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An unnamed Wayhaught Fic! (F/F, Waverly from Wynonna Earp)


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Holy heck has it been a while since I've written anything around here! I've had 3 or 4ish chapters written for this story for a loooong time, I just never got around to posting because I didn't know if other people would be interested in the kind of fics I write. I decided to be extra generous and combine the first two chapters into my initial post haha. I might post the other couple chapters if anyone seems interested.

This Wynonna Earp fanfic features sick Waverly and caretaking Nicole ❤️, which is the absolute most adorable ship ever. For a super-quick synopsis of the show, it's focused on Wynonna Earp, the sarcastic and hilarious great great granddaughter of Wyatt Earp, an old western lawman who killed 77, I believe, "bad guys", or "revenants" during his life. A curse has been afflicted to the Earp family, so when the next heir turns 27, all the people Wyatt Earp killed during his life resurrect as revenants who try to kill the heir. Wynonna is the heir now, and she's the only person who can send the revenants back to hell. Waverly is Wynonna's little sister and the two work together for the Black Badge Division (BBD) along with some other friends to investigate cases that are too absurd for the Purgatory Sheriff's Department. Nicole starts out as just a cop at the Sheriff's Department and later is invited by Waverly into BBD and works for both the Sheriff's Department and BBD. So if that was too confusing to follow, don't worry! Most of the plot is insignificant to the story.

Now, enjoy your regularly scheduled F/F romance!



A restless, currently irritated by the thunderstorm redhead rolled over in bed, burying her face into the fluffy pillow. She closes her eyes and drifts back to sleep.

Another loud crack of fluorescent lightning splits the nighttime sky in Purgatory.

Nicole jolts awake, immediately aware of her girlfriend's body curled up next to her. She didn't think she'd ever get used to this feeling. For some odd reason, she just felt like she wasn't the one who deserved Waverly Earp as her girlfriend.

With another loud boom of thunder, Nicole climbs swiftly out of bed and over to the window. She leans her head on the wall and holds the curtain back, staring blankly outside, awaiting the next clap of thunder and strike of lightning.


Nicole jumps and takes a deep breath in at the sound of the small noise that came from behind her. Waverly, that was Waverly. God, there's a bolt of lightning and some thunder and suddenly she's jumping to the conclusion that a revenant had somehow gotten in. The redhead traces the path back to bed slowly, one step at a time so she's sure she won't trip over anything that may be crowding the floor.

Once back in bed, Nicole plants a kiss in her sleepy girlfriend's hair. She knew Waverly was faintly awake, or assumed she was from the sneeze. Waverly scoots across the bed towards her girlfriend and the redhead curls her arm around the sleeping girl's body. She closes her eyes and rests her forehead against Waverly's, humming softly to her. The two stay like that for a long time until Waverly's soft breaths return are the only audible noise in the room. No more thunder, no more lightning, just the peace that came with holding her sleeping love.


"Haught! Waves! Come get your coffee." A loud voice booms up the stairs. Nicole forces herself awake, pawing at her tired eyes.

"We're coming, Wynonna, we're coming!" She shouts back instinctively, knowing if they're not awake and downstairs in another five minutes, they'll have another unpleasant surprise waiting for them, probably something much worse than some yelling. 

Waverly whimpers slightly at all the noise, sniffling and burying her face in the blankets covering girlfriend's stomach. Nicole kisses her forehead and runs a hand through Waverly's soft brown hair. 

"Good morning, cutie pie. Someone's still sleepy, hmm?" Nicole can feel the nod against her abdomen followed by a soft moan.

Nicole just smiles and takes the next few minutes to rub Waverly's back with her nails in attempt to wake her girlfriend.

"We really gotta get up, okay? Wynonna has coffee and cinnamon rolls ready, then we're off to Black Badge, right?" 

Waverly doesn't respond this time, no nod, no nothing. Nicole gently taps her shoulder and finally is rewarded with her baby's soft brown eyes looking back at her.

"Hey, Waves. You up?" 

"No," she grumbles tiredly.

This was very unusual. It happened sometimes that Waverly didn't have the energy to get up. After all, she was majorly overworked. Volunteering to cover the entire research aspect of BBD and conduct research on every revenant her great great granddad had ever faced was extensive and exhausting. But not nearly as exhausting as it was to keep her sister alive or to help her friends out on missions. It wasn't odd that Waverly was tired of being overworked, but it was odd that Waverly was grumpy first thing in the morning.

