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Legend of Zelda sneeze fan fiction


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"The Ocarina"

by Stephanie Aleris

(A "Legend of Zelda" Fan Fiction)




It was just another day in the Hyrule kingdom, sunny, bright, although a little chilly this

time of the year. In the main hall, Princess Zelda was making her rounds around the castle,

trying to get the servants to clean up the place for the party being held tonight. There

would be a lot of people over, and she wanted it just right. Not one speck of dust should be

anywhere - especially since the town favorite Link was coming over. It'd be a little

embarassing if she had the place dirty, and have some cobwebs lying about.

From the main hall she went from room to room, checking up on some of the servants progress

in cleaning the army regiments dorms and quarters. So far, everything was just the way she

wanted it. Her father the King, and her mother the Queen, would be ever so pleased. With a

checklist in her hand, she noticed everything was running smoothly until she walked downstairs

into the underground basement. That was the dustiest and most unkept place of them all.

"Reginald!" she called over. Reginald was a skinny-looking servant with a long chin, but

despite his funny looking features, he was the head of the maids around the castle. "Could

you assign some people over and help them clean up this basement please? We only have so

much time until the Royal Ball begins!"

"Yes, your majesty," said Reginald.

"I would also like to pick up some of our things from there, as well," she added. Downstairs

was where all of her father's treasured antiques laid - from shields to swords and weapons

saved from famous battle eons ago. One particular item, a famous Ocarina, lay there too. It

was saved from when Link saved Hyrule not too long ago; it was pure gold, and had not been

used, however, for quite some time.

Zelda went back to her room and as she looked for something to save to wear for the Ball,

she overheard Reginald assign his "troops" to go and clean-up the basement. It was funny,

Reginald sounded so much like a kindly sargeant: He was demandng, but if someone should

happen to mess up, like break something, he'd take the blame. It was his kindness that

Zelda thought kindly of Reginald, and why he was promoted to Head of the cleaning staff.

Later that day, Zelda exited her room and was about to send a message to the messenger to

invite all of her friends and townsfolk, until she got a call from Reginald.

"Your majesty! I have found something!"


Zelda turned around and there was Reginald, holding the Ocarina. The gold was all gone from

it - obviously Father Time had given it a serious beatdown. Reginald had a face mask on.

"Oh, it's the Ocarina! I'm sure the musicians would like to use it for their concert during

the ball as well." Zelda took it from Reginald, and gave it a look. At first, just moving

it around from her fingers scraped some dust off, but when she tried to blow some of it,

a good portion of it got into her nose. It tickled softly at first, but it eventually grew.

"Your majesty, would you like me to - " Reginald began, but Zelda gave an expression on her

face that she was going to sneeze.

"Ah - Ah - AH-CHOO!!" Zelda only replied back. "Ah.. Ah-CHOOO!"

"Bless you, your - "

"AH-CHOO! AH-CHIMMM!! AH-CHOOOO!!" Zelda was only able to reply. The dust had been in there

for so long, it was impossible to keep it away. Her sneezes kept going, varying from stifles

to cute, high pitched ones. "Ah... Ah... Ah-Choooo!"

"Bless you, your majesty," Reginald said, taking back the Ocarina. "I'll go get this

cleaned right away."

"Yes, plea-choo! P-please do! Aaaaaaaaah - CHOOOOO!" Zelda said, sneezing again. She gladly

handed it back to him, and rubbed her nose on the way out of the hall and going outside.


Zelda, embarassed, walked out of the hall, completely embarassed. It looked like her sneezing

had stopped for now.

"... It's another one of those days!" she laughed.


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Hopefully I'll do some more Nintendo stuff! I liked how this turned out for a beginner, lol


Princess Zelda


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Yes yes, Nintendo is all very good, but might I selfishly request you to consider writing an anime based one? Pretty please?

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Guest Otoutochan

If you get the inclination, please do a Metroid fic with Samus Aran. She's a hottie. :) Such an awesomely powerful female badass with a bad case of the sneezes. Yum. Sneezing inside of her helmet... funny... not quite as sexy. lol.. Anyway, I'm a video game nut too so I thank you for your contribution.

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Wow, that one was really nice :D .

I really liked the end.

"... It's another one of those days!" she laughed.

So pretty lil princess gets "those days" often, doesn't she? :)

Thank you


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Heh, you must be thinking of Link, the guy/Elf who rescues her! Mmmm...maybe someone will write some Link fic?

~Frack, who ironically enough, just BOUGHT a "Legend of Zelda" jacket today from Hot Topic.

PS...GREAT story!

Edited by frack
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  • 2 years later...

lol wow... this is so old XD never thought I'd see this again.

I really haven't been much of a fic person since I posted this, I sorta lost interest along the way and kinda gave up. ^^;; Sorry everyone.

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  • 4 years later...

This is one of three Zelda sneezing stories I've ever found online. I love this story still, even though it is pretty short (which I don't mind at all Dusty :)) Thank you for making a story like this. The other two...one of them was when Zelda had a curse from the majora's mask and she grew into a big giantess (like, 100 feet tall giantess XD) and she got a cold while trying to get away from everyone because she feared she would hurt them. The other one was when she was hiding from her maid (I think ^^; )

Anyway, great short story Dusty!! :D

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  • 9 months later...

Nice story! I'm a huge Zelda fan, so when I saw this, I had to read it. And, if there is any possibility that you will be doing more writing, I support the Samus notion. :D

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

tloz is my fav game in the whole world (with portal 2 a close second) this was amazing do you think you could do it again?

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for liking my old fic smile.png its been ages since i've seen this thing! lol! much love everyone ^^

Edited by Dulcy!
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  • 7 months later...

Short, but sweet--and oh so delicious!"-drools- It may not be as in-depth as other sneezefics, but I really like this piece for that :)

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yeah, i didn't put much thought into it xD after all this is at least 10 years old. but thank you. ^^

in the mean time it resides her standing the test of time, lol xD i'm all into that webcomic 'keeping up with thursday' fandom now. but maybe one day i'll revisit zelda :3

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