Nice!!! Very well and original! I like how you write and love the sneeze spellings 😌☺️

Yay!!! Thanks I’m glad you enjoyed reading it! ☺️☺️

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