"Do you wanna go downstairs and go get something to eat before we go? I don't want you to be hungry." Nicole asks sweetly, being extra patient with Waverly today. After all, even grumpy Waverly's love was still enough to make her heart throb.

"Uhh.. maybe, yeah. Just give me a minute." Waverly sniffles and sits up in bed, rubbing her nose with both her hands. She doesn't say anything, she just looks at Nicole with a blank look on her face, Nicole watching her confusedly until eventually the smaller girl pitches forward into her hands with a soft yet wet sneeze, attempting to protect the blankets from the mist.

"Bless you, love. C'mon." Nicole gets up and offers Waverly her hand, who takes it and follows her downstairs, sniffling.

"Man, did you hear that storm last night? That was killer! Thought it would've knocked over great great grandaddy's barn or something, but I checked this morning and I guess everything's still standing. No offense to good ole Wyatt, but construction was not his forte."

Wynonna is at her usual spot in the kitchen next to the sink, refilling her cup with coffee for the third time that morning.

"Ndo," Waverly mumbles, taking her usual seat at the table.

"Yeah, I did. It kept me up for a little while, too." Nicole pauses for a second after responding to think about what Waverly had just said. Waverly didn't remember waking up last night?

Nicole gently rests her foot on Waverly's under the table. "You feeling okay, sweetheart?"

"Yeah, perfect. I think I'm just hungry." She gets up and grabs herself a plate, taking a cinnamon roll from the pan and sitting down with it. Nicole smiles and watches her take her first few bites then grabs herself a cup of coffee and picks a few grapes from the bowl on the table.

Wynonna looks over her pale little sister and shoots Nicole a look. Nicole glances at Waverly and then back at Wynonna, nodding a little bit. Wynonna sighs softly, gives a small smirk at her sister's girlfriend, and looks back out the window. 

After eating half of the cinnamon roll, Waverly gets up. "I think I might need some coffee after all. When're we leaving?" 

Wynonna looks at the clock, leaned against the kitchen counter. "Ten minutes."

"Ten minutes? Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" Waverly squeals, pushing her chair in and darting up the stairs to go get ready, all thoughts of coffee abandoned.

After both Nicole and Wynonna are sure she's far enough that she wouldn't be able to hear them, they exchange looks. 

"She's definitely sick," Wynonna states flatly, finishing off her coffee. 

"Yeah, she is. Poor girl woke herself up sneezing last night and really didn't want to get up this morning. I'll keep an eye on her today," Nicole assures protectively.

"I'm trusting you, Haught-shot. Don't let me down." Wynonna gives her a stern big sister look.

Upstairs, Waverly sneezes again, twice in a row this time, which was quite unusual for her and was faintly audible from downstairs. Nicole exchanges a look with Wynonna and slowly slips tissues into her purse with a tiny sympathetic smile on her face.

Once Wynonna's rattly blue pick-up truck pulled up at BBD, the group stepped out and headed inside. Waverly was trailing a bit behind, so Nicole wraps her arm around her girlfriend, who was managing a small smile in attempt to reassure her tall redheaded girlfriend that she was alright.

Of course neither Wynonna or Nicole were going to fall for that. They weren't anywhere near clueless as to what was happening. Waverly didn't get sick often, but when she did, it was hard to hide.

Nicole swings open the door for her girlfriend, who thanks her. Wynonna simply stumbles in behind them now, too busy texting to thank the tall cop.

Inside, the whole crew was already waiting on the trio. Nicole takes a seat and to her surprise, Waverly sits down right on Nicole's lap. Nicole can't help but smile shyly, brushing her small girlfriend's hair back to kiss her behind the ear before their meeting could start. She definitely wasn't opposed to letting her cute, sick girlfriend sit on her lap.

Business goes on as per usual, but there's something off about the meeting. Waverly didn't have a huge poster board with leads on any new, unsuspecting revenants. She wasn't leading this meeting like she usually was. The room was quiet and the atmosphere awkward.

After nearly a minute, Waverly shakes her head and stands up from Nicole's lap, tripping over her own foot in attempt to get up quickly. Nicole catches her arm before she can actually fall and Waverly sighs, flustered with bright pink cheeks as she pushes her long wavy brown hair out of her face. "Sorry guys, just a little slow today. Wynonna wouldn't share her coffee," she attempts to joke, pulling out the half-assed, incomplete poster board from behind the filing cabinet. 

Waverly sets the focus of their meeting up on Nicole's desk and Nicole rolls her chair back so they all have a chance to inspect it.

The creep of the week was some usual red-eyed demon who had been caught multiple times attempting to rob the only bank in Purgatory. Waverly presents the information slowly, then shakes the mouse on her computer so the BBD gang could inspect the surveillance footage provided by the bank. The only issue was she couldn't seem to find the file anywhere on her computer. 

"Why won't this stupid thing..." Waverly murmurs under her breath.

Doc shoots Nicole a look and Nicole sighs softly, letting Waverly take care of it. Just as she clicks on the file, Waverly is caught off-guard by a larger-than-usual sneeze. She quickly attempts to pull her arm to her face, and ends up sneezing all over her wrist. "Hh'ISSHhiiew!!"

"Bless you," the whole room choruses, Nicole's eyes widening a little bit. She didn't like seeing this one bit. It was one thing for Waverly to be sick, and on top of that, here she was trying to give one of her infamous, always over-the-top presentations. Nicole bites her lip a little bit and Wynonna claps her hand on her friend's shoulder, trying to get her to calm down a little.

Waverly sniffs a few times and clicks open the footage, letting it play on loop. While everyone is watching closely, Waverly uses the time to wipe her wet wrist on her pant leg. She felt absolutely disgusting. Once the clip has been replayed a few times, Waverly slaps down an enormous stack of old newspaper articles. 

"So.. there's gotta be some information somewhere in here. I haven't had a chance to look at anything yet," the youngest Earp says awkwardly, blushing again and rubbing at her arm, obviously embarrassed.

Everyone looks around at one another before grabbing a paper and attempting to match a face or possible name with the video surveillance from the bank.

This usually wasn't like Waverly at all. Everyone in the room had seemed to pick up on that. Jeremy was looking through the old sports sections, Doc was caught up in reminiscing about the past tax laws that had been in place, and Dolls wasn't finding anything useful. By no means was the rest of the gang anywhere as used to conducting research as Waverly was.

Waverly finds her seat in Nicole's lap, who glances around the room to check everyone was focused on the task at hand. When Nicole is sure nobody's watching, she brings her hand up to Waverly's forehead and lets the back of it rest against the pale girl's warm skin. Waverly shoots up out of her lap and turns around. 

"Nicole, stop it!" 

The whole room turns to look at the two of them, everyone missing what had just happened. Instantly mortified, Nicole sighs and opens her mouth to talk, but nothing comes out.

"Please, just stop treating me like a baby, okay? I don't do my work around here once, for the first and only time in what.. three years? And everyone has to pretend like I screwed everything up."

Waverly sits down and lays her head on the desk in front of her, trying to take a deep breath. Nobody wanted to be the next to speak, certainly not Nicole. All she wanted to do was reach out and rub her baby's back, but she didn't want to irritate Waverly any more than she already had. 

The outburst hadn't been expected by anyone, not even Nicole. Had she have known that was coming, she wouldn't have tried to check for a fever. Nicole was just trying to be sweet, to care for her girlfriend. But at the same time, Nicole knew not to take it personally. She knew that most of this pressure Waverly was feeling was coming from inside herself. She was always driven to lead the research and to be the best, the strongest, and the rock of the gang all at once. If anyone wanted to work, it was Waverly. She was always on top of everything and had been even before Wynonna had returned to Purgatory. She was the glue that held the Black Badge Division together. Waverly felt obligated to be the strongest member of BBD gang and to lead every meeting. Nobody had ever pushed that role upon her, she'd just assumed it. And now that she'd failed to complete something for the first time in three years, she was clearly very upset with herself.

"Baby girl, we're not mad at you. Come get a drink with me, 'kay?" Wynonna stands over her little sister, offering her hand. Waverly gladly takes it, ready to get out of the room now that she'd unintentionally blown up on her friends. 

As the door slams closed behind them, Nicole sighs and rests her head in both her hands.

"She's sick," Nicole sighs gently, talking out loud, more to herself than to anyone else in the room. And now that she was certain that her baby was sick, she needed a fool-proof way to help her feel better.

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AAAHHHHH HOORAY!!! Another wayhaught, fiiiiinally! You've def caught the putting-all-the-pressure-on-herself aspect of Waverly (whereas if Nicole was sick, she'd be the first one to be reassuring about how everyone deserves a break and they're all a team and they help each other out). It would be very sad indeed not to see the rest of this, especially if it's already written! I wanna see Nicole and Wynonna scheming together to take care of Waves.

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On 10/19/2019 at 7:59 AM, Millie1 said:

I love this! I’m not familiar with the OC’s but I still love the writing and the caretaking, and I’m hoping for more!

Thank you! If you ever find yourself looking for a new show to watch, definitely check out Wynonna Earp. If you like my mediocre representation of Wayhaught, then you'd fall in love with the actual show! Thanks for your comment, too, I appreciate it! 

On 10/19/2019 at 5:56 PM, wannablessedbe said:

AAAHHHHH HOORAY!!! Another wayhaught, fiiiiinally! You've def caught the putting-all-the-pressure-on-herself aspect of Waverly (whereas if Nicole was sick, she'd be the first one to be reassuring about how everyone deserves a break and they're all a team and they help each other out). It would be very sad indeed not to see the rest of this, especially if it's already written! I wanna see Nicole and Wynonna scheming together to take care of Waves.

Well, my next post is the rest of what I have written, but it's quite long. Sorry it's taken so long to get up, school's been kicking my butt like always and I spend most of my nights getting homework out of the way & the little freetime I have is spent practicing instruments, so my writing time is limited, but I'm attempting to make it work! It's not nearly as good as yours, but still, hope you enjoy the wayhaught content because nobody else seems to want to write it! :(

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Alright y'all, I'm back again! This is the rest of what I currently have written for this fic, but I still have a little more inspiration to write some more for this.. mostly because they're just so adorable haha. I know what you're probably thinking: "You're thinking about stopping here? You've only posted two chapters!" and my answer to that would be technically, I've posted two chaps a time on this fic for a grand total of four chaps! My usual goal is about 1,000 words and I've been around 2,000 on each post, I've just been unsure of where to split the writing into chaps, so I've posted it all together. Anyways, please enjoy and hopefully we'll see some more soon if my schedule permits! :) 


Wynonna ended up taking Waverly home early since she obviously wasn't feeling up to working (and not that Wynonna would've let her work, anyway). Wynonna leads her younger sister upstairs with a hand on her back and watches as the shorter girl gets cozy in bed. They spend a few minutes looking at each other in silence, Wynonna protectively stroking her younger sister's hair as sleepy tears well up in her eyes.

"I love you, bacon donut. Don't worry about the meeting, okay? Don't worry about work at all. We'll share the research as long as you're still under the weather, 'kay? We want you better."

"I'm not crying about that," Waverly whimpers quietly, pawing at her already pink nose, even though it hurt to do so.

"Then why're you crying?" Wynonna asks patiently, worried by not only Waverly's rising temperature, but also the unusual appearance of the tears. She couldn't help fussing over her little sister; it was just something that had come naturally to her ever since the day Mama Earp had abandoned them.

There had only been a few times in Waverly's life where she'd been dependent upon her sister like this. First was her dad's death, and the other being Nicole's trip to the hospital. She hardly ever needed anyone to lean on because, well, she was Waverly. Waverly was supposed to be the strong one. And when Waverly couldn't keep it together anymore, Wynonna would put herself through hell and back to make sure her baby sister was well taken care of.

"It's just-- I really upset Ndicole," she says tearfully, her voice laced with congestion.

"I don't think you upset her. I think she's just confused. She still really really loves you. She probably just wants to give you your space, sweetheart."

"I kdnow.. she's too good to mbe. I don't want mby space. I want her," Waverly insits, pulling the blankets all the way up to her neck although her pale face had begun glimmering with sweat.

"I know you do. Close your eyes, okay? You need some rest. Yell for me if you need anything, baby girl. I mean it." Wynonna kisses the top of her sister's hot forehead and smiles at her, grabbing a stuffed animal from the closet and tucking it under Waverly's arm. Waverly just smiles and wipes away the rest of her tears, gladly accepting the stuffed animal and closing her eyes, a few congested sniffles filling the room as Wynonna closes the door behind her.

As Wynonna trails down the stairs, she yanks her phone from her pocket.

Waves needs you, haught stuff. like ASAP. Be prepared to give the most cuddles you ever have. Baby girl needs some cheering up :(

Within seconds, the new text popped up with a soft chime.

'course. Be there soon.

Nearly a half hour later, Nicole arrives at the homestead. She was still in uniform, her red hair swept back into a short french braid. She knocks quietly and opens the door without waiting for a response, slipping her shoes off at the front door. Wynonna glances up briefly from the couch where she was nestled under the blankets, a cup of coffee in hand although it was starting to get dark out.

"Hey. Waverly's upstairs."

"Thanks," Nicole breathes out, dropping her stuff by the door and going upstairs, hesitating slightly in the doorway. Waverly was still asleep, snoring ever-so-softly. 

Nicole enters the room and takes a seat on the wood floor, not wanting to wake Waverly up by the bed shifting with her weight. She didn't want to scare Waverly awake and she also didn't want her to be mad, so Nicole sits with her back to the wall, yawning and staring around the whimsical childhood bedroom.

She loved Waverly's room. It was full of comfort and memories and was more homey than anything Nicole had ever had.

Nicole lets her eyes wander to her sleeping girlfriend, who had her mouth parted open due to her stuffy pink nose. Her nose was definitely a darker shade of pink than it had been at the BBD meeting and her face was much more pale. For 20 minutes Nicole stays like that, wondering when Waverly would wake up. She had no problem watching her girlfriend sleep (it was something Nicole did every night, even if she'd never admit it). But a little after 9pm, Waverly jolts awake in bed with an awful, chesty cough that seemed to hurt just as awful as it sounded.

She sits up a little and brings a fist to her mouth, coughing and coughing. Her eyes were a little teary and Nicole gets up from the floor to gently set her hand on Waverly's back. Waverly sighs a little and leans her head against Nicole's hip, closing her eyes and moaning a little.

"You got quite the cough, huh, love?" Nicole observes, taking the hand that used to be on Waverly's back and pulling her girlfriend's hair down from the bun it had been in all day. Waverly sighs a little at the release of tension and sniffles stuffily, arching her muscles with a sudden yawn.

"Yeah I guess. Why're you here?" Waverly asks innocently, looking up at her girlfriend with her soft hazel-brown eyes. 

"I wanted to check on you. You didn't seem yourself today. guess I just wanted-.. needed to know if you're okay." Nicole wraps her arm around her girlfriend, holding her close. Waverly leans her weight onto the taller girl, her glassy eyes shining with love.

"That's really sweet." Waverly stops to rub her nose with the back of her hand, mumbling her next question against her hand, "Are you mad at me?"

Nicole's heart melts as she runs her hand through her baby's hair, loosely combing out the kink from where it'd been up in the bun with her fingers. There was nothing that could be more perfect about Waverly. Waverly was the sweetest, absolute most adorable, deserving girlfriend and Nicole still couldn't believe months into their relationship that the smaller brunette was hers.

"No, I'm not mad at you, Waves. I could never be mad at you. You're a literal angel and you did nothing wrong."

Waverly lifts her head up and shakes her head in disagreement. "No, I got mad at you."

"No, you just got frustrated. There's a difference." Nicole kisses her girlfriend's head and enjoys the feeling of having her arm around the smaller girl.

"Sorry," Waverly whispers, leaning her hot forehead against the cop's.

"You don't have to be sorry. In fact, I'm not letting you be sorry. Not at all... you have nothing to be sorry for. I love you and I want to be here, okay?"

Waverly thinks for a moment before she finally nods and lays her head back on Nicole's shoulder, not knowing what else to stay but still feeling guilty that she made her girlfriend come over and had a meltdown in front of her at the meeting.

"Why don't we lay down, okay? Get comfy and all that good stuff. Are you hungry?" Nicole takes her arm away from Waverly so they can both lay down, Waverly's head resting on Nicole's chest. 

Before Waverly can answer, her nostrils quiver and she quickly pulls a hand to her face, barely able to cover her mouth in time. "Htexchieww!'

"God bless you," Nicole coos gently, rubbing Waverly's arm. Waverly sniffles and keeps her hands over her face. After a second, Nicole seems to sense what happened.

"Here, need a tissue?" She asks, grabbing one from the bedside table and bringing it over Waverly's nose. Waverly nods and sniffles again, replacing Nicole's hands with her own so she can blow her nose properly.

"Thandks. Sorry I'mb so gross."

"You're not gross, okay? You're Waverly Earp, you're literally incapable of being gross. You're adorable, babe, own it."

Waverly can't help but grin a little. "If I was adorable, I wouldn't souhd like this."

"Oh, whatever. I think the fever's getting to you," Nicole jokes, breaking up a little bit of the tension.

Waverly rolls her eyes and snuggles closer to her girlfriend, wiping her nose on her tissue again.

"I know you're comfy and everything, babe, but I'm gonna get you some warm, cozy clothes to put on, 'kay? I don't think a crop top and jeans is helping you out too much." Nicole starts to shift around in an attempt to sit up from under the smaller girl, but Waverly whines softly and grabs Nicole's arm.

"Ndooo.. please don'dt." The tears come right back, threatening to spill over.

"Oh, sweetie. You're so sick." 

Nicole's heart was clearly breaking as she pulled back a few inches and pressed another kiss to Waverly's forehead followed up by two more kisses, one on each cheek. "You also need some water and some cold meds to bring your fever down, alright angel? I know you don't want me to get up, but we need to get you feeling better, hmm?" 

Nicole continues holding her girlfriend for a while, Waverly resting her head on the redhead's shoulder until, without warning, Waverly's breath hitches and she jerks forward with a sneeze, lightly misting her girlfriend's shoulder.

"H'KkesShhooOO! Uh, ouch." She sniffles loudly and wipes her nose on her hand, Nicole pulling another tissue from the box and pressing it into her girlfriend's hands, able to tell by the tiny little crinkle between Waverly's eyes and her quivering nostrils that she wasn't quite done yet.

"HhEShHOoo! K'TtTCHhh!" Waverly's petite body tenses with each sneeze, the force jerking her body against her girlfriend's and she cupped her hand to her nose in a weak attempt to keep her germs to herself.

"Bless you, honey."

She sniffles and sighs congestedly, Nicole getting up and putting her arms on either of the smaller girl's arms, helping her lay back down and pulling the covers up over her. She quickly ducks down and pulls a hoodie out of the younger girl's dresser and a pair of soft pajama pants that she'd never seen Waverly wear before. She lays the folded pajamas on the foot of the bed and glances at her sick baby, who had her eyes closed and her mouth wide open, clearly struggling to breathe through her nose.

Nicole trails down the wooden steps and locates Waverly's water bottle and a vegan granola bar from the cabinet. Wynonna glances at Nicole and then back at the TV, the cop racing back up the steps, hoping her sweet, sniffly girlfriend hadn't fallen back asleep yet.

Nicole resumes her spot on the bed and tousles Waverly's hair, planting a kiss in it. "C'mon, time to get jammies on. I brought you a bedtime snack, too. I know you're tired, babe, but can you preeetty pretty please help me out here?"

Waverly nods slowly and sniffles, feeling an intense pain from the sinus headache that was starting to build. She forces herself up with the help of her girlfriend's hand on her side. 

Nicole gently pulls the red Shorty's crop top off her baby's perfect body, immediately noticing her shiver and curl up closer to Nicole in response to the chills. Nicole holds the hoodie in front of Waverly. "Here, ready? Lift your arms up.." 

"..s' s.. ssecond, oohh -- kay?" Waverly turns away into her elbow, her eyes snapping shut and her nostrils flaring with the building tickle. Nicole stops what she's doing and waits patiently until Waverly's sneeze happens. 

"HeketChHoO! Uh, 'scuse mbe."

"You okay, sweetie pie?" 

Waverly just nods and yawns, Nicole slipping the shirt over her head and then helping her change into the pajama pants before handing 0ver the chilled water bottle. Waverly hadn't noticed how much she'd actually wanted something to drink until the bottle was in her hands and she was gulping down the entire thing. Nicole unwraps the granola bar and hands it over, getting cozy in bed with her warm girlfriend's skin pressed against her as she enjoyed her little nighttime snack, cold pills at hand for when she was done.

"I'mb really glad you cambe over," Waverly tells her contently, smiling up at Nicole.

"I'm really happy you let me. I love you, sweet girl."

"I love you mbore."

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AAAHHHHH this is so sweet! I wish you'd stop insulting yourself every time you post. You're awesome. It's not a contest. We can both be awesome together! And yeah of course I totally understand about school, your priorities are correct lol. But I absolutely definitely like really want to see more of this. It's really true that all the f/f shippers who used to hang out here and get excited for all my stories, seem to have vanished... it's a pretty big fucking bummer. But we're still here, and I KNOW there are ppl who read and are maybe just too shy to comment. Don't get discouraged. All that matters is that we have fun right? That's the whole point. 😊😊😊

